121 research outputs found

    Corte Suprema de Justicia Vs la huelga de la Asociación Colombiana de Aviadores Civiles (ACDAC) 2017. Análisis de sentencias C 033 del 2014 y T 987 de 2012

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    Artículo de ReflexiónEsta investigación busca analizar desde una perspectiva general, los argumentos utilizados por la Corte Suprema de Justica para declarar la ilegalidad de la huelga de la Asociación Colombiana de Aviadores Civiles en contra de la aerolínea Avianca, toda vez que fundamentan su decisión en las sentencias C- 033 del 2014 y la sentencia T-987 del 2012, las cuales aducen no haber seguido el procedimiento correspondiente, la Corte alega que el proceso de votación para instaurar la huelga no ha contado con las mayorías establecidas legalmente para hacer la huelga y a su vez por recaer sobre un servicio público esencial que el gobierno nacional ha establecido en la sentencia C - 450 del año 1995, no obstante, no se analizan los derechos sindicales con los que cuentan los operadores aéreos, motivo por el cual se debe realizar un análisis minucioso a los derechos adquiridos por parte de los operadores ya que una de las razones por las cuales se ha dado origen a este conflicto es la difícil situación laboral en la que se encuentran los pilotos, debido a que no se les ha garantizado el derecho al debido proceso.1. Introducción 2. Sindicatos en Colombia y su análisis comparativo al caso en concreto 3. Origen del conflicto 4. El transporte aéreo como servicio público esencial y el derecho a la huelga 5. Análisis de las sentencias C-033 del 2014 y T-987 del 2012. 6. Decisión de la Corte Suprema de Justicia 7. Conclusiones 8. ReferenciasPregradoAbogad

    An Assessment of Extreme Mooring Loads for Floating Offshore Wind Structures Using Conditional Waves

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    Wind power is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world and plays a significant role in the transition to sustainable energy systems. However, the costs of substructures and moorings limit the potential of floating wind turbines to be placed at depths greater than 60 m with stronger and steadier winds. Experimental tests on two types of foundations for floating wind turbines at 1:100 scale representing a full-scale water depth of 220 meters have been tested in irregular sea states and conditional waves to study the relationship between local wave characteristics and extreme response and mooring loads. Both models are moored using a light mooring system mounted above the still water level, where the slack mooring lines for a spar buoy frequently induce snap loads, compared to a tauter mooring system for a semi-submersible float avoiding snap loads in all three sea states. \\ The irregular waves are modeled using JONSWAP spectra representing 50-year storm conditions. The conditional waves consist of a focused wave group embedded in a random background sea, called the Most likely Wave (MLW), and two wave series conditioned on the floater's transfer functions called the Most Likely Response Wave (MLRW) and Conditional Random Response Wave (CRRW). The conditional waves need new methods when calibrated to ensure their properties are preserved, whereas the methods used are experimental and cause significant uncertainties in the results. Still, the recorded mooring loads and responses at the focal time in MLRW and CRRW are higher for both models than recordings at the focal time in the MLW, indicating that the most extreme events do not necessarily arise from extreme wave heights. This is supported by findings in the 3-hour sea-states, where the top ten mooring loads in all three sea-states appear to correlate with the devices' dominant behavior. The spar buoy is as well modeled in OrcaFlex in full-scale using experimental parameters as input. OrcaWave is used to compute the hydrodynamic coefficients, and the system characteristics in OrcaFlex are tuned after experimental decay tests. Despite a good agreement between the numerical and experimental decay tests, the short-term response statistics are severely underpredicted.Masteroppgave i havteknologiHTEK3995MAMN-HTEKMAMN-HTE

    Educação e condição feminina em um tratado de Alexandre de Gusmão escrito na América Portuguesa no final do século XVII

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    Neste artigo apresentamos uma análise dos discursos acerca da educação e da condição feminina presentes na obra Arte de crear bem os filhos na idade da Puericia. Escrita na América Portuguesa, mas publicada inicialmente em Portugal no ano de 1685, a obra de autoria do padre jesuíta Alexandre de Gusmão (1629-1724) destinou seu último capítulo, “Do especial cuidado que se deve ter na criação das meninas”, para tratar das advertências necessárias à boa educação de raparigas. No contexto de produção da obra educativa proposta por Alexandre de Gusmão, queremos propor a análise de um conjunto de enunciados que colocam em evidência uma espécie de ordenamento das condições de vida e das orientações educativas de sujeitos infantis femininos. Inferimos que a propagação de obras de cunho moralista no espaço luso-brasileiro entre os séculos XVII e XVIII possibilitou a circulação de tais ordens enunciativas, influenciando, significativamente, o comportamento social da época. A partir de uma perspectiva histórica e filosófica, principalmente através de referenciais teóricos foucaultianos, entendemos que a obra foi um eficiente mecanismo que atuou na constituição discursiva de modelos específicos de educação para garantir a produção de um determinado tipo de sujeito infantil feminino. Notadamente, identificamos duas normativas que advertiam sobre a boa criação das meninas cristãs através das práticas de guarda e recolhimento.In this paper we present an analysis of the discourses about education and the female condition present in the work Arte de crear bem os filhos na Idade da Puericia [Art of raising children well at the age of childhood]. Written in the Portuguese America, but initially published in Portugal in 1685, the work by the Jesuit priest Alexandre de Gusmão (1629-1724) assigned its last chapter, “Of the special care that must be taken in raising girls”, to address the warnings necessary for the good upbringing of girls. In the context of production of the educational work proposed by Alexandre de Gusmão, we want to propose the analysis of a set of statements that put in evidence a kind of ordering of the living conditions and educational guidelines of female children. We infer that the propagation of works of a moralist nature in the Luso-Brazilian space between the 17th and 18th centuries enabled the circulation of such enunciative orders, significantly influencing the social behavior of the time. From a historical and philosophical perspective, mainly through Foucauldian theoretical references, we understand that the work was an efficient mechanism that acted in the discursive constitution on specific models of education to guarantee the production of a certain type of female child subject. Notably, we identified two regulations that warned about the good upbringing of Christian girls through the practices of guardianship and retreat

    A exortação do poder pastoral na educação das crianças em um tratado de Alexandre de Gusmão, América Portuguesa (Século XVII)

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    This article is intended, from the conceptual surveillance and punishment categories, analyzing the strategies that guided the process of meeting the specific ways of being subject child male in Luso-Brazilian eighteenth-century context, prescribed in the work Arte de crear bem os Filhos na idade da Puericia. Written in Portuguese America, but first published in Portugal in 1685, the work written by the Jesuit Alexandre de Gusmão (1629-1724) offered a list of regulations that defined how one should form a "perfect boy. From a Foucaultian analysis we identify in the Jesuit's preaching a discursive incitement to the mechanism of pastoral power through a set of recommendations for parents on the importance of guarding children and how to discipline and punish these children to "create well."Este artículo pretende, a partir de las categorías conceptuales de vigilancia y castigo, analizar las estrategias que orientaron el proceso de constituición de los sujetos masculinos de los niños en el contexto portugués-brasileño de finales de los seiscientos, presentes en la obra Arte de crear bem os Filhos na Idade da Puericia. Escrita en la América portuguesa, pero publicada por primera vez en Portugal en 1685, la obra escrita por el jesuita Alexandre de Gusmão (1629-1724) ofrecía una lista de reglamentos que definían cómo se debía formar un "chico perfecto". Desde un referencial de análisis de Foucault identificamos el jesuita predicando una incitación discursiva al mecanismo del poder pastoral a través de un conjunto de recomendaciones para los padres sobre la importancia de proteger a los niños y cómo disciplinar y castigar a estos niños para "crear bien".Neste artigo pretende-se, a partir das categorias conceituais vigilância e punição, analisar as estratégias que orientavam o processo de constituição dos sujeitos masculinos infantis, no contexto luso-brasileiro do final do seiscentos, presentes na obra Arte de crear bem os Filhos na idade da Puericia. Escrita na América portuguesa, mas publicada em Portugal no ano de 1685, a obra de autoria do padre jesuíta Alexandre de Gusmão (1629-1724) oferecia um elenco de normativas que definiam como se deveria formar um “perfeito menino”. A partir de uma analítica foucaultiana identificamos nas prédicas do jesuíta uma incitação discursiva ao mecanismo do poder pastoral através de um conjunto de recomendações para os pais sobre a importância de vigiar as crianças e de como disciplinar e castigar estes meninos para se “bem crear”.

    Cartilla guía para la ejecución de prácticas de laboratorio en saneamiento de agua potable

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl archivo que se entrega, posee las siete practicas necesarias en laboratorios para la materia plantas de tratamiento de agua potable y residual, se entrega un archivo fotográfico el cual se encuentra visualmente dentro del texto impreso y magnético entregado, se realiza para hacer más fácil la concepción de los diferentes laboratorios, además posee cualidades que facilitan al estudiante el análisis y estudio de los archivos.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Varumärkens nya genväg till värde - En studie om heritage branding från ett konsumentperspektiv

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    Examensarbetets titel: Varumärkens nya genväg till värde – En studie om heritage branding från ett konsumentperspektiv Seminariedatum: 2014-05-26 Kurs: FEKN90, Examensarbete på̊ Civilekonomprogrammet, 30 högskolepoäng Författare: Marielle Gomez & Filip Ripe Handledare: Annette Cerne Nyckelord: Brand Heritage, Autenticitet, Förtroende, Värdeskapande, Konsument ambivalens Syfte: Från ett konsumentperspektiv undersöka till vilken grad ett påhittat eller lånat heritage har betydelse för konsumenters upplevda värde. Metod: Uppsatsen har en abduktiv ansats och tillämpar en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi. Studien är tolkande och reflekterande i sin karaktär då den undersöker konsumenters beteende- och attitydmönster mot varumärken som använder sig av påhittat eller lånat heritage. Uppsatsen har genom en explorativ fallstudie studerat konsumenters uppfattningar och vilka attityder som skapas mot varumärken som marknadsför ett lånat eller påhittat heritage. Det empiriska materialet samlas in genom fokusgrupper, butiksobservationer och förklädda semi-strukturerade intervjuer med butikspersonal. Då studien är tolkande och reflekterande i sin karaktär har vi valt att alternera empiri och analys för att nå fram till en så heltäckande slutsats som möjligt. Teoretiska perspektiv: Studien utgår främst från teorier om värdeskapande, kundbeteenden och heritage branding. Heritage brands (Aaker, 1996; Urde et al., 2007; Urde, 2009) benämns ofta vara varumärken som har en lång historia, beundransvärt arv och anses vara autentiska. Genom sitt arv hävdar författarna att varumärkena kan uppfattas vara trovärdiga, beundransvärda och högkvalitativa. Däremot har senare forskning ifrågasatt betydelsen och behovet av att det arv varumärken bygger sin identitet på faktiskt grundar sig i varumärkenas verkliga arv. Alexander (2009) och DeFanti et al. (2013) nämner i sina artiklar varumärken med fiktiva arv som får samma fördelar och anses kunna skapa samma värde som varumärken med verkliga arv. Genom att använda ett egenkonstruerat teoretiskt ramverk där vi kombinerat delar av tidigare forskning, undersöker vi ur ett kundperspektiv hur konsumenter reagerar på varumärken med påhittade eller lånade arv och ursprung. Empiri: Det empiriska materialet har samlats in från fokusgrupper, butiksobservationer och förklädda semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Genom det empiriska materialet har vi undersökt hur konsumenters attityder och reaktioner på fiktiva arv och utforskade hur varumärken med fiktiva arv marknaden deras berättelse. Slutsatser: Genom denna studies resultat har vi nått slutsatser som visar att varumärken med delvis påhittat eller lånat arv kan ta del av de fördelar och skapa värde som autentiska heritage brands.Title of the degree project: Brands new path to success – A study about heritage branding from a consumer perspective Seminar date: 2014-05-26 Course: FEKN90, Degree Project, Master of Science in Business and Economics, 30 ECTS- credits Authors: Marielle Gomez & Filip Ripe Advisor: Annette Cerne Key words: Brand Heritage, Authenticity, Trust, Value creation, Customer ambivalence Purpose: From a consumer perspective examine to what extent a fictional or borrowed heritage affect consumer’s perceived value. Methodology: The thesis is using an abductive approach and a qualitative research method. The study has an interpretative and reflective character as it examines consumers’ feelings and attitudes towards brands that uses fictional or borrowed heritage. Through an explorative case study the thesis is investigating customers’ attitudes and feelings towards heritage brands that use a fictional or borrowed heritage. The empirical material is collected through focus groups, store observations and disguised semi-structured interviews with store employees. Due to the fact that the study is interpretative and reflective of its character we have chosen to alternate the empirical material and analysis to reach a conclusion of as much comprehensive character as possible. Theoretical perspectives: The study is mainly based on theories about value creation, customer behaviour and heritage branding. Heritage brands (Aaker, 1996; Urde et al., 2007; Urde, 2009) are often defined as brands with a long track record, admired legacy and authenticity. Through brand heritage the authors claim that brands can be perceived as trustworthy, admired and having high quality. However, recent research has questioned heritage brands need of authenticity. Alexander (2009) and DeFanti et al. (2013) have mentioned brands with fictional heritage that extract the same benefits and values as brands with real heritage. By using a self-constructed theoretical framework that has been made by combining aspects from previous research we investigate how customers react to brands with fictional heritages and origins. Empirical foundation: The empirical material is collected from focus groups, store observations and disguised semi-instructed interviews. We then investigated customers’ attitudes and reactions on fictional heritage from our empirical findings and explored how brands with fictional heritage market their story. Conclusions: The results of this study has come to the conclusion that brands with borrowed or fictive heritage can create the same benefits and values as authentic heritage brands