26 research outputs found


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    The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of corporate governance index, concentration ownership, firm age and listing tenure on the level of earnings management (discretionary accruals). Measurement of earnings management (discretionary accruals) using performance matched free cash flow model (Bhuiyan et.al, 2013). This research refers to research conducted by Bhuiyan et.al (2013) with some modification. Population of this research were non-financial companies that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during 2012-2014 with a total sample of 153. Data were collected by using purposive sampling method. Multiple linear regression analysis was used as main analysis tool in this research. The results of this research show that corporate governance index has a negatif significant influence on the level of earnings management (discretionary accruals). Ownership concentration has a positif significant influence on the level of earnings management. Whereas firm age and listing tenure had no significant effect on the level of earnings management

    Online Loan Application against Islamic Sharia from the Informatics Aspect

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    In discussing social and organizational change, religion is one important aspect that is often overlooked despite its significant role in social life and society. Religion influences culture, customs, behavior, and communication. Several studies on the use of information technology based on religion have been carried out with a case study approach in areas such as education, economics, and health. However, none of them have incorporated the religious aspect in the application design. One of the information technology and economic products that is closely related to everyday life is online loan applications. Many studies have been conducted on online loan applications in terms of law, economics, and psychology, but they have not explored Islamic Sharia-based on informatics aspects. As the main foundation for online loan applications, informatics should be the basis of studies used to consider making regulations for both general and Islamic Sharia. This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of Islamic Sharia values in online loan applications related to the informatics aspect. Based on the laws of OJK (Financial Services Authority) and the fatwas of MUI (Majelis Ulema Council) regarding online loan applications, it has been found that applications legally registered with the OJK have complied with Islamic Sharia as stipulated by the MUI. However, in illegal online loan applications, many detrimental problems are found that do not comply with Islamic Sharia. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to take action in the form of regulations, social education, and support for religious knowledge to address these online loan issues


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    Fenomena seks pranikah remaja bisa dikatakan bukan kenakalan lagi, melainkan sesuatu yang wajar dan menjadi kebiasaan. Terbukti terdapat 27 kasus kehamilan tidak diinginkan pada tahun 2012. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah pola asuh yang tidak efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan persepsi remaja tentang seks pranikah di SMA PGRI 1 Jombang tahun 2013. Desain penelitian ini adalah analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, pola asuh orang tua sebagai variabel independen dan persepsi remaja tentang seks pranikah sebagai variabel dependen, sampel sebagian siswa kelas X sebanyak 176 responden dengan teknik Simple Random Sampling, dan uji statistik Rank Spearman. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data persepsi remaja tentang seks pranikah didapatkan 79,0 % responden berpersepsi negatif, hasil analisa data pola asuh orang tua didapatkan 77,3 % orang tua responden menerapkan pola asuh otoriter. Setelah dilakukan uji statistik dengan Rank Spearman menggunakan SPSS didapatkan p value (0,000) lebih kecil dari ? (0,05), maka H1 diterima atau Ho ditolak dengan koefisien korelasi 0,970. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa hampir seluruhnya orang tua siswa menerapkan pola asuh otoriter, hampir seluruhnya responden berpersepsi negatif sehingga ada hubungan yang sangat kuat antara pola asuh orang tua dengan persepsi remaja tentang seks pranikah di SMA PGRI 1 Jombang tahun 2013.  Untuk mengubah persepsi buruk remaja harus menggunakan strategi terpadu dengan melihat faktor-faktor penyebabnya yang paling dominan. Agar hasilnya efektif, tiga lingkungan pendidikan yaitu keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat harus bekerja sama dalam membentuk persepsi dan perilaku remaja yang baik tentang seks pranikah.   Kata kunci: Pola asuh orang tua, Persepsi, Remaja, Seks Pranikah   &nbsp

    Penatalaksanaan Terapi Latihan Post Operasi Malunion Fraktur Patella Sinistra Di Rso Prof. Dr. Soeharso Surakarta

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    Backgund: Fracture is often called broken bone is a breakage of bone network continuity and, or easily broken bone that is caused by bone porous illness that is familiar called osteoporosis. It usually attacks adult people and also can be caused by accident. Fracture patella is often considered unimportant by some people. If it is not handled well, therefore it can cause bones join uncorrectly/imperfectly Malunion. Goal: To know the realization of physiotherapy in decreasing pain. To increase the scope of joint movement, increase the strength of muscles, decrease Odema, decrease spasm, decrease contracture and increase the daily functional activity on a case of Malunion Fracture patella Sinistra by training therapy modality ( Stastic contraction, active movement, passive movement, stretching, hold relaxed ). Result: After the therapy is done for six times, it is gotten the decressive results of pain. The increase muscle strength of thigh. The decrease of oedema on ankle and the increase of joint movement scope on hip, knee, and ankle. Conclusion: Training therapy (Static contraction, active movement, passive movement, stretching, hold released) decrease pain, Odema, increase the strength of muscle, and the scope of joint movement. On a case of Malunion fracture patella sinistra. Keywords: Malunion, Fracture, Patell


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    Cinnamomum sintoc Blume is an endangered species experiencing an ongoing decline due to overharvesting; in- and ex-situ conservation efforts are urgently needed to ensure its survival. We performed a detailed assessment of the flowering and fruiting phenology of C. sintoc in a lowland forest in West Java, Indonesia. We aimed to relate the duration of each phenological phase to environmental factors including elevation, humidity, temperature, and slope, as well as the orientation of the flowers. A total of 30 trees were sampled from three elevation ranges (500–700, 700–900, and 900–1,100 m). We found that C. sintoc requires approximately 40 days to complete flowering and an additional 82 days to produce mature fruit. The period from flower initiation to fruit ripening spans 4 months, from late July to early November. Flowers that are east-facing developed mature fruit more rapidly than those facing other directions, and the shortest flowering and fruiting phenological period was observed for east-facing flowers at 700–900 m. These results provide a baseline for studying phenological shifts in C. sintoc, and could inform seed harvesting efforts for conservation projects in the study area of Gunung Cermai National Park.    Key words: Bintangkot, declining population, Endangered species, Lauraceae, phenology &nbsp


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    Global demand for energy has increased due to population growth and the improving economic situation in most parts of the world, so alternative energy is needed to reduce the use of fossil energy, one of which is solar energy. PV is an attractive alternative because it is environmentally friendly. Solar panels convert sunlight directly into electricity, but the temperature of the solar panels becomes too hot due to excess solar radiation and ambient temperature, so that the performance of the solar panels is less than optimal. The purpose of this research is to reduce the temperature of the solar panels by using a cooling system so that the solar panels work optimally. This study uses a comparison of the performance of two solar panels with an angle of 20° and facing north. On one of the solar panels is designed with an air cooling system. The research was conducted for three days in October 2022 with different weather conditions. The test parameters include current, voltage, temperature, power and efficiency. The test results show that the performance of solar panels with a cooling system is better than solar panels without a cooling system. The increase is indicated by an increase in current, voltage, power, efficiency, and a decrease in solar panel temperature. The efficiency of solar panels with a cooling system increases, namely on cloudy weather (37.14 ℃) by 15.9%, on cloudy sunny weather (38.2 ℃) by 16.25%, and on sunny weather (40.3 ℃) by 14.18%

    Analysis of Interleukin-10 Anti-inflammatory Cytokines in Salivary Lymphocyte Surface: A cross Sectional Study

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    Aim: To analyze the expression of interleukin-10 (IL-10) in children with severe early childhood caries (S-ECC) and caries-free children. Materials and Methods: This was an observational analytic pilot study performed on children with social factors-ECC (S-ECC), and caries-free children as the objects of research with a cross-sectional study design. Saliva of children aged 4–6 years from the group of caries children in severe and caries-free early childhood was taken. Samples were taken by rinsing with 1.5% sterile NaCl for 30 s and then accommodated in a sterile tube, to get a 40 mL sample from the aforementioned procedure repeated four times. Flow-cytometry test was used to analyze the IL-10 expression. The results of the study were analyzed using the normality test using Shapiro–Wilk, then continued with t test using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software program,version 20.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). The data were analyzed by independent t test to see the difference between cariesfree children and S-ECC. Results: The expression of IL-10 in the saliva of children with severe ECC was 3.32 ± 0.79; meanwhile, in caries-free children it was 4.04 ± 0.65. Conclusion: The IL-10 expression in children with severe ECC was ignificantly lower than that of in caries-free childre

    Faktor Risiko Lingkungan dan Perilaku yang Berpengaruh Terhadapo Kejadian Filariasis (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Kerja Kabupaten Pekalongan)

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    Program Studi Magister Epidemiologi Program Pasca Sarjana Undip 2008 ABSTRAK Faktor Risiko Lingkungan dan Perilaku yang Berpengaruh Terhadapo Kejadian Filariasis (Studi Kasus di Wilayah Kerja Kabupaten Pekalongan) Rifai Agung Mulyono1, Suharyo Hadisaputro2, Hadi Wartomo3 Latar Belakang. Filariasis merupakan salah satu penyakit yang termasuk endemis di Indonesia. Kabupaten Pekalongan merupakan salah satu daerah endemis dengan jumlah kasus filariasis meningkat dari tahun ke tahun dimana angka microfilaria rate 1% atau lebih. Meningkatnya filariasis di Kabupaten Pekalongan kemungkinan dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor yaitu faktor lingkungan fisik, lingkungan sosial ekonomi dan perilaku. Tujuan. Memperoleh informasi faktor-faktor risiko lingkungan fisik (genangan air, persawahan, tanaman air, hewan predator, lingkungan sosial ekonomi (pekerjaan, penghasilan, pendidikan) dan perilaku (kebiasaan menggunakan kelambu, kebiasaan menggunakan obat anti nyamuk, kebiasaan keluar rumah pada malam hari) yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian filariasis. Metode. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan studi kasus kontrol. Kasus adalah penduduk yang menderita filariasis dan kontrol adalah penduduk yang tidak menderita filariasis. Jumlah responden sebanyak 100 sampel. Pengambilan data melalui wawancara dan Indept interview (wawancara mendalam). Analisis dilakukan secara bivariat dan multivariat dengan menggunakan regresi logistik. Hasil Penelitian. Penderita filariasis di Kabupaten Pekalongan pada tahun 2007 sebanyak 50 penderita yang tersebar di 10 kecamatan, yaitu di Kecamatan Tirto 16 kasus, Kecamatan Wonokerto 4 kasus, Kecamatan Paninggaran 5 kasus, Kecamatan Buaran 3 kasus, Kecamatan Doro 3 kasus, Kecamatan Kesesi 2 kasus, Kecamatan Siwalan 3 kasus, Kecamatan Kajen 5 kasus, Kecamatan Wiradesa 7 kasus dan Kecamatan Petungkriono 2 kasus. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa ada lima variabel sebagai faktor risiko kejadian filariasis, yaitu adanya genangan air (OR : 4,08 ; 95% CI : 1,12 – 14,82), adanya persawahan (OR : 10,31 ; 95% CI : 2,33 – 45,54), tidak adanya hewan predator (OR : 5,95 ; 95% CI : 1,46 – 24,22), kebiasaan tidak menggunakan kelambu (OR : 3,99 ; 95% CI : 1,26 – 12,60), dan kebiasaan tidak menggunakan obat anti nyamuk (OR : 5,38 ; 95% CI : 1,78 – 16,20). Simpulan. Faktor-faktor yang terbukti sebagai faktor risiko terjadinya filariasis adalah adanya genangan air, adanya persawahan, tidak adanya hewan predator, kebiasaan tidak menggunakan kelambu, dan kebiasaan tidak menggunakan obat anti nyamuk. Saran. Melakukan kebersihan lingkungan, membersihkan saluran-saluran air yang tergenang, menggunakan kelambu dan obat anti nyamuk pada waktu tidur, melakukan penyuluhan agar masyarakat tahu cara penanggulangan filariasis, Pemeliharaan ikan predator (ikan pemakan jentik nyamuk vektor) seperti : mujair, lele, kepala timah dan sejenisnya sebagai musuh alami larva/jentik nyamuk vektor pada genangan-genangan air. Kata kunci : Faktor risiko, lingkungan, perilaku, filariasis. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com xiv Master’s Degree of Epidemiology Postgraduate Program Diponegoro University 2008 ABSTRACT Risk Factors Environment and Behaviour Influence the Occurance of Filariasis (Case Study in Area Pekalongan) Rifai Agung Mulyono1, Suharyo Hadisaputro2, Hadi Wartomo3 Background. Filariasis is one of disease which is including endemis in Indonesia. Pekalongan is one of area endemis with number of cases filariasis increases from year to year where number microfilaria rate 1%. The increasing of filariasis in Pekalongan possibility influenced by various factors that is physical environmental factor, economic social environment and behaviour. Objective. Obtains information of physical area risk factors (water pond, rice field, water crop, predator animal, social environment of economics (work, production, education) and behavior (habit applies mosquito net, habit applies mosquito drug, habit of nocturnal house exit) is having an effect on to case filariasis.. Methods. This research is observational with case control design. Cases are people suggered Filariasis and controls are people never suggered Filariasis. Respondens are 100 samples. Data were taken by interview and Indept interview. Data analysis bivariat and multivariate with logistic regression. Result. Patient filariasis in Kabupaten Pekalongan in 2007 50 patients which spread over in 10 districts, that is in district Tirto 16 cases, District of Wonokerto 4 case, District of Paninggaran 5 case, District of Buaran 3 case, District of Doro 3 case, District of Kesesi 2 case, District of Siwalan 3 case, District of Kajen 5 case, District of Wiradesa 7 case and District Petungkriono 2 case. Result of statistical analysis indicates that there are five variables as case risk factor filariasis, that is existence of water pond ( OR : 4,08 ; 95% CI : 1,12 - 14,82), existence of rice field (OR : 10,31 ; 95% CI : 2,33 - 45,54), inexistence of predator animal (OR : 5,95 ; 95% CI : 1,46 - 24,22), habit doesn't apply mosquito net ( OR : 3,99 ; 95% CI : 1,26 - 12,60), and habit doesn't apply anti mosquito drug ( OR : 5,38 ; 95% CI : 1,78 - 16,20). Conclusion. Factors proven as risk factor the happening of filariasis is existence of water pond, existence of rice field inexistence of predator animal, habit doesn't apply mosquito net, and habit doesn't apply mosquito drug. Suggestion. Does area hygiene, cleans water channels suffused, applies mosquito drug and mosquito net when sleep, does counselling that public to know way of eradication filariasis. looks after predator fish: mujair, lele, kepala timah and its conspecific as natural enemy larva/jentik vector mosquito at water ponds. Keywords : Risk factor, Environment, Behaviour, filariasis. PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.com xiv PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version www.pdffactory.co

    Analysis of Economic Growth through Technological Advancement, Investment, Labor and Education

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    This study is aims to determine the variable influence of technological advances, investment, labor and education on economic growth in Central Java Province in 2016-2020, this research is conducted to provide the right economic growth model in accordance with the results of the study. This research is empirical research with quantitative approach. The data used in this study is secondary data from 35 districts/cities in Central Java Province in 2016-2020 so that the number of samples in the study is 175 samples. The data analysis technique in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis with the Fixed Effect model. This study found that the progress variable of technology, labor and education have a significant and positive influence on economic growth in Central Java Province. This study also found the investment variable had an insignificant effect on economic growth in Central Java Province.Keywords: economic growth, technological advancement, investment, labor, education