9,074 research outputs found

    Enfermedades del frijol

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    Diseases are one of the limiting factors to bean production in L.A. The prevalency and severity of the disease depends on the quantity of inoculum existing in the region, environmental conditions and the quality of the seed used. Data are given on geographic distribution, favorable climatic conditions for development, symptomatology, vectors, type of damage caused and control measures, including var. resistant to (1) fungal diseases, the most numerous and causing the most damage: rust, anthracnose, angular leaf spot, root rot, web blight, gray spot, powdery mildew; (2) virus diseases, some of economic importance transmitted by aphids (BCMV, BYMV); transmitted by whiteflies (BGMV, bean chlorotic mottle, euphorbia mosaic); transmitted by chrysomelids (BRMV, pod mottle, BSMV, yellow mottle); (3) bacterial diseases are few but can be a serious limitation to the crop: common and fuscous blights, halo blight; and (4) nematodes: Meloidogyne sp., Trichodorus spp., Pratylenchus spp., Heterodera spp. (CIAT

    La mortalidad por cáncer en las comarcas de cataluña (1983–1989)

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    ResumenObjectivosComparar la mortalidad intercomarcal de Cataluña para algunos de los tumores malignos más frecuentes.MetodologíaSe han analizado los datos globales y de cinco localizaciones tumorales específicas relativos a la mortalidad por cáncer de un período de siete años (1983-1989). Se han obtenido las tasas brutas de mortalidad y las específicas para cada localización analizada. La comparación intercomarcal se ha realizado ajustando las tasas por edad mediante el método directo, tomando como referencia la población de Cataluña de 1986. Se han calculado las razones comparativas de mortalidad (RCM) de cada comarca respecto a Cataluña.ResultadosLa mortalidad global por cáncer es más alta en la comarca del Barcelonés para los hombres y en la de Osona para las mujeres. La RCM de los hombres del Barcelonés es la más alta para el cáncer de tráquea, bronquios y pulmón; la de la comarca del Solsonés es la más alta para el cáncer de estómago, y la de la Cerdanya es la más alta para el cáncer de colon y recto. Entre las mujeres, la RCM más alta para el cáncer de tráquea, bronquios y pulmón la presenta la comarca del Montsiá, para el cáncer de mama la del Baix Empordá y para el cáncer de estómago la del Alt Urgell.ConclusionesEl análisis comparativo de la mortalidad por cáncer, por comarcas y por sexos, permite observar importantes diferencias en la manifestación del fenómeno, lo cual puede orientar de manera más específica las políticas de control del cáncer y de investigación a desarrollar en cada territorio.SummaryObjectivesTo compare mortality among counties (comarques) in Catalonia, Spain for the most frequent malignant tumors.MethodsOverall mortality data and for five specific tumor sites were analyzed for a five-year period (1983-1989). Crude and site-specific mortality rates were computed. The comparison between counties was adjusted for the 1986 population of Catalonia using the direct method. Comparative mortality ratios (CMR) were obtained for each county with respect to Catalonia.ResultsOverall cancer mortality was higher in the Barcelonés for men and in Osona form women. The CMR for men in the Barcelonés was the highest for cancer of the trachea, bronchi and lungs; the CMR in Solsonés was the highest for stomach cancer, while in Cerdanya it was the highest for colorectal cancer. Among women, the highest CMR for cancer of the trachea, bronchi and lungs was in Montsiá, whereas for breast cancer it was Baix Empordá, and Alt Urgell for stomach cancer.ConclusionsComparative analyses of cancer mortality by county in Catalonia and sex underscores differences in its distribution, allowing the orientation of cancer control policies and research to be developed in each geographical area

    Difusão de fosfina no interior de cupinzeiros de Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar) (Isoptera: Termitidae).

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    Aspectos relacionados à difusão da fosfina dentro de cupinzeiros de C. cumulans foram estudados, em condições naturais, em Piracicaba-SP. Concluiu-se que as paredes externas dos montículos, construídas com partículas de latossol e cimentadas com saliva dos insetos, não eram totalmente impermeáveis à fumaça da queima da celulose existente em seu interior que fluía, com relativa facilidade, para o ambiente externo, sem o auxílio de qualquer pressão artificial interna. Medições periódicas das concentrações de fosfina em diferentes localizações internas nos montículos, através de "Multi Gás Detector DRAGER", indicaram uma perda total do gás, num intervalo de seis a trinta horas desde a introdução de quantidades variáveis de comprimidos de fosfina nos termiteiros. A mortalidade dos insetos nunca foi total, mesmo quando se aplicaram oito drágeas por montículo, encontrando-se sempre nas regiões mais baixas da câmara de celulose, pelo menos cerca de 20% de insetos vivos e em condições de reconstruírem o ninho. Mortalidade de 100% foram obtidas acima da linha do solo e para dosagens maiores que quatro comprimidos por ninho, independentemente do local de sua deposição no interior dos montículos

    Tolerance Mechanisms in Mercury-exposed Chromolaena Odorata (L.f.) R.M. King Et H. Robinson, a Potential Phytoremediator

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    Chromolaena odorata (L.f.) R.M. King et H. Robinson plants were grown in Hoagland\u27s solutions with 0.00 ppm and 1.00 ppm Hg(NO3)2. The calcium, magnesium, iron, and sulfur levels in the leaves were found to be not significantly affected by presence of the uptaken Hg2+. The chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and total chlorophyll contents of its leaves also remained within normal levels, which may indicate that the photosynthetic machinery of the Hg-exposed C. odorata was unaffected by the presence of Hg2+. The results of the ICP-AES analyses of the Hg2+ contents established the presence of Hg2+ in all the subcellular components obtained from the leaves of the Hg-treated C. odorata plants, and that the ultimate localization of Hg2+ is in the vacuoles. The findings revealed no significant differences in the degree of oxidative injury between the cells from the control and Hg-treated plants, as evidenced by the low lipid peroxidation levels obtained with the TBARS assay. The SH-containing biomolecules that were initially detected through DTNB assay manifested a predominant peak in the RP-HPLC chromatographs of both the control and Hg-treated plants, with their retention times falling within the ranges of GSH, MT, and cysteine standards. However, the concentrations of the GSH- and/or MT-like, Cys-containing biomolecules detected in the leaves of Hg-treated C. odorata plants were ten times higher than those of the control.The findings of this study suggest that the enhanced antioxidative capacity, the production of Hg-binding biomolecules, and the localization of Hg2+ ions ultimately in the vacuoles of the leaves are the mechanisms which bring about Hg2+ tolerance and homeostasis in C. odorata plant. These results indicate that C. odorata is a potentially effective phytoremediator for Hg2+

    The integration of the contents of the subject Physics-Chemistry (I) in Biology-Chemistry specialty

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    This work is the result of a research task developed in the Natural Sciences Education Department during 2013-2014 academic year, and it emerged from the necessity of solving some insufficiencies in the use of the real potentialities offered by the content of the subject Physics-Chemistry (I), that is part of the curriculum of the Biology-Chemistry career. Its main objective is to offer a set of exercises to contribute to achieve the integration of contents from the subject Physics-chemistry (I) in the mentioned career at «Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz» University of Camaguey. The exercises proposed are characterized for being related to the real practice and to other subjects of the career. Their implementation through review lessons, partial tests and final evaluations during the formative experiment made possible a better academic result in the learners overall performance.El trabajo es el resultado de una de las tareas de investigación del Departamento de Educación de las Ciencias Naturales durante el curso escolar 2013-2014, que surge por la necesidad de dar respuesta a las insuficiencias que aún existen en el aprovechamiento de las potencialidades del contenido de la asignatura Fisicaquímica (I) que forma parte del plan de estudio de la carrera Biología-Química para la integración de estos. El mismo tiene como objetivo ofrecer un conjunto de ejercicios que contribuya al logro de la integración de los contenidos desde la asignatura Fisicaquímica (I) en la carrera de Biología-Química de la Universidad de Camagüey «Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz», sede «José Martí». Los ejercicios se caracterizan por su vinculación con la vida práctica y con otras disciplinas de la carrera. La implementación de estos en las clases de ejercitación, pruebas parciales y evaluaciones finales durante el experimento formativo posibilitó un mejor rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de manera integral

    Supplementary report to the final report of the coral reef expert group: S6. Novel technologies in coral reef monitoring

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    [Extract] This report summarises a review of current technological advances applicable to coral reef monitoring, with a focus on the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (the Marine Park). The potential of novel technologies to support coral reef monitoring within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program (RIMReP) framework was evaluated based on their performance, operational maturity and compatibility with traditional methods. Given the complexity of this evaluation, this exercise was systematically structured to address the capabilities of technologies in terms of spatial scales and ecological indicators, using a ranking system to classify expert recommendations.An accessible copy of this report is not yet available from this repository, please contact [email protected] for more information

    Challenges arising from the use of TiO2/rGO/Pt photocatalysts to produce hydrogen from crude glycerol compared to synthetic glycerol

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    ABSTRACT: Photoreforming has emerged as a novel technology expected to obtain chemical energy through solar energy transformation. In this way, sustainable valorization of glycerol, a biodiesel by-product, to clean fuels is a promising alternative to help meet the world's growing energy demand. In this work, TiO2/rGO(x)/Pt(y) photocatalysts have been developed for hydrogen production from synthetic and crude glycerol solutions. The effect of several key operating parameters (including vol% of glycerol, pH, catalyst loading, wt% of GO, wt% of Pt, temperature, and light source) on hydrogen production rate has been studied. The results indicated different optimal operating parameters depending on glycerol origin, achieving up to 70.8 and 12.7 mmol h(-1) g(-1) of hydrogen using synthetic glycerol and crude glycerol, respectively. Additionally, GO nanosheets and Pt nanoparticles strongly influenced the hydrogen production rate but not the overall reaction mechanism. Impurities contented in crude glycerol are key factors in developing realistic hydrogen production processes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio