1,687 research outputs found

    Matrix-interpolation-based parametric model order reduction for multiconductor transmission lines with delays

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    A novel parametric model order reduction technique based on matrix interpolation for multiconductor transmission lines (MTLs) with delays having design parameter variations is proposed in this brief. Matrix interpolation overcomes the oversize problem caused by input-output system-level interpolation-based parametric macromodels. The reduced state-space matrices are obtained using a higher-order Krylov subspace-based model order reduction technique, which is more efficient in comparison to the Gramian-based parametric modeling in which the projection matrix is computed using a Cholesky factorization. The design space is divided into cells, and then the Krylov subspaces computed for each cell are merged and then truncated using an adaptive truncation algorithm with respect to their singular values to obtain a compact common projection matrix. The resulting reduced-order state-space matrices and the delays are interpolated using positive interpolation schemes, making it computationally cheap and accurate for repeated system evaluations under different design parameter settings. The proposed technique is successfully applied to RLC (R-resistor, L-inductor, C-capacitance) and MTL circuits with delays

    Model order reduction of time-delay systems using a laguerre expansion technique

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    The demands for miniature sized circuits with higher operating speeds have increased the complexity of the circuit, while at high frequencies it is known that effects such as crosstalk, attenuation and delay can have adverse effects on signal integrity. To capture these high speed effects a very large number of system equations is normally required and hence model order reduction techniques are required to make the simulation of the circuits computationally feasible. This paper proposes a higher order Krylov subspace algorithm for model order reduction of time-delay systems based on a Laguerre expansion technique. The proposed technique consists of three sections i.e., first the delays are approximated using the recursive relation of Laguerre polynomials, then in the second part, the reduced order is estimated for the time-delay system using a delay truncation in the Laguerre domain and in the third part, a higher order Krylov technique using Laguerre expansion is computed for obtaining the reduced order time-delay system. The proposed technique is validated by means of real world numerical examples

    Passivity-preserving parameterized model order reduction using singular values and matrix interpolation

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    We present a parameterized model order reduction method based on singular values and matrix interpolation. First, a fast technique using grammians is utilized to estimate the reduced order, and then common projection matrices are used to build parameterized reduced order models (ROMs). The design space is divided into cells, and a Krylov subspace is computed for each cell vertex model. The truncation of the singular values of the merged Krylov subspaces from the models located at the vertices of each cell yields a common projection matrix per design space cell. Finally, the reduced system matrices are interpolated using positive interpolation schemes to obtain a guaranteed passive parameterized ROM. Pertinent numerical results validate the proposed technique

    Guaranteed passive parameterized macromodeling by using Sylvester state-space realizations

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    A novel state-space realization for parameterized macromodeling is proposed in this paper. A judicious choice of the state-space realization is required in order to account for the assumed smoothness of the state-space matrices with respect to the design parameters. This technique is used in combination with suitable interpolation schemes to interpolate a set of state-space matrices, and hence the poles and residues indirectly, in order to build accurate parameterized macromodels. The key points of the novel state-space realizations are the choice of a proper pivot matrix and a well-conditioned solution of a Sylvester equation. Stability and passivity are guaranteed by construction over the design space of interest. Pertinent numerical examples validate the proposed Sylvester realization for parameterized macromodeling

    Parameterized modeling and model order reduction for large electrical systems

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    The slow tonic responses of the anterior byssus retractor of Mytilus edulis to rapid cooling were investigated by simultaneously recording tension and resting potential changes after soaking the muscle in banthine, a powerful neuromuscular blocking agent. The quantitative relations between the amount of cooling and the amount of associated depolarization necessary for contraction at various concentrations of potentiating potassium can be expressed in a family of curves. The plateaus of the curves for sea water and for potassium-free sea water were beneath the depolarization value necessary for contraction, so that it is clear that no amount of cooling with sea water alone or with potassium-free sea water would ever be effective. When the muscle is treated with subthreshold amounts of potassium and rapidly cooled in various concentrations of sodium ion and calcium ion, respectively, the sodium and calcium do not affect the amount of depolarization. Acetylcholine, in subthreshold amounts, has a potentiating effect, but, unlike potassium and cooling, acts through the nervous apparatus. Mytilus muscle will respond to cooling with tonic contraction whenever a critical threshold amount of depolarization is achieved. Cooling alone cannot trigger the contraction since it cannot bring about sufficient depolarization. Cooling can result in contraction, however, if used in conjunction with some other subthreshold depolarizing agent. Cooling affects the contractile mechanism by first causing membrane breakdown and depolarization