246 research outputs found

    Design and characterization of magnetic systems in race-track microtrons

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    During last four or five decades there has been a growing demand in particle accelerators which can provide electron beams in the energy ranging from 2 MeV to 100 MeV with high energy resolution and good dose control. Other important requirements are that the machines must be compact, of low power consumption, low price and relatively low maintenance cost. There is a variety of sectors interested in such particle accelerators ranging from industry (industrial radiography) to nuclear physics experiments. One type of machines that meet all these requirements are the electron accelerators with beam recirculation. Fair representatives of this class of accelerators are race-track microtrons (RTM). These sources of electron beam are the most efficient equipment for applications with a relatively low beam current and medium energies ranging from 2 MeV to 100 MeV. The aim of the present thesis is to perform studies of some aspects of the RTMs. One part of the thesis is devoted to the design and development of magnetic elements with permanent magnets of two RTMs for different applications. The first one, which is currently under construction at the UPC (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña), is a novel accelerator with the beam energy variable between 6 MeV and 12 MeV for medical applications (Intraoperative Radiation Therapy treatments). The other machine is a 55 MeV RTM for the detection of explosives by means of photonuclear reactions, which is at the stage of tests at the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP). The magnetic field in the designed magnets is generated by rare earth permanent magnet (REPM) materials. This allows to get quite compact magnetic systems compatible with high vacuum environment. In the thesis the design and magnetic properties characterization of the magnetic system of these RTMs are carried out. The calculations were performed by means of 2D and 3D simulations using the POISSON, FEMM and ANSYS codes. In the case of the UPC RTM the design of the 180º dipoles, extraction magnets and quadrupole magnet are carried out. For the SINP 55 MeV RTM the optimization of the magnetic field shielding with the aim to reduce the stray magnetic field generated by the extraction magnet is presented. The results of the simulations were confirmed by experimental measurements of the magnetic field of the magnet with the optimized magnetic field shielding. In the other part of the thesis some aspects of the beam dynamics in RTM magnetic systems are studied. A detailed analysis of the fringe - field focusing in RTM dipole magnets is carried out. Equations for calculation of the fringe - field effect on electron beam trajectories are derived and are applied for a study of the end magnets of the UPC 12 MeV RTM. A general formalism for describing the longitudinal beam dynamics in RTMs for electron beams with arbitrary energy and end magnets with arbitrary magnetic field profile is also developed. This formalism is used for the calculation of the phase-slip effect in RTMs with low energy injection

    La protección social en el este de Europa: el caso polaco

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     The article proposes the conception of defence planning system development with program-goal method application that based on analysis of advanced experience of developed countries. Article specified the place of program-goal method in resolving defence planning tasks of national security.</p

    Controlant les lesions als vasos sanguinis que provoca la diabetis

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    La diabetis mellitus és una malaltia molt comuna. Un dels seus efectes és l'aparició de lesions a les parets dels vasos sanguinis. En aquest treball s'ha observat diferents components presents a la sang que indiquen el nivell de lesió per esbrinar quin efecte pot tenir sobre els malalts una alimentació rica en greixos.La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad muy común. Uno de sus efectos es la aparición de lesiones en las paredes de los vasos sanguíneos. En esta investigación se ha observado diferentes componentes presentes en la sangre que indican el nivel de lesión para averiguar qué efecto puede tener sobre los enfermos una alimentación rica en grasas

    El futuro de la atención a la dependencia: sostenibilidad y prospectiva

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    El aumento de la demanda de protección sociosanitaria en los Estados del bienestar y la amenaza a la sotenibilidad financiera de los mismos requiere de soluciones más eficaces, que proporcionen mayor calidad de vida, y más eficientes. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una propuesta alternativa de escenarios de atención a la dependencia de máxima eficiencia, utilizando como referencia el coste de la misma, tanto en la asistencia social como en la asistencia sanitaria, basada en los principios de sostenibilidad social, calidad de vida y equidad. El artículo recoge datos sobre los costes de las estancias en hospitales de personas dependientes, y los costes y beneficios de los escenarios asistenciales alternativos. La conclusión final es que sería posible aumentar en un porcentaje significativo las personas que reciben servicios hospitalarios sin aumentar el gasto de atención a las personas dependientes

    Care needs among the dependent population in Spain: an empirical approach

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    The objective of the present paper was to identify the profile and needs of social and healthcare users in Spain who required long-term care. To achieve this goal, an extensive empirical study was carried out in 2001 of a typical southern European region: the Valencia Autonomous Region in Spain. The method used was a questionnaire-based survey. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire comprising 119 questions grouped into seven sections: social and demographic data; clinical diagnosis and treatment; living environment; degree of dependence in activities of daily living (ADLs); cognitive state; social support; and the social, demographic and attendance data of the carer, if available. The sampling was carried out in two strata, i.e. social and healthcare: first, the authors randomly selected the centres and services as sampling points, and then they randomly selected the subjects. A total of 1265 people were interviewed. The results show different care profiles: users aged under 65 years were mostly mentally ill and/or drug users requiring short- and medium-term care from the health services, while those aged over 65 years had chronic illnesses for which they were actively receiving treatment, were functionally dependent for ADLs, and were normally receiving social care that basically provided company and resolved functional limitations

    TCT-279 Characterization of Plaque Removed by Rotational Atherectomy

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    Amenazas al sistema de bienestar español en los inicios del tercer milenio

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    Los países europeos se encuentran en un proceso de convergencia que conlleva el planteamiento de similares problemas sociales, económicos y políticos. En particular, el bienestar se empieza a concebir como un valor supranacional que requiere de la conjunción de criterios y esfuerzos para su mantenimiento ante problemas sobrevenidos en todos los países, como son el aumento de la ratio de pensionistas y el aumento de la demanda de cuidados de larga duración, ambos muy correlacionados con el envejecimiento de la población europea, que significan una carga creciente sobre los sistemas públicos sanitario y de pensiones. Además, en los estados meridionales concurre otro fenómeno que afecta directamente a la provisión del bienestar, como es la incorporación de la mujer al mundo laboral que tiene asociada una progresiva desfamilización de la sociedad. Ante la ruptura de la solidaridad familiar que ello trae asociado, aparece un incremento de la demanda de cuidados hacia el Estado que grava aún más el gasto público. Estos problemas comunes se producen en coyunturas aún diferentes en cada modelo de bienestar, pero la convergencia supone plantear respuestas que, a largo plazo, sean útiles para todos los países. El actual modelo de bienestar meridional se enfrenta con tres problemas sociodemográficos: el envejecimiento de la población, el aumento de la dependencia y la crisis del apoyo informal o desfamilización. En este artículo, se aportan datos y proyecciones que tomados de forma conjunta ponen de manifiesto que estos problemas amenazan la sostenibilidad de las estructuras de bienestar del modelo mediterráneo

    Towards a new welfare state: the social sustainability principle and health care strategies

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    In this paper we propose a social and health care model that offers alternatives to three problems arising in converging European welfare states, particularly in the southern nations: the rise in demand for services and features linked to the ageing process, the increase in dependency and the crisis of informal support. Development of the principles of social sustainability implies re-formulation of the regulatory, care, economic, administrative, cultural, and axiological framework enabling a response to the needs of long term care without compromising the welfare of future generations. Together with this principle, quality of life elevated to a subjective right directs attention towards the sphere closest to citizens, eliminating all barriers, which hamper exercise of this right. All of the above produces economic and social costs which must be accepted from a viewpoint of social co-responsibility, which brings with it the supply of welfare individually, without detriment to the exercise of state responsibility in guaranteeing a social protection system of a universal nature

    Suitability of the Health and Social Care Resources for Persons Requiring Long-Term Care in Spain: An Empirical Approach

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    The objective of this paper is to examine the suitability of specific facilities for dependent persons for meeting users" needs.A total of 1265 users of social and health facilities for dependent persons were interviewed in a study carried out in a typical southern European region with a Mediterranean welfare system: the Valencia Autonomous Region in Spain. Data were obtained on users" socio-demographic profile, health, functional dependence, cognition, social support and housing suitability. Based on these data and the institutional definitions of the specific facilities for dependent persons, the suitability index was drawn up for each facility and suitability was evaluated using discriminant analysis. The results give a high suitability index for most of the facilities (between 0.661 for Units for Home Hospitalisation and 1.000 for Units for Psychiatric Hospitalisation). But a significant percentage of patients (17% in Hospitals for Chronically Ill and Long-stay Patients) could be cared for in different facilities to the ones they actually use

    Efecto del control glucémico y del ejercicio físico sobre marcadores de riesgo cardiovascular en la diabetes mellitus

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    La diabetes mellitus se asocia a un incremento del riesgo de enfermedad vascular arteriosclerótica que no se explica totalmente por su asociación a otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular clásicos. Existen factores más específicos asociados a la diabetes (disfunción endotelial, incremento de la Lp(a), alteraciones de la coagulación, modificaciones de las LDL) que podrían contribuir a que ésta actúe como un factor independiente de enfermedad cardiovascular. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue valorar el efecto de la práctica de ejercicio físico regular sobre las concentraciones de Lp(a) y diversas modificaciones de las partículas LDL (tamaño, electronegatividad, susceptibilidad a la oxidación) así como en los marcadores de lesión endotelial implicados en la trombosis y fibrinolisis factor von Willebrand (vWF), trombomodulina (TM), tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), activador tisular del plasminógeno (t-PA) y su inhibidor (PAI-1). en pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 y tipo 2 no entrenados, con control glucémico aceptable y estable. Así mismo estudiamos el efecto de la optimización del control glucémico sobre dichos marcadores de lesión endotelial en pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 de reciente diagnóstico y por tanto sin complicaciones crónicas. En cuanto al efecto del ejercicio físico los hallazgos más importantes fueron el descenso significativo de las concentraciones de Lp(a) en pacientes con niveles basales elevados así como una tendencia a disminuir el porcentaje de LDL electronegativa. Tanto las concentraciones de TM (incrementadas en los pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 y en los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2) como las de TFPI (incrementadas en los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2) se normalizaron después de seguir durante 3 meses un programa de ejercicio físico aeróbico de intensidad en torno al 70% de la VO2 max con una frecuencia de 3 o más días por semana. Los pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 en situación de mal control glucémico (HbA1c = 11.2± 2.3%) presentaron concentraciones elevadas de TFPI y TM. Después de 3 meses de terapia intensificada la optimización del control glucémico (HbA1c= 6.7±0.7%) se acompañó de una normalización de los niveles de TFPI pero no así de los de TM. En conclusión podemos decir que el ejercicio físico y la optimización del control glucémico tienen efectos beneficiosos y complementarios sobre diversos factores asociados con el riesgo cardiovascular en la diabetes mellitus, especialmente alteraciones lipídicas y del endotelio vascular.Increased risk of cardiovascular disease associated to diabetes cannot be explained only through its association with other classical risk factors. There are several other factors (endothelial dysfunction, Lp(a) increased concentrations, coagulation disorders and LDL modifications) that could contribute to the diabetes-related increased cardiovascular disease prevalence. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of physical training on Lp(a), LDL modifications (size, electronegativity, oxidation) and some endothelial damage markers involved in thrombosis and fibrinolysis (von Willebrand factor (vWF), thrombomodulin (TM), tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and its inhibitor (PAI-1) in a group of 14 type 1 and 13 type 2 untrained diabetic patients. Furthemore, we studied the effect of glycaemic control optimisation on these endothelial markers. The most relevant finding regarding the effect of physical training were the decrease in Lp(a) concentrations in those patients showing increased levels and the tendency to the reduction in the proportion of electronegative LDL. The increased levels of TM and TFPI normalised after the 3-month exercise program at 70% of VO2 max intensity and a frequency of more than 3 days/week. Patients under poor glycaemic control (HbA1c = 11.2± 2.3%) showed increased TFPI and TM concentrations. After 3 months of intensive insulin therapy, the glycaemic control improvement (HbA1c= 6.7±0.7%) was followed by the TFPI normalisation. In conclusion, physical exercise and glycaemic control have beneficial and complementary effects on some factors associated with the increased cardiovascular risk in diabetes, particularlly dyslipidaemia and endothelial dysfunction