88 research outputs found

    Entre el juzgado y la sepultura. Violencia y vida cotidiana en Panamá Viejo

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    Este trabajo analiza los diferentes tipos de violencia en la sociedad panameña de los siglos XVI y XVII en perspectiva interdisciplinar. A través de la combinación de fuentes y métodos arqueológicos e históricos, se perciben unos patrones comunes que indican una tipología de violencia interpersonal cotidiana multiétnica y socialmente transversal. Las fuentes archivísticas y arqueológicas se complementan en esta investigación para dotar de mayor complejidad a una realidad social hasta ahora poco explorada, como es la de la violencia interpersonal en contextos coloniales tempranos.This work analyses the diverse types of violence in Panamanian society over the 16th and 17th centuries from an interdisciplinary perspective. Through a combination of methods and sources from archaeology and history, common patterns emerge and point to a typology of quotidian interpersonal violence that was multiethnic and socially transversal. In this research, archival and archaeological sources complement each other to offer more complexity regarding the social reality of interpersonal violence, which has been understudied in early colonial contexts to date.Universidad del NorteInstituto Universitario Europe

    Evaluation of Hyaluronic Acid Dilutions at Different Concentrations Using a Quartz Crystal Resonator (QCR) for the Potential Diagnosis of Arthritic Diseases

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    The main objective of this article is to demonstrate through experimental means the capacity of the quartz crystal resonator (QCR) to characterize biological samples of aqueous dilutions of hyaluronic acid according to their viscosity and how this capacity may be useful in the potential diagnosis of arthritic diseases. The synovial fluid is viscous due to the presence of hyaluronic acid, synthesized by synovial lining cells (type B), and secreted into the synovial fluid thus making the fluid viscous. In consequence, aqueous dilutions of hyaluronic acid may be used as samples to emulate the synovial fluid. Due to the viscoelastic and pseudo-plastic behavior of hyaluronic acid, it is necessary to use the Rouse model in order to obtain viscosity values comparable with viscometer measures. A Fungilab viscometer (rheometer) was used to obtain reference measures of the viscosity in each sample in order to compare them with the QCR prototype measures

    Genetic analysis of pre-Columbian human remains from Lower Magdalena suggests a migratory route and matrilineal genetic continuity in Northern South America

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    El análisis del ADN en restos de poblaciones prehispánicas ha permitido aproximarse al origen genético de una proporción importante de los habitantes de la actual Colombia. Los resultados arqueológicos de la tradición de Malambo, cuyo origen se remonta a 3.000 años A.P. en el bajo Magdalena, se complementaron con estudios genéticos de cuatro individuos asociados con esta población. Para ello se extrajo ADN de muestras de dientes y huesos. El ADN extraído se purificó y se amplificó por PCR para su posterior secuenciación y análisis filogenético. El haplogroupo B2j se identificó y se caracterizó mediante la mutación G16361A, así como la deleción de 9pb y las mutaciones diagnósticas del haplogrupo B. Este mismo haplogrupo fue descrito recientemente en un individuo en Venezuela, lo que sugiere la filiación genética matrilineal y su continuidad en el norte de SuraméricaDNA analysis in pre-Hispanic populations remains has allowed approaching the genetic origins of inhabitants in present-day Colombia. In this work, we complemented the archaeological results on the Malambo tradition, originated 3000 years B.P. in Lower Magdalena, with genetic studies of bone remains of four individuals associated with this population. We extracted DNA from bone samples and purified and amplified them by PCR for further sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. We identified the B2j haplogroup in all individuals as characterized by a G16361A mutation, as well as a 9-pb deletion and diagnostic mutations of haplogroup B. This same haplogroup was recently described in an individual in Venezuela suggesting genetic maternal filiation and continuity in northern South AmericaN/

    Descripción de los procesos industriales energéticamente críticos en la producción de cacao en Santander

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    The objective of this research is to describe the energetically critical processes in cocoa production in Santander due to the growth of industrial activities that have generated a higher energy consumption. Additionally, a descriptive methodology with a quantitative approach was proposed through the data analysis technique that seeks to identify the processes with the highest consumption within the production lines. Subsequently, a description of the processes involved in cocoa production was made considering the technical data and operation of the equipment, the calculation was proposed for the operation of the same equipment for 24 hours and 30 days for power factors of 0.75 and 0.95.  Finally, through analysis, calculations, and the application of the Pareto methodology, it was found that the energy potential with the highest consumption of active, reactive, and apparent energy is in the cocoa refining process. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo describir los procesos energéticamente críticos en la producción de cacao en Santander a causa del crecimiento de las actividades industriales que ha generado un mayor consumo de energía. Adicionalmente, se planteó una metodología descriptiva con enfoque cuantitativo mediante la técnica de análisis de datos que busca identificar los procesos con mayor consumo dentro de las líneas de producción. Posteriormente, se realizó la descripción de los procesos involucrados en la producción de cacao teniendo en cuenta los datos técnicos y funcionamiento de los equipos, el cálculo se planteó para el funcionamiento de estos equipos durante 24 horas y 30 días para factores de potencia de 0.75 y 0.95. Finalmente, mediante el análisis, la realización de cálculos y la aplicación de la metodología de Pareto se encontró que el potencial energético de mayor consumo de energía activa, reactiva y aparente se localiza en el proceso de Refinado de cacao

    Deficiencia del factor XIII: reporte de un caso

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    La deficiencia del factor XIII de la cuagulación se describió por primera vez en 1960 y han sido publicados alrededor de 200 casos. Se caracteriza por la aparición de sangrados tardíos después de un traumatismo, se confirma con la cuantifi cación del factor XIII. Se informa de un paciente de 2 años de edad con deficiencia del factor XIII. Primer caso en nuestro hospital. Abstract: Congenital Factor XIII defi ciency was fi rst described in 1960 and about 200 cases have been published about it. It is characterized by the appearance of delayed bleeding after suffering a trauma. It is diagnosed by demonstrating an increase in the solubility of a clot in urea and is confi rmed by quantifi cation of factor XIII. We report a 2-year-old patient with factor XIII defi ciency. This is the fi rst case seen in our hospita

    Dietary continuity and change at Panama Viejo from an interdisciplinary perspective, C. 600-1671

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    The study of food consumption during the colonial period in Panama Viejo traditionally has been based on chronicles and archival documentation. The present analysis reassesses the historical information about diet in this colonial enclave based on microbotanical, isotopic and bioanthropological evidence obtained from the excavations within and outside the remains of the old city¿s Cathedral in two locations and four chronological periods to complement and contrast written sources. The ensuing data sets, once integrated, point to the consumption of native plants, particularly maize, among people of different ancestral origins from the settlement¿s earliest years, as well as the consumption of wheat ¿ which could not be grown in the region ¿ plantains and rice, whose cultivation was introduced successfully. Stable isotope evidence indicates a shift from dietary strategies based on maize, seafood and terrestrial animal meat in pre-Hispanic and early colonial times to diets featuring more C3 plants, including rice, wheat, and plantains, as well beef and dairy products during the later colonial period. This gradual shift in dietary strategies appears among individuals of Indigenous American, African, European and mixed origins and ancestries, probably influenced by the nutritional and epidemiological stress registered in all of these populations.Universidad del Norte, ColombiaUniversidad de Antioquia, ColombiaCurt-Engelhorn Center for Archaeometry, Mannheim, German

    Índice del progreso social del distrito de La Molina

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    La presente tesis tiene como finalidad analizar el Índice del Progreso Social [IPS] del distrito de La Molina 2017, el cual se presenta con indicadores sociales y ambientales que permite medir el bienestar y el progreso social en el distrito de la Molina, este indicador mide resultados de las políticas municipales y regionales y no está enfocado en medir el tamaño de la inversión ejecutada. Se centra en tres dimensiones; la primera dimensión, son las necesidades humanas básicas con cuatro componentes; la segunda dimensión, son los fundamentos de bienestar con cuatro componentes y por último las oportunidades, con cuatro componentes. La investigación es de enfoque cuantitativo, alcance descriptivo, diseño no experimental y de tipo transaccional. El instrumento utilizado en la investigación es la recopilación de la información mediante cuestionarios, que se basan en 58 preguntas entre abiertas y cerradas. El modelo de Índice de Progreso Social fue diseñado para describir 12 componentes en sus tres dimensiones. Se midió la consistencia interna del modelo mediante el cálculo del Alfa de Cronbach con la finalidad de evaluar la fiabilidad del ajuste entre los indicadores de cada uno de los doce componentes, obteniendo valores mayores a 0.7. Se analizó los resultados del IPS de la Molina y se comparó con el IPS de Lima Metropolitana - 2017 y Santiago de Surco - 2017. El distrito de La Molina obtuvo 81.01 ubicándolo en un nivel Alto de progreso social y por encima de los resultados obtenidos en Lima Metropolitana y Santiago de Surco; las recomendaciones están orientadas a revisar las dimensiones cuyos componentes hayan alcanzado la calificación Medio Alto de progreso social en: (a) seguridad personal, (b) sostenibilidad ambiental, y (c) derechos personales. Los componentes mencionados deben ser analizados con la finalidad de obtener los motivos por el cual obtuvieron los valores más bajos, para luego preparar un plan de trabajo en el corto y mediano plazo, el cual deberá ser ejecutado por la Municipalidad de La Molina.The present thesis has as purpose analyze the Index of the Social Progress [IPS] of the district of The Molina 2017, which appears with social and environmental indicators that the well-being and the social progress allows to measure in the district of the Molina, this indicator measures results of the municipal and regional policies and is not focused in measuring the size of the executed investment. It focuses on three dimensions; the first dimension, they are the human basic needs with four components; the second dimension, they are the foundations of well-being with four components and finally the opportunities, with four components. The research is of quantitative approach, descriptive scope, not experimental design and transactional type. The instrument used in the research is the summary of the information by means of questionnaires, which are based on 58 questions of between opened and closed. The model of Index of Social Progress was designed to describe 12 components in his three dimensions. The internal consistency of the model measured up by means of the calculation of Cronbach's Alfa to the purpose of evaluating the reliability of the adjustment between the indicators of each one of twelve components, obtaining bigger values than 0.7. There were analyzed the results of the IPS of the Molina and were compared with the IPS of Lima Metropolitana - 2017 and Santiago de Surco - 2017. The district of The Molina obtained 81.01 locating it in a High Level of social progress and over the results obtained in Lima Metropolitana and Santiago de Surco; the recommendations are orientated to check the dimensions which components have reached the qualification Mid-High of social progress in: (a) personal safety, (b) environmental sustainability, and (c) personal rights. The mentioned components must be analyzed with the purpose of obtaining the motives for which they obtained the lowest values, so prepare a plan of work in the short and medium term, which will have to be executed for the Municipality of the Molina.Tesi

    Intentional dental modification in Panamá: New support for a late introduction of African origin

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    Intentional dental modification is a widespread practice in both ancient and modern populations. In Panama, the modern practice is restricted to the Ngäbe indigenous people inhabiting the western provinces. Several researchers have posited that Ngäbe dental modification evidences cultural transfer of African origin due to the absence of post-contact records of this practice in the region, and based on the chipping technique used to create a pointed tooth shape. In this paper, we collate bioarchaeological data from human remains recovered from pre-contact and early colonial period contexts in Panama to evaluate this hypothesis. The results of our study found no evidence for intentional dental modification among the pre-contact sample, but several instances of artificially modified incisor teeth among the early colonial sample. The latter pertained exclusively to individuals of African ancestry, and whose teeth had been chipped to points in the same manner as reported from Ngäbe communities. Isotope data revealed that one individual was a first-generation immigrant who likely originated from the African continent. Based on these results, as well as an exhaustive review of the ethnohistorical and modern ethnographic literature, the original hypothesis of a late introduction of African origin for the practice of dental shaping among the Ngäbe was upheld.Center for Tropical Paleoecology and Archaeology, Smithsonian Tropical Research InstituteUniversidad del NorteCurt Engelhorn Center of Archaeometry gGmbH (CEZA

    Factores cr?ticos de ?xito para gestionar conflictos sociales en el sector minero

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    La miner?a es una de las principales actividades econ?micas del Per?, representando en promedio 13% de su PBI; por su naturaleza atrae inversiones extranjeras para desarrollar megaproyectos. Sin embargo, en la ?ltima d?cada, algunos proyectos y operaciones de esta industria se detuvieron como consecuencia de conflictos sociales que involucraron a diversos stakeholders. En vista que esta problem?tica repercute en el bienestar de la sociedad y prosperidad econ?mica del pa?s, se realiz? una investigaci?n cuyo objetivo fue: Identificar los factores cr?ticos de ?xito que permitan prevenir y/o mitigar conflictos sociales en el sector minero. Para la investigaci?n, se revis? bibliograf?a de casos nacionales e internacionales, as? como, entrevistas a un panel heterog?neo de expertos, entre ellos, ex ministros, directivos de comunidades, gestores de responsabilidad social, una ONG de derechos humanos, especialistas medioambientales y la Defensor?a del Pueblo. Como resultado de la aplicaci?n de las metodolog?as, se identificaron 5 factores cr?ticos de ?xito para gestionar conflictos sociales en el sector minero, los cuales son: (i) Gesti?n Socioecon?mica, (ii) Comunicaci?n y Participaci?n, (iii) Fortaleza Institucional, (iv) Infraestructura, Seguridad, Medioambiente, y (v) Cumplimiento y Claridad de Acuerdos. Finalmente, se generaron 14 propuestas de mejora sobre la base de los factores cr?ticos de ?xito obtenidos

    Catalytic conversion of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) over Pd-Ru/FAU zeolite catalysts.

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    We present this study on FAU-type zeolites were prepared varying the Si/Al ratio (4, 5 and 6) and crystallization time (4, 6 and 8 h) to produce a highly pure and homogeneous material with enhanced surface area values. Bimetallic Pd-Ru and Pt-Ru (0.5 wt.% of each metal) were impregnated onto the zeolites matrix by the incipient wetness impregnation method. The materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), nitrogen physisorption, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Scattering Electronic Microscopy (SEM), Scattering and Transmission Microscopy (STEM), temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), temperature-programmed desorption (TPR) and Inductively Couples Plasma- Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS). Results indicated that using lower Si/Al ratios favored the catalytic activity. Also, the longest crystallization time had a positive effect on surface area, homogeneous particle size distribution and crystallinity. The catalytic performance in the esterification of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) to produce 5-acetoxymethylfurfural (AcMF) was investigated. The maximum 5-HMF conversion of 87.28 % was achieved using pure zeolite with relation Si/Al = 5, and 8 h of crystallization. Pd-Ru supported onto same zeolite showed a conversion of 84.22 %. The highest selectivity towards AcMF of 71.29 % with pure zeolite Si/Al = 5 and 8 h of crystallization was achieved, followed by Pd-Ru/FAU with Si/Al = 5 and 8 h of crystallization, achieving 60.42 %. Finally, results shown that the interaction between the properties of zeolitic support and the metallic species, specifically Pd, had a positive effect in the catalytic process the pristine zeolite showed improved catalytic characteristics related to its acid strength