720 research outputs found

    Flow-Path: An AllPath flow-based protocol

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    The work at: The 37th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). Clearwater, Florida, USA. Date: 22-25 October 2012This paper describes Flow-Path, an AllPath flowbased switching protocol that features improved load adaptive properties. Upon arrival of a new flow to the network, it explores every possible path reaching from source to destination host and selects the lowest latency path at the moment. It is based on the same basic principle than ARPPath, that is, snooping the ARP protocol dialog (request and reply messages) to explore all available paths at the same time that address resolution takes place, but it is flow-based instead of source address-based. While preserving the main advantages of ARP-Path: shortest path bridging exploiting the full network topology, Flow-Path has the advantages of full independence of flows at the time of path creation and guarantees path symmetry (congruency) and increased path diversity. Flow-Path thus improves load distribution, at the expense of increased address table size in each bridge.This work was supported in part by grants from Comunidad de Madrid and Comunidad de Castilla-La Mancha through Projects MEDIANET-CM (S-2009/TIC- 1468) and EMARECE (PII1I09-0204-4319).Publicad

    Methodology for the development of normative data for ten Spanish-language neuropsychological tests in eleven Latin American countries

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    BACKGROUND: Within the field of neuropsychology, there is a significant lack of normative data for individuals in Latin America. OBJECTIVE: To describe the methodology utilized to obtain the data and create norms for 10 Spanish-language neuropsychological tests administered in 11 Latin-American countries in a sample of 3,977 healthy individuals between the ages 18 and 90. METHOD: The same data manipulation process was applied to the data collected (regardless of the scale or country) using a regression-based procedure that takes into account sex, age, and educational influences on neuropsychological test scores. CONCLUSIONS: Following this procedure, we were able to generate age, education, and sex (if relevant) based norms for each test in each of the 11 countries studied. These norms are presented in the 10 articles that comprise this special issue

    ARP-Path: ARP-based Shortest Path Bridges

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    This letter is a summary proposal for an evolution of the Ethernet transparent bridge paradigm that provides simple, shortest path bridging in campus networks. ARP-Path Ethernet Switches set up an on-demand path between two hosts just reusing and flooding the standard ARP request frame through all links and confirming the path reaching to the destination host with the ARP reply frame. ARP-Path uses the standard Ethernet frame format, is fully transparent to hosts and does not require spanning tree or link state protocol. Simulation results show superior performance to spanning tree and similar to shortest path routing, with lower complexity. Our implementations confirm backward compatibility, robustness and performance.This work was supported in part by grants from Comunidad de Madrid and Comunidad de Castilla la Mancha through Projects MEDIANET-CM (S- 2009/TIC-1468) and EMARECE (PII1I09-0204-4319).Publicad

    Diseño de la carpeta de rodadura del pavimento rígido adicionando escoria de acero en Av. Los Cisnes, Huachipa, 2019

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    El presente trabajo de investigación quiere dar a conocer una opción de material que puede ser aplicado en pavimentos rígidos, el cual brinde a su vez un mejor comportamiento tanto físico como mecánico. Este trabajo es un gran aporte a la ciencia y al medio ambiente, ya que nos da como alternativa el uso de material reciclado. Debido a que el material a emplear en la construcción será el reciclaje de escoria de acero que se genera en gran magnitud en las industrias de nuestro país siendo un material principal causante de la contaminación y que no es controlado de una manera adecuada. La escoria de acero al usarse como un material como parte de la mezcla contribuye con la mejora para su aplicación, se realizó un análisis de materiales para identificar que material sería remplazado, con la finalidad de que la escoria de acero brinde una mejor resistencia y a su vez un mejor comportamiento durante su vida útil. Así llegamos a la conclusión de utilizar un porcentaje que remplazaría al material fino. Para conocer las nuevas características del diseño se hicieron 5 muestras las cuales contenían 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% y 40% para determinar el porcentaje que tenga mejor comportamiento. En conclusión, el porcentaje más optimo y que mejor comportamiento tiene ante las demás muestras que se ensayaron fue la relación de 30% respecto al agregado fino, el cual satisface nuestras necesidades como estudio, ya que mejora equitativamente la resistencia a la compresión en un 25% y a la flexión en 13% más respecto al diseño tradicional

    Estudio de patología estructural institución educativa Santa Juana de Lestonnac Dosquebradas

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    En esta investigación se ven aplicados los conocimientos adquiridos en la pasantía internacional en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM; se realiza un estudio de las patologías estructurales presentes en la Institución Educativa Santa Juana de Lestonnac. El objetivo de esta investigación es el determinar las diferentes patologías en la institución educativa, por medio de la realización de ensayos no destructivos y la inspección visual. Durante la investigación se encuentran, patologías provenientes del deterioro de la edificación y se encuentran afectados tanto en elementos estructurales, como no estructurales. Una vez determinadas las patologías presentes, se dan las recomendaciones para que estas sean corregidas, con el fin de evitar daños a la estructura y su funcionamiento. Cabe resaltar que este estudio fue realizado en esta edificación ya que al ser una institución educativa pertenece al grupo III de la NSR-10, lo cual indica que es una edificación esencial y es por esta razón que debe estar en buen estado. La investigación se divide en las diferentes visitas de campo realizadas, donde se recolecto información de la edificación, se realiza levantamiento de las construcciones, se aplican los ensayos no destructivos y se toma registro fotográfico; posteriormente se procede a procesar la información y se obtienen los planos de la edificación, el modelo estructural de la misma y las medidas de intervención a realizar

    Comparability of (post-concussion) symptoms across time in individuals after traumatic brain injury: results from the CENTER-TBI study

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    Post-concussion symptoms often occur after TBI, persist and cause disabilities. The Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) is widely used in this population, but little is known about the comparability of the symptoms over time, i.e., longitudinal measurement invariance (MI). The objectives of this study were to analyze the longitudinal MI of RPQ symptoms from three to twelve months after TBI and to find factors related to RPQ symptoms. The study involved 1023 individuals after TBI who took part in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in TBI (CENTER-TBI) study and completed the RPQ at three, six and twelve months postinjury. Longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis showed that the three-factor structure (somatic, emotional and cognitive) remains stable within one year after TBI. Linear mixed models revealed that sex, injury cause and prior psychiatric problems were related to the RPQ three-factor structure as well as to the RPQ total score. The study strengthens evidence for the RPQ’s factorial structure stability within one year after TBI and identifies sex, injury cause and prior psychiatric problems as important factors that may help clinicians to prevent future complications of symptomatology after TBI.CENTER-TBI was supported by the European Union 7th Framework program (EC grant 602150). Additional funding was obtained from the Hannelore Kohl Stiftung (Germany), from OneMind (USA) and from Integra LifeSciences Corporation (USA). The funders of the study had no role in study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation or writing of the report

    Smart toys designed for detecting developmental delays

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    In this paper,we describe the design considerations and implementation of a smart toy system,a technology for supporting the automatic recording and analysis for detecting developmental delays recognition when children play using the smart toy. To achieve this goal,we take advantage of the current commercial sensor features (reliability,low consumption,easy integration,etc.) to develop a series of sensor-based low-cost devices. Specifically,our prototype system consists of a tower of cubes augmented with wireless sensing capabilities and a mobile computing platform that collect the information sent from the cubes allowing the later analysis by childhood development professionals in order to verify a normal behaviour or to detect a potential disorder. This paper presents the requirements of the toy and discusses our choices in toy design,technology used,selected sensors,process to gather data from the sensors and generate information that will help in the decision-making and communication of the information to the collector system. In addition,we also describe the play activities the system supportsAuthors would like to thank the National Programme for Research, Development and Innovation, oriented to Societal Challenges, of the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness that supported the results of this paper through EDUCERE project (TIN2013-47803-C2-2-R), and to Universidad de Alcala that supported them through EDUSENS project (CCG2014/EXP-008

    Intelligent fault detection system for microgrids

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    The dynamic features of microgrid operation, such as on-grid/off-grid operation mode, the intermittency of distributed generators, and its dynamic topology due to its ability to reconfigure itself, cause misfiring of conventional protection schemes. To solve this issue, adaptive protection schemes that use robust communication systems have been proposed for the protection of microgrids. However, the cost of this solution is significantly high. This paper presented an intelligent fault detection (FD) system for microgrids on the basis of local measurements and machine learning (ML) techniques. This proposed FD system provided a smart level to intelligent electronic devices (IED) installed on the microgrid through the integration of ML models. This allowed each IED to autonomously determine if a fault occurred on the microgrid, eliminating the requirement of robust communication infrastructure between IEDs for microgrid protection. Additionally, the proposed system presented a methodology composed of four stages, which allowed its implementation in any microgrid. In addition, each stage provided important recommendations for the proper use of ML techniques on the protection problem. The proposed FD system was validated on the modified IEEE 13-nodes test feeder. This took into consideration typical features of microgrids such as the load imbalance, reconfiguration, and off-grid/on-grid operation modes. The results demonstrated the flexibility and simplicity of the FD system in determining the best accuracy performance among several ML models. The ease of design’s implementation, formulation of parameters, and promising test results indicated the potential for real-life applications

    Implementing ARP-Path Low Latency Bridges in NetFPGA

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    The demo is focused on the implementation of ARP-Path (a.k.a. FastPath) bridges, a recently proposed concept for low latency bridges. ARP-Path Bridges rely on the race between broadcast ARP Request packets, to discover the minimum latency path to the destination host. Several implementations (in Omnet++, Linux, OpenFlow, NetFPGA) have shown that ARP-Path exhibits loop-freedom, does not block links, is fully transparent to hosts and neither needs a spanning tree protocol to prevent loops nor a link state protocol to obtain low latency paths. This demo compares our hardware implementation on NetFPGA to bridges running STP, showing that ARP-Path finds lower latency paths than STP.Comunidad de MadridJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Manch