2,098 research outputs found

    Enjeux de l’immigration fĂ©minine en Irlande au xxie siĂšcle et politiques gouvernementales

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    Les migrantes en Irlande au xxie siĂšcle souffrent de discrimination en tant que femmes dans une sociĂ©tĂ© patriarcale. Elles sont aussi confrontĂ©es Ă  des difficultĂ©s comme employĂ©es au statut prĂ©caire, recrutĂ©es souvent au-dessous de leurs qualifications. Le travail domestique dans l’économie grise bafoue leurs droits. La lĂ©gislation sur l’immigration, complexe, non dĂ©nuĂ©e d’arbitraire, les pĂ©nalise. Pour dĂ©manteler les rĂ©seaux de prostitution dont nombre de migrantes sont victimes, une campagne abolitionniste prend corps en Irlande.Twenty-first century female migrants in Ireland are not only discriminated against as women in a patriarchal society, but also as foreigners whose status is precarious and whose jobs are often below their qualifications. For those who are relegated to the grey economy living conditions are particularly harsh. Obstacles to female migrants’ integration result from complex immigration policies, whose enforcement is not always immune from arbitrariness. Mobilization in Ireland against prostitution networks whose victims are female migrants has allowed an abolitionist campaign to develop lately

    Women of Ireland, from economic prosperity to austere times: who cares?

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    Economic prosperity during the Celtic Tiger stimulated the development of the job market, and drew migrants to Ireland especially from EU countries. Relationships between Irishwomen and female migrants in employment sectors reflected new social tensions and inequalities, both in the public and in the private spheres.La prospĂ©ritĂ© Ă©conomique durant le Tigre celtique a stimulĂ© le marchĂ© de l’emploi, ainsi que l’immigration, en provenance de l’union europĂ©enne surtout. Les relations entre les Irlandaises et les immigrantes au travail illustrent de nouvelles formes d’inĂ©galitĂ©s, Ă  la fois dans la sphĂšre privĂ©e et dans la sphĂšre publique

    Cross-species gene expression analysis of species specific differences in the preclinical assessment of pharmaceutical compounds

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    Animals are frequently used as model systems for determination of safety and efficacy in pharmaceutical research and development. However, significant quantitative and qualitative differences exist between humans and the animal models used in research. This is as a result of genetic variation between human and the laboratory animal. Therefore the development of a system that would allow the assessment of all molecular differences between species after drug exposure would have a significant impact on drug evaluation for toxicity and efficacy. Here we describe a cross-species microarray methodology that identifies and selects orthologous probes after cross-species sequence comparison to develop an orthologous cross-species gene expression analysis tool. The assumptions made by the use of this orthologous gene expression strategy for cross-species extrapolation is that; conserved changes in gene expression equate to conserved pharmacodynamic endpoints. This assumption is supported by the fact that evolution and selection have maintained the structure and function of many biochemical pathways over time, resulting in the conservation of many important processes. We demonstrate this cross-species methodology by investigating species specific differences of the peroxisome proliferatoractivator receptor (PPAR) a response in rat and human

    Measurement of an excess in the yield of J/ψ\psi at very low pTp_{\rm T} in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV

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    We report on the first measurement of an excess in the yield of J/ψ\psi at very low transverse momentum (pT<0.3p_{\rm T}< 0.3 GeV/cc) in peripheral hadronic Pb-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV, performed by ALICE at the CERN LHC. Remarkably, the measured nuclear modification factor of J/ψ\psi in the rapidity range 2.5<y<42.5<y<4 reaches about 7 (2) in the pTp_{\rm T} range 0-0.3 GeV/cc in the 70-90% (50-70%) centrality class. The J/ψ\psi production cross section associated with the observed excess is obtained under the hypothesis that coherent photoproduction of J/ψ\psi is the underlying physics mechanism. If confirmed, the observation of J/ψ\psi coherent photoproduction in Pb-Pb collisions at impact parameters smaller than twice the nuclear radius opens new theoretical and experimental challenges and opportunities. In particular, coherent photoproduction accompanying hadronic collisions may provide insight into the dynamics of photoproduction and nuclear reactions, as well as become a novel probe of the Quark-Gluon Plasma.Comment: 18 pages, 3 captioned figures, 1 table, authors from page 13, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/191

    Debris Disks: Probing Planet Formation

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    Debris disks are the dust disks found around ~20% of nearby main sequence stars in far-IR surveys. They can be considered as descendants of protoplanetary disks or components of planetary systems, providing valuable information on circumstellar disk evolution and the outcome of planet formation. The debris disk population can be explained by the steady collisional erosion of planetesimal belts; population models constrain where (10-100au) and in what quantity (>1Mearth) planetesimals (>10km in size) typically form in protoplanetary disks. Gas is now seen long into the debris disk phase. Some of this is secondary implying planetesimals have a Solar System comet-like composition, but some systems may retain primordial gas. Ongoing planet formation processes are invoked for some debris disks, such as the continued growth of dwarf planets in an unstirred disk, or the growth of terrestrial planets through giant impacts. Planets imprint structure on debris disks in many ways; images of gaps, clumps, warps, eccentricities and other disk asymmetries, are readily explained by planets at >>5au. Hot dust in the region planets are commonly found (<5au) is seen for a growing number of stars. This dust usually originates in an outer belt (e.g., from exocomets), although an asteroid belt or recent collision is sometimes inferred.Comment: Invited review, accepted for publication in the 'Handbook of Exoplanets', eds. H.J. Deeg and J.A. Belmonte, Springer (2018

    Statistical Mechanics of Glass Formation in Molecular Liquids with OTP as an Example

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    We extend our statistical mechanical theory of the glass transition from examples consisting of point particles to molecular liquids with internal degrees of freedom. As before, the fundamental assertion is that super-cooled liquids are ergodic, although becoming very viscous at lower temperatures, and are therefore describable in principle by statistical mechanics. The theory is based on analyzing the local neighborhoods of each molecule, and a statistical mechanical weight is assigned to every possible local organization. This results in an approximate theory that is in very good agreement with simulations regarding both thermodynamical and dynamical properties

    Engineering proton conductivity in melanin using metal doping

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    Long range electrical conduction in biomaterials is an increasingly active area of research, which includes systems such as the conductive pili, proteins, biomacromolecules, biocompatible conductive polymers and their derivatives. One material of particular interest, the human skin pigment melanin, is a long range proton conductor and recently demonstrated as capable of proton-to-electron transduction in a solid-state electrochemical transistor platform. In this work, a novel “doping strategy” is proposed to enhance and control melanin's proton conductivity, potentially enhancing its utility as a transducing material. By chelating the transition metal ion Cu(II) into the bio-macromolecular matrix, free proton concentration and hence conductivity can be modulated. We confirm these observations by demonstrating enhanced performance in a next generation electrochemical transistor. Finally, the underlying mechanism is investigated via the use of a novel in situ hydration-controlled electron paramagnetic resonance study, deducing that the enhanced proton concentration is due to controlling the internal solid-state redox chemistry of the intrinsic polyindolequinone structure. This doping strategy should be open to any transition metal ions that bind to hydroquinone systems (e.g. polydopamine). As such, the tailoring strategy could make other soft solid-state ionic systems more accessible to applications in bioelectronics, leading to the creation of higher performance ion–electron coupled devices

    Myoconductive and osteoinductive free-standing polysaccharide membranes

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    Free-standing (FS) membranes have increasing applications in the biomedical field as drug delivery systems for wound healing and tissue engineering. Here, we studied the potential of free-standing membranes made by the layer-by-layer assembly of chitosan and alginate to be used as a simple biomimetic system of the periosteum. The design of a periosteum-like membrane implies the elaboration of a thick membrane suitable for both muscle and bone formation. Our aim was to produce well-defined ∌50 ÎŒm thick polysaccharide membranes that could be easily manipulated, were mechanically resistant, and would enable both myogenesis and osteogenesis in vitro and in vivo. The membranes were chemically crosslinked to improve their mechanical properties. Crosslinking chemistry was followed via Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and the mechanical properties of the membranes were assessed using dynamic mechanical analysis. The loading and release of the potent osteoinductive growth factor bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2) inside and outside of the FS membrane was followed by fluorescence spectroscopy in a physiological buffer over 1 month. The myogenic and osteogenic potentials of the membranes in vitro were assessed using BMP-2-responsive skeletal myoblasts. Finally, their osteoinductive properties in vivo were studied in a preliminary experiment using a mouse ectopic model. Our results showed that the more crosslinked FS membranes enabled a more efficient myoblast differentiation in myotubes. In addition, we showed that a tunable amount of BMP-2 can be loaded into and subsequently released from the membranes, depending on the crosslinking degree and the initial BMP-2 concentration in solution. Only the more crosslinked membranes were found to be osteoinductive in vivo. These polysaccharide-based membranes have strong potential as a periosteum-mimetic scaffold for bone tissue regeneration.This work was financially supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the scholarship SFRH/BPD/96797/2013, Fundo Social Europeu (FSE), and Programa Diferencial de Potencial Human (POPH) granted to Sofia G. Caridade. C.M. is indebted to the Association Francaise contre les Myopathies for financial support via a post-doctoral fellowship (AFM project 16673). J.A. acknowledges the Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program for support via a post-doctoral fellowship. This work was supported by the European Commission (FP7 program) via a European Research Council starting grant (BIOMIM, GA 259370 to C.P.) and by the AFM (grant Microtiss, 16530). We thank Isabelle Paintrand for her technical help with the confocal apparatus

    Infrastructure for Detector Research and Development towards the International Linear Collider

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    The EUDET-project was launched to create an infrastructure for developing and testing new and advanced detector technologies to be used at a future linear collider. The aim was to make possible experimentation and analysis of data for institutes, which otherwise could not be realized due to lack of resources. The infrastructure comprised an analysis and software network, and instrumentation infrastructures for tracking detectors as well as for calorimetry.Comment: 54 pages, 48 picture

    Multiplicity dependence of jet-like two-particle correlations in p-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV

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    Two-particle angular correlations between unidentified charged trigger and associated particles are measured by the ALICE detector in p-Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. The transverse-momentum range 0.7 <pT,assoc<pT,trig< < p_{\rm{T}, assoc} < p_{\rm{T}, trig} < 5.0 GeV/cc is examined, to include correlations induced by jets originating from low momen\-tum-transfer scatterings (minijets). The correlations expressed as associated yield per trigger particle are obtained in the pseudorapidity range ∣η∣<0.9|\eta|<0.9. The near-side long-range pseudorapidity correlations observed in high-multiplicity p-Pb collisions are subtracted from both near-side short-range and away-side correlations in order to remove the non-jet-like components. The yields in the jet-like peaks are found to be invariant with event multiplicity with the exception of events with low multiplicity. This invariance is consistent with the particles being produced via the incoherent fragmentation of multiple parton--parton scatterings, while the yield related to the previously observed ridge structures is not jet-related. The number of uncorrelated sources of particle production is found to increase linearly with multiplicity, suggesting no saturation of the number of multi-parton interactions even in the highest multiplicity p-Pb collisions. Further, the number scales in the intermediate multiplicity region with the number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions estimated with a Glauber Monte-Carlo simulation.Comment: 23 pages, 6 captioned figures, 1 table, authors from page 17, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/161
