7,784 research outputs found

    Coasting cosmologies with time dependent cosmological constant

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    The effect of a time dependent cosmological constant is considered in a family of scalar tensor theories. Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological models for vacumm and perfect fluid matter are found. They have a linear expansion factor, the so called coasting cosmology, the gravitational "constant" decreace inversely with time; this model satisfy the Dirac hipotesis. The cosmological "constant" decreace inversely with the square of time, therefore we can have a very small value for it at present time.Comment: 7 pages, latex file (ijmpal macro), accepted for publication in Int. Mod. Phys.

    Disorder from order among anisotropic next-nearest-neighbor Ising spin chains in SrHo2_2O4_4

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    We describe why Ising spin chains with competing interactions in SrHo2O4\rm SrHo_2O_4 segregate into ordered and disordered ensembles at low temperatures (TT). Using elastic neutron scattering, magnetization, and specific heat measurements, the two distinct spin chains are inferred to have N\'eel (↑↓↑↓\uparrow\downarrow\uparrow\downarrow) and double-N\'eel (↑↑↓↓\uparrow\uparrow\downarrow\downarrow) ground states respectively. Below TN=0.68(2)T_\mathrm{N}=0.68(2)~K, the N\'eel chains develop three dimensional (3D) long range order (LRO), which arrests further thermal equilibration of the double-N\'eel chains so they remain in a disordered incommensurate state for TT below TS=0.52(2)T_\mathrm{S}= 0.52(2)~K. SrHo2O4\rm SrHo_2O_4 distills an important feature of incommensurate low dimensional magnetism: kinetically trapped topological defects in a quasi−d−-d-dimensional spin system can preclude order in d+1d+1 dimensions.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Dengue una enfermedad emergente y re-emergente en América

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    El Dengue es una enfermedad infecciosa, producida por un arbovirus cuyo único reservorio es el hombre. El virusutiliza como vector biológico al mosquito Aedes aegypti o al mosquito Aedes albopictus. La sintomatología se presentahabitualmente como un cuadro febril denominado dengue clásico, que se caracteriza por fiebre alta de presentaciónaguda, de duración limitada (2 a 7 días), con intenso malestar general, acompañado de erupción cutánea. Puedepresentar síntomas hemorrágicos de escasa intensidad, como petequias y sangramiento gingival. El tratamiento essintomático y el paciente mejora completamente en aproximadamente 7 días. Esta forma de dengue no producemortalidad. Sin embargo, existen otras presentaciones de la enfermedad que pueden llegar a manifestaciones graves deltipo hemorrágicas con muerte, lo que se presenta en el 5% de los enfermos. El dengue es un problema creciente desalud pública, que afecta a más de 100 países en el mundo, con más de 50 millones de casos informados cada año. Loscuatro tipos de dengue, están circulando en América, donde los casos aumentaron en los últimos años en formaexplosiva. Si bien, en Chile continental no se ha documentado la existencia del mosquito vector del dengue de formaendémica, si se ha hecho en Chile Insular, más específicamente en Isla de Pascua, donde desde el año 1999, seincorporó a la lista de enfermedades de declaración obligatoria (D.S. Nº 158) estableciendo su vigilancia. Los factoresque han llevado a la emergencia de esta enfermedad son principalmente el cambio climático, que ha modificado elnicho ecológico de los mosquitos de la familia Aedes. También la urbanización, la falta de control del vector, las fallasen infraestructura básica y el pobre saneamiento ambiental. La intervención primaria de salud pública ha ido por la líneadel uso de insecticidas para el control del vector y la detección temprana de casos. No existe aún una vacuna efectiva,sin embargo, actualmente se están realizando esfuerzos en esta materia

    Extreme Quiescent Variability of the Transient Neutron Star Low-mass X-ray Binary EXO 1745-248 in Terzan 5

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    EXO 1745-248 is a transient neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary that resides in the globular cluster Terzan 5. We studied the transient during its quiescent state using 18 Chandra observations of the cluster acquired between 2003 and 2016. We found an extremely variable source, with a luminosity variation in the 0.5-10 keV energy range of ∼3\sim3 orders of magnitude (between 3×10313\times10^{31} erg s−1^{-1} and 2×10342\times10^{34} erg s−1^{-1}) on timescales from years down to only a few days. Using an absorbed power-law model to fit its quiescent spectra, we obtained a typical photon index of ∼1.4\sim1.4, indicating that the source is even harder than during outburst and much harder than typical quiescent neutron stars if their quiescent X-ray spectra are also described by a single power-law model. This indicates that EXO 1745-248 is very hard throughout the entire observed X-ray luminosity range. At the highest luminosity, the spectrum fits better when an additional (soft) component is added to the model. All these quiescent properties are likely related to strong variability in the low-level accretion rate in the system. However, its extreme variable behavior is strikingly different from the one observed for other neutron star transients that are thought to still accrete in quiescence. We compare our results to these systems. We also discuss similarities and differences between our target and the transitional millisecond pulsar IGR J18245-2452, which also has hard spectra and strong variability during quiescence.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    New Cataclysmic Variables and other Exotic Binaries in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae

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    We present 22 new (+3 confirmed) cataclysmic variables (CVs) in the non core-collapsed globular cluster 47 Tucanae (47 Tuc). The total number of CVs in the cluster is now 43, the largest sample in any globular cluster so far. For the identifications we used near-ultraviolet (NUV) and optical images from the Hubble Space Telescope, in combination with X-ray results from the Chandra X-ray Observatory. This allowed us to build the deepest NUV CV luminosity function of the cluster to date. We found that the CVs in 47 Tuc are more concentrated towards the cluster center than the main sequence turnoff stars. We compared our results to the CV populations of the core-collapsed globular clusters NGC 6397 and NGC 6752. We found that 47 Tuc has fewer bright CVs per unit mass than those two other clusters. That suggests that dynamical interactions in core-collapsed clusters play a major role creating new CVs. In 47 Tuc, the CV population is probably dominated by primordial and old dynamically formed systems. We estimated that the CVs in 47 Tuc have total masses of approx. 1.4 M_sun. We also found that the X-ray luminosity function of the CVs in the three clusters is bimodal. Additionally, we discuss a possible double degenerate system and an intriguing/unclassified object. Finally, we present four systems that could be millisecond pulsar companions given their X-ray and NUV/optical colors. For one of them we present very strong evidence for being an ablated companion. The other three could be CO- or He-WDs.Comment: Published on MNRAS. 31 Pages, 23 Figures, 5 Tables. Minor changes with respect to previous arXiv versio

    A Study of the Accuracy of Mass-Radius Relationships for Silicate-Rich and Ice-Rich Planets up to 100 Earth Masses

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    A mass-radius relationship is proposed for solid planets and solid cores ranging from 1 to 100 Earth-mass planets. It relies on the assumption that solid spheres are composed of iron and silicates, around which a variable amount of water is added. The M-R law has been set up assuming that the planetary composition is similar to the averaged composition for silicates and iron obtained from the major elements ratio of 94 stars hosting exoplanets. Except on Earth for which a tremendous amount of data is available, the composition of silicate mantles and metallic cores cannot be constrained. Similarly, thermal profiles are poorly known. In this work, the effect of compositional parameters and thermal profiles on radii estimates is quantified. It will be demonstrated that uncertainties related to composition and temperature are of second order compared to the effect of the water amount. The Super-Earths family includes four classes of planets: iron-rich, silicate-rich, water-rich, or with a thick atmosphere. For a given mass, the planetary radius increases significantly from the ironrich to the atmospheric-rich planet. Even if some overlaps are likely, M-R measurements could be accurate enough to ascertain the discovery of an earth-like planet .The present work describes how the amount of water can be assessed from M-R measurements. Such an estimate depends on several assumptions including i) the accuracy of the internal structure model and ii) the accuracy of mass and radius measurements. It is shown that if the mass and the radius are perfectly known, the standard deviation on the amount of water is about 4.5 %. This value increases rapidly with the radius uncertainty but does not strongly depend on the mass uncertainty.Comment: In press in The Astrophysical Journa

    Shower approach in the simulation of ion scattering from solids

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    An efficient approach for the simulation of ion scattering from solids is proposed. For every encountered atom, we take multiple samples of its thermal displacements among those which result in scattering with high probability to finally reach the detector. As a result, the detector is illuminated by intensive "showers", where each event of detection must be weighted according to the actual probability of the atom displacement. The computational cost of such simulation is orders of magnitude lower than in the direct approach and a comprehensive analysis of multiple and plural scattering effects becomes possible. We use the new method for two purposes. First, the accuracy of the approximate approaches, developed mainly for ion-beam structural analysis, is verified. Second, the possibility to reproduce a wide class of experimental conditions is used to analyze some basic features of ion-solid collisions: the role of double violent collisions in low-energy ion scattering; the origin of the "surface peak" in scattering from amorphous samples; the low-energy tail in the energy spectra of scattered medium-energy ions due to plural scattering; the degradation of blocking patterns in 2D angular distributions with increasing depth of scattering. As an example of simulation for ions of MeV energies, we verify the time-reversibility for channeling/blocking of 1 MeV protons in a W crystal. The possibilities of analysis that our approach offers may be very useful for various applications in particular for structural analysis with atomic resolution.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Finally published version; large parts reformulated, Fig. 9 and references adde

    Why Major Programs Need Innovation Support Labs: An Example from the Space Shuttle Launch Program at KSC

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    For over 30 years the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has processed the Space Shuttle; handling all hands-on aspects from receiving the Orbiter, External Tanks, Solid Rocket Booster Segments, and Payloads, through certification, check-out, and assembly, and ending with fueling, count-down, and launch. A team of thousands have worked this highly complicated, yet supremely organized, process and have, as a consequence, generated an exceptional amount of technology to solve a host of problems. This paper describes the contributions of one team that formed with the express purpose to help solve some of these diverse Shuttle ground processing problems
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