39 research outputs found

    La “hora del planeta”: medio ambiente, capitalismo y globalización

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    En este documento de trabajo analizaremos el “acontecimiento mediático global” (AMG) conocido como la “hora del planeta” (Earth Hour). Acontecimientos de muy variado carácter y propósitos, tales como los Juegos Olímpicos, las reuniones de Naciones Unidas, la celebración de la fiesta de fin de año y el día del planeta comparten una serie de características como son su natural condición global, su naturaleza mediática, la participación de numerosos individuos –que, en ocasiones, desempeñan varios papeles diferentes de manera simultánea o sucesiva (organizadores, seguidores, observadores, voluntarios, trabajadores, etc.)–, su espectacularidad, su condición cíclica y el albergar en su centro una serie de escenificaciones rituales. Además, hay una estrecha conexión entre unos AMG y otros, que se traduce en la utilización de repertorios de acción y formas de retransmisión mediática que pasan con naturalidad de unos a otros, así como es también visible la mutua contaminación e incluso la colonización de unos AMG por parte de otros. Como veremos, la hora del planeta es uno de estos AMG en el que se ponen en marcha determinadas escenificaciones centrales que se vinculan, a través de un juego de pugnas y luchas por la clasificación, con concretas narrativas que se hacen especialmente visibles, y, por ello, son particularmente susceptibles a la crítica y a su consiguiente reformulación

    Sociología y Literatura en Francisco Ayala

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    La obra sociológica de Francisco Ayala, prácticamente desconocida, sobrepasa el interés meramente historiográfico. Al estudiar sus obras —algunas de las cuales presentamos en este texto— encontramos ideas, conceptos y teorías que muestran una admirable viveza. Nuestro objetivo ha sido, pues, doble; por un lado ofrecer una interpretación general de Ayala como sociólogo en el marco de la tradición sociológica española; por otro lado, señalar algunas de sus ideas más relevantes, así como atender al juego sociología-literatura que encontramos a lo largo de su obra

    La psicosociología radical de lo moderno de Simmel: intersubjetividad y emancipación

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    El objetivo de estas páginas es explorar la psicosociología radical de lo moderno de Simmel. Para ello, abordamos la constitución intersubjetiva de los individuos en Simmel y nos ocupamos del concepto de la expansión psicológica de los roles, de las cualidades y de la individualidad. Posteriormente abordamos la tensión entre lo social moderno y lo individual moderno, la máscara y la vergüenza, y la cuestión de la sociabilidad y de la “sociabilidad alienada”. El análisis y la interpretación integral de los fundamentos psicosociológicos de la obra de Simmel nos permitirán concluir el artículo reivindicando las potencialidades de este enfoque para analizar las relaciones entre intersubjetividad y emancipación.The purpose of this article is to explore Simmel's radical psychosociology of modernity. To this end, we address the intersubjective constitution of individuals in Simmel and deal with the concept of the psychological expansion of roles, qualities and individuality. We then address the tension between the modern social and the modern individual, mask and shame, and the question of sociability and “alienated sociability.” The analysis and the integral interpretation of the psycho-sociological foundations of Simmel's work allow us to conclude the article by stressing the potentialities of this approach to analyze the relationships between intersubjectivity and emancipation.O objetivo desse artigo é explorar a psicossociologia radical do moderno de Simmel. Para isso, abordamos a constituição intersubjetiva dos indivíduos em Simmel e exploramos o conceito de expansão psicológica de papéis, qualidades e individualidade. Posteriormente, abordamos a tensão entre o social moderno e o individual moderno, a máscara e a vergonha, e a questão da sociabilidade e da “sociabilidade alienada”. A análise e interpretação integral dos fundamentos psicossociológicos do trabalho de Simmel permitirão concluir o artigo reivindicando as potencialidades desse enfoque para analisar as relações entre intersubjetividade e emancipação

    El enfoque y la tradición sociológica

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    [Abstract] In this article, in the line of the studies of sociology, we try to offer some keys for constructing narratives about the past of sociology: the central importance of the relations between the sociological tradition and the "sociological approach" for the constitution of what sociology is, and the demarcation of who can be considered sociologist; also, we try to order the works that are finally accepted as sociological in four boxes, attempting to the centre and the perifery of the discipline.[Resumen] En este artículo, en la línea de los trabajos de sociología de la sociología, intentamos ofrecer algunas claves para la construcción de narraciones sobre el pasado de la disciplina: la importancia central de las relaciones entre la tradición sociológica y el "enfoque sociológico" para la definición de lo que es sociología, y la demarcación de quién puede ser considerado sociólogo; y, además, intentamos ordenar los trabajos que finalmente son aceptados como sociológicos en cuatro cajas, atendiendo al centro y a la periferia de la disciplina

    Nota sobre Francisco de Ayala (1906-2009) In memoriam

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    Reducing spray drift by adapting the spraying equipment to the canopy shape in olive orchards with isolated trees

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    The lack of specificity of the spraying equipment commonly used in olive orchards is a remarkable problem, for not allowing farmers to apply adjusted pesticide doses to their trees, making necessary to spray very high liquid volumes that increase the environmental pollution risk. In this context, three prototypes were specially developed to increase the application efficiency in olive orchards with isolated trees, which represent 98% of the olive harvested area in Spain.Postprint (published version

    New frontiers from removal to recycling of nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater in the Circular Economy

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    [EN] Nutrient recovery technologies are rapidly expanding due to the need for the appropriate recycling of key elements from waste resources in order to move towards a truly sustainable modern society based on the Circular Economy. Nutrient recycling is a promising strategy for reducing the depletion of non-renewable resources and the environmental impact linked to their extraction and manufacture. However, nutrient recovery technologies are not yet fully mature, as further research is needed to optimize process efficiency and enhance their commercial applicability. This paper reviews state-of-the-art of nutrient recovery, focusing on frontier technological advances and economic and environmental innovation perspectives. The potentials and limitations of different technologies are discussed, covering systems based on membranes, photosynthesis, crystallization and other physical and biological nutrient recovery systems (e.g. incineration, composting, stripping and absorption and enhanced biological phosphorus recovery).Robles Martínez, Á.; Aguado García, D.; Barat, R.; Borrás Falomir, L.; Bouzas Blanco, A.; Bautista-Giménez, J.; Martí Ortega, N.... (2020). New frontiers from removal to recycling of nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater in the Circular Economy. Bioresource Technology. 300:1-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122673S11830

    Resource recovery from sulphate-rich sewage through an innovative anaerobic-based water resource recovery facility (WRRF)

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    [EN] This research work proposes an innovative water resource recovery facility (WRRF) for the recovery of energy, nutrients and reclaimed water from sewage, which represents a promising approach towards enhanced circular economy scenarios. To this aim, anaerobic technology, microalgae cultivation, and membrane technology were combined in a dedicated platform. The proposed platform produces a high-quality solid- and coliform-free effluent that can be directly discharged to receiving water bodies identified as sensitive areas. Specifically, the content of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus in the effluent was 45 mg COD.L-1 , 14.9 mg N.L-1 and 0.5 mg P.L-1 , respectively. Harvested solar energy and carbon dioxide biofixation in the form of microalgae biomass allowed remarkable methane yields (399 STP L CH 4.kg(-1) CODinf ) to be achieved, equivalent to theoretical electricity productions of around 0.52 kWh per m 3 of wastewater entering the WRRF. Furthermore, 26.6% of total nitrogen influent load was recovered as ammonium sulphate, while nitrogen and phosphorus were recovered in the biosolids produced (650 +/- 77 mg N.L-1 and 121.0 +/- 7.2 mg P.L-1).This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Projects CTM2014-54980-C2-1-R and CTM2014-54980-C2-2-R) jointly with the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which are gratefully acknowledged. This research was also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport via two pre-doctoral FPU fellowships (FPU14/05082 and FPU15/02595) and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness via two pre-doctoral FPI fellowships (BES-2015-071884, BES-2015-073403) and one Juan de la Cierva contract (FJCI-2014-21616). The authors would also like to acknowledge the support received from Generalitat Valenciana via two VALithornd post-doctoral grants (APOSTD/2014/049 and APOSTD/2016/104) and via the fellowships APOTI/2016/059 and CPI-16-155, as well as the financial aid received from the European Climate KIC association for the 'MAB 2.0' Project (APIN0057_ 2015-3.6-230_ P066-05) and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia via a pre-doctoral FPI fellowship to the seventh author.Seco Torrecillas, A.; Aparicio Antón, SE.; Gonzalez-Camejo, J.; Jiménez Benítez, AL.; Mateo-Llosa, O.; Mora-Sánchez, JF.; Noriega-Hevia, G.... (2018). Resource recovery from sulphate-rich sewage through an innovative anaerobic-based water resource recovery facility (WRRF). Water Science & Technology. 78(9):1925-1936. https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2018.492S19251936789Bair, R. A., Ozcan, O. O., Calabria, J. L., Dick, G. H., & Yeh, D. H. (2015). Feasibility of anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) for onsite sanitation and resource recovery (nutrients, energy and water) in urban slums. Water Science and Technology, 72(9), 1543-1551. doi:10.2166/wst.2015.349Barat, R., Serralta, J., Ruano, M. V., Jiménez, E., Ribes, J., Seco, A., & Ferrer, J. (2013). Biological Nutrient Removal Model No. 2 (BNRM2): a general model for wastewater treatment plants. Water Science and Technology, 67(7), 1481-1489. doi:10.2166/wst.2013.004Batstone, D. J., Hülsen, T., Mehta, C. M., & Keller, J. (2015). Platforms for energy and nutrient recovery from domestic wastewater: A review. Chemosphere, 140, 2-11. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.10.021Bilad, M. R., Arafat, H. A., & Vankelecom, I. F. J. (2014). Membrane technology in microalgae cultivation and harvesting: A review. Biotechnology Advances, 32(7), 1283-1300. doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2014.07.008Carrington E.-G. 2001 Evaluation of Sludge Treatments for Pathogen Reduction. http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/pubs/home.htm.Cookney, J., Mcleod, A., Mathioudakis, V., Ncube, P., Soares, A., Jefferson, B., & McAdam, E. J. (2016). Dissolved methane recovery from anaerobic effluents using hollow fibre membrane contactors. Journal of Membrane Science, 502, 141-150. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2015.12.037De Morais, M. G., & Costa, J. A. V. (2007). Biofixation of carbon dioxide by Spirulina sp. and Scenedesmus obliquus cultivated in a three-stage serial tubular photobioreactor. Journal of Biotechnology, 129(3), 439-445. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2007.01.009Giménez, J. B., Robles, A., Carretero, L., Durán, F., Ruano, M. V., Gatti, M. N., … Seco, A. (2011). Experimental study of the anaerobic urban wastewater treatment in a submerged hollow-fibre membrane bioreactor at pilot scale. Bioresource Technology, 102(19), 8799-8806. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2011.07.014Giménez, J. B., Martí, N., Ferrer, J., & Seco, A. (2012). Methane recovery efficiency in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor (SAnMBR) treating sulphate-rich urban wastewater: Evaluation of methane losses with the effluent. Bioresource Technology, 118, 67-72. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2012.05.019Giménez, J. B., Bouzas, A., Carrere, H., Steyer, J.-P., Ferrer, J., & Seco, A. (2018). Assessment of cross-flow filtration as microalgae harvesting technique prior to anaerobic digestion: Evaluation of biomass integrity and energy demand. Bioresource Technology, 269, 188-194. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2018.08.052González-Camejo, J., Serna-García, R., Viruela, A., Pachés, M., Durán, F., Robles, A., … Seco, A. (2017). Short and long-term experiments on the effect of sulphide on microalgae cultivation in tertiary sewage treatment. Bioresource Technology, 244, 15-22. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2017.07.126Martí, N., Barat, R., Seco, A., Pastor, L., & Bouzas, A. (2017). Sludge management modeling to enhance P-recovery as struvite in wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Environmental Management, 196, 340-346. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.12.074Moosbrugger R. , WentzelM. & EkamaG.1992Simple Titration Procedures to Determine H2CO3 Alkalinity and Short-chain Fatty Acids in Aqueous Solutions Containing Known Concentrations of Ammonium, Phosphate and Sulphide Weak Acid/Bases. Water. Res. Commission, Report, No. TT 57/92.Morales, N., Boehler, M., Buettner, S., Liebi, C., & Siegrist, H. (2013). Recovery of N and P from Urine by Struvite Precipitation Followed by Combined Stripping with Digester Sludge Liquid at Full Scale. Water, 5(3), 1262-1278. doi:10.3390/w5031262Pretel, R., Durán, F., Robles, A., Ruano, M. V., Ribes, J., Serralta, J., & Ferrer, J. (2015). Designing an AnMBR-based WWTP for energy recovery from urban wastewater: The role of primary settling and anaerobic digestion. Separation and Purification Technology, 156, 132-139. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2015.09.047Pretel, R., Robles, A., Ruano, M. V., Seco, A., & Ferrer, J. (2016). Economic and environmental sustainability of submerged anaerobic MBR-based (AnMBR-based) technology as compared to aerobic-based technologies for moderate-/high-loaded urban wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Management, 166, 45-54. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.10.004Sharma, B., Sarkar, A., Singh, P., & Singh, R. P. (2017). Agricultural utilization of biosolids: A review on potential effects on soil and plant grown. Waste Management, 64, 117-132. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2017.03.002Sialve, B., Bernet, N., & Bernard, O. (2009). Anaerobic digestion of microalgae as a necessary step to make microalgal biodiesel sustainable. Biotechnology Advances, 27(4), 409-416. doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2009.03.001Sid, S., Volant, A., Lesage, G., & Heran, M. (2017). Cost minimization in a full-scale conventional wastewater treatment plant: associated costs of biological energy consumption versus sludge production. Water Science and Technology, 76(9), 2473-2481. doi:10.2166/wst.2017.423Viruela, A., Murgui, M., Gómez-Gil, T., Durán, F., Robles, Á., Ruano, M. V., … Seco, A. (2016). Water resource recovery by means of microalgae cultivation in outdoor photobioreactors using the effluent from an anaerobic membrane bioreactor fed with pre-treated sewage. Bioresource Technology, 218, 447-454. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2016.06.11

    CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research

    New records and detailed distribution and abundance of selected arthropod species collected between 1999 and 2011 in Azorean native forests.

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    Of the total 286 species identified, 81% were captured between 1999 and 2000, a period during which only 39% of all the samples were collected. On average, arthropod richness for each island increased by 10% during the time frame of these projects. The classes Arachnida, Chilopoda and Diplopoda represent the most remarkable cases of new island records, with more than 30% of the records being novelties. This study stresses the need to expand the approaches applied in these projects to other habitats in the Azores, and more importantly to other less surveyed taxonomic groups (e.g. Diptera and Hymenoptera). These steps are fundamental for getting a more accurate assessment of biodiversity in the archipelago