40 research outputs found

    Niuvanniemen nuoriso-osastolle ohjautuneiden potilaiden kotikuntien mielenterveyttä tukevien palvelujen tarjonta ja menot

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    Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin vuosina 2004–2007 Niuvanniemen sairaalan nuoriso-osastolla olleiden (N = 52) potilaiden kotikuntien (N = 34) talouden tunnuslukuja ja palvelujen käyttöä vuosina 1994–2008 vertaamalla niitä samansuuruisten kuntien (n = 34) tunnuslukuihin. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin potilaiden kotikuntien alaikäisten palveluihin käytettyjä menoja/alaikäinen vertailukuntien ja koko Suomen kuntien menoihin. Aineisto kerättiin Tilasto- ja indikaattoripankki SOTKAnetistä. Tilastollisina menetelminä käytettiin keskiarvotestejä. Potilaiden kotikunnissa oli vertailukuntiin verrattuna enemmän sairastavuutta ja mielenterveyssyistä työkyvyttömyyseläkkeellä olevia työikäisiä. Nuoriso-osastolla olleiden potilaiden kotikunnissa oli erityiskorvattaviin lääkkeisiin oikeutettuja alle 16-vuotiaita ja psykiatrian erikoissairaanhoidon laitoshoidon päiviä alle 17-vuotiailla enemmän kuin vertailukunnissa. Alaikäisten suuremmasta sairastavuudesta huolimatta kotikuntien alaikäisten peruspalvelujen käyttö ei eronnut vertailukunnista. Tulosten mukaan erityisen vaikeahoitoisten alaikäisten kotikuntien mielenterveyspalvelujen tarjonta on viime vuosiin saakka painottunut laitoshoitoon avopalvelujen sijaan. Lasten mielenterveyspalveluihin kohdennettujen valtionosuuksien myötä koko Suomessa erikoissairaanhoidon palveluihin käytetyt menot alaikäistä kohden ovat ylittäneet kouluterveydenhuoltoon sekä kasvatus- ja perheneuvolapalveluihin käytetyt menot

    Biological and other health related correlates of long-term life dissatisfaction burden

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    Background Mental health is interconnected with somatic health and can manifest itself in biological processes. Life dissatisfaction is an indicator of subjective well-being, but information on its biological correlates is scarce. The aim of this study was to investigate the biological correlates along with other health-related factors of long-term life dissatisfaction in a population-based sample. Methods As part of the Kuopio Depression Study, health questionnaires were sent to a randomly selected population-based sample in 1998, 1999, and 2001. In 2005, among a clinically studied sub-sample (n = 305), the 7-year long-term life dissatisfaction burden was assessed by summing life satisfaction scores from previous health questionnaires. Several sociodemographic, health, health behavior, and biological factors were investigated in respect to their associations to categorized (low and high) and continuous (linear regression) life satisfaction burden score (higher values indicating dissatisfaction). Results In the final linear regression model long-term life dissatisfaction burden was significantly associated with poor social support (B = 0.138; p < 0.001), marital status (i.e. living alone) (B = 0.049; p = 0.019), current smoking (B = 0.087; p < 0.001), poor sleep (B = 0.052; p = 0.001), use of statins (B = −0.052; p = 0.002) and lower serum adiponectin level (B = −0.001; p = 0.039) whereas association of metabolic syndrome was marginally nonsignificant (B = 0.029; p = 0.055). Conclusion Long-term life dissatisfaction is associated with adverse health, health behavioral, and social factors, as well as with a decreased anti-inflammatory buffer capacity, all indicating close relationships between subjective well-being and somatic morbidity.BioMed Central open acces

    Intranasal trimeric sherpabody inhibits SARS-CoV-2 including recent immunoevasive Omicron subvariants

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    Here the authors describe a small antibody-like protein that can prevent infection by diverse SARS-CoV-2 variants in cell culture and in mice that were intranasally treated with this inhibitor before or shortly after being exposed to the virus.The emergence of increasingly immunoevasive SARS-CoV-2 variants emphasizes the need for prophylactic strategies to complement vaccination in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Intranasal administration of neutralizing antibodies has shown encouraging protective potential but there remains a need for SARS-CoV-2 blocking agents that are less vulnerable to mutational viral variation and more economical to produce in large scale. Here we describe TriSb92, a highly manufacturable and stable trimeric antibody-mimetic sherpabody targeted against a conserved region of the viral spike glycoprotein. TriSb92 potently neutralizes SARS-CoV-2, including the latest Omicron variants like BF.7, XBB, and BQ.1.1. In female Balb/c mice intranasal administration of just 5 or 50 micrograms of TriSb92 as early as 8 h before but also 4 h after SARS-CoV-2 challenge can protect from infection. Cryo-EM and biochemical studies reveal triggering of a conformational shift in the spike trimer as the inhibitory mechanism of TriSb92. The potency and robust biochemical properties of TriSb92 together with its resistance against viral sequence evolution suggest that TriSb92 could be useful as a nasal spray for protecting susceptible individuals from SARS-CoV-2 infection.Peer reviewe

    Intranasal trimeric sherpabody inhibits SARS-CoV-2 including recent immunoevasive Omicron subvariants

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    The emergence of increasingly immunoevasive SARS-CoV-2 variants emphasizes the need for prophylactic strategies to complement vaccination in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Intranasal administration of neutralizing antibodies has shown encouraging protective potential but there remains a need for SARS-CoV-2 blocking agents that are less vulnerable to mutational viral variation and more economical to produce in large scale. Here we describe TriSb92, a highly manufacturable and stable trimeric antibody-mimetic sherpabody targeted against a conserved region of the viral spike glycoprotein. TriSb92 potently neutralizes SARS-CoV-2, including the latest Omicron variants like BF.7, XBB, and BQ.1.1. In female Balb/c mice intranasal administration of just 5 or 50 micrograms of TriSb92 as early as 8 h before but also 4 h after SARS-CoV-2 challenge can protect from infection. Cryo-EM and biochemical studies reveal triggering of a conformational shift in the spike trimer as the inhibitory mechanism of TriSb92. The potency and robust biochemical properties of TriSb92 together with its resistance against viral sequence evolution suggest that TriSb92 could be useful as a nasal spray for protecting susceptible individuals from SARS-CoV-2 infection

    ”Nenästä kiinni ja ponnistus ja hyppy! Kirjastot sopeutuivat koronakevääseen

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    Maailmanlaajuinen koronapandemia tavoitti maaliskuussa myös Suomen ja tieteelliset kirjastot siirtyivät muun yhteiskunnan mukana poikkeusoloihin. Vaikka koronakevät mullisti kirjastojen arjen, sopeutuminen uuteen tilanteeseen tapahtui kirjastoissa nopeasti ja joustavasti. Etätyöskentelyn mallit olivat monissa kirjastoissa jo entuudestaan tuttuja, mikä helpotti siirtymää. Tässä artikkelissa kirjastolaiset – Signumin koronakirjeenvaihtajat – kertovat kokemuksistaan ja havainnoistaan poikkeustilanteessa, ja välittävät tuokiokuvia digitalisoituvasta arjesta

    Long term life dissatisfaction and subsequent major depressive disorder and poor mental health

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Poor mental health, especially due to depression, is one of the main public health problems. Early indicators of poor mental health in general population are needed. This study examined the relationship between long-term life dissatisfaction and subsequent mental health, including major depressive disorder.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>Health questionnaires were sent to a randomly selected population-based sample in 1998 and repeated in 1999 and 2001. In 2005, a clinically studied sub-sample (n = 330) was composed of subjects with (n = 161) or without (n = 169) repeatedly reported adverse mental symptoms at all three previous data collection times. Clinical symptom assessments were performed with several psychometric scales: life satisfaction (<b>LS</b>), depression (<b>HDRS, BDI</b>), hopelessness (<b>HS</b>), mental distress (<b>GHQ</b>), dissociative experiences (<b>DES</b>), and alexithymia (<b>TAS</b>). The long-term life dissatisfaction burden was calculated by summing these life satisfaction scores in 1998, 1999, 2001 and dividing the sum into tertiles. Psychiatric diagnoses were confirmed by SCID-I for DSM-IV in 2005. Logistic regression analyses were performed to assess the studied relationship.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The previous life dissatisfaction burden associated with adverse socio-demographic, life style and clinical factors. In adjusted logistic regression analyses, it was independently and strongly associated with subsequent major depressive disorder in 2005, even when the concurrent LS score in 2005 was included in the model. Excluding those with reported major depressive disorder in 1999 did not alter this finding.</p> <p>Limitations</p> <p>MDD in 1999 was based on self-reports and not on structured interview and LS data in 2001-2005 was not available.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The life satisfaction burden is significantly related to major depressive disorder and poor mental health, both in cross-sectional and longitudinal settings.</p

    Position paper on screening for breast cancer by the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) and 30 national breast radiology bodies from Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Lithuania, Moldova, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.

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    UNLABELLED: EUSOBI and 30 national breast radiology bodies support mammography for population-based screening, demonstrated to reduce breast cancer (BC) mortality and treatment impact. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the reduction in mortality is 40 % for women aged 50-69 years taking up the invitation while the probability of false-positive needle biopsy is <1 % per round and overdiagnosis is only 1-10 % for a 20-year screening. Mortality reduction was also observed for the age groups 40-49 years and 70-74 years, although with "limited evidence". Thus, we firstly recommend biennial screening mammography for average-risk women aged 50-69 years; extension up to 73 or 75 years, biennially, is a second priority, from 40-45 to 49 years, annually, a third priority. Screening with thermography or other optical tools as alternatives to mammography is discouraged. Preference should be given to population screening programmes on a territorial basis, with double reading. Adoption of digital mammography (not film-screen or phosphor-plate computer radiography) is a priority, which also improves sensitivity in dense breasts. Radiologists qualified as screening readers should be involved in programmes. Digital breast tomosynthesis is also set to become "routine mammography" in the screening setting in the next future. Dedicated pathways for high-risk women offering breast MRI according to national or international guidelines and recommendations are encouraged. KEY POINTS: • EUSOBI and 30 national breast radiology bodies support screening mammography. • A first priority is double-reading biennial mammography for women aged 50-69 years. • Extension to 73-75 and from 40-45 to 49 years is also encouraged. • Digital mammography (not film-screen or computer radiography) should be used. • DBT is set to become "routine mammography" in the screening setting in the next future