104 research outputs found

    Control of Hox gene regulation and function during anteroposterior patterning in Xenopus laevis

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    The Hox genes form a subset of the homeobox containing genes. The homeobox encodes a DNA binding motif, called the homeodomain. It has been firmly established that Hox expression boundaries along the AP and other embryonic axes are correlated with structural identities. Generating correct Hox expression patterns is thus clearly essential for correct AP axis patterning. The aim of investigations presented in this thesis has been to gain more insight into the processes controlling expression and function of Hox genes during anteroposterior patterning. Recent work in our research group has shown that a temporally colinear expression sequence of Hox genes is already present in the mesoderm of Xenopus gastrulae. Most, if not all, previous work concerning Hox colinearity has been focused on colinear Hox gene expression in the neurectoderm. In chapter two, we present data to show that Xwnt8 is directly upstream of Hoxd1 in mesoderm. This is the first example of an initiator of expression of a 3 Hox gene in a vertebrate embryo. An upstream regulator of Hox gene expression in the neurectoderm of vertebrates is retinoic acid (RA) (and or its derivatives). Retinoids can act via the nuclear receptors of the RAR and RXR family. Retinoic Acid Response Elements (RAREs) have been found in the regulatory sequences of a number of labial- and deformed group Hox genes. We searched for conserved RAREs in the Hox clusters of mouse and human, and the results are reported in chapter three. Most Hox proteins contain a second conserved domain, in addition to the homeodomain, the hexapeptide. This domain is mediates Hox/PBC interaction; this interaction leads to increased binding specificity and -affinity. Sequence analysis of Hox proteins demonstrates interspecies sequence conservation among paralog group members in the hexapeptide-flanking sequences, which is reported in chapter four. Meis/PBC interaction leads to shielding of the nuclear export signal of PBC proteins, resulting in a net influx into the nucleus, modifying the activity of Hox proteins present. In zebrafish hindbrain development, a synergistic relation between Hoxb1, Pbx4, and Meis3 has been shown, and was argued to directly induce the expression of Hoxb1. Since recent discoveries have shown that Hox genes are expressed in a colinear sequence in marginal zone mesoderm we investigated whether a Xenopus Meis homolog, XMeis3, cooperates with Hox function during gastrula stages. In chapter five, we report that XMeis3 is necessary for mesodermal and ectodermal Hox expression, and the progression of gastrulation. In chapter six, conservation of hexapeptide-flanking sequences of Pdx1 and Cdx proteins, present in a wide range of species, resembling the conservation found in Hox group 1 through 8 proteins (Chapter four) is reported. More generally the presence of a hexapeptide sequences and conservation of flanking sequences in all of the members of the Antp-class of homeodomain proteins was investigated, and found to be widely distributed, in addition, hexapeptide-flanking sequence conservation was found. Identifying the downstream targets of Hox genes is necessary if their function in development is to be understood in molecular terms. XRap1 joins a very short list as to date very few Hox targets have been identified. In chapter seven, the small GTPase XRap1 is reported as a direct target of Hoxb4 regulation

    XMeis3 Is Necessary for Mesodermal Hox Gene Expression and Function

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    Hox transcription factors provide positional information during patterning of the anteroposterior axis. Hox transcription factors can co-operatively bind with PBC-class co-factors, enhancing specificity and affinity for their appropriate binding sites. The nuclear localisation of these co-factors is regulated by the Meis-class of homeodomain proteins. During development of the zebrafish hindbrain, Meis3 has previously been shown to synergise with Hoxb1 in the autoregulation of Hoxb1. In Xenopus XMeis3 posteriorises the embryo upon ectopic expression. Recently, an early temporally collinear expression sequence of Hox genes was detected in Xenopus gastrula mesoderm (see intro. P3). There is evidence that this sequence sets up the embryo's later axial Hox expression pattern by time-space translation. We investigated whether XMeis3 is involved in regulation of this early mesodermal Hox gene expression. Here, we present evidence that XMeis3 is necessary for expression of Hoxd1, Hoxb4 and Hoxc6 in mesoderm during gastrulation. In addition, we show that XMeis3 function is necessary for the progression of gastrulation. Finally, we present evidence for synergy between XMeis3 and Hoxd1 in Hoxd1 autoregulation in mesoderm during gastrulation

    Coordinated spatial and temporal expression of Hox genes during embryogenesis in the acoel Convolutriloba longifissura

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    Background: Hox genes are critical for patterning the bilaterian anterior-posterior axis. The evolution of their clustered genomic arrangement and ancestral function has been debated since their discovery. As acoels appear to represent the sister group to the remaining Bilateria (Nephrozoa), investigating Hox gene expression will provide an insight into the ancestral features of the Hox genes in metazoan evolution. Results: We describe the expression of anterior, central and posterior class Hox genes and the ParaHox ortholog Cdx in the acoel Convolutriloba longifissura. Expression of all three Hox genes begins contemporaneously after gastrulation and then resolves into staggered domains along the anterior-posterior axis, suggesting that the spatial coordination of Hox gene expression was present in the bilaterian ancestor. After early surface ectodermal expression, the anterior and central class genes are expressed in small domains of putative neural precursor cells co-expressing ClSoxB1, suggesting an evolutionary early function of Hox genes in patterning parts of the nervous system. In contrast, the expression of the posterior Hox gene is found in all three germ layers in a much broader posterior region of the embryo. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the ancestral set of Hox genes was involved in the anteriorposterior patterning of the nervous system of the last common bilaterian ancestor and were later co-opted for patterning in diverse tissues in the bilaterian radiation. The lack of temporal colinearity of Hox expression in acoels may be due to a loss of genomic clustering in this clade or, alternatively, temporal colinearity may have arisen in conjunction with the expansion of the Hox cluster in the Nephrozoa

    Use of an innovative model to evaluate mobility in seniors with lower-limb amputations of vascular origin: a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The mobility of older individuals has often been only partially assessed, without considering all important aspects such as potential (available) versus effective (used) mobilities and the physical and psychosocial factors that modulate them. This study proposes a new model for evaluating mobility that considers all important aspects, applied here to lower-limb amputees with vascular origin. This model integrates the concepts of potential mobility (e.g. balance, speed of movement), effective mobility (e.g. life habits, movements in living areas) and factors that modulate these two types of mobility (e.g. strength, sensitivity, social support, depression). The main objective was to characterize potential and effective mobility as well as mobility modulators in a small sample of people with lower-limb amputations of vascular origin with different characteristics. The second objective of this pilot study was to assess the feasibility of measuring all variables in the model in a residential context.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An observational and transversal design was used with a heterogeneous sample of 10 participants with a lower-limb amputation of vascular origin, aged 51 to 83, assessed between eight and 18 months after discharge from an acute care hospital. A questionnaire of participant characteristics and 16 reliable and valid measurements were used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results show that the potential mobility indicators do not accurately predict effective mobility, i.e., participants who perform well on traditional measures done in the laboratory or clinic are not always those who perform well in the real world. The model generated 4 different profiles (categories) of participants ranging from reduced to excellent potential mobility and low to excellent effective mobility, and characterized the modulating factors. The evaluations were acceptable in terms of the time taken (three hours) and the overall measurements, with a few exceptions, which were modified to optimize the data collected and the classification of the participants. For the population assessed, the results showed that some of the negative modulators (particularly living alone, no rehabilitation, pain, limited social support, poor muscle strength) played an important role in reducing effective mobility.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The first use of the model revealed interesting data that add to our understanding of important aspects linked to potential and effective mobility as well as modulators. The feasibility of measuring all variables in the model in a residential context was demonstrated. A study with a large number of participants is now warranted to rigorously characterize mobility levels of lower-limb amputees with vascular origin.</p

    2000-talets svenska trÀstÀder

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    I denna uppsats undersöks översiktligt hur byggandet av flerbostadshus högre Ă€n tvĂ„ vĂ„ningar med stomkonstruktion av trĂ€ har genomförts i Sverige under 2000-talet. Nybyggande av flerbostadshus med stomkonstruktion av trĂ€ studeras i förhĂ„llande till hĂ„llbarhet, sĂ€kerhet och utformning. De stora stadsbrĂ€nderna i Sverige föranledde ett förbud med byggnadsstadgan Ă„r 1874 mot att bygga fler Ă€n tvĂ„ vĂ„ningar med stomme av trĂ€. Detta förbud rĂ„dde Ă€nda fram till Ă„r 1994, under 120 Ă„rs tid. I flera andra lĂ€nder rĂ„der det fortfarande inskrĂ€nkande bestĂ€mmelser mot trĂ€. Sverige ligger i framkant med byggande av trĂ€stommar i Europa. Byggnadsmaterialet trĂ€ klarar idag de tekniska kraven för stomkonstruktioner i kombination med andra material. ÄndĂ„ har utvecklingen med planering och byggande av höga trĂ€hus i Sverige gĂ„tt lĂ„ngsamt de senaste 20 Ă„ren. Nationella satsningar skulle i början av 2000-talet hjĂ€lpa till att öka byggandet i trĂ€, men visionen som regeringen hade med den nationella trĂ€byggnadsstrategin har inte gĂ„tt i uppfyllelse idag. TrĂ€ Ă€r inte ett sjĂ€lvklart alternativ till allt byggande. Nybyggnationen av flerbostadshus med stommar av trĂ€ motsvarar idag ungefĂ€r 10 % av marknaden, dvs. lika andel som nĂ€r den nationella strategin infördes. TrĂ€ kan anses som ett hĂ„llbart byggnadsmaterial dĂ„ det lagrar koldioxid under hela sin livscykel, Ă€r förnyelsebart samt krĂ€ver förhĂ„llandevis lite energi jĂ€mfört med stommar av betong. Sveriges idag mest framtrĂ€dande satsning pĂ„ byggandet av 2000-talets svenska trĂ€stad pĂ„gĂ„r i omrĂ„det VĂ€lle Broar i VĂ€xjö kommun. Kvarteret Limnologen Ă€r en del av detta omrĂ„de som undersöks nĂ€rmare i denna uppsats. Limnologen har utvĂ€rderats genom forskning och viss problematik med ljud- och vibrationer har identifierats. En ökad kunskap kring trĂ€byggande, en utveckling av det industriella byggandet i trĂ€ och fler aktörer pĂ„ marknaden kan vara svar pĂ„ hur byggandet med stomkonstruktioner av trĂ€ kan förbĂ€ttras och öka i framtiden. BjĂ€lklag av trĂ€ dimensioneras högre Ă€n traditionella bjĂ€lklag i betong. Kvarteret Limnologen blev ungefĂ€r 1,6 meter högre med en stomme av trĂ€ jĂ€mfört med om stommen hade uppförts av betong. Att bygga höga flerbostadshus av trĂ€stomme skapar dĂ€rför effekter för utformningen. Det gĂ„r Ă„t mer material, fler trappsteg i trapphusen och en marginell men Ă€ndĂ„ nĂ„got ökad skuggeffekt kan antas frĂ„n Limnologen. Planeraren saknar enligt Plan- och bygglagen verktyg att reglera vilket material stommen ska bestĂ„ av. Dagens Plan- och bygglag medger inte att material regleras i översiktsplan eller i detaljplan. För att möjliggöra bygge av hus med trĂ€stommar inom rĂ„dande lagstiftning bör detaljplanen ange vĂ„ningsantal

    Rätten att frånträda ett förhandsavtal vid bostadsrättsförvärv - Betydelsen av ändrade förhållanden

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    Vid nyproduktionsprojekt för bostadsrätter finns ett behov av att binda upp framtida köpare vid ett tidigt stadium genom ett förhandsavtal. Förhandsavtalet är bindande för båda parter och skrivs väldigt tidigt i byggprocessen. Därav skapas ett långt tidsspann mellan tecknandet av förhandsavtalet och det slutliga tillträdet. Det långa tidsspannet i sig medför i många fall förseningar av byggnationen och att bostadsmarknaden hinner förändras. Förhandstecknarens rätt till att frånträda på grund av försening är begränsad enligt bostadsrättslagen medan en marknadsförändring efter ingånget avtal inte regleras i lag. Lagtexten anger bland annat att om tillträdet på grund av försummelse från bostadsrättsföreningens sida inte skett i skälig tid är det en giltig anledning att frånträda avtalet. Det finns inom detta område inga klara direktiv eller regler om vad skälig tid eller försummelse innebär. Trots att regleringar angående förseningar finns är reglerna otydliga och behöver avgöras från fall till fall.Det föreligger vissa risker för förhandstecknaren i hänseende till det långa tidsspannet mellan förhandsavtalets ingående och upplåtelsen. Ekonomiska aspekter har uppmärksammats då till exempel köparens tidigare bostad kan sjunka i värde under tidsintervallet. Detta kan bland annat resultera i att insatsen till nyproduktionen blir lägre än förväntat. Ett sådant scenario kan även påverka bankens beslut att bevilja lån till den nya bostaden trots att köparen fortfarande är bunden till förvärv enligt förhandsavtalet.Då förhandsavtal kan tecknas flera år innan bostadsrätten ska tillträdas kan bostadsmarknaden förändras. Detta har under flera år inte varit ett problem då marknaden stigit prismässigt under en längre tid. Inte förrän nyligen, då den svenska bostadsmarknaden till viss del stagnerat har problemen uppmärksammats. I dagsläget finns inte någon direkt applicerbar och vägledande praxis som kan tillämpas på köparens rättigheter i ovan given kontext då förutsättningar på marknaden förändras. Det är endast vid försening som kraven i 5 kap 8 § BRL kan uppfyllas och ger köparen rätt att frånträda förhandsavtalet, medan en förändrad förutsättning gällande bostadsmarknaden eller lånelöfte inte kvalificeras som en giltig anledning. Det finns inget konsumentskydd gällande marknadsmässiga förändringar trots att förhandstecknaren kan försättas i en utsatt ekonomisk situation.In connection with the purchase of new produced tenant owned apartment, an agreement is entered into at an early stage between the tenant owner ́s association and the buyers, which is called a pre-contract. A pre-contract is a binding agreement for both parties. According to Swedish law, the right to withdraw from a pre-contract is limited. However, there is no regulation regarding the market's impact. A valid reason to withdraw from the agreement in accordance with bostadsrättslagen is if the access to the tenant owned apartment does not take place in a reasonable time and that this is due to neglect of the association.The terms neglect and reasonable time have no obvious meaning in this context. The longer time span between the pre-contract and the lease agreement creates great risks for buyers of new produced tenant owned apartments. Especially the market factors are of great importance. This is because of the fluctuating housing market that can contribute to a changed market value, and the price that was agreed to in an early written pre-contract might be a different than the actually market value. In recent years, the Swedish housing market has steadily improved and therefore these problems have not been noticed. Not until recently when the Swedish housing market has stagnated, the problems have been noticed.At present, there is no applicable or guiding judgment that can be applied when changes in the housing market arise. At present, a buyer can only withdraw according to law if there has been a delay, but not because of other changed conditions. Nor is there a consumer protection that protects the buyer even though he or she can be placed in a vulnerable financial situation
