1,481 research outputs found

    ¿Para qué sirve la experiencia? Reflexiones sobre un aprendizaje activo y crítico

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    This article deals with the value of experience as a source of knowledge and its use in the pedagogical processes of teaching-learning and self-learning, with the support of the technique of critical thinking, to meet the objectives of academic training. To this end, specific examples are used to discuss the appropriate use, in the search for knowledge, of certain ICT tools such as the Google search engine, in particular the Wikipedia section, and academic Google, whereby information is processed by the student using the copy and paste method so as then to present his or her findings. Experience, when applied in the new teaching - learning methodologies, produces superior knowledge in educational processes, even more so if this form of practice is associated with collaborative work as a result of constructivist pedagogies.  Este artículo trata sobre el valor de la experiencia como fuente de conocimiento y su utilización en los procesos pedagógicos de enseñanza-aprendizaje y autoaprendizaje, con el apoyo de la técnica del pensamiento crítico, para cumplir los objetivos de formación académica. Con ese fin, valiéndose de ejemplos concretos, se discute el uso idóneo de algunas herramientas propias de las TIC  para la  búsqueda de conocimientos  tales como el motor de búsqueda google, en particular la sección Wikipedia, y google académico, información que es  procesada por el estudiante empleando el sistema copia y pega, para luego exponer los hallazgos. La experiencia, aplicada en las nuevas metodologías de enseñanza – aprendizaje produce un conocimiento superior en los procesos educativos, más si la práctica está asociada al trabajo colaborativo como resultado de las pedagogías constructivistas. &nbsp

    Network Neutrality: Theoretical analysis and its relations with international companies

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      Esta investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar la importancia de neutralidad de red, sus funcionalidades, reglas y beneficios. Teniendo en cuenta que existe un creciente de in- terés sobre este tema, tanto en el ámbito gubernamental como corporativo. La metodología utilizada fue de carácter cuantitativo a través de encuestas y cualitativo a través del análisis crítico de los autores; así también recopilación teórica que permitió conocer las masivas regulaciones de neutralidad de red en la política-corporativa de las mismas. La informa- ción recopilada a través de sus resultados demuestra el gran impacto llamado “Neutralidad de Red” evidenciando su caída en el año 2018 existiendo caos en empresas como Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, entre otras; que se oponen a la propuesta de cambiar las regulaciones de internet en EE.UU. En el caso de Ecuador existen leyes que regulan las empresas a fin que el internet es utilizado por los usuarios y el uso en la manipulación de la redes.  This research aims to demonstrate the importance of neutrality of red, its functionalities, rules and benefits. Bearing in mind that there is a growing interest on this issue, both in the governmental and corporate spheres. The methodology used was quantitative through surveys and qualitative through the critical analysis of the authors; so also theoretical col- lection that needs to know the massive red neutrality regulations in their corporate policy. The information collected through its results demonstrates the great impact called "Net Neutrality" evidencing its fall in 2018, with chaos in companies such as Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, among others; that oppose the proposal to change internet regulations in the US. UU. In the case of Ecuador there are laws that regulate companies so that the Internet is used by users and the use in the manipulation of networks

    Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación como herramientas de apoyo en los procesos académicos en instituciones de educación superior

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    The incorporation into learning environments of information and communication technologies has resulted in them being also used by teachers in academic management processes in the teaching-learning process applying new methods, techniques and instruments. The universities in Ecuador since the validity of the Organic Law of Higher Education and its regulations, as well as its own statutes, have been running training processes in different fields and with emphasis on the use of information and communication technologies. The objective of this research is to analyze the management of information and communication technology and its relationship with academic management at the Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences of the Technical University of Manabí. As a research methodology, it is based on an extensive bibliographic review on the subject of information and communication technology management in the university field, also incorporating the study of documents related to teaching processes and university management, interviews and surveys are also carried out Teachers. The result reveal the importance that teachers give to these technological tools, however, there are deficiencies in their management due to the lack of training, motivation, and improved controls in the different academic processes. Key words: management, information and communication technologies, motivation, learningLa incorporación en entornos de aprendizajes de tecnológicas de información y comunicación ha tomado como consecuencia que también sean utilizadas por los docentes en procesos de gestión académica en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje aplicando nuevos métodos, técnicas e instrumentos. Las universidades en el Ecuador desde la vigencia de la Ley Orgánica de Educación superior y su reglamento, así como sus propios estatutos se vienen ejecutando procesos de capacitación en diferentes ámbitos y con énfasis en el uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la gestión de tecnología de información, comunicación y su relación con la gestión académica en la Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Económicas de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí.  Como metodología investigativa se parte de una amplia revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema de la gestión tecnológica de información y comunicación en el ámbito universitario, incorporando además el estudio de documentos relacionados con los procesos de enseñanza y la gestión universitaria, además se realiza entrevistas y encuestas a docentes. Los resultados revelan la importancia que dan los docentes a estas herramientas tecnológicas, no obstante, existen deficiencias en su manejo debido a la falta de capacitación, motivación, y mejorares controles en los diferentes procesos académicos. Palabras clave: Gestión, Tecnologías de información y comunicación, motivación, aprendizaj

    Comportamiento de la producción científica de las universidades manabitas en la base de datos Redalyc: periodo 2017-2021

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the behavior of the scientific production of Manabitan universities in the Redalyc database: period 2017-2021. A descriptive-retrospective methodology was used with a quantitative-qualitative approach based on the metric study of the Redalyc database, the universities of Manabí - Ecuador were used as a criterion for institutional affiliation. For the research, six indicators were selected: (I1) Public and private management universities; (I2) Magazines edited by the University of Ecuador indexed in Redalyc; (I3) Distribution of Ecuadorian university publications according to thematic areas and languages; (I4) Productivity per year from the data registered in the Redalyc database of the selected period; (l5) Contributions of authors by years as provided by the Redalyc database; (I6) Internalization of knowledge through Ecuadorian journals from the province of Manabí indexed in the Redalyc database. As a most significant result, the low presence of scientific journals from universities in the Province of Manabí, indexed in the database, stands out, the conclusions establish the insufficient visibility of the science that is produced in the universities of the regio

    Caracterización fisicoquímica de las precipitaciones en el área de influencia del parque arqueológico de San Agustín, departamento de Huila, Colombia

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    This project assessed the physicochemical potrayal of the precipitation in the influence area from archeological park San Agustin located in the department of Huila, Colombia. Moreover the possible anthropogenic source associated that can generate variation in the physicochemical features of the precipitations and the possible effect of it in the statuary. It was determined the physicochemical parameters: pH, conductivity, nitrate, sulphate, acidity, temperature in four sample spots (mesita A, B, C, D). It has been made the Pearson correlation analysis, main components (ACP) and cluster (CA) to verify meaningful relations between criterias in the rain samples and the common origin between criterias. The variables; conductivity, acidity and sulphates shows statistically differences meaningful in time function and sample stations. The statistic analysis multivariate, main component and conglomerate suggests that the variation of the physicochemical parameters comes generally from anthropogenic mixed sources, bricks´ fabric industry, agroindustry of panela. The composition of volcanic stone of the statuary rich on calcite components have influence in the deterioration processes caused by precipitations.The results of this project allow to reveal an initial comparative spacial diagnosis in four sample spots of the study zone, assess the impact level that are supporting the statuary by the action of the rain and will be useful to follow developing enviromental relief strategies; replying to the necessity in the managment and conservation of the resources. As well it has allowed to obtain a better knowledgment about physicochemical paramters dynamic and the relation with the different anthropogenic sources adjoining.Este proyecto evalúo la caracterización fisicoquímica de las precipitaciones en el área de influencia del parque arqueológico San Agustín ubicado en el departamento del Huila, Colombia. Además, de las posibles fuentes antropogénicas asociadas que pueden generar variación en las características fisicoquímicas de las precipitaciones y el posible efecto de las precipitaciones en la estatuaria. Se determinó los parámetros fisicoquímicos: pH, conductividad, nitratos, sulfatos, acidez, temperatura en cuatro puntos de muestreo (mesita A, B, C, D). Se realizo análisis de correlación de Pearson, componentes principales (ACP) y cluster (CA) para verificar relaciones significativas entre los parámetros en las muestras de agua lluvia y el origen común entre parámetros. Las variables conductividad, acidez y sulfatos presentan diferencias estadísticamente significativas en función del tiempo y estaciones de muestreo. El análisis estadístico multivariados, componente principal y conglomerados sugieren que las variaciones de los parámetros fisicoquímicos provienen generalmente de fuentes antropogénicas mixtas, industria de fabricación de ladrillos – agroindustria de la panela. La composición de piedra volcánica de la estatuaria rico en compuestos de calcita influye en los procesos de deterioro causados por precipitaciones. Los resultados de este proyecto permiten presentar un diagnóstico inicial espacial comparativo en cuatro puntos de muestreo de la zona de estudio, evaluar el nivel de impacto que están soportando la estatuaria por acción de las precipitaciones y serán útiles para seguir desarrollando estrategias de mitigación ambiental; respondiendo a la necesidad en el manejo y conservación de los recursos. Asimismo, permitieron obtener un mejor conocimiento de la dinámica de parámetros fisicoquímicos y la relación con las diferentes fuentes antropogénicas aledañas. &nbsp

    TIPICO IX: report of the 9th interactive infectious disease workshop on infectious diseases and vaccines.

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    The Ninth Interactive Infectious Disease workshop TIPICO was held on November 22-23, 2018, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. This 2-day academic experience addressed current and topical issues in the field of infectious diseases and vaccination. Summary findings of the meeting include: cervical cancer elimination will be possible in the future, thanks to the implementation of global vaccination action plans in combination with appropriate screening interventions. The introduction of appropriate immunization programs is key to maintain the success of current effective vaccines such as those against meningococcal disease or rotavirus infection. Additionally, reduced dose schedules might improve the efficiency of some vaccines (i.e., PCV13). New vaccines to improve current preventive alternatives are under development (e.g., against tuberculosis or influenza virus), while others to protect against infectious diseases with no current available vaccines (e.g., enterovirus, parechovirus and flaviviruses) need to be developed. Vaccinomics will be fundamental in this process, while infectomics will allow the application of precision medicine. Further research is also required to understand the impact of heterologous vaccine effects. Finally, vaccination requires education at all levels (individuals, community, healthcare professionals) to ensure its success by helping to overcome major barriers such as vaccine hesitancy and false contraindications

    Cross-cultural validation of the patient-practitioner orientation scale among primary care professionals in Spain

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    In recent decades, many self-report instruments have been developed to assess the extent to which patients want to be informed and involved in decisions about their health as part of the concept of person-centred care (PCC). The main objective of this research was to translate, adapt and validate the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS) using a sample of primary care health-care professionals in Spain. Baseline analysis of PPOS scores for 321 primary care professionals (general practitioners and nurses) from 63 centres and 3 Spanish regions participating in a randomized controlled trial. We analysed missing values, distributions and descriptive statistics, item-to-scale correlations and internal consistency. Performed were confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the 2-factor model (sharing and caring dimensions), scale depuration and principal component analysis (PCA). Low inter-item correlations were observed, and the CFA 2-factor model only obtained a good fit to the data after excluding 8 items. Internal consistency of the 10-item PPOS was acceptable (0.77), but low for individual subscales (0.70 and 0.55). PCA results suggest a possible 3-factor structure. Participants showed a patient-oriented style (mean = 4.46, SD = 0.73), with higher scores for caring than sharing. Although the 2-factor model obtained empirical support, measurement indicators of the PPOS (caring dimension) could be improved. Spanish primary care health-care professionals overall show a patient-oriented attitude, although less marked in issues such as patients' need for and management of medical information

    A Proposed Approach to Chronic Airway Disease (CAD) Using Therapeutic Goals and Treatable Traits: A Look to the Future

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    © 2020 Pérez de Llano et al.Chronic airflow obstruction affects a wide range of airway diseases, the most frequent of which are asthma, COPD, and bronchiectasis; they are clearly identifiable in their extremes, but quite frequently overlap in some of their pathophysiological and clinical characteristics. This has generated the description of new mixed or overlapping disease phenotypes with no clear biological grounds. In this special article, a group of experts provides their perspective and proposes approaching the treatment of chronic airway disease (CAD) through the identification of a series of therapeutic goals (TG) linked to treatable traits (TT) – understood as clinical, physiological, or biological characteristics that are quantifiable using biomarkers. This therapeutic approach needs validating in a clinical trial with the strategy of identification of TG and treatment according to TT for each patient independently of their prior diagnosis