44 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of the spin transition in [Fe(HB(tz)3_3)2_2] single crystals

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    The spatiotemporal dynamics of the spin transition have been thoroughly investigated in single crystals of the mononuclear spin-crossover (SCO) complex [Fe(HB(tz)3_3)2_2] (tz=1,2,4-triazol-1-yl) by optical microscopy. This compound exhibits an abrupt spin transition centered at 334 K with a narrow thermal hysteresis loop of ∌ 1 K (first-order transition). Most single crystals of this compound reveal exceptional resilience upon repeated switching (several hundred cycles), which allowed repeatable and quantitative measurements of the spatiotemporal dynamics of the nucleation and growth processes to be carried out. These experiments revealed remarkable properties of the thermally induced spin transition: high stability of the thermal hysteresis loop, unprecedented large velocities of the macroscopic low-spin/high-spin phase boundaries up to 500 ”m/s, and no visible dependency on the temperature scan rate. We have also studied the dynamics of the low-spin → high-spin transition induced by a local photothermal excitation generated by a spatially localized (Ø=2”m) continuous laser beam. Interesting phenomena have been evidenced both in quasistatic and dynamic conditions (e.g., threshold effects and long incubation periods, thermal activation of the phase boundary propagation, stabilization of the crystal in a stationary biphasic state, and thermal cutoff frequency). These measurements demonstrated the importance of thermal effects in the transition dynamics, and they enabled an accurate determination of the thermal properties of the SCO compound in the framework of a simple theoretical model

    Spatially Resolved Investigation and Control of the Bistability in Single Crystals of the [Fe(bbpya) (NCS)2] Spin Crossover Complex

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    The spin transition in single crystals of the [FeII(bbpya) (NCS)2] (bbpya = N,N-bis(2–2?-bipyrid-6-yl)amine) mononuclear complex was investigated by a combination of X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, as well as optical and atomic force microscopy (AFM) methods. These studies, performed around 440 K, revealed an extremely abrupt spin transition associated with a structural phase transition from a triclinic (low spin) to a monoclinic (mixed low spin/high spin) structure. Spatially resolved observations of this transition evidenced a clear phase separation associated with heterogeneous nucleation and the formation of a moving macroscopic interface whose velocity reached in some cases 300 ?m s–1. Using photothermal control it was possible to stabilize biphasic states of the crystal and then acquire AFM images of the phase boundary. A “sawtooth” like topography was repeatedly observed, which most likely emerges so as to minimize the elastic strain. Remarkably, a fine spatial control of the phase boundary could be also achieved using the AFM probe itself, through probe–sample convective heat exchange

    Complete Set of Elastic Moduli of a Spin-Crossover Solid: Spin-State Dependence and Mechanical Actuation

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    Molecular spin crossover complexes are promising candidates for mechanical actuation purposes. The relationships between their crystal structure and mechanical properties remain, however, not well understood. In this study, combining high pressure synchrotron Xray diffraction and nuclear inelastic scattering measurements, we assessed the effective macroscopic bulk modulus (11.5 ± 2.0 GPa), Young’s modulus (10.9 ± 1.0 GPa) and Poisson’s ratio (0.34 ± 0.04) of the spin crossover complex [FeII(HB(tz)3)2] (tz = 1,2,4-triazol-1-yl) in its low spin state. Crystal structure analysis revealed a pronounced anisotropy of the lattice compressibility, which was correlated with the difference in spacing between the molecules in different crystallographic directions. Switching the molecules from the low spin to the high spin state leads to a remarkable drop of the Young’s modulus to 7.1 ± 0.5 GPa, which was also assessed in thin film samples by means of micromechanical measurements. These results are in agreement with the high cooperativity of the spin crossover in this compound and highlight its application potential in terms of recoverable stress (21 ± 1 MPa) and work density (15 ± 6 mJ/cm3)

    Studies of magneto-structural relationships in molecule-based compounds by neutron diffusion : from individual molecules to nanoparticles

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    Un des enjeux majeurs dans le domaine du magnĂ©tisme molĂ©culaire est de mieux comprendre et prĂ©voir, dans les composĂ©s Ă  base molĂ©culaire, les corrĂ©lations qui existent entre les propriĂ©tĂ©s structurales (modulables Ă  partir de mĂ©thodes de synthĂšse de type « bottom-up ») et les propriĂ©tĂ©s magnĂ©tiques. En particulier, la comprĂ©hension et la maĂźtrise de l’anisotropie magnĂ©tique Ă  l’échelle locale est primordiale, notamment en vue de concevoir des molĂ©cules-aimants avec de plus hautes tempĂ©ratures de blocage. Dans ce contexte, ce travail de thĂšse s’organise autour de deux grands axes. La premiĂšre partie se concentre sur la dĂ©termination et la caractĂ©risation de l’anisotropie magnĂ©tique locale dans des complexes molĂ©culaires d’ions de transition de faible nuclĂ©aritĂ©. La diffraction de neutrons polarisĂ©s (PND) nous a permis, pour la premiĂšre fois, de mettre clairement en Ă©vidence le tenseur de susceptibilitĂ© magnĂ©tique locale dans un complexe molĂ©culaire mononuclĂ©aire de Fe3+ Bas-Spin ainsi que dans deux complexes, mononuclĂ©aire et dinuclĂ©aire, de Co2+ Haut-Spin. Cette approche novatrice mĂšne Ă  l’établissement de relations magnĂ©to-structurales claires et directes, en reliant les directions magnĂ©tiques locales propres Ă  l’environnement de coordination des ions mĂ©talliques et en particulier aux axes locaux de distorsion. Nous avons Ă©galement menĂ© l’étude originale d’un complexe Ă  transition de spin thermo-induite de Mn3+ par diffusion inĂ©lastique de neutrons (INS) dans les deux phases Haut-Spin (HS) et Bas-Spin (BS). Cette Ă©tude nous a conduits Ă  la proposition d’un modĂšle d’hamiltonien de spin anisotrope dans les deux Ă©tats HS et BS, en relation avec la structure du complexe. Dans une seconde partie plus exploratoire de la thĂšse, nous avons menĂ© une Ă©tude complĂšte des propriĂ©tĂ©s structurales et magnĂ©tiques de nanoparticules ferromagnĂ©tiques d’analogue du bleu de Prusse CsNiCr, par diffusion de neutrons aux petits angles (SANS). Les effets de taille, d’organisation et de concentration sur leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s superparamagnĂ©tiques ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© clairement mis en Ă©vidence. En particulier, nous avons mis en exergue, pour les particules de plus petite taille (5 nm de diamĂštre), une contribution magnĂ©tique qui rĂ©sulte de la manifestation d’un phĂ©nomĂšne collectif, tandis que celles de plus grande taille (28 nm de diamĂštre) apparaissent ĂȘtre dans un Ă©tat complĂštement multidomaine.One of the major issues in the field of molecular magnetism is to better understand and predict the correlations between the structural properties of molecule-based compounds and their magnetic properties, all of which may be tunable using “bottom-up” synthesis methods. In particular, the understanding and control of the magnetic anisotropy at the atomic scale is essential, especially with the aim to design Single-Molecule Magnets (SMM) with higher blocking temperatures. In this context, this thesis work is focused on two mains subjects. The first part deals with the determination and the characterization of the local magnetic anisotropy in low-nuclearity molecular complexes based on transition ions. Polarised neutron diffraction (PND) allows us, for the first time, to directly access the local susceptibility tensor in a Low-Spin Fe3+ mononuclear complex as well as in two, mononuclear and dinuclear, High-Spin Co2+ complexes. This innovative approach leads to the establishment of unique and direct magneto-structural correlations, by relating the local magnetic principal directions with the coordination environment of the metallic ions and, in particular, with the local distortion axes. We have also carried out an original investigation by inelastic neutron scattering (INS) of a Mn3+ thermo-induced spin-transition compound in both High-Spin (HS) and Low-Spin (LS) states. On the basis of this study, we were able to propose an anisotropic spin-Hamiltonian model in both HS and LS phases, and their relationships with the structure of the molecule are discussed. In a second more exploratory part of the thesis, we have carried out by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) a complete study of the structural and magnetic properties of Prussian blue analogues (PBA) ferromagnetic nanoparticles CsNiCr. The effects of size, organization and concentration on their superparamagnetic properties have been clearly highlighted. In particular, a strong magnetic contribution has been observed for the smallest particles (5 nm diameter) which results from the manifestation of a collective process, while the biggest (28 nm diameter) appear to be in a multi-domain state

    Etudes des relations magnéto-structurales dans les composés à base moléculaire par diffusion des neutrons : des molécules individuelles aux nanoparticules

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    One of the major issues in the field of molecular magnetism is to better understand and predict the correlations between the structural properties of molecule-based compounds and their magnetic properties, all of which may be tunable using “bottom-up” synthesis methods. In particular, the understanding and control of the magnetic anisotropy at the atomic scale is essential, especially with the aim to design Single-Molecule Magnets (SMM) with higher blocking temperatures. In this context, this thesis work is focused on two mains subjects. The first part deals with the determination and the characterization of the local magnetic anisotropy in low-nuclearity molecular complexes based on transition ions. Polarised neutron diffraction (PND) allows us, for the first time, to directly access the local susceptibility tensor in a Low-Spin Fe(3+) mononuclear complex as well as in two, mononuclear and dinuclear, High-Spin Co(2+) complexes. This innovative approach leads to the establishment of unique and direct magneto-structural correlations, by relating the local magnetic principal directions with the coordination environment of the metallic ions and, in particular, with the local distortion axes. We have also carried out an original investigation by inelastic neutron scattering (INS) of a Mn(3+) thermo-induced spin-transition compound in both High-Spin (HS) and Low-Spin (LS) states. On the basis of this study, we were able to propose an anisotropic spin-Hamiltonian model in both HS and LS phases, and their relationships with the structure of the molecule are discussed. In a second more exploratory part of the thesis, we have performed by small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) a complete study of the structural and magnetic properties of Prussian blue analogues (PBA) ferromagnetic nanoparticles CsNiCr. The effects of size, organization and concentration on their superparamagnetic properties have been clearly highlighted. In particular, a strong magnetic contribution has been observed for the smallest particles (5 nm diameter) which results from the manifestation of a collective process, while the biggest (28 nm diameter) appear to be in a multi-domain state.Un des enjeux majeurs dans le domaine du magnĂ©tisme molĂ©culaire est de mieux comprendre et prĂ©voir, dans les composĂ©s Ă  base molĂ©culaire, les corrĂ©lations qui existent entre les propriĂ©tĂ©s structurales (modulables Ă  partir de mĂ©thodes de synthĂšse de type « bottom-up ») et les propriĂ©tĂ©s magnĂ©tiques. En particulier, la comprĂ©hension et la maĂźtrise de l’anisotropie magnĂ©tique Ă  l’échelle locale est primordiale, notamment en vue de concevoir des molĂ©cules-aimants avec de plus hautes tempĂ©ratures de blocage. Dans ce contexte, ce travail de thĂšse s’organise autour de deux grands axes. La premiĂšre partie se concentre sur la dĂ©termination et la caractĂ©risation de l’anisotropie magnĂ©tique locale dans des complexes molĂ©culaires d’ions de transition de faible nuclĂ©aritĂ©. La diffraction de neutrons polarisĂ©s (PND) nous a permis, pour la premiĂšre fois, de mettre clairement en Ă©vidence le tenseur de susceptibilitĂ© magnĂ©tique locale dans un complexe molĂ©culaire mononuclĂ©aire de Fe(3+) Bas-Spin ainsi que dans deux complexes, mononuclĂ©aire et dinuclĂ©aire, de Co(2+) Haut-Spin. Cette approche novatrice mĂšne Ă  l’établissement de relations magnĂ©to-structurales claires et directes, en reliant les directions magnĂ©tiques locales propres Ă  l’environnement de coordination des ions mĂ©talliques et en particulier aux axes locaux de distorsion. Nous avons Ă©galement menĂ© l’étude originale d’un complexe Ă  transition de spin thermo-induite de Mn(3+) par diffusion inĂ©lastique de neutrons (INS) dans les deux phases Haut-Spin (HS) et Bas-Spin (BS). Cette Ă©tude nous a conduits Ă  la proposition d’un modĂšle d’hamiltonien de spin anisotrope dans les deux Ă©tats HS et BS, en relation avec la structure du complexe. Dans une seconde partie plus exploratoire de la thĂšse, nous avons menĂ© une Ă©tude complĂšte des propriĂ©tĂ©s structurales et magnĂ©tiques de nanoparticules ferromagnĂ©tiques d’analogue du bleu de Prusse CsNiCr, par diffusion de neutrons aux petits angles (SANS). Les effets de taille, d’organisation et de concentration sur leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s superparamagnĂ©tiques ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© clairement mis en Ă©vidence. En particulier, nous avons mis en exergue, pour les particules de plus petite taille (5 nm de diamĂštre), une contribution magnĂ©tique qui rĂ©sulte de la manifestation d’un phĂ©nomĂšne collectif, tandis que celles de plus grande taille (28 nm de diamĂštre) apparaissent ĂȘtre dans un Ă©tat complĂštement multidomaine

    Sequential activation of molecular and macroscopic spin‐state switching within the hysteretic region following pulsed light excitation

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    International audienceMolecular spin-crossover (SCO) compounds constitute a promising class of photoactive materials exhibiting efficient photo-induced phase transitions (PIPTs), driven by cooperative elastic interactions between the switchable molecules. Taking advantage of the unique, picture-perfect reproducibility of the spin-transition properties in the compound [Fe(HB(1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)3)2], we have dissected the spatiotemporal dynamics of the PIPT within the thermodynamic metastability (hysteretic) region of a single crystal, using pump-probe optical microscopy. Beyond a threshold laser excitation density, complete PIPTs were evidenced, with conversion rates up to 200 switched molecules per absorbed photon. We show that the PIPT takes place through the sequential activation of two (molecular and macroscopic) switching mechanisms, occurring on sub-ÎŒs and ms timescales, governed by the intramolecular and free energy barriers of the system, respectively. The main finding here is that the thermodynamic metastability has strictly no influence on the sub-ms switching dynamics. Indeed, before this ms timescale, the response of the crystal to the laser excitation involves a gradual, molecular conversion process, as if there was no hysteresis loop. Consequently, in this regime, even a 100% photo-induced conversion may not give rise to a PIPT. These results provide new insight on the intrinsic dynamical limits of the PIPT in SCO solids (and other types of bistable materials), which is an important issue, from a technological perspective, for achieving fast and efficient photo-control of the functionalities of condensed matter

    All-atom molecular dynamics simulation of the [Fe(pyrazine)][N(CN)4] spin-crossover complex. I. Thermally induced spin transition in the bulk material

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    International audienceWe present an atomistic approach, based on the x-ray diffraction structure, to model cooperative spin-transition phenomena in the [Fe(pyrazine)] [Ni(CN)4] spin-crossover compound. The vibronic coupling is described through a double-well potential along the totally symmetric Fe-ligand stretching mode, whereas the elastic interactions between the Fe centers are considered by an additional spin-state-dependent two-body potential. The model is then investigated through molecular dynamics simulations in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble. This approach provides a real-time spatiotemporal description of the spin transition, from the atomic movements to the nanoscale behavior, removing in this way some ad hoc assumptions used in state-of-the-art atomistic models, while keeping the computational cost affordable. This work is separated into two papers. In the present Part I, we report on the methodology used to describe the electron-lattice interaction to simulate the spin transition in the bulk material within a realistic molecular structure. Part II [S. Mi et al., Phys. Rev. B 109, 054104 (2024)] will address the spatiotemporal dynamics (nucleation and growth) of the spin transition in a bilayer actuator, correlating the buildup of elastic stresses and the resulting deformation of the nanoscale object using the atomistic approach developed here

    Effects of the surface energy and surface stress on the phase stability of spin crossover nano-objects: a thermodynamic approach

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    International audienceSize-induced phase transformation at the nanoscale is a common phenomenon whose understanding is essential for potential applications. Here we investigate phase equilibria in thin films and nanoparticles of molecular spin crossover (SCO) materials. To calculate the size-temperature phase diagrams we have developed a new nano-thermodynamic core–shell model in which intermolecular interactions are described through the volume misfit between molecules of different spin states, while the contributions of surface energy and surface stress are explicitly included. Based on this model, we rationalize the emergence of previously-reported incomplete spin transitions and the shift of the transition temperature in finite size objects due to their large surface-to-volume ratio. The results reveal a competition between the elastic intermolecular interaction and the internal pressure induced by the surface stress. The predicted transition temperature of thin films of the SCO compound [Fe(pyrazine)][Ni(CN)4] follows a clear reciprocal relationship with respect to the film thickness and the transition behavior matches the available experimental data. Importantly, all input parameters of the present model are experimentally accessible physical quantities, thus providing a simple, yet powerful tool to analyze SCO properties in nano-scale objects

    All-atom molecular dynamics simulation of the [ Fe ( pyrazine ) ] [ Ni ( CN ) 4 ] spin-crossover complex. II. Spatiotemporal study of a bimorph actuator

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    International audienceWe present an atomistic approach, based on a realistic structure of the compound [Fe(pyrazine)][Ni(CN)4], which provides a spatiotemporal description of the spin-crossover (SCO) phenomenon. The vibronic coupling is described through an intramolecular double-well potential, whereas the elastic interactions between the Fe centers are considered by an additional spin-state-dependent potential. The model is then investigated through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. This work is separated into two papers. Part I [S. Mi et al., Phys. Rev. B 109, 054103 (2024)] reports on the methodology used to simulate the spin transition in the bulk material. The present Part II addresses the spatiotemporal dynamics (nucleation and growth) of the spin transition in a bimorph actuator, mimicking the operation of a nanoelectromechanical device. The spin-state configuration and local strain are calculated to explore both the spatiotemporal aspects of the spin-state switching and the resulting deformation of the bimorph cantilever, as a function of the cooperativity of the SCO material and the thickness of the films. We show that the spatiotemporal dynamics deviates from a single nucleation process since additional domains can be formed due to the lattice bending, whereas the associated elastic stresses lead to longer switching times and to incomplete transitions. A comparison with classical continuum mechanical theory reveals that the latter may be no more valid in the case of systems with ultrathin films. Interestingly, due to competing effects between the spin-state switching dynamics and the natural frequencies of the cantilever, damped oscillations are observed in the spin-state fraction and in the deformation of the cantilever before reaching a stationary state

    Broadband high-contrast visible optical switches based on a spin-crossover material

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    Visible optical switches embedding a spin-crossover thin film and exploiting frustrated total internal reflection operation principle are studied and optimized numerically with a view to obtain broadband high-contrast devices. A practical implementation using uncoated SF11 prisms embedding a 1-”m-thick layer of iron-triazolyl-borate complex as the thermo-active phase-change material is shown to support p-polarized modulation with a contrast in excess of 90% over a spectral bandwidth greater than 270 nm and over an angular acceptance bandwidth of 0.45°, surpassing the performance achievable with optically-resonant devices