17,954 research outputs found

    The rise of a tensor instability in Eddington-inspired gravity

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    In this work an extension to Eddington's gravitational action is analyzed. We consider the tensor perturbations of a FLRW space-time in the Eddington regime in where the tensor mode is linearly unstable deep and the resulting modifications to Einstein regime are quite strong.Comment: 2 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the 13th Marcel Grossman Meeting (Stockholm, Sweden, July 1-7 2012), invited talk at the Parallel Session AT4 "Modify Gravity

    Energy in higher-derivative gravity via topological regularization

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    Indexación: Scopus.We give a novel definition of gravitational energy for an arbitrary theory of gravity including quadratic-curvature corrections to Einstein's equations. We focus on the theory in four dimensions, in the presence of a negative cosmological constant, and with asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AdS) boundary conditions. As a first example, we compute the gravitational energy and angular momentum of Schwarzschild-AdS black holes, for which we obtain results consistent with previous computations performed using different methods. However, our method is qualitatively different due to the fact that it is intrinsically nonlinear. It relies on the idea of adding to the gravity action topological invariant terms which suffice to regularize the Noether charges and render the variational problem well-posed. This is an idea that has been previously considered in the case of second-order theories, such as general relativity and which, as shown here, extends to higher-derivative theories. Besides black holes, we consider other solutions such as gravitational waves in AdS, for which we also find results that are in agreement. This enables us to investigate the consistency of this approach in the non-Einstein sector of the theory. © 2018 authors. Published by the American Physical Society.https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.98.04404

    Methodology for determining optimized traffic light cycles based on simulation

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    In large urbanized cities, a major problem that affects the economy and health of all citizens is vehicular congestion. This is because the traffic light cycles are not adequate. In the present study, we seek to optimize traffic light cycles based on simulation, in order to improve vehicle flow. For this, the PTV Vissim 9.0 software was used as a simulator and the Synchro 10.0 software to determine the initial optimal traffic light cycle. Through several runs and having as variables the length of queues, delay times and the average speed, the optimal traffic light cycle could be found for the study area. The results obtained reflect a 14% reduction in delay times and 10% in queue lengths. On the other hand, the average vehicle speed increased by 10.56%. All this represents an improvement in the service level of the study intersections

    El Persiles como mandala secreta, o de cómo Cervantes trasciende la autoridad eclesial de la época

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    Evaluating Responses of Sugar Beet Cultivars to Fusarium Species in Greenhouse and Field Conditions

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    Fusarium yellows of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is becoming an important disease in Minnesota and North Dakota in the United States. One of the best ways to manage Fusarium yellows is to develop and use resistant cultivars. Responses of eight sugar beet cultivars to three Fusarium species were determined in the greenhouse and compared to the responses of the same eight cultivars grown in a field already infected by Fusarium yellows. There were significant and appreciable relationships between greenhouse and field studies for responses of eight sugar beet cultivars on Fusarium yellows. The estimated correlation coefficient for area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) between observations in fields and those in greenhouses was 0.987 (p<0.01). The mean AUDPC were significantly different among cultivars (p<0.01) in the greenhouse and in the field studies. Of the cultivars, Van der Have 46177 was the most susceptible, but Crystal R434 the most resistant. Crystal 820, Van der Have 66561, and Beta 4797R were resistant, and Beta 4818R, Seedex Magnum, and Hilleshog 2463Rz were moderately resistant. There was a strong negative relationship between the AUDPC and recoverable sucrose yield in the field experiments and the estimated coefficient of determination was 0.939 (p<0.01). It was concluded that greenhouse screening can act as a useful and reliable means to evaluate and select beet germplasms and/or accessions for resistance to Fusarium yellows.Peer reviewe

    Sin Soberanía Alimentaria no hay seguridad alimentaria

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    Si bien este artículo no pretende cuestionar la eficacia de las políticas y prácticas reglamentadas para asegurar la salubridad de los alimentos, sí que quiere plantear algunas ideas que destapan la aleatoriedad de algunas de ellas, así como reflexionar sobre las consecuencias sociales de las mismas en términos de poder, quién gana y quién pierde. Hay que desenmascarar aquellas situaciones en las que los argumentos esgrimidos a favor de la seguridad de los alimentos, además de no atacar las verdaderas causas, son un ataque frontal a nuestra Soberanía Alimentaria