1,743 research outputs found

    Asterisk: proposta de implantação no Ministério da Defesa

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    Study and evaluation of voip system implemented in a Ministry of Defence. This system was set up with the objective of meeting the great need to reduce telephony costs and still allow for redundancy in case of failure of conventional telephony, the system was developed by Cisco Systems, and as with all their products, it is mandatory to payment of licenses both software and hardware. A series of operational tests that will aim to determine an optimal topology for all equipment will be chosen. So in this scenario provided the ultimate goal is to determine a feasible solution from the point of view of their implementation and subsequent management and even combined with its low cost of operation, we have modeled the replacement of the current standard Cisco for a solution via free software Asterisk, with this modification more efficient results incorporating new features and improved operating results.Estudo e avaliação de sistema voip implementado em órgão do Ministério da Defesa. Este sistema foi configurado com o objetivo de atender a grande necessidade de redução dos custos com telefonia e permitir ainda uma redundância em caso de falha da telefonia convencional, o sistema foi desenvolvido pela Cisco Systems, e como em todo os seus produtos, é obrigatório o pagamento de licenças tanto de software como de hardware. Será feito uma série de testes operacionais que terá como objetivo determinar uma topologia ideal para todos os equipamentos escolhidos. Assim disposto nesse cenário o objetivo final é determinar uma solução viável do ponto de vista de sua implementação e gerenciamento posterior, aliado ao seu baixo custo de operação, como modelo temos a substituição do padrão atual Cisco, por uma solução via software livre Asterisk , e com essa modificação obter resultados mais eficientes, que incorporem novas funcionalidades e melhores resultados operacionais

    Exposition to smoking and attitudes: comparison between inquiries applied to adult population in São Paulo City, 1987 and 2002

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    BACKGROUND: Periodic monitoring of tobacco smoking in the population is of public health interest. OBJECTIVES: To compare the prevalence of smoking habits and attitudes toward tobacco smoking from a sample of residents of the City of São Paulo, in 1987 and 2002. METHODS: Two random sampling household surveys were carried out among residents of the City of São Paulo, in 1987 and 2002, respectively with 1,471 and 2,103 participants aged 15-59 years RESULTS: Age-adjusted prevalence of tobacco smoking dropped from 41.8% (in 1987) to 25.5% (in 2002) among males and, respectively, from 30.6% to 19.8% among females, and such reduction was observed in all education levels. There was a decrease in the mean number of cigarettes smoked a day among men (but an increase among women), There was a growth in the preference for low tar cigarettes, an increase in those who quit smoking in the last 10 years, a growth among those who seriously tried to quit smoking, and an increase in those who believe in that smoking is dangerous for your health. CONCLUSION: There was a favorable change in the situation of smoking habits in the City of São Paulo from 1987 to 2002.FUNDAMENTO: O monitoramento periódico do tabagismo na população é de interesse para a saúde pública. OBJETIVOS: Comparar a prevalência do tabagismo e atitudes em relação ao tabagismo em uma amostra de residentes do município de São Paulo, em 1987 e em 2002. MÉTODOS: Foram realizados dois inquéritos domiciliários por amostragem probabilística em residentes do município de São Paulo, em 1987 e em 2002, respectivamente com 1.471 e 2.103 entrevistados na faixa etária de 15 a 59 anos. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de tabagismo ajustada para idade caiu de 41,8% (em 1987) para 25,5% (em 2002) no sexo masculino e, respectivamente, de 30,6% para 19,8% no sexo feminino. Houve redução do tabagismo em todos os níveis de escolaridade, diminuição da média diária de cigarros no sexo masculino (mas elevação no feminino), crescimento pela procura de cigarros com baixo teor, aumento dos que deixaram de fumar havia mais de 10 anos, crescimento dos que tentaram seriamente parar de fumar, aumento dos que cogitavam em parar totalmente e aumento do reconhecimento de que fumar faz mal para a saúde. CONCLUSÃO: Houve mudança favorável na situação do tabagismo na cidade de São Paulo de 1987 para 2002.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Secretaria do Estado de SaúdeUNIFESPSciEL


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    Os acidentes de trabalho configuram importante problema de saúde pública devido ao elevado índice deabsenteísmo, afastamento, custo, tratamento e indenização. Realizou-se um estudo quantitativo-descritivo-retrospectivoque objetivou conhecer o perfil dos acidentes de trabalho que vitimaram os funcionários de um hospital público deTeresina, em 2007. Os dados foram coletados de 53 fichas notificadoras, utilizando-se um roteiro elaborado previamente.Como resultado, obteve-se que 92,2% das vítimas eram do sexo feminino, 34,3% tinham entre 20 e 29 anos, 43,4% eramtécnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem, 20,4% dos acidentes ocorreram no pronto-socorro, 90,5% aconteceram em dias úteis,com 49% no período matutino, 62,2% dos casos foram causados por perfurocortantes, onde 26,7% das ocorrênciasevidenciaram o manuseio de material cirúrgico, atingindo membros superiores em 67,9% dos episódios. Falhas no seguimentopós-acidente foram observadas, bem como diversidade na notificação. Urge implantar uma planilha informatizada noserviço para melhorar o seguimento e assistência do profissional acidentado.Work-related accidents are an important public health problem, due to absenteeism, removal from work, cost,treatment and compensation. We conducted a quantitative-descriptive study, which aimed to identify the profile ofworkplace accidents which affected the employees of a public hospital in Teresina in 2007. Data were collected from 53notifying forms using a script prepared in advance. As a result it was found that 92.2% of the victims were female, 34.3%were between 20-29 years, 43.4% were nursing technicians, 20.4% occurred in the emergency room, 90.5% occurred onweekdays, 49% occurred in the morning, 62,2% of cases occurred from sharp materials. 26.7% of cases showed thehandling of surgical material, reaching the upper limbs in 67.9% of the episodes. The deployment of a computerizedspreadsheet to improve the monitoring and assistance of the injured professional is urgent.Los accidentes de trabajo configuran importante problema de salud pública debido al elevado índice deabsentismo, alejamiento, costo, tratamiento e indemnización. Se realizó un estudio cuantitativo-descriptivo-retrospectivo,cuyo objetivo fue conocer el perfil de los accidentes de trabajo que victimaron los empleados de un hospital público deTeresina en 2007. Los datos fueron recolectados a partir de 53 fichas notificadoras utilizándose un guión preparadopreviamente. Como resultado se obtuvo que 92,2% de las víctimas eran de sexo femenino, 34,3% tenían entre 20 y 29 años, 43,4% eran técnicos/auxiliares de enfermería, 20,4% de los accidentes ocurrieron en el pronto-socorro, 90,5% ocurrieron en días útiles, con 49% en el periodo matutino, 62,2% de los casos fueron causados por perforo-cortantes, donde 26,7% delas ocurrencias evidenciaron el manoseo de material quirúrgico, alcanzando miembros superiores en 67,9% de los episodios.Fallas en el seguimiento pos-accidente fueron observadas bien como diversidad en la notificación. Urge implementar unaplanilla informatizada en el servicio para mejorar el seguimiento y la asistencia del profesional accidentado

    Evaluation of the variability of compressive strength parallel to the fibers of hardwood species

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    Wood has several advantages as structural material. For this use to be applied in a safe way, it is necessary to know the statistical behavior of the mechanical properties. Some works and normative codes, such as the “Brazilian timber standard” (as well as its review project), accepts a normal distribution model for determining the characteristic value of compressive strength parallel to wood fiber, with the adoption of a coefficient of variation for this property equal to 18 %. This work evaluates the distribution model of compressive strength parallel to the fibers, as well as the coefficient of variation of this property. Tests and statistical treatment were performed in compression parallel to the fibers for 7 species of hardwood commonly found in Brazil. It was observed that the compressive strength of wood actually follows a normal distribution, and the adoption of an average coefficient of variation equal to 18 % is acceptable and in favor of safety.&nbsp

    Analyse du cours de l’action et projet anthropocentré : contributions à la conception de systèmes automatisés

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    Depuis la décennie de 1950, les échecs de développement de technologies anthropocentriques laissent à penser que les principes généraux de conception ouvrent la voie aux projets sociotechniques bien que ces derniers soient peu opérationnels pour articuler les aspects sociaux, subjectifs et techniques. Cet article démontre comment la théorie du « cours de l’action », qui appartient au champ de l’ergonomie de « l’activité », contribue à rendre cette articulation effective. Sur la base d’un cas d’automation de petites centrales hydro-électriques (PCHs), où des concepts et méthodes de la théorie du cours de l’action ont été utilisés, nous démontrons la nécessité d’une praxéologie empirique afin de traiter les interfaces entre H-H (formation) et H-M (automation), appelées aussi systèmes H-H-M. Du point de vue théorique, les contributions de cet article s’inscrivent au niveau du pôle technologique du Programme de Recherche du Cours de l’Action et, en termes pratiques, il s’agit d’une alerte afin que l’industrie 4.0 ne reproduise pas le mythe de l’usine « sans hommes ».Since the 1950s, failures in the development of anthropocentric technologies have suggested that general design principles open the way for socio-technical projects. However, the latter do not sufficiently integrate the social, subjective and technical aspects underlying every kind of industrial project. This article shows how the “course of action” theory, which is part of the “activity” field of ergonomics, supports this integration. This is achieved by demonstrating how the concepts and methods of the course of action theory, used to design new work situations when automating small hydroelectric power plants (SHPPs), leads to a broader empirical praxeology for addressing H-H (training) and H-M (automation) interfaces, or H-H-M systems. Theoretically, this article contributes to the technological pole of the Course of Action Research Programme, while in practical terms it warns Industry 4.0 professionals not to repeat the old myth (and expression) of the “unmanned factory”

    Análise do Curso de Ação e do Projeto Antropocêntrico: contribuições para a conceção de sistemas automatizados

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    Fracassos no desenvolvimento de tecnologias antropocêntricas, desde os anos 1950, sugerem que os princípios gerais de conceção abrem espaços para projetos sociotécnicos, mas são pouco operacionais para integrar o social, o subjetivo e o técnico. Este artigo mostra como a teoria do “curso da ação”, que faz parte do campo da ergonomia da “atividade”, contribui para efetivar essa integração. Com base num caso de automação de pequenas centrais hidroelétricas (PCHs), onde conceitos e métodos da teoria do curso de ação foram utilizados no projeto de novas situações de trabalho, demonstra-se, de forma mais ampla, a necessidade de uma praxeologia empírica para tratar interfaces H-H (formação) e H-M (automação), ou sistemas H-H-M. Teoricamente, as contribuições deste artigo situam-se no polo tecnológico do Programa de Pesquisa do Curso de Ação e, em termos práticos, constitui um alerta para que a indústria 4.0 não repita o mito da fábrica “sem homens”.Fracasos en el desarrollo de tecnologías antropocéntricas, desde la década de 1950, sugieren que principios generales del diseño abren espacios para proyectos socio-técnicos, pero no son muy operativos para integrar lo social, lo subjetivo y lo técnico. Este artículo muestra cómo la teoría del “curso de acción” (TCA), que forma parte del campo de la ergonomía de la “actividad”, contribuye a efectuar esta integración. Utilizando un caso de automatización de pequeñas centrales hidroeléctricas, donde se emplearon conceptos y métodos de la TCA en el diseño de nuevas situaciones de trabajo, se demuestra la necesidad de una praxeología empírica para manejar interfaces H-H (capacitación), H-M (automatización), o sistemas H-H-M. Teóricamente, los aportes de este artículo se ubican en el polo tecnológico del Programa de Investigación del Curso de Acción y, en términos prácticos, es una alerta para que la Industria 4.0 no repita el mito de la fábrica "sin hombres".Depuis la décennie de 1950, les échecs de développement de technologies anthropocentriques laissent à penser que les principes de conception de projets sociotechniques sont peu opérationnels pour articuler les aspects sociaux, subjectifs et techniques. Cet article démontre comment la théorie du "cours d’’action", qui appartient au champ de l’ergonomie de "l’activité", contribue à rendre cette articulation plus effective. Sur la base d’un cas d’automation de petites centrales hydro-électriques (PCHs), où des concepts et méthodes de la théorie du cours d’’action ont été utilisés, nous démontrons la nécessité d’une praxéologie empirique pour traiter les interfaces entre H-H (formation) et H-M (automation) des systèmes H-H-M. Du point de vue théorique, les contributions de cet article s’inscrivent au niveau du pôle technologique du Programme de Recherche du Cours d’’Action et, en termes pratiques, il s’agit d’une alerte afin que l’industrie 4.0 ne reproduise pas le mythe de l’usine "sans hommes".Since the 1950s, failures in the development of anthropocentric technologies suggest that general design principles open the way for socio-technical projects. However, the latter do not sufficiently integrate the social, the subjective and the technical aspects underlying any kind of industrial project. This paper shows how the "course of action" theory, which is part of the "activity" ergonomics field, supports this integration. This is achieved by showing how the concepts and methods of the course of action theory, used to design new work situations when automating small hydroelectric power plants (SHPPs), leads to a broader empirical praxeology for addressing H-H (training) and H-M (automation) interfaces, or H-H-M systems. Theoretically, this paper contributes to the technological pole of the Research Program of the Course of Action while, in practical terms, it warns Industry 4.0 professionals not to repeat the old myth (and expression) of the "manless factory"

    Bacterial diversity of symptomatic primary endodontic infection by clonal analysis

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    The aim of this study was to explore the bacterial diversity of 10 root canals with acute apical abscess using clonal analysis. Samples were collected from 10 patients and submitted to bacterial DNA isolation, 16S rRNA gene amplification, cloning, and sequencing. A bacterial genomic library was constructed and bacterial diversity was estimated. The mean number of taxa per canal was 15, ranging from 11 to 21. A total of 689 clones were analyzed and 76 phylotypes identified, of which 47 (61.84%) were different species and 29 (38.15%) were taxa reported as yet-uncultivable or as yet-uncharacterized species. Prevotella spp., Fusobacterium nucleatum, Filifactor alocis, and Peptostreptococcus stomatis were the most frequently detected species, followed by Dialister invisus, Phocaeicola abscessus, the uncharacterized Lachnospiraceae oral clone, Porphyromonas spp., and Parvimonas micra. Eight phyla were detected and the most frequently identified taxa belonged to the phylum Firmicutes (43.5%), followed by Bacteroidetes (22.5%) and Proteobacteria (13.2%). No species was detected in all studied samples and some species were identified in only one case. It was concluded that acute primary endodontic infection is characterized by wide bacterial diversity and a high intersubject variability was observed. Anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria belonging to the phylum Firmicutes, followed by Bacteroidetes, were the most frequently detected microorganisms

    Perfil sociodemográfico e profissional dos enfermeiros da atenção básica à saúde de Cuiabá - Mato Grosso

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    RESUMO Estudo descritivo de abordagem quantitativa e delineamento transversal que objetivou traçar o perfil sociodemográfico e profissional dos enfermeiros da rede básica de saúde de Cuiabá-MT. Compuseram a amostra 79 enfermeiros das Unidades Básicas do município que responderam um instrumento fechado de coleta de dados com a contemplação de aspectos relacionados ao perfil do sujeito-enfermeiro. A análise dos dados possibilitou concluir que: 88,6% são do sexo feminino; a maioria encontra-se na faixa etária dos 26 aos 30 anos (26,6%); 57% nasceram em Mato Grosso; 49,4% estão casados e 32,9% pertencem à classe econômica B1; graduados há menos de cinco anos correspondem a 48,1%; 73,4% possuem curso de pós-graduação lato sensu e 0% realizou curso stricto sensu; 88,6% participaram de capacitações/atualizações com carga horária superior a 40 horas nos últimos cinco anos. Quanto ao vínculo empregatício, 58,2% submetiam-se a contratos temporários. O estudo aponta para a necessidade de investimentos no trabalho e na educação continuada para sanar a situação precária. Descritores: Atenção Básica à Saúde; Enfermagem em Saúde Comunitária; Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem.

    Visual Inspection and Toothbrush Care: A Mother-Baby Paired Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: To evaluate the physical conditions and presence of residues of toothbrushes used by mothers and their babies and mothers' knowledge about toothbrush care. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study comprising a convenience sample represented by 60 mother-baby pairs. The mothers answered a questionnaire to evaluate their knowledge of toothbrush care. A calibrated dentist performed a visual inspection of the toothbrushes. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests, with a significance level of 5%. Results: It was found that 82% of the mothers had never received instructions regarding the care of toothbrushes after use (p=0.024). Most of them believed that their toothbrushes (70%) and their children’s toothbrushes (88%) were in good condition to use (p=0.043). However, most mother’s toothbrushes presented an unacceptable deformity of the bristles (65%) and the presence of residues (60%). In addition, babies’ toothbrushes also presented unacceptable deformities of the bristles (52%) and residues (55%). There was an association between the lack of instructions received by the mother and the presence of deformity and residues on the mother’s toothbrush bristles (p=0.037 and p=0.003, respectively). Conclusion: Most mothers had never received instructions regarding toothbrush care, which is reflected in the condition of their and their baby’s toothbrushes, which presented unacceptable physical conditions concerning deformation and presence of residues