237 research outputs found

    Femmes, argent et pouvoir aux Etats-Unis

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    Runoff Losses of Atrazine, Metribuzin, and Nutrients as Affected by Management Practices for Sugarcane (Bulletin #875)

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    A primary objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effectiveness of selected pesticide management practices on the movement of atrazine and metribuzin in surface runoff from sugarcane fields in south Louisiana.https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/agcenter_bulletins/1026/thumbnail.jp

    The GANIL beam lines

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/c81/papers/ep-36.pdfInternational audienceThe general optical functions of the beam lines are described. The principle of beam lines composed of sections with separated functions was adopted. The main technological characteristics of the equipments (guiding system, buncher, stripper, beam diagnostics and pumping system) are given

    Effect of Application Frequency on the Fate of Azinphosmethyl in a Sugercane Field (Bulletin #863)

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    Reducing the amounts of dissolved substances in surface and ground water is of major concern nationally and within the agricultural community. The primary focus of this study was to investigate the fate of azinphosmethyl (Guthion®) in sugarcane canopy, soil and runoff water.https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/agcenter_bulletins/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Preliminary design of a new high intensity injection system for GANIL.

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    http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/c89/papers/f6-12.pdfInternational audienc

    A new chemistry-climate tropospheric and stratospheric model MOCAGE-Climat: evaluation of the present-day climatology and sensitivity to surface processes

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    International audienceWe present the chemistry-climate configuration of the Météo-France Chemistry and Transport Model, MOCAGE-Climat. MOCAGE-Climat is a state-of-the-art model that simulates the global distribution of ozone and its precursors (82 chemical species) both in the troposphere and the stratosphere, up to the mid-mesosphere (~70 km). Surface processes (emissions, dry deposition), convection, and scavenging are explicitly described in the model that has been driven by the ECMWF operational analyses of the period 2000–2005, on T21 and T42 horizontal grids and 60 hybrid vertical levels, with and without a procedure that reduces calculations in the boundary layer, and with on-line or climatological deposition velocities. Model outputs have been compared to available observations, both from satellites (TOMS, HALOE, SMR, SCIAMACHY, MOPITT) and in-situ instrument measurements (ozone sondes, MOZAIC and aircraft campaigns) at climatological timescales. The distribution of long-lived species is in fair agreement with observations in the stratosphere putting apart shortcomings linked to the large-scale circulation. The variability of the ozone column, both spatially and temporarily, is satisfactory. However, the too fast Brewer-Dobson circulation accumulates too much ozone in the lower to mid-stratosphere at the end of winter. Ozone in the UTLS region does not show any systematic bias. In the troposphere better agreement with ozone sonde measurements is obtained at mid and high latitudes than in the tropics and differences with observations are the lowest in summer. Simulations using a simplified boundary layer lead to ozone differences between the model and the observations up to the mid-troposphere. NOx in the lowest troposphere is in general overestimated, especially in the winter months over the northern hemisphere, which might result from a positive bias in OH. Dry deposition fluxes of O3 and nitrogen species are within the range of values reported by recent inter-comparison model exercises. The use of climatological deposition velocities versus deposition velocities calculated on-line had greatest impact on HNO3 and NO2 in the troposphere

    Supercooled liquid water clouds observed over Dome C, Antarctica: temperature sensitivity and cloud radiative forcing

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    Clouds affect the Earth climate with an impact that depends on the cloud nature (solid and/or liquid water). Although the Antarctic climate is changing rapidly, cloud observations are sparse over Antarctica due to few ground stations and satellite observations. The Concordia station is located on the eastern Antarctic Plateau (75∘ S, 123∘ E; 3233 m above mean sea level), one of the driest and coldest places on Earth. We used observations of clouds, temperature, liquid water, and surface irradiance performed at Concordia during four austral summers (December 2018–2021) to analyse the link between liquid water and temperature and its impact on surface irradiance in the presence of supercooled liquid water (liquid water for temperature less than 0 ∘C) clouds (SLWCs). Our analysis shows that, within SLWCs, temperature logarithmically increases from −36.0 to −16.0 ∘C when liquid water path increases from 1.0 to 14.0 g m−2. The SLWC radiative forcing is positive and logarithmically increases from 0.0 to 70.0 W m−2 when liquid water path increases from 1.2 to 3.5 g m−2. This is mainly due to the downward longwave component that logarithmically increases from 0 to 90 W m−2 when liquid water path increases from 1.0 to 3.5 g m−2. The attenuation of shortwave incoming irradiance (that can reach more than 100 W m−2) is almost compensated for by the upward shortwave irradiance because of high values of surface albedo. Based on our study, we can extrapolate that, over the Antarctic continent, SLWCs have a maximum radiative forcing that is rather weak over the eastern Antarctic Plateau (0 to 7 W m−2) but 3 to 5 times larger over West Antarctica (0 to 40 W m−2), maximizing in summer and over the Antarctic Peninsula.</p

    The effectiveness of virtual environments in developing collaborative strategies between industrial robots and humans

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    Testing and implementation of Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) could be dangerous due to the high-speed movements and massive forces generated by industrial robots. Wherever humans and industrial robots share a common workplace, accidents are likely to happen and always unpredictable. This has hindered the development of human robot collaborative strategies as well as the ability of authorities to pass regulations on how humans and robots should work together in close proximities. This paper presents the use of a Virtual Reality digital twin of a physical layout as a mechanism to understand human reactions to both predictable and unpredictable robot motions. A set of established metrics as well as a newly developed Kinetic Energy Ratio metric are used to analyse human reactions and validate the effectiveness of the Virtual Reality environment. It is the aim that Virtual Reality digital twins could inform the safe implementation of Human-Robot Collaborative strategies in factories of the future

    Increased Secretion and Expression of Myostatin in Skeletal Muscle From Extremely Obese Women

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    OBJECTIVE—Obesity is associated with endocrine abnormalities that predict the progression of insulin resistance to type 2 diabetes. Because skeletal muscle has been shown to secrete proteins that could be used as biomarkers, we characterized the secreted protein profile of muscle cells derived from extremely obese (BMI 48.8 ± 14.8 kg/m2; homeostasis model assessment [HOMA] 3.6 ± 1.0) relative to lean healthy subjects (BMI 25.7 ± 3.2 kg/m2; HOMA 0.8 ± 0.2)