109 research outputs found

    Cryo EM structure of the rabies virus ribonucleoprotein complex

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    Rabies virus is an important zoonotic pathogen. Its bullet shaped particle contains a helical nucleocapsid. We used cryo-electron tomography and subsequent subtomogram averaging to determine the structure of its ribonucleoprotein. The resulting electron density map allowed for confident fitting of the N-protein crystal structure, indicating that interactions between neighbouring N-proteins are only mediated by N- and C-terminal protruding subdomains (aa 1-27 and aa 355-372). Additional connecting densities, likely stabilizing the ribonucleoprotein complex, are present between neighbouring M-protein densities on the same helical turn and between M-and N-protein densities located on neighbouring helical turns, but not between M-proteins of different turns, as is observed for the related Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). This insight into the architecture of the rabies virus nucleocapsid highlights the surprising structural divergence of large biological assemblies even if the building blocks-here exemplified by VSV M-and N-protein-are structurally closely related

    17-AAG Induces Cytoplasmic α-Synuclein Aggregate Clearance by Induction of Autophagy

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    The accumulation and aggregation of α-synuclein in nerve cells and glia are characteristic features of a number of neurodegenerative diseases termed synucleinopathies. α-Synuclein is a highly soluble protein which in a nucleation dependent process is capable of self-aggregation. The causes underlying aggregate formation are not yet understood, impairment of the proteolytic degradation systems might be involved.Cl the aggregate clearing effects of 17-AAG were abolished and α-synuclein deposits were enlarged. Analysis of LC3-II immunoreactivity, which is an indicator of autophagosome formation, further revealed that 17-AAG led to the recruitment of LC3-II and to the formation of LC3 positive puncta. This effect was also observed in cultured oligodendrocytes derived from the brains of newborn rats. Inhibition of macroautophagy by 3-methyladenine prevented 17-AAG induced occurrence of LC3 positive puncta as well as the removal of α-synuclein aggregates in OLN-A53T cells.Our data demonstrate for the first time that 17-AAG not only causes the upregulation of heat shock proteins, but also is an effective inducer of the autophagic pathway by which α-synuclein can be removed. Hence geldanamycin derivatives may provide a means to modulate autophagy in neural cells, thereby ameliorating pathogenic aggregate formation and protecting the cells during disease and aging

    Vaccine-induced antibodies linked to bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP) recognize cattle major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I)

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    A mysterious disease affecting calves, named bovine neonatal pancytopenia (BNP), emerged in 2007 in several European countries. Epidemiological studies revealed a connection between BNP and vaccination with an inactivated vaccine against bovine virus diarrhea (BVD). Alloantibodies reacting with blood leukocytes of calves were detected in serum and colostrum of dams, which have given birth to calves affected by BNP. To understand the linkage between vaccination and the development of alloantibodies, we determined the antigens reacting with these alloantibodies. Immunoprecipitation of surface proteins from bovine leukocytes and kidney cells using sera from dams with a confirmed case of BNP in their gestation history reacted with two dominant protein species of 44 and 12 kDa. These proteins were not detected by sera from dams, free of BVDV and not vaccinated against BVD, and from sera of animals vaccinated with a different inactivated BVD vaccine. The 44 kDa protein was identified by mass spectrometry analysis as MHC I, the other as β-2-microglobulin. The presence of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC I) in the vaccine was confirmed by Western blot using a MHC I specific monoclonal antibody. A model of BNP pathogenesis is proposed

    Validity and responsiveness of the EQ-5D in assessing and valuing health status in patients with anxiety disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The EQ-5D is a generic questionnaire which generates a health profile as well as index scores for health-related quality of life that may be used in cost-utility analysis.</p> <p>Aims of the study</p> <p>To examine validity and responsiveness of the EQ-5D in patients with anxiety disorders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>389 patients with anxiety disorders completed the EQ-5D at baseline and 6-month follow-up. Subjective measures of quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) and psychopathology (BAI, BDI-II, BSQ, ACQ, MI) were used for comparison. Validity was analyzed by assessing associations between EQ-5D scores and related other scores. Responsiveness was analyzed by calculating effect sizes of differences in scores between baseline and follow-up for 3 groups indicating more, constant or less anxiety. Meaningful difference scores for shifting to less or more anxiety were derived by means of regression analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>88.4% of respondents reported problems in at least one of the EQ-5D dimension at baseline; the mean EQ VAS score was 63.8. The EQ-5D dimension most consistently associated with the measures used for comparison was 'anxiety/depression'. EQ VAS and EQ-5D index scores were highly correlated (|r|>0.5) with scores of the WHOQOL-BREF dimensions 'physical', 'mental' and 'overall' as well as BAI and BDI-II. The EQ-5D index tended to be the most responsive score. Standardized meaningful difference scores were not significantly different between EQ VAS, EQ-5D index and measures used for comparison.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The EQ-5D seems to be reasonably valid and moderately responsive in patients with anxiety disorders. The EQ-5D index may be suitable for calculating QALYs in economic evaluation of health care interventions for patients with anxiety disorders.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN15716049</p

    Presence of Equine and Bovine Coronaviruses, Endoparasites, and Bacteria in Fecal Samples of Horses with Colic

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    Acute abdominal pain (colic) is one of the major equine health threats worldwide and often necessitates intensive veterinary medical care and surgical intervention. Equine coronavirus (ECoV) infections can cause colic in horses but are rarely considered as a differential diagnosis. To determine the frequency of otherwise undetected ECoV infections in horses with acute colic, fresh fecal samples of 105 horses with acute colic and 36 healthy control horses were screened for viruses belonging to the Betacoronavirus 1 species by RT-PCR as well as for gastrointestinal helminths and bacteria commonly associated with colic. Horses with colic excreted significantly fewer strongyle eggs than horses without colic. The prevalence of anaerobic, spore-forming, gram-positive bacteria (Clostridium perfringens and Clostridioides difficile) was significantly higher in the feces of horses with colic. Six horses with colic (5.7%) and one horse from the control group (2.8%) tested positive for Betacoronaviruses. Coronavirus-positive samples were sequenced to classify the virus by molecular phylogeny (N gene). Interestingly, in three out of six coronavirus-positive horses with colic, sequences closely related to bovine coronaviruses (BCoV) were found. The pathogenic potential of BCoV in horses remains unclear and warrants further investigation

    Research-Data Management Planning in the German Mathematical Community

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    In this paper we discuss the notion of research data for the field of mathematics and report on the status quo of research-data management and planning. A number of decentralized approaches are presented and compared to needs and challenges faced in three use cases from different mathematical subdisciplines. We highlight the importance of tailoring research-data management plans to mathematicians' research processes and discuss their usage all along the data life cycle

    Phosphodiesterase 2 Protects against Catecholamine-induced Arrhythmias and Preserves Contractile Function after Myocardial Infarction

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    International audienceRationale: Phosphodiesterase 2 is a dual substrate esterase, which has the unique property to be stimulated by cGMP, but primarily hydrolyzes cAMP. Myocardial phosphodiesterase 2 is upregulated in human heart failure, but its role in the heart is unknown.Objective: To explore the role of phosphodiesterase 2 in cardiac function, propensity to arrhythmia, and myocardial infarction.Methods and Results: Pharmacological inhibition of phosphodiesterase 2 (BAY 60–7550, BAY) led to a significant positive chronotropic effect on top of maximal β-adrenoceptor activation in healthy mice. Under pathological conditions induced by chronic catecholamine infusions, BAY reversed both the attenuated β-adrenoceptor–mediated inotropy and chronotropy. Conversely, ECG telemetry in heart-specific phosphodiesterase 2-transgenic (TG) mice showed a marked reduction in resting and in maximal heart rate, whereas cardiac output was completely preserved because of greater cardiac contraction. This well-tolerated phenotype persisted in elderly TG with no indications of cardiac pathology or premature death. During arrhythmia provocation induced by catecholamine injections, TG animals were resistant to triggered ventricular arrhythmias. Accordingly, Ca2+-spark analysis in isolated TG cardiomyocytes revealed remarkably reduced Ca2+ leakage and lower basal phosphorylation levels of Ca2+-cycling proteins including ryanodine receptor type 2. Moreover, TG demonstrated improved cardiac function after myocardial infarction.Conclusions: Endogenous phosphodiesterase 2 contributes to heart rate regulation. Greater phosphodiesterase 2 abundance protects against arrhythmias and improves contraction force after severe ischemic insult. Activating myocardial phosphodiesterase 2 may, thus, represent a novel intracellular antiadrenergic therapeutic strategy protecting the heart from arrhythmia and contractile dysfunction

    The Core Protein of Classical Swine Fever Virus Is Dispensable for Virus Propagation In Vitro

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    Core protein of Flaviviridae is regarded as essential factor for nucleocapsid formation. Yet, core protein is not encoded by all isolates (GBV- A and GBV- C). Pestiviruses are a genus within the family Flaviviridae that affect cloven-hoofed animals, causing economically important diseases like classical swine fever (CSF) and bovine viral diarrhea (BVD). Recent findings describe the ability of NS3 of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) to compensate for disabling size increase of core protein (Riedel et al., 2010). NS3 is a nonstructural protein possessing protease, helicase and NTPase activity and a key player in virus replication. A role of NS3 in particle morphogenesis has also been described for other members of the Flaviviridae (Patkar et al., 2008; Ma et al., 2008). These findings raise questions about the necessity and function of core protein and the role of NS3 in particle assembly. A reverse genetic system for CSFV was employed to generate poorly growing CSFVs by modification of the core gene. After passaging, rescued viruses had acquired single amino acid substitutions (SAAS) within NS3 helicase subdomain 3. Upon introduction of these SAAS in a nonviable CSFV with deletion of almost the entire core gene (Vp447Δc), virus could be rescued. Further characterization of this virus with regard to its physical properties, morphology and behavior in cell culture did not reveal major differences between wildtype (Vp447) and Vp447Δc. Upon infection of the natural host, Vp447Δc was attenuated. Hence we conclude that core protein is not essential for particle assembly of a core-encoding member of the Flaviviridae, but important for its virulence. This raises questions about capsid structure and necessity, the role of NS3 in particle assembly and the function of core protein in general

    The worldwide clinical trial research response to the COVID-19 pandemic - the first 100 days

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    Background: Never before have clinical trials drawn as much public attention as those testing interventions for COVID-19. We aimed to describe the worldwide COVID-19 clinical research response and its evolution over the first 100 days of the pandemic. Methods: Descriptive analysis of planned, ongoing or completed trials by April 9, 2020 testing any intervention to treat or prevent COVID-19, systematically identified in trial registries, preprint servers, and literature databases. A survey was conducted of all trials to assess their recruitment status up to July 6, 2020. Results: Most of the 689 trials (overall target sample size 396,366) were small (median sample size 120; interquartile range [IQR] 60-300) but randomized (75.8%; n=522) and were often conducted in China (51.1%; n=352) or the USA (11%; n=76). 525 trials (76.2%) planned to include 155,571 hospitalized patients, and 25 (3.6%) planned to include 96,821 health-care workers. Treatments were evaluated in 607 trials (88.1%), frequently antivirals (n=144) or antimalarials (n=112); 78 trials (11.3%) focused on prevention, including 14 vaccine trials. No trial investigated social distancing. Interventions tested in 11 trials with >5,000 participants were also tested in 169 smaller trials (median sample size 273; IQR 90-700). Hydroxychloroquine alone was investigated in 110 trials. While 414 trials (60.0%) expected completion in 2020, only 35 trials (4.1%; 3,071 participants) were completed by July 6. Of 112 trials with detailed recruitment information, 55 had recruited <20% of the targeted sample; 27 between 20-50%; and 30 over 50% (median 14.8% [IQR 2.0-62.0%]). Conclusions: The size and speed of the COVID-19 clinical trials agenda is unprecedented. However, most trials were small investigating a small fraction of treatment options. The feasibility of this research agenda is questionable, and many trials may end in futility, wasting research resources. Much better coordination is needed to respond to global health threats