1,224 research outputs found

    Rapid increase in coral cover on an isolated coral reef, the Ashmore Reef National Nature Reserve, north-western Australia

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    Against a background of coral reef ecosystem decline, understanding the propensity for coral communities to recover after acute disturbances is fundamental to forecasting and maintaining resilience. It may be expected that offshore reef ecosystems are less affected by anthropogenic disturbances compared with reefs closer to population centres, but that recovery may be slower on isolated reefs following disturbances. To test the hypothesis that community recovery is slow in isolated locations, we measured changes in coral cover and relative abundance of coral genera over a 4 year period (200509) at Ashmore Reef, north Western Australia, following severe bleaching. The percent cover of hard coral tripled, from 10.2% (±1.46 s.e.) in 2005 to 29.4% (±1.83 s.e.) in 2009 in all habitats (exposed and lagoonal) and depth zones (25 and 810m), and the percent cover of soft corals doubled, from 4.5% (+0.63 s.e.) in 2005 to 8.3% (+1.4 s.e.) in 2009. Significant shifts in the taxonomic composition of hard corals were detected. Our results imply that coral recovery in isolated locations can occur rapidly after an initial delay in recruitment, presumably through the interacting effects of self-recruitment and reduced exposure to additive impacts such as coastal pollution

    A review of the relationship between eggshell colour and water vapour conductance

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    This review brings together the available literature that examines the effect of variations in pigmentation on the gas conductance of avian eggshells. Pheasant and Houbara bustard eggs provide some evidence that shell abnormalities can impact upon colour and conductance. By contrast, data from wild birds suggest that neither the degree of maculation or intensity of ground colour impact upon gas conductance. Those studies that purport to show variation in rates of water loss in eggs with different degrees of pigmentation may have been confounded by variation in nest humidity. This emerging field of research remains very much in its infancy

    Population expansion in the North African Late Pleistocene signalled by mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U6

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    Background <br/> The archaeology of North Africa remains enigmatic, with questions of population continuity versus discontinuity taking centre-stage. Debates have focused on population transitions between the bearers of the Middle Palaeolithic Aterian industry and the later Upper Palaeolithic populations of the Maghreb, as well as between the late Pleistocene and Holocene. <br/> Results Improved resolution of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup U6 phylogeny, by the screening of 39 new complete sequences, has enabled us to infer a signal of moderate population expansion using Bayesian coalescent methods. To ascertain the time for this expansion, we applied both a mutation rate accounting for purifying selection and one with an internal calibration based on four approximate archaeological dates: the settlement of the Canary Islands, the settlement of Sardinia and its internal population re-expansion, and the split between haplogroups U5 and U6 around the time of the first modern human settlement of the Near East. <br/> Conclusions <br/> A Bayesian skyline plot placed the main expansion in the time frame of the Late Pleistocene, around 20 ka, and spatial smoothing techniques suggested that the most probable geographic region for this demographic event was to the west of North Africa. A comparison with U6's European sister clade, U5, revealed a stronger population expansion at around this time in Europe. Also in contrast with U5, a weak signal of a recent population expansion in the last 5,000 years was observed in North Africa, pointing to a moderate impact of the late Neolithic on the local population size of the southern Mediterranean coast

    Simulations of metastable decay in two- and three-dimensional models with microscopic dynamics

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    We present a brief analysis of the crossover phase diagram for the decay of a metastable phase in a simple dynamic lattice-gas model of a two-phase system. We illustrate the nucleation-theoretical analysis with dynamic Monte Carlo simulations of a kinetic Ising lattice gas on square and cubic lattices. We predict several regimes in which the metastable lifetime has different functional forms, and provide estimates for the crossovers between the different regimes. In the multidroplet regime, the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami theory for the time dependence of the order-parameter decay and the two-point density correlation function allows extraction of both the order parameter in the metastable phase and the interfacial velocity from the simulation data.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, submitted to J. Non-Crystalline Solids, conference proceeding for IXth International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids, October, 199

    Implementing NICE guidelines for the psychological treatment of depression and anxiety disorders: The IAPT experience

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    The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme is a large-scale initiative that aims to greatly increase the availability of NICE recommended psychological treatment for depression and anxiety disorders within the National Health Service in England. This article describes the background to the programme, the arguments on which it is based, the therapist training scheme, the clinical service model, and a summary of progress to date. At mid-point in a national roll-out of the programme progress is generally in line with expectation, and a large number of people who would not otherwise have had the opportunity to receive evidence-based psychological treatment have accessed, and benefited from, the new IAPT services. Planned future developments and challenges for the programme are briefly described

    Revisiting the Tradespace Exploration Paradigm: Structuring the Exploration Process

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    A number of case applications of tradespace exploration have further extended the types of analyses and knowledge insights that can be gained about tradeoffs between design choices and perceived utility and cost of alternatives. These extensions include application beyond its heritage aerospace domain to the transportation domain, comparing distinct concepts on a common tradespace, considering the impact of changing needs and contexts over time, evaluation of alternatives in a “light effort” manner. In parallel with these case applications, a formalization of the tradespace exploration process has emerged, using a question-driven approach to ensure the knowledge generated is practical and useful to decision makers. These questions are introduced and applied to three example space systems in order to illustrate insights gained in answering the questions. The insights include identifying “good” designs, the strengths and weakness of selected alternatives across a tradespace, limiting constraints and requirements that could allow for less expensive solutions. Additionally, advanced insights include understanding the sensitivities of designs to changes in contexts and needs, and consideration of the differential impact of uncertainty across a set of alternatives with potential opportunities for risk mitigation.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Engineering Systems Division (Systems Engineering Advancement Research Initiative (SEAri)

    An Anglo-Saxon execution cemetery at Walkington Wold, Yorkshire

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    This paper presents a re-evaluation of a cemetery excavated over 30 years ago at Walkington Wold in east Yorkshire. The cemetery is characterized by careless burial on diverse alignments, and by the fact that most of the skeletons did not have associated crania. The cemetery has been variously described as being the result of an early post-Roman massacre, as providing evidence for a ‘Celtic’ head cult or as an Anglo-Saxon execution cemetery. In order to resolve the matter, radiocarbon dates were acquired and a re-examination of the skeletal remains was undertaken. It was confirmed that the cemetery was an Anglo-Saxon execution cemetery, the only known example from northern England, and the site is set into its wider context in the paper

    The One-loop Open Superstring Massless Five-point Amplitude with the Non-Minimal Pure Spinor Formalism

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    We compute the massless five-point amplitude of open superstrings using the non-minimal pure spinor formalism and obtain a simple kinematic factor in pure spinor superspace, which can be viewed as the natural extension of the kinematic factor of the massless four-point amplitude. It encodes bosonic and fermionic external states in supersymmetric form and reduces to existing bosonic amplitudes when expanded in components, therefore proving their equivalence. We also show how to compute the kinematic structures involving fermionic states.Comment: 38 pages, harvmac TeX, v2: fix typo in (4.2) and add referenc

    alpha'-exact entropies for BPS and non-BPS extremal dyonic black holes in heterotic string theory from ten-dimensional supersymmetry

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    We calculate near-horizon solutions for four-dimensional 4-charge and five-dimensional 3-charge black holes in heterotic string theory from the part of the ten-dimensional tree-level effective action which is connected to gravitational Chern-Simons term by supersymmetry. We obtain that the entropies of large black holes exactly match the alpha'-exact statistical entropies obtained from microstate counting (D=4) and AdS/CFT correspondence (D=5). Especially interesting is that we obtain agreement for both BPS and non-BPS black holes, contrary to the case of R^2-truncated (four-derivative) actions (D-dimensional N=2 off-shell supersymmetric or Gauss-Bonnet) were used, which give the entropies agreeing (at best) just for BPS black holes. The key property of the solutions, which enabled us to tackle the action containing infinite number of terms, is vanishing of the Riemann tensor \bar{R}_{MNPQ} obtained from torsional connection defined with \bar{\Gamma} = \Gamma - H/2. Morover, if every monomial of the remaining part of the effective action would contain at least two Riemanns \bar{R}_{MNPQ}, it would trivially follow that our solutions are exact solutions of the full heterotic effective action in D=10. The above conjecture, which appeared (in this or stronger form) from time to time in the literature, has controversial status, but is supported by the most recent calculations of Richards (arXiv:0807.3453 [hep-th]). Agreement of our results for the entropies with the microscopic ones supports the conjecture. As for small black holes, our solutions in D=5 still have singular horizons.Comment: 28 pages; v2: minor changes, references added; v3: extended discussion on small black holes in sec. 5.4, more references added, accepted in JHE

    The computational fluid dynamics modelling of the autorotation of square, flat plates

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    This paper examines the use of a coupled Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) – Rigid Body Dynamics (RBD) model to study the fixed-axis autorotation of a square flat plate. The calibration of the model against existing wind tunnel data is described. During the calibration, the CFD models were able to identify complex period autoration rates, which were attributable to a mass eccentricity in the experimental plate. The predicted flow fields around the autorotating plates are found to be consistent with existing observations. In addition, the pressure coefficients from the wind tunnel and computational work were found to be in good agreement. By comparing these pressure distributions and the vortex shedding patterns at various stages through an autorotation cycle, it was possible to gain important insights into the flow structures that evolve around the plate. The CFD model is also compared against existing correlation functions that relate the mean tip speed ratio of the plate to the aspect ratio, thickness ratio and mass moment of inertia of the plate. Agreement is found to be good for aspect ratios of 1, but poor away from this value. However, other aspects of the numerical modelling are consistent with the correlations
