14 research outputs found

    La labor historiográfica de Juan M. Lope Blanch (1927-2002)

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    The historiographical work of John M. Lope Blanch is part of the studies that were initiated at the Centre for Historical Studies before the Civil War and is resumed from the forties. For Lope, like for other Spanish philologists, linguistic historiography had a function, largely subordinated to the history of the language and, therefore, their main focus are the authors of the Renaissance and the Golden Age, the most fertile in information on Spanish language and culture. Lope Blanch had studied texts of grammarians and lexicographers of those centuries, Nebrija, Valdés, Cristóbal de Villalón, Jeronimo Texeda, Giovanni Miranda or Sebastián de Covarrubias. It should also be attributed to the formation of Lope Blanch as philologist his method: it is to examine the relationship between texts by her collation.La labor historiográfica de Juan M. Lope Blanch se encuadra en el marco de los estudios que se habían iniciado en el Centro de Estudios Históricos antes de la Guerra Civil y que se reanudan partir de los años cuarenta. Lope atribuye la historiografía lingüística una función, en gran medida, subordinada a la historia de la lengua y, por ello, su centro de interés principal lo constituyen los autores del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro, los más fértiles en informaciones sobre la lengua y la cultura españolas. Es así que Lope Blanch estudia sobre todo obras de gramáticos y lexicógrafos de esos siglos, Nebrija, Valdés, Cristóbal de Villalón, Jerónimo de Texeda, Giovanni Miranda o Sebastián de Covarrubias. También hay que atribuir a la formación como filólogo de Lope Blanch su método que consiste sobre todo en considerar metodológicamente relevantes las relaciones entre unos textos y otros mediante el cotejo de coincidencias

    El proceso de gramaticalización del exceptivo sino y la elipsis en la oración condicional negativa

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    El principio de spallanzani

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    The Italian Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729 - 1799) is well known as the scientist who dismantled theories of spontaneous generation. But Spallanzani was also a pioneer in the study of the regeneration of living beings. In 1768 he published the Prodromo, a work on animal reproduction, in which he was also interested in regeneration. Spallanzani described several types of regeneration, that of the frog's tail and the tips of the salamander. Before, in a letter addressed in 1766 to the Swiss biologist Charles Bonnet, he had also described the regeneration of the earthworm, the slug or the snail

    Análisis pragmático de los actos de habla directivos en la publicidad Malaya

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    In this article, we use the model of socio-pragmatic to show the pattern of directive speech acts in Malay printed advertisements. Therefore, we will analyze 18 advertisements both institutional and commercial advertising published in 2014 in Malaysia. It is a qualitative analysis based on the Theory of Speech Acts (Searle, 1969). This study reflects the strategies that advertisers apply in the texts to persuade the consumers to change the attitude towards the products offered and these strategies are varied. In these various strategies we found four directive acts that are ‘request’, ‘command’, ‘warning’ and ‘advice’. The tendency of Malay advertisers to use such speech acts in their advertising arguments is not to show rudeness or discourtesy but it is considered as a necessity to bring the attention of potential consumers. However, advertisers tend to reduce the ilocutive effect of directive speech acts with mild expressions in the advertising discourse in order to maintain a good relationship between interlocutors

    Cantaría por cantara, en La Rioja

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    La forma verbal en -ra en español del siglo XIII: oraciones independientes

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