286 research outputs found

    Relevant aspects for an EF3-Evaluation of e-cognocracy

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    The search for an appropriate response to the new challenges and needs posed by the Knowledge Society in the area of public decisions has led to the development of a number of participation models whose value must be assessed and analysed in an integral manner. Using a theoretical model based on structural equations, the present work identifies the relevant factors for an EF3-approach to the democracy model named e-Cognocracy: it comprises a conjoint evaluation of its effectiveness (doing what is right), efficacy (achieving goals) and efficiency (doing things correctly). The model was applied to a real-life e-Cognocracy experience undertaken in the municipality of Cadrete, Zaragoza. The evaluation resulted in the extraction and identification of a series of relationships that allow the advancement of an EF3-participation acceptance model, in line with the TAM model of Davis and the work of Delone and MacLean, which can be used for the integral evaluation of any e-participation model

    La categoría acción en algunas de las teorías del aprendizaje

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    Las teorías del aprendizaje nos ayudan a comprender, predecir, y controlar el comportamiento y tratan de explicar cómo los sujetos acceden al conocimiento. La categoría acción se ha arraigado inevitablemente en el pensamiento psicológico, entre otros, en el marco del conductismo, la teoría del desarrollo intelectual por estadios y la teoría del desarrollo de las funciones psíquicas superiores como reflejo del énfasis en determinados factores del desarrollo psíquico del hombre. Por una parte, el conductismo, desde Watson hasta Skinner, se ha empeñado en desarraigar la categoría imagen de la realidad psíquica y en ello ha deformado inevitablemente el cuadro de esta realidad representado por la categoría acción. Por otra parte, las investigaciones sobre el desarrollo del lenguaje y del pensamiento en el niño, sobre su lógica y su concepción del mundo, constituyeron toda una época en el desarrollo de la teoría de Piaget, cuya posición dialéctica y progresista en su concepción del desarrollo le permitió fundamentar su esquema de estadios acerca de la formación de las acciones y las operaciones mentales desde la edad infantil hasta la juventud, aunque sin reconocer en ello el papel de la experiencia histórico-cultural. Vigotsky, por su parte, colocó en un lugar central su idea de que, como ciencia concreta, la psicología debe unir todos sus esfuerzos hacia la investigación de la conciencia y el comportamiento del hombre como ser consciente, social e histórico. Este nuevo concepto de la conciencia y el comportamiento del hombre como objeto de la psicología, a partir de las funciones psíquicas superiores como núcleo central de su sistema, basado en el historicismo, fue el resultado de la consideración de Vigotsky del estudio marxista de la actividad humana, el cual fue el comienzo de toda la "nueva" psicología

    Security Advisor : servicios de seguridad de la información

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    En este plan de negocios evaluaremos la viabilidad de iniciar una idea de negocio sobre la venta de servicios de seguridad de la información a empresas, abordaremos la validación de la idea de negocio en lo que concierne a la investigación del segmento objetivo, indicadores financieros, plan de marketing y operaciones para este plan de negocio. Este plan de negocios se basa en la tendencia de los ejecutivos de TI por la preocupación de asegurar la información crítica de la empresa. Actualmente, las empresas se enfrentan al reto de preservar la confidencialidad, disponibilidad e integridad de la información, de lo contrario podrían tener pérdidas de dinero considerable para la empresa. Security Advisory, está diseñado para empresas que requieran tener un plan estratégico sobre seguridad de la información. Nuestro mercado meta se ha obtenido de las cifras de INEI que indican la cantidad de pequeñas y medianas empresas, así como de las organizaciones gubernamentales. Los problemas referentes a los ciberataques en el Perú están relacionados a la falta de concientización sobre el impacto que podría ocasionar en las organizaciones. Debido a esta problemática, el gobierno propone leyes y reglamentos orientados con la finalidad de evitar o mitigar los riesgos de un ciberataque. Security Advisor, se presenta como una propuesta que busca proteger los activos críticos de la empresa a través de nuestro servicio personalizado antes, durante y después del proceso de venta. Con respecto a la información recolectada del mercado meta, nos indican que existe una frecuencia de compra de estos servicios y una asignación de presupuesto por parte de la empresa. Con respecto al plan de negocios se concluye que el proyecto es rentable y sostenible en el tiempo. El periodo de recuperación de la inversión es en el segundo año. A partir del tercer año se inicia la etapa de crecimiento en el cual se considera incluir personal para las distintas áreas de la empresa. En el quinto año la empresa tendría un valor actual neto de S/. 586,034 y con la recuperación de la inversión en el segundo año lo cual indica la viabilidad y rentabilidad del plan de negocios.In this business plan we will evaluate the feasibility of initiating a business idea about the sale of information security services to companies, we will address the validation of the business idea with regard to the research of the target segment, financial indicators, plan of marketing and operations for this business plan. This business plan is based on the tendency of IT executives for the concern to ensure the critical information of the company. Currently, companies face the challenge of preserving the confidentiality, availability and integrity of information, otherwise they could have considerable losses of money for the company. Security Advisory is designed for companies that require a strategic plan on information security. Our target market has been obtained from INEI figures that indicate the number of small and medium enterprises, as well as government organizations. The problems related to cyber attacks in Peru are related to the lack of awareness about the impact that could cause in organizations. Due to this problem, the government proposes laws and regulations aimed at avoiding or mitigating the risks of a cyber attack. Security Advisor, is presented as a proposal that seeks to protect critical assets of the company through our personalized service before, during and after the sales process. Regarding the information collected from the target market, they indicate that there is a frequency of purchase of these services and a budget allocation by the company. With respect to the business plan, it is concluded that the project is profitable and sustainable over time. The period of recovery of the investment is in the second year. From the third year onwards, the growth stage begins, in which it is considered to include personnel for the different areas of the company. In the fifth year, the company would have a net present value of S/.586, 034 and with the recovery of the investment in the second year, which indicates the viability, and profitability of the business plan.Trabajo de investigaciónCampus Lima Centr

    Simulation-based education involving online and on-campus models in different European universities

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    Simulation-based education (SE) refers to the use of simulation software, tools, and serious games to enrich the teaching and learning processes. Advances in both computer hardware and software allow for employing innovative methodologies that make use of SE tools to enhance the learning experience. Moreover, thanks to the globalisation of e-learning practices, these educational experiences can be made available to students from different geographical regions and universities, which promotes the development of international and inter-university cooperation in education. This paper provides a review of recent works in the SE subject, with a focus on the areas of engineering, science, and management. It also discusses some experiences in SE involving different European universities and learning models. Finally, it also points out open challenges as well as noticeable trends

    Exploring genetic diversity and quality traits in a collection of onion (Allium cepa L) landraces from North-West Spain

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    Seventeen onion landraces from North-West Spain were evaluated using microsatellites markers. Eleven polymorphic markers identified 32 alleles in the whole collection, with an average of 2.9 alleles per locus. High values of observed (mean of 0.45) and expected heterozigosity (mean of 0.51) were detected for the majority of loci. Wright’s fixation index confirmed an excess of heterozygotes and a low level of inbreeding within the collection. Multivariate analyses revealed that Oimbra was the most distinctive genotype. The remaining 16 onion genotypes were in part assorted according to some morphological traits of bulbs. Pungency and solid soluble content highly varied among landraces and bulbs. Five landraces were classified as sweet, whereas 9 possessed medium pungency and 3 were recorded as pungent. This onion collection represents a useful source of genetic heterogeneity that might be exploited in breeding programs for the generation of new onion varieties that satisfy consumer demandsPublishe

    Meaning in Life Mediates Between Emotional Deregulation and Eating Disorders Psychopathology: A Research From the Meaning-Making Model of Eating Disorders.

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    Emotional dysregulation, age, gender, and obesity are transdiagnostic risk factors for the development and maintenance of eating disorders (EDs). Previous studies found that patients with ED had less meaning in life than the non-clinical population, and that meaning in life acted as a buffer in the course of ED; however, to the data, there are no studies about the mediator role of meaning in life in association between the emotional dysregulation and the ED psychopathology. Objective: To analyze the mediating role of meaning in life in the relationship between emotional dysregulation and the ED psychopathology in three samples with diverse risk factors for ED. Method: Sample 1, n = 153 undergraduate young women; sample 2, n = 122 participants with obesity; and sample 3, n = 292 participants with ED. Multiple mediation analysis was performed. Results: Sample 1: meaning in life showed a mediation effect between emotional dysregulation and the ED psychopathology (direct effect β = 0.390, p < 0.05) (indirect effect β = 0.227, p < 0.05), body satisfaction (direct effect β = −0.017, p < 0.05) (indirect effect β = −0.013, p < 0.01), and depression symptoms (direct effect β = 1.112, p < 0.001) (indirect effect β = 0.414, p < 0.001); sample 2: meaning in life showed a mediation effect between emotional dysregulation and binge eating and purging behaviors (direct effect β = 0.194, p < 0.01) (indirect effect β = 0.054, p < 0.05) and depression symptoms (direct effect β = 0.357, p < 0.001) (indirect effect β = 0.063, p < 0.05); sample 3: meaning in life showed a mediation effect between emotional dysregulation and the ED psychopathology (direct effect β = 0.884, p < 0.001) (indirect effect β = 0.252, p < 0.007), body satisfaction (direct effect β = −0.033, p < 0.05) (indirect effect β = −0.021, p < 0.001), borderline symptoms (direct effect β = 0.040, p < 0.001) (indirect effect β = 0.025, p < 0.001), and hopelessness (direct effect β = 0.211, p < 0.001) (indirect effect β = 0.087, p < 0.001). Conclusions: These studies suggest the importance of considering meaning in life as a variable in the onset and maintenance of ED

    Visual data mining with self-organizing maps for ''self-monitoring'' data analysis

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    Data collected in psychological studies are mainly characterized by containing a large number of variables (multidimensional data sets). Analyzing multidimensional data can be a difficult task, especially if only classical approaches are used (hypothesis tests, analyses of variance, linear models, etc.). Regarding multidimensional models, visual techniques play an important role because they can show the relationships among variables in a data set. Parallel coordinates and Chernoff faces are good examples of this. This article presents self-organizing maps (SOM), a multivariate visual data mining technique used to provide global visualizations of all the data. This technique is presented as a tutorial with the aim of showing its capabilities, how it works, and how to interpret its results. Specifically, SOM analysis has been applied to analyze the data collected in a study on the efficacy of a cognitive and behavioral treatment (CBT) for childhood obesity. The objective of the CBT was to modify the eating habits and level of physical activity in a sample of children with overweight and obesity. Children were randomized into two treatment conditions: CBT traditional procedure (face-to-face sessions) and CBT supported by a web platform. In order to analyze their progress in the acquisition of healthier habits, self-register techniques were used to record dietary behavior and physical activity. In the traditional CBT condition, children completed the self-register using a paper-and-pencil procedure, while in the web platform condition, participants completed the self-register using an electronic personal digital assistant. Results showed the potential of SOM for analyzing the large amount of data necessary to study the acquisition of new habits in a childhood obesity treatment. Currently, the high prevalence of childhood obesity points to the need to develop strategies to manage a large number of data in order to design procedures adapted to personal characteristics and increase treatment efficacy

    Características de doadores de sangue voluntários em universidades de Neiva, Huila

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    Objective: To describe the characteristics of voluntary blood donors at the Universities of Neiva Huila, during the promotions carried out by the blood bank of the Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo University Hospital in agreement with the Surcolombiana University during the period 2013-2017. &nbsp;Materials and Methods: Descriptive observational study of cross-sectional, for the periods of January 2013 to December 2017, based on secondary sources provided by the National Network of Blood Banks, through the Blood Bank of the Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo University Hospital of Neiva. A sampling was carried out as a convenience, meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria defined for the study. The variables analyzed were age groups, gender, ABO blood group and Rh factor. Results: During the study period, 6,547 voluntary blood donations were made, of which 85% (I.C 95%: 84.6-86.3) were occasional and 15% (I.C 95%: 13.6-15.6) usual. The ones who donated the most were men between the ages of 19 and 29. It was shown that the Rh-positive factor and the O+ blood group were the most prevalent in the donor population in 98.5% and 61.6% respectively. Conclusion: The usual voluntary donors are mainly men between the ages of 19 and 29, with blood group O and Rh+, since men can make a higher number of donations compared to women. Keywords: Population characteristics, Blood donors, ABO Blood-Group system, Blood, Rh-Hr Blood-Group System.Objetivo: Describir las características de los donantes voluntarios de sangre en las Universidades de Neiva Huila, durante las promociones realizadas por el banco de sangre del Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo en convenio con la Universidad Surcolombiana durante el período 2013-2017. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, para los periodos de enero 2013 a diciembre 2017, basado en fuentes secundarias suministradas por la Red Nacional de Bancos de Sangre, a través del Banco de Sangre del Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo de Neiva. Se realizó un muestreo por conveniencia, que cumplieran con criterios de inclusión y exclusión definidos para el estudio. Las variables que se analizaron fueron grupos de edad, género, grupo sanguíneo ABO y factor Rh. Resultados: Durante el periodo de estudio se realizaron 6.547 donaciones de sangre voluntarias, de las cuales el 85,5% (I.C 95%: 84,6-86,3) fueron ocasionales y el 14,5% (I.C 95%: 13,6-15,6) habituales. Quienes más donaron fueron hombres entre 19 y 29 años. Se evidencio que el factor Rh positivo y el grupo sanguíneo O+, fueron los que más prevalecieron en la población donante en el 98,5% y 61,6% respectivamente. Conclusión: Los donantes voluntarios habituales son principalmente hombres entre 19 y 29 años, con grupo sanguíneo O y Rh +, dado que los hombres pueden realizar un mayor número de donaciones en comparación con las mujeres. Palabras Clave: Características de la población, Donantes de sangre, Sistema del grupo sanguíneo ABO, Sangre, Factor Rh