661 research outputs found

    Building Migrant Civil Society: Indigenous Mexicans in the US

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    Mexican migrants in the United States are still widely assumed to be an ethnically homogeneous population. Historically, most Mexican migrants did share many common characteristics, coming primarily from rural communities in the central-western part of the country. Over the last two decades, however, the Mexican migrant population has diversified dramatically, both socially and geographically

    Mexican Migrant Civic and Political Participation in the U.S.: The Case of Hometown Associations in Los Angeles and Chicago

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    Mexican migration to the United States is increasingly debated in the public arena, mainly as a result of its sustained high-density flow and vast distribution nationwide. While this growing population has been negatively portrayed in several political and media campaigns, the grassroots organizations forged by these migrants have received less attention. This article examines the increasing civic and political participation of Mexican migrants organized through hometown associations (HTAS), the most prevalent form of voluntary-sector activity among first-generation Mexican migrants in the United States. It focuses on two metropolitan areas, Los Angeles and Chicago, the two major cities with the highest concentrations of Mexican migrants and HTAS in the United States. The article assesses Mexican migrant participation in U.S. politics and civic life through membership in HTAS, showing that these organizations have been a powerful force for social support for their members in the United States, as well as an important mechanism for philanthropic work in Mexico.La migración de mexicanos hacia Estados Unidos se ha convertido en un asunto de creciente debate público, debido principalmente a la alta densidad y permanencia de estos flujos de población y su vasta distribución en Estados Unidos. Mientras que esta población en crecimiento ha sido negativamente representada a través de varias campañas políticas y de medios, las organizaciones comunitarias de base formadas por estos migrantes han recibido menos atención. Este artículo examina la creciente participación cívica y política de los migrantes mexicanos que se organizan en asociaciones de oriundos (HTAs por sus siglas en inglés), que es la forma más común de organización entre los migrantes mexicanos de primera generación en el sector de asociaciones de beneficencia en Estados Unidos. Este artículo se enfoca en dos áreas metropolitanas, Los Ángeles y Chicago, las dos ciudades más importantes que tienen las concentraciones más altas de migrantes mexicanos y asociaciones de oriundos en Estados Unidos. El artículo evalúa la participación de los migrantes mexicanos en la vida política y cívica estadunidense a través de su membresía en asociaciones de oriundos, y revela que estas organizaciones han sido tanto una poderosa fuerza de apoyo social para sus miembros en Estados Unidos como un mecanismo importante de trabajo filantrópico en México

    Autonomía, autoestima y seguridad en sí mismo las bases para la construcción del proyecto de vida

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    https://unadvirtualedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/asalgador_unadvirtual_edu_co/El-Kepuru7VHul78w93Uf7MBMO5AtGXkgglLFoQq7TROSg?e=3GFmikEste trabajo tiene como fin, principalmente identificar, cómo a partir de una secuencia didáctica se puede fortalecer la autonomía y seguridad en sí mismo desde el área de ética y valores a los estudiantes de grado 10° en el colegio Anglo Americano, primordialmente se busca, analizar mediante la implementación de diferentes estrategias, mecanismos para que los jóvenes reconozcan la importancia del autoconcepto y la motivación frente a las actividades escolares, e identifiquen sus fortalezas y debilidades, adicionalmente que sean capaces de incorporar el autoconcepto en la construcción de su proyecto de vida, es relevante que los estudiantes del Anglo, analicen si las redes sociales les afectan en sus decisiones y desarrollen una reflexión crítica frente a sus perspectivas de futuro. De igual manera comprender cómo el entorno social se ve afectado por las redes sociales. La formación en valores, autonomía, autoconcepto y motivación hacen parte de un eje transversal del proceso educativo y repercuten en la construcción del proyecto de vida de los estudiantes.This work aims, mainly to identify, how from a didactic sequence autonomy and self-confidence can be strengthened from the area of ethics and values to the 10th-grade students in the Anglo American school, primarily it is sought, analyze, through the implementation of different strategies, mechanisms for young people to recognize the importance of self-concept and motivation in front of school activities, and identify their strengths and weaknesses, additionally that they are able to incorporate self-concept in the construction of their life project It is relevant that Anglo students analyze whether social networks affect their decisions and develop a critical reflection on their future perspectives. In the same way, understand how the social environment is affected by social networks. Training in values, autonomy, self-concept, and motivation is part of a transversal axis of the educational process and have an impact on the construction of the students' life project

    The secretome of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells-conditioned media varies with time and drives a distinct effect on mature neurons and glial cells (primary cultures)

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    Transplantation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) has been shown to ameliorate the injured central nervous system (CNS). Although these effects were initially attributed to the putative differentiation of MSCs towards the neural lineage, it is now known that most of them are mediated by the secretome. Up to now most in vitro reports have dealt with the effects of the secretome on neural stem cells and their differentiation. Consequently, there is a lack of information regarding the role of the secretome on the viability and survival of pre-existent matured differentiated cell populations. Moreover, it is also not known how the time points of conditioned media (CM) collection affect such parameters. In the present study, primary cultures of hippocampal neurons and glial cells were incubated with CM obtained from MSCs. To determine how the temporal profiles of CM collection impact on post-natal neurons and glial cells, we collected MSCs CM at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of conditioning. MTS test revealed that for the hippocampal cultures the incubation with CM increased cell viability for all time points, with significant increases in the percentage of neurons in culture incubated with CM 24 h. For glial cells only the later time point of CM collection (96 h) increased cell viability. Fluorescence microscopy observations also revealed that CM 48 h and 72 h increased astrocytes percentages, while CM 24 h decreased microglial cell and oligodendrocytes values. These results revealed that post-natal neuronal and glial cells respond differently to MSCs CM; moreover, there are specific temporal variations in the composition of the CM of MSCs collected at different time points that trigger different effects on mature neurons and the distinct glial cell populations (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and microglial cells).Fundação Calouste de Gulbenkia

    Exploring perceptions of alcohol consumption in unlicensed public places among individuals aged 40 and over: A qualitative study across socioeconomically diverse neighbourhoods in Madrid, Spain

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    Alcohol consumption in unlicensed public places has become a topic of intense debate in Spain due to its negative impact on health and social outcomes, and the inefficiency of current alcohol policies. This research aimed to explore the perceptions of individuals aged 40 and over regarding alcohol consumption in unlicensed public places in socioeconomically diverse neighbourhoods in Madrid. 37 semi-structured interviews and 29 focus groups were conducted in three neighbourhoods with different socioeconomic statuses. The analysis drew on Corbin and Strauss's grounded theory coding strategies. The findings of the study showed that people aged 40 and over problematised alcohol consumption in unlicensed public places, such as parks and squares. The problematisation followed a two-step process. Initially, non-compliance with current restrictions on alcohol sales during the night-time in convenience stores, including the sale of alcohol to minors, was identified as an issue. This, in turn, led to alcohol consumption in unlicensed public places, which was associated with negative outcomes such as alcohol-related litter, noise nuisance, and violence. These consequences were disproportionally perceived in the least affluent neighbourhood. To address the disproportionate impact of alcohol-related behaviours in the least affluent neighbourhoods, reinforcing existing alcohol sales policies is warranted. This may reduce alcohol consumption in unlicensed public places and its related negative outcomes

    Qualitative examination of the perceived effects of a comprehensive smoke-free law according to neighborhood socioeconomic status in a large

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    Smoke-free legislations aim to protect non-smokers from second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure and improve population health outcomes. The aim of this study was to explore residents' perceptions to understand how people living in distinctive SES neighborhoods are differently affected by comprehensive smoke-free laws in a large city like Madrid, Spain. We conducted a qualitative project with 37 semi-structured interviews and 29 focus group discussions in three different SES neighborhoods within the city of Madrid. Constructivist grounded theory was used to analyze the transcripts. One core category arose in our analyses: Neighborhood inequalities in second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure in outdoor places. The enactment of the comprehensive smoke-free law resulted in unintended consequences that affected neighborhoods differently: relocation of smokers to outdoor setting, SHS exposure, noise disturbance and cigarette butt littering. Changes in the urban environment in the three neighborhoods resulted in the denormalization of smoking in outdoor public places, which was more clearly perceived in the high SES neighborhood. Changes in the built environment in outdoor areas of hospitality venues were reported to actually facilitate smoking. Comprehensive smoke-free laws resulted in denormalization of smoking, which might be effective in reducing SHS exposure. Extending smoking bans to outdoor areas like bus stops and hospitality venues is warranted and should include a public health inequalities perspective

    Conceptualizaciones de pendiente: contenido que enseñan los profesores del bachillerato

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    Este artículo describe los resultados de una investigación que exploró las conceptualizaciones de pendiente en el contenido que enseñan los profesores de matemáticas de bachillerato. Para ello, analizamos las notas de clase del cuaderno de matemáticas de sus estudiantes por medio del método de análisis de contenido y empleamos las once conceptualizaciones de pendiente reportadas por otros investigadores como marco de referencia. Los resultados indican que las conceptualizaciones razón algebraica, trigonométrica y coeficiente paramétrico, enfatizadas en lo procedimental, fueron las que más promueven los profesores al definir, explicar, ejemplificar y proponer actividades vinculadas al concepto de pendiente

    Nota preliminar : El viaje en la geografía moderna

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    págs.: 9-11Capítulo incluido en el libro: El viaje en la geografía moderna. Pilar Paneque Salgado y Juan Francisco Ojeda Rivera (Editores). Sevilla: Univeridad Internacional de Andalucía, 2013. ISBN: 978-84-7993-236-7. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/640

    Explorando las conceptualizaciones de la pendiente en estudiantes universitarios

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    Este escrito reporta las conceptualizaciones de la pendiente de 21 estudiantes universitarios. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó una entrevista basada en tareas y para su análisis se identificaron las frases y procedimientos claves relacionados con las once conceptualizaciones reportadas por investigadores en educación matemática sobre el concepto de pendiente. Los estudiantes evidenciaron de una a ocho conceptualizaciones, entre las cuales se identificaron: Propiedad Física, Razón Algebraica, Propiedad Determinante, Constante Lineal, Coeficiente Paramétrico, Razón Geométrica, Indicador de Comportamiento y Situación Mundo Real (Situación Física)

    Sistematización de las técnicas ancestrales empleadas en la siembra y cultivo de la piña en el municipio de Paratebueno.

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    Es la sistematización de los saberes ancestrales de los agricultores del municipio de Paratebueno en Cundinamarca en relación a la siembra, cosecha y elaboración de productos alimenticios relacionados con la piña fruta tropical.Este proyecto consiste en la sistematización de las técnicas ancestrales empleadas en la siembra y cultivo de la piña en el municipio de Paratebueno Cundinamarca, se hicieron tres (3) visitas al lugar con el fin de soportar nuestra investigación por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada, realizadas a personas que conocen el proceso de la piña mayanes en la región. Se examinó a fondo cada etapa realizada en el proceso de desarrollo de la piña mayanes, conociendo todas las técnicas ancestrales empleadas por los agricultores del municipio de Paratebueno en Cundinamarca en relación a la siembra y el cultivo de la piña mayanes. Posteriormente se dio inicio a diseñar un libro didáctico en el que se evidencie para la población escolarizada los saberes ancestrales de la siembra y cultivo de la piña mayanes, para ello se realizaron los dibujos en técnica tradicional y color masivo, utilizando un método experimental