502 research outputs found

    Auswertung von 30 Jahren (1973 bis 2002) in der Chirurgischen Universitätsklinik Jena versorgter Gefäßverletzungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Diagnostik, Ischämiezeit, Therapie und Amputationsrate: eine retrospektive Studie

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    In erster Linie gelten Gefäßverletzungen neben akuten embolischen und thrombotischen Arterienverschlüssen als gefäßchirurgische Notfallsituationen. Sie stellen deshalb nicht nur für den operierenden Arzt sondern auch für den Erstversorger eine Herausforderung dar. Die Diagnose einer sichtbaren Gefäßverletzung ist per se einfach zu stellen, Probleme treten häufig bei nicht sichtbaren stumpfen Gefäßverletzungen auf. Eine angiologische Abklärung mit Prüfung der Motorik, der Sensibilität und der Zirkulation gehört zum routinemäßigen Notfallstatus. Der Goldstandard der Gefäßabklärung stellt weiterhin die Angiographie dar. Von zunehmender Bedeutung in der routinemäßigen Notfalldiagnostik ist die Anwendung der cw-Dopplersonographie und der farbcodierten Duplexsonographie sowie des Angio-CT’s bei Aufnahme ins Krankenhaus und im Verlauf der Erkrankung. Die Operation sollte innerhalb der ersten 6 Stunden nach dem Unfall erfolgen. Bei der definitiven operativen Versorgung ist in jedem Fall die direkte Naht anzustreben. Begleitverletzungen haben entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Prognose

    Livländische Najaden :;[Vortrag, gehalten in der 409. und 410. Sitzung der Dorpater Naturforschergesellschaft 1907]

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    Digiteeritud Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi rahastusel, projekti "Eesti teadus- ja õppekirjandus" (2014-2020.12.03.21-0848) raames.https://www.ester.ee/record=b1874249*es

    Effect of lithiation on the elastic moduli of carbon fibres

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    Carbon fibre electrodes can enable a solid-state battery to carry mechanical load as normal construction materials. The multifunctionality is promising for most lightweight applications. Like all electrode materials, both volume and elastic moduli of the carbon fibre electrodes change during battery cycling. Such changes jeopardize the mechanical integrity of the battery. Due to the challenging corrosion problem of the lithiated component in air, the effect of lithiation on the carbon fibre\u27s elastic moduli has yet to be explored. Also, robust data on the expansion of carbon fibres from lithiation are lacking. In the present work, we demonstrate a method and perform tests of corrosion protected carbon fibres in scanning electron microscope. The volume, and longitudinal and transverse moduli of a carbon fibre at three states of lithiation are determined and compared. The transverse modulus of the lithiated fibre is found to be more than double that of the pristine and delithiated fibres

    Recommendations from Two Citizens’ Juries on the Surgical Management of Obesity

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    Background: It is important that guidelines and criteria used to prioritise access to bariatric surgery are informed by the values of the tax-paying public in combination with the expertise of healthcare professionals. Citizens’ juries are increasingly used around the world to engage the public in healthcare decision-making. This study investigated citizens’ juries about prioritising patient access to bariatric surgery in two Australian cities. Objectives: The objective of this study is to examine public priorities for government expenditure on the surgical management of obesity developed through either a one or three-day citizen jury. Subjects/Methods: A three-day jury was held in Brisbane and a one-day jury in Adelaide. Jurors were selected in Brisbane (n = 18) and in Adelaide (n = 12) according to pre-specified criteria. Expert witnesses from various medical disciplines and consumers were cross-examined by jurors. Results: The verdicts of the juries were similar in that both juries agreed bariatric surgery was an important option in the management of obesity and related comorbidities. Recommendations about who should receive treatment differed slightly across the juries. Both juries rejected the use of age as a rationing tool, but managed their objections in different ways. Participants’ experiences of the jury process were positive, but our observations suggested that many variables may influence the nature of the final verdict. Conclusions: Citizen’s juries, even when shorter in duration, can be an effective tool to guide the development of health policy and priorities. However, our study has identified a range of variables that should be considered when designing and running a jury and when interpreting the verdict