263 research outputs found

    Guidelines Based on Need-Findings Study and Communication Types to Design Interactions for MOOCs

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    Experts affirm that interaction in learning settings represent a necessary process for knowledge acquisition and cognitive development. In this vein, is crucial to ensure effective interaction and communication through the user interface of MOOCs. This work proposes a set of design guidelines as starting point for developers to integrate a set of interactive elements into the MOOCs' user interface oriented to foster the four basic types for communication in distance education. The design guidelines were conformed through a need-findings process (observing people-interviewing), in which 35 participants provided their user experience perceptions after using MOOCs from edX; Coursera; and Udacity. Obtained results suggest a particular set of interactive communication elements that should be incorporated in every MOOC's user interface

    Curriculum project as a key instrument for the development of the teaching/learning process in mathematics

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    El presente artículo expresa nuestra opinión sobre el proyecto curricular en Matemáticas, intentando llenar un vacío existente y haciendo unas sugerencias que esperamos sean útiles a los profesores. Se estudian los modelos subyacentes (actual y de la reforma), y, a partir de lo anterior, se efectúa una propuesta de proyecto curricular en Matemáticas. Se pretende proporcionar una fundamentación teórica en la que un profesor pueda apoyarse para realizar sus Proyectos curriculares relativos al área de Matemáticas; sugerir un posible esquema que puede servirle de pauta al profesor en los proyectos curriculares que tenga que realizar es este área y dar pautas para valorar un proyecto curricular del área de Matemáticas. Se indican los errores más frecuentes que se suelen cometer, con el fin de los profesores no vayan a caer en ellos en los proyectos que elaboren en el futuro, y por último se ofrece una bibliografía concisa, pero suficiente, para que el profesor disponga de los referentes adecuados para abordar su propio desarrollo curricular.The present article expresses our opinion on the curriculum project in mathematics, aiming to fill an existent gap and making suggestions which we hope will be useful for the teacher. The underlying models (actual and reformed) are studied and from them a proposal for a curriculum project in mathematics is made. The intention is: to supply a theoretical foundation on which the teacher can learn to carry out his curriculum projects relative to the area of mathematics: to suggest a possible scheme which can serve as a model for the teacher in the curriculum projects to be carried out in this area and to give-lines for evaluating a curriculum project in mathematics. The most frequent errors committed are indicated so that the teacher does not fall into then in the projects he elaborates in the future and finally a concise, but sufficient, bibliography is offered so that the teacher has at his disposal the adequate references for carrying out his own curriculum development.peerReviewe

    Front-End Design Guidelines for Infotainment Systems

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    This paper presents a set of front-end design guidelines intended to provide a starting point to designers of user interfaces for infotainment systems. The proposed approach suggests guidance on four dimensions inferred from state of the art such as crucial to achieve well designed automotive interfaces: a) Design; b) Interaction; c) Security; and d) Connectivity. Guidelines were thought by integrating conceptual-insights from Graphic Design; User Centered Design; Human-Machine Interfaces; Usability; and Human-Computer interaction. Additionally, were specified and structured to be used also as a comparing tool (Like Heuristic- Evaluation technique) to analyze front-end of existent infotainment systems. Said duality allowed to revise the pertinence of the proposal through a case study where 30 participants (25 regular users and 5 technicalexperts) compared suggested guidelines’ specification against interactions provided by the front–end of Mazda Connect© infotainment System. Obtained results suggested that setting of proposed guidelines was compatible with participants’ perceptions facilitating to identify pain-points on current design; thus, proposed guidance could scaffold base-insights for new front-end designs

    Guidelines to Establish an Office of Student Accessibility Services in Higher Education Institutions

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    The objective of this paper is to propose a set of guidelines to establish an office of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The proposed guidelines help to integrate disjointed knowledge to facilitate its interpretation and implementation during deployment of basic support services in favor of students with disability. These guidelines can help to mitigate complexity in providing SAS for the first time in HEIs. These guidelines cover both the design and implementation of an office of SAS and its management. Knowledge was found through a multivocal literature review (MLR), which allowed to capture not only academic approaches but also vantage points and experiences from practice. Key concepts and aspects were organized into eight components (five related to the design and implementation, and three associated with the management context). An expert appraisal method was used as a proof of concept, which complemented a previously performed preliminary implementation example. Obtained results demonstrated the pertinence of the conceptual proposal and confirmed guidelines capability for full implementation in a real-world scenario.This research work has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, project EduTech (609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP)

    Modulation of rotavirus severe gastroenteritis by the combination of probiotics and prebiotics

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    Abstract Annual mortality rates due to infectious diarrhea are about 2.2 million; children are the most vulnerable age group to severe gastroenteritis, representing group A rotaviruses as the main cause of disease. One of the main factors of rotavirus pathogenesis is the NSP4 protein, which has been characterized as a viral toxin involved in triggering several cellular responses leading to diarrhea. Furthermore, the rotavirus protein NSP1 has been associated with interferon production inhibition by inducing the degradation of interferon regulatory factors IRF3, IRF5, and IRF7. On the other hand, probiotics such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species in combination with prebiotics such as inulin, HMO, scGOS, lcFOS have been associated with improved generalized antiviral response and anti-rotavirus effect by the reduction of rotavirus infectivity and viral shedding, decreased expression of NSP4 and increased levels of specific anti-rotavirus IgAs. Moreover, these probiotics and prebiotics have been related to shorter duration and severity of rotavirus diarrhea, to the prevention of infection and reduced incidence of reinfections. In this review we will discuss in detail about the rotavirus pathogenesis and immunity, and how probiotics such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species in combination with prebiotics have been associated with the prevention or modulation of rotavirus severe gastroenteritis. Keywords Rotavirus · Pathogenesis · Probiotics · Prebiotic


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    In Educational Investigation has huge importance the data obtaining about what learn our pupils and its representation and structure. It is this article we will deal with a set of techniques guided to the data obtai11ing about the knowledge, his structure and graph representation so that could be transmitted and studied by the researchers.En Investigación educativa tiene enorme importancia la obtención de datos acerca de lo que aprenden nuestros alumnos y la representación de los conceptos y su estructura. Es este artículo trataremos un conjunto de técnicas orientadas a la obtención de datos acerca del conocimiento, su estructura y su representación gráfica de manera que pueda ser transmitida y estudiada por los investigadores

    Neurorrestauración tras la isquemia cerebral: papel de los neurotransmisores en la neurogénesis postisquémica

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    Introduction. Brain ischemia and reperfusion produce alterations in the microenvironment of the parenchyma, including ATP depletion, ionic homeostasis alterations, inflammation, release of multiple cytokines and abnormal release of neurotransmitters. As a consequence, the induction of proliferation and migration of neural stem cells towards the peri-infarct region occurs. Development. The success of new neurorestorative treatments for damaged brain implies the need to know, with greater accuracy, the mechanisms in charge of regulating adult neurogenesis, both under physiological and pathological conditions. Recent evidence demonstrates that many neurotransmitters, glutamate in particular, control the subventricular zone, thus being part of the complex signalling network that influences the production of new neurons. Conclusion. Neurotransmitters provide a link between brain activity and subventricular zone neurogenesis. Therefore, a deeper knowledge of the role of neurotransmitters systems, such as glutamate and its transporters, in adult neurogenesis, may provide a valuable tool to be used as a neurorestorative therapy in this pathology.Peer Reviewe

    Programación modular en el micromundo "Espacio-3D": empleo de algunas utilidades

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    En este articulo mostramos un micromundo que llamaremos "ESPACI0-3D, para el Object-LOGO (sobre un ordenador Macintosh) implementado por nuestro equipo de trabajo. Se hace un estudio de la programación modular, justificando la conveniencia de utilizarla en nuestro micro- mundo y se ofrecen un conjunto de utilidades para facilitar la programación modular en el espacio tridimensional. A la vez pretendemos ilustrar con ejemplos el manejo del micromundo, el empleo de las utilidades y la integración de todas las herramientas anteriores en gráficos tridimensionales construidos a partir de la idea de "sintonicidad corporal".In this article we show a microworld which we refer to as "ESPACI0-3D”, for the Object-logo (on a Macintosh computer) implemented by our team. A study of the modular programming, justifying the appropriateness of use in our micro- world and are offered a set of utilities to facilitate the modular programming in three-dimensional space. At the same time we intend to illustrate with examples the handling of the microworld, the use of utilities and the integration of all the above tools in three-dimensional graphics built from the idea of "sintonicidad corporal"