64 research outputs found

    A methodology of assessment based on the interaction between practice-based paths and standardized enquiring instruments

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    The object of this paper is to describe an intervention conducted using specific assessment tools created after an analysis of work practices and standardized instruments. The experience was carried out at a company managing the yard of an important commercial port in Italy, and in this paper the authors also present the reasons underlying the intervention request and a brief explanation of the specific context in which this company operates. After a description of the steps taken to enquire the work practices on the field, the article continues explaining how, starting from the results of the study about the practices, the authors created specific assessment techniques tailored for this particular situations. Such techniques consist of focus groups and role playing, expressly adapted to the context. A tool for evaluation, namely a grid containing different indicators was also created on the basis of the company needs. At the same time, the authors chose a set of standardized instruments with the aim of using them for integrating the qualitative results. These instruments were the M.P.P. test (Multidimensional Personality Profile) and some Organizational Citizenship scales. The set of the instruments was integrated to provide the company with a broader and more exhaustive set of information, in which the two types of tools gave a different contribution. The complexity of the problems at stake makes the choice of a qualitative approach necessary. As it is known, anyway, this is unique and non repeatable. For this reason it is important to make it sounder by adding objective data, in order to gain new and strong elements for sustaining the argumentations and making the conclusions usable and controllable by the company and the scientific community

    Qualitative research in social and organizational psychology: the Italian way

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    Our paper provides a mapping of qualitative research in social and organizational psychology. This mapping was directed by the authors’ choices and this means that scholars from other perspectives are likely to offer different readings of the same topic. The first choice was to not consider the clinical and developmental psychological research, so to deepen our exploration of the two areas in which we work on, and on which we have a more articulated perspective. These two areas differ for some aspects, but they also present some relevant common elements, as it is demonstrated by the fact that scholars working in social and organizational psychology are part of the same academic recruitment field (“11/E3 Social psychology and work and organizational psychology”). The first section of the article consists of a short history of qualitative research in Italian psychology. To deepen the focus on the most recent developments, in the second section we present a review of the scientific articles published in the last five years

    Trade unions in neo-liberal times: Discourse variations on emerging identities

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    This paper focuses on how trade unions are redefining their organisational identity in response to the neoliberal changes that have affected the labour market, mainly as a result of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. Such changes brought about a profound crisis of representation among workers in various sectors. Trade unions have had to redesign their identities to meet new demands from workers. Based on 30 interviews with unionists from one of Italy’s major unions, the study identifies four discursive variations and as many potential evolutions in the identity of trade unions. The respective positionings generated by these four discourses for the union and its members are examined. The study also highlights certain contradictions in these discursive variations, which may either encourage a redefinition of the union’s strategic objectives or, on the contrary, act as regulating mechanism that hampers change

    Unmasking Reflexivity in HR Managers During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy

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    This paper explores how some Italian HR managers narrate the changes imposed by the COVID-19 threat in the workplace. Events since December 2019 have presented exceptional circumstances to which HR managers have reacted in very different ways. This study explored how HR managers came to introduce organizational changes aimed at coping with the emergency, as well as how employees were involved in those organizational changes. The article is based on a thematic analysis of some interviews with Italian HR managers whose companies decided to switch working from home on a massive scale. We wanted to offer some reflections on the actions taken by a few HR managers and Italian companies to keep working at a time when most workers were forced to respect the lockdown

    Digital Onboarding: Facilitators and Barriers to Improve Worker Experience

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    The pandemic has forced organizations to find new ways of working. In fact, we are seeing an increase in remote working and this has inevitably impacted onboarding processes. In this respect, the aim of this study was to understand how young graduates under 30 experienced digital onboarding (in terms of emotions and cognitions) when joining organizations with structured Human Resources processes. An exploratory qualitative study was conducted in which participants were asked to fill in ethnographic sheets in order to understand the barriers and facilitators that organizations can implement to improve the digital onboarding experience. We used thematic analysis. What emerged from our study is that newcomers struggled, in digital contexts, to find the right information, to be proactive and to receive immediate feedback in order to understandthe context and to understand their fit with the company: it is important not to lose sight of the importance of socialization, but rather to find effective and structured practices that facilitate it and make it last over time. In our study, we argue that a structured digital onboarding program could be a relevant step in order to implement an effective transition towards remote working cultures and an attention to socialization processes

    Delphi Initiative for Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer (DIRECt) International Management Guidelines

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    Background & aims: Patients with early-onset colorectal cancer (eoCRC) are managed according to guidelines that are not age-specific. A multidisciplinary international group (DIRECt), composed of 69 experts, was convened to develop the first evidence-based consensus recommendations for eoCRC. Methods: After reviewing the published literature, a Delphi methodology was used to draft and respond to clinically relevant questions. Each statement underwent 3 rounds of voting and reached a consensus level of agreement of ≥80%. Results: The DIRECt group produced 31 statements in 7 areas of interest: diagnosis, risk factors, genetics, pathology-oncology, endoscopy, therapy, and supportive care. There was strong consensus that all individuals younger than 50 should undergo CRC risk stratification and prompt symptom assessment. All newly diagnosed eoCRC patients should receive germline genetic testing, ideally before surgery. On the basis of current evidence, endoscopic, surgical, and oncologic treatment of eoCRC should not differ from later-onset CRC, except for individuals with pathogenic or likely pathogenic germline variants. The evidence on chemotherapy is not sufficient to recommend changes to established therapeutic protocols. Fertility preservation and sexual health are important to address in eoCRC survivors. The DIRECt group highlighted areas with knowledge gaps that should be prioritized in future research efforts, including age at first screening for the general population, use of fecal immunochemical tests, chemotherapy, endoscopic therapy, and post-treatment surveillance for eoCRC patients. Conclusions: The DIRECt group produced the first consensus recommendations on eoCRC. All statements should be considered together with the accompanying comments and literature reviews. We highlighted areas where research should be prioritized. These guidelines represent a useful tool for clinicians caring for patients with eoCRC
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