159 research outputs found
Biotehnološka proizvodnja i svojstva fruktoznog sirupa
In response to the growing demand for the consumption of natural, healthy and low-calorie food, a large number of so-called alternative sugars has emerged since the early 80s, among them fructose. This sugar is a ketohexose, known as D-fructose or levulose, and is considered the sweetest sugar found in nature. Currently, fructose is mostly produced through the acid hydrolysis of sucrose, or through the multi-enzymatic hydrolysis of starch. Processes involving specific enzymes like inulinases, acting on widely available fructose polysaccharides such as inulin, have been studied as alternatives to the current approaches, in order to reduce time, complexity and costs involved in this process. Fructose syrup is used worldwide, mainly because of its sweetening power and functional properties. The present work aims to provide an overview of the properties of fructose and of the present and envisaged production processes, within the scope of a biotechnological approach.Zbog sve većih zahtjeva potrošača za prirodnom, zdravom i niskokaloričnom hranom, već od ranih 1980-ih godina razvijen je veliki broj tzv. alternativnih šećera, među njima i fruktoza, ketoheksoza, poznata kao D-fruktoza ili levuloza, koja je najslađi šećer u prirodi. Trenutačno se proizvodi najčešće kiselinskom hidrolizom saharoze ili enzimskom hidrolizom škroba. Da bi se dobio što brži, jednostavniji i jeftiniji postupak, istraženi su procesi u kojima se primjenjuju specifični enzimi poput inulinaza, što djeluju na razne fruktozne polisaharide (npr. inulin). Fruktozni se sirup koristi u cijelom svijetu uglavnom zbog svoje slatkoće i funkcionalnih svojstava. Svrha je ovoga rada prikazati postupke biotehnološke proizvodnje fruktoze te opisati njezina svojstva
Las micro y pequeñas empresas corresponden a la mayoría de los establecimientos en Brasil, así como en Vitória da Conquista, asumiendo gran importancia económica y social. Esta investigación objetivó identificar las dificultades de los empresarios de las micro y pequeñas industrias, en cuanto a los procesos de apertura de empresas fundadas en los años de 2015 y 2016. El estudio tuvo carácter exploratorio y descriptivo, utilizando el estudio de caso múltiple. Se observó alto grado de insatisfacción en relación a las etapas de apertura de las empresas, sobre todo en relación al exceso de burocracia, lo que implicó en mayor morosidad de las acciones. Se evidenció, por lo tanto, la necesidad de mejoras, a ejemplo de la evolución de normativas y estructuras burocráticas, en el sentido de promover la celeridad de los procesos de apertura de empresas.As micro e pequenas empresas correspondem à maioria dos estabelecimentos no Brasil, assim como em Vitória da Conquista, assumindo grande importância econômica e social. Esta pesquisa objetivou identificar as dificuldades dos empresários das micro e pequenas indústrias, quanto aos processos de abertura de empresas fundadas nos anos de 2015 e 2016. O estudo teve caráter exploratório e descritivo, utilizando-se o estudo de caso múltiplo. Observou-se alto grau de insatisfação em relação às etapas de abertura das empresas, sobretudo em relação ao excesso de burocracia, o que implicou em maior morosidade das ações. Evidenciou-se, portanto, a necessidade de melhorias, a exemplo da evolução de normatizações e estruturas burocráticas, no sentido de promover a celeridade dos processos de abertura de empresas.Micro and small enterprises correspond to most establishments in Brasil, as well as in Vitória da Conquista, assuming great economic and social importance. This study aimed to identify the difficulties faced by entrepreneurs in micro- and small-scale industries in the opening of companies founded in the years 2015 and 2016. The study was exploratory and descriptive, using the multiple case study. There was a high degree of dissatisfaction with the opening stages of the companies, especially in relation to the excess of bureaucracy, which implied a greater slowness of actions. The need for improvements, such as the evolution of regulations and bureaucratic structures, has been evidenced in order to promote the speed of business start-up
Description and characterization morphostructural automated Myrciaria dubia seeds (Kunth) McVaugh: Diagnostic Imaging
Description and characterization morphostructural automated Myrciaria dubia seeds (Kunth) McVaugh: Diagnostic Imaging). The use of diagnostic imaging technology has been presented as an important tool for the rapid and accurate diagnosis of the morphology and uniformity of plant materials such as seeds, fruits and seedlings. Thus, this study aimed to describe and characterize seeds that had been bioprocessed from the pulp extraction of the fruits of Myrciaria dubia; these seeds are used in research with technological prospecting and experimental processing in small agro-industries, with the intent of producing quality seedlings for use as raw material for the manufacture of new biotechnology products in the northern Amazon. The study was conducted in waste laboratories and seeds of the EMBRAPA. Representative samples of seeds were selected from December 2013 and were described and characterized by its internal and external parts in the System for Seed Analysis (SAS) by applying the principles of diagnostic imaging techniques. The seeds were 1.72 cm in diameter with an interval of 1.50 cm - 1.99 cm and were 0.49 cm long. The minimum average diameter was 1.18 cm, with intervals ranging from 1.01 to 1.34 cm. For the predominant colors, blue, green and red channels values had values of 31.19, 49.69, and 87.94, respectively, with noticeable visual observations that demonstrated the maturation phase. The diagnostic imaging technique allows for the efficient and effective characterization and classification of morphostructural M. dubia seeds compared to the conventional method.(Descrição e caracterização morfo-estrutural automatizada de sementes de Myrciaria dubia (Kunth) McVaugh: Diagnóstico por imagem). O uso da tecnologia de diagnóstico por imagem vem se apresentando como importante ferramenta para uma análise rápida e precisa referente a morfologia e uniformidade de materiais vegetais tais como sementes, frutos e mudas. Assim, neste trabalho objetivou-se descrever e caracterizar as sementes, remanescente bioprocessado, proveniente da extração da polpa dos frutos de Myrciaria dubia, utilizados em pesquisas com prospecção tecnológica e processamento experimental em agroindústrias de pequeno porte, com vistas a produção de mudas de qualidade e uso como matéria-prima para fabricação de novos produtos biotecnológicos na Amazônia setentrional. O estudo foi realizado nos laboratórios de resíduos e sementes da EMBRAPA. Amostras representativas de sementes foram selecionadas a partir de dezembro de 2013, sendo descritas e caracterizadas no Sistema para Análise de Sementes (SAS) aplicando-se os principios da técnica de diagnose por imagem. As sementes apresentaram 1,72 centímetros de diâmetro, com um intervalo de 1,50 cm - 1,99 centímetros e 0,49 cm de comprimento. O diâmetro mínimo médio foi de 1,18 cm, com intervalos de 1,01-1,34 cm. Para as cores predominantes, os canais de valores azuis, verdes e vermelhos tiveram os valores de 31,19, 49,69, 87,94, respectivamente, perceptíveis com observações visuais, demonstrando a fase de maturação do fruto. A técnica de diagnose por imagens permite a caracterização e classificação morfoestrutural da semente de M. dubia, de forma eficiente e eficaz, quando comparada ao método convencional
Elaboración de un instrumento para la asistencia de enfermería en la unidad de hemodiálisis
O objetivo deste estudo é relatar a experiência de construção de um instrumento para registro da sistematização da assistência de enfermagem em uma unidade de tratamento dialítico. Para esta construção, utilizou-se o instrumento formulado com base na literatura sobre diagnósticos de enfermagem em pacientes nefropatas. O instrumento de registro foi analisado conforme: diagramação e facilitação do processo. O processo teve como norteador a teoria das Necessidades Humanas Básicas e a taxonomia da North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. O instrumento tem facilitado a implantação do processo de enfermagem na unidade de hemodiálise. Com o seu uso, foi possível o registro organizado e conciso dos dados e uso de informações importantes para o planejamento e avaliação da assistência prestada.This study aimed at developing an instrument to record nursing assistance systematization in a hemodialysis unit. For this development, we used the instrument formulated from literature on nursing diagnosis in nephropathic patients. The record instrument has been analyzed according to: layout and process facilitation. The process relied on the Basic Human Needs Theory and the taxonomy of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. The instrument has been facilitating the implementation of the nursing process in the hemodialysis unit. It was possible to record the data in a organized and concise fashion and use key information to plan and evaluate the assistance offered.El objetivo en este estudio fue la construcción de un instrumento para el registro de la sistematización de la atención de enfermeria en una unidad de tratamiento dialítico. Para esta construcción, se utilizó el instrumento formulado con base en la literatura sobre diagnósticos de enfermería en pacientes con nefropatías. El instrumento de registro fue analizado conforme: diagramación y facilitación del proceso. El proceso tuvo como norteador la teoría de las Necesidades Humanas Básicas y la taxonomía de la North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. El instrumento ha facilitado la implantación del proceso de enfermería en la unidad de hemodiálisis. Con su uso, fue posible el registro organizado y conciso de los datos y uso de informaciones importantes para la planificación y evaluación de la asistencia prestada
Nursing actions facing reactions to chemotherapy in oncological patients
Objective: Describing the action of nursing facing the chemotherapy reactions in oncological patients. Method: Integrated review of literature of 14 scientific articles published in the last 10 years. Results: The adverse reactions inherent to the chemotherapy treatment manifested by the patients are frequent. Nausea and vomit were the main reactions described in chemotherapy. The nursing job is developed through the orientation before and during the treatment and has as an primordial objective the improvement of the psychological state of the patient, ensuring security in the proposed treatment. Conclusion: The orientation leads to a better acceptance of chemotherapy, favoring the continuation of the treatment. The need of an improvement of the registers of nursing was evidenced, as well as the implementation of the evaluation process in the construction of to evaluate the procedure and or specific interventions
Testicular features of semi-confined Nellore bulls subjected to immunocastration
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da imunocastração no perímetro escrotal, assim como nas características testiculares macroscópicas e microscópicas de touros Nelore criados em um sistema de semiconfinamento por 91 dias. Sessenta animais foram divididos em dois grupos: 30 animais inteiros (não vacinados) e 30 imunocastrados. Os animais imunocastrados receberam duas doses de uma vacina anti-GnRH (Bopriva® - Zoetis Ltda). O perímetro escrotal (PE) foi mensurado nos dias 0 e 56. Parâmetros testiculares: atributos biométricos (comprimento, largura e altura – cm; volume cm3) e peso (g) foram medidos no dia 91. Três testículos de cada grupo foram processados para histologia clássica a fim de avaliar o diâmetro e a espessura do epitélio dos túbulos seminíferos (µm). Os dados foram analisados pelo software estatístico Minitab® 19. As médias das características macroscópicas (PE, peso, volume, comprimento, largura e altura dos testículos) e das microscópicas (diâmetro e espessura do epitélio dos túbulos seminíferos) foram comparadas entre os dois grupos pelos testes t de Student e Mann-Whitney. Todos os valores foram menores (p<0,05) em animais imunizados contra o GnRH, exceto a altura média do testículo direito e o diâmetro do túbulo seminífero. Os resultados indicam que a imunização contra o GnRH afeta o desenvolvimento testicular.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of immunocastration on the scrotal circumference, as well as in the macroscopic and microscopic testicular features in Nellore bulls bred under a semi-confining system for 91 days. Sixty animals were divided into two groups: 30 intact animals (non-vaccinated) and 30 immunocastrated animals. The immunocastrated animals were treated with two anti-GnRH vaccine doses (BoprivaTM - Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd). The scrotal circumference (SC) was measured on days 0 and 56. Testicular parameters: biometry traits (length, width, and height – cm; volume – cm3 ) and weight (g) was measured on day 91. Three testicles from each group were histologically processed to find the seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness (µm). Data were analyzed in the Minitab® 19 statistical software. The macroscopic features (SC, and testes weight, volume, length, width, and height) and the microscopic features (seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness) were compared between the two groups through Student’s t-test and Mann-Whitney test. All the values were lower (p<0.05) in animals immunized against GnRH, except for the right testis width and seminiferous tubule diameter. Results indicate that immunization against GnRH affected testicular development
Caracterización y etiología de la insuficiencia renal crónica en unidad de nefrología del interior del Estado de São Paulo
OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar os pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) em programa dialítico; verificar as causas de IRC; identificar as doenças associadas a IRC; levantar o tipo de tratamento e o acesso atual destes pacientes. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo epidemiológico, realizado em uma Unidade de Nefrologia e foram incluídos todos os pacientes cadastrados no Programa Nefro Data. RESULTADOS: Dos 217 pacientes cadastrados na unidade em estudo, observamos 68,2% com idade superior a 40 anos e 59,4% do sexo masculino. Quanto à doença de base, 31,3% dos pacientes apresentavam Nefroesclerose Hipertensiva e 25,3% Diabetes Mellitus (DM), seguido da Glomerulonefrite com 24,5%. Quanto às doenças associadas, 42,4% dos pacientes possuiam Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS), 24,9% não possuiam comorbidades, 19,8% HAS e DM. Quanto ao tipo de acesso vascular 70,5% possuiam fístula artériovenosa, sendo a utilização de cateter de Tenckhoff exclusivo da diálise peritoneal em 13,3%. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que os resultados permitem um melhor planejamento frente às necessidades reais dos pacientes.OBJECTIVES: Characterize the pacients with chronic renal failure (CRF) in dialythical program; verify the causes of the CRF; identify the associated diseases to CRF; measure the type of treatment and the actual access of the pacients to them. METHODS: This is a epidemiological descriptive research performed in a nephrology unit, and all pacients registered in the Nefro Data program were included. RESULTS: Of the group of 217 patients registered in the studied unit, 68,2% have age of 40 or greater and 59,4% are male. Regarding the base disease, 31,3% of the pacients have Hipertensive Nephrosclerosis, 25,3% have Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and 24,5% have Glomerulonephritis. Regarding the associated diseases, 42,4% of the pacients have Systemic Arterial Hipertension (SAH) 24,9% don't have comorbities, 19,8% have both SAH and DM. Regarding the type of vascular acess, 70,5% have arteriovenous fistula, being the utilization of the Tenckhoff catheter exclusive of peritoneal dialysis in 13,3% of the studied cases. CONCLUSION: The results allow a better planning with regard to the patients real needs.OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar a los pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC) que participan en un programa dialítico; verificar las causas de la IRC; identificar las enfermedades asociadas a la IRC; levantar el tipo de tratamiento y el acceso actual de esos pacientes. MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo epidemiológico, realizado en una Unidad de Nefrología en el que fueron incluidos todos los pacientes registrados en el Programa Nefro Data. RESULTADOS: De los 217 pacientes registrados en la Unidad en estudio, observamos que el 68,2% tenían edad superior a 40 años y el 59,4% eran del sexo masculino. En cuanto a la enfermedad de base, el 31,3% de los pacientes presentan Nefroesclerosis Hipertensiva y el 25,3% Diabetes Mellitus (DM), seguido de la Glomerulonefritis con el 24,5%. Respecto a las enfermedades asociadas, el 42,4% de los pacientes poseen Hipertensión Arterial Sistémica (HAS), el 24,9% no poseen comorbidades, el 19,8% HAS y DM. En relación al tipo de acceso vascular el 70,5% poseen fístula arteriovenosa, siendo la utilización del cateter de Tenckhoff exclusivo de la diálisis peritoneal en el 13,3%. CONCLUSIÓN: los resultados permiten una mejor planificación frente a las necesidades reales de los pacientes
Castration is one of the most performed procedures in veterinary clinical practice. Chemical castration is a non-invasive method, which leads to a total or partial reduction in the production of sperm, causing reproductive dysfunction. Such a procedure has advantages such as low cost, simplicity and the possibility of sterilizing many animals. In this paper, a current review (from 2016) on chemical castration in animals as a viable alternative to castrate males is carried out. Papers that describe chemical castration in several species were retrieved. The chemical castration technique is most often performed with local anesthesia and includes the introduction of substances into the testicles with the use of syringes and needles. Various substances can be used to perform chemical castration in animals. The most used in practice are calcium chloride and hypertonic sodium chloride. The main disadvantage of chemical castration is related to the pain produced by the injection of a substance inside the testicle. Edema and inflammation occur, but they are transient. It was concluded that chemical castration is a viable technique to be used in male animals. It can be used in farm animals, especially for small producers. Besides that, it can be useful in the population control of dogs and cats. Further studies with different drugs, doses and species are needed, including long-term studies that should focus especially on the reversibility of the method, carcinogenesis and behavioral changes.A castração é um dos procedimentos mais realizados na prática clínica veterinária. A castração química é um método não invasivo, que leva à redução total ou parcial da produção de espermatozoides, causando disfunção reprodutiva. Tal procedimento apresenta vantagens como baixo custo, simplicidade e possibilidade de esterilização de um grande número de animais. Neste artigo realiza-se uma revisão atual (a partir de 2016) sobre castração química em animais como uma alternativa viável para castrar machos. Foram resgatados artigos que descrevem castração química em diversas espécies. A técnica de castração química na maioria das vezes é realizada com anestesia local e inclui a introdução de substâncias no interior dos testículos com a utilização de seringas e agulhas. Várias substâncias podem ser utilizadas para realizar castração química em animais. As mais empregadas na prática são cloreto de cálcio e cloreto de sódio hipertônico. A principal desvantagem da castração química se relaciona à dor produzida pela injeção de uma substância no interior do testículo. Ocorre edema e processo inflamatório, mas são transitórios. Concluiu-se que a castração química é uma técnica viável para ser utilizada em animais machos. Pode ser empregada em animais de produção, especialmente para os pequenos produtores. Além disso, pode ser útil no controle populacional de cães e gatos. São necessários mais estudos com fármacos, doses e espécies diferentes, inclusive estudos a longo prazo que devem enfocar especialmente a reversibilidade do método, a carcinogênese e as alterações comportamentais
Intestinal Parasites in Free-Living Puma concolor
Background: Studies on intestinal parasites in cougars Puma concolor are scarce, and most of the available information on the species has been derived from individuals in captivity. One of the greatest threats to the survival of wild cats is habitat loss caused by urban sprawl, agricultural matrix, and linear developments such as highways and railways, which expose animals to direct contact with humans and to a high risk of death. Given the lack of scientific data the objective of this study was to report on the occurrence of intestinal parasites in a cougar (P. concolor) specimen from the northwestern region of Paraná State, Brazil.Case: The carcass of a free-living cougar (P. concolor) individual was sent to the Interdisciplinary Science Museum (Museu Interdisciplinar de Ciências – MIC) of Paranaense University (Universidade Paranaense - UNIPAR); an individual was killed during a collision with an unidentified vehicle on highway PR-486, in the municipality of Mariluz (PR, Brazil). The geographical coordinates of the location where the animal was found are: 23°59′29″S, 53°8′47″W. This region is characterized by semi-deciduous seasonal forest remnants. After being identified on site and collected by the inspectors of the Paraná Environmental Institute (Instituto Ambiental do Paraná - IAP), the cadaver was donated to the MIC (by the IAP) for a necropsy to elucidate the cause of death. In this context, the cadaver was sent to the Animal Pathology section of the Department of Veterinary Medicine at UNIPAR. The animal was necropsied by performing the standard necropsy technique for carnivores: opening the intestine through the mesentery and exposing the mucosa from the duodenum to the colon. The necropsy showed that the cause of death was hypovolemic shock due to trauma. During necropsy, parasites in the intestinal lumen were visible to the naked eye. Parasites and feces were collected and stored in sterile flasks containing 10% formaldehyde and saline. The parasites were subjected to Faust and Hoffman techniques, micrometry, and morphological analysis, resulting in the identification of the roundworm Toxocara cati and the tapeworm Spirometra decipiens.Discussion: Identifying the roadkill species along highways is of paramount importance, since they are living very close to man and, consequently, reservoirs and disseminators of different infectious and parasitic zoonoses may be possible. Infection by protozoa and helminths in animals usually occurs by ingesting the infective form present in food or water. Toxocara cati and the tapeworm Spirometra decipiens were only reported in captivity before. Research on parasites in free-living wild animals is not common in the scientific literature and this is due to the difficulty of capturing this animal category as they live in difficult to access places such as forests and forests, therefore, research projects in partnership with museums are extremely important for the recognition of wild animal species that circulate in the region, in addition to the parasitic identification of these animals for future sanitary measures and for the preservation of the animal species in the environment. The Parasitological studies of wild animals are highly relevant for expanding this knowledge, especially considering the possible transfer risk of specific parasitic diseases to other animals, as well as to humans
Quantitative vulnerability assessment of Corda river water basin: impacts of seasonality on water quality in the State of Maranhao
The Corda river is the main source of fresh water for recreation, leisure, supply and irrigation to the municipality of Barra do Corda - MA. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physicochemical parameters of Corda river’s water using the methodology described by the American Public Health Association. The water samples were collected in the seasonal period spanning between February and September of the year of 2018. The parameters which were analyzed during the study were pH, conductivity, turbidity, total dissolved solids and salinity, besides concentrations of nitrite, nitrate, and total phosphorus. Three principal components were identified during the PC Analysis. Those components explain more than 74% of the total variance observed during the rainy and dry season. Axis 1and 2 included variables which were related to quality of water and could be affected by the change in seasons. The results indicated that pH (7.11), P (2,82 mg L-1), NO3- (3,23 mg L-1), turbidity (35.82 NTU) and conductivity (35.83 µS/cm) parameters were most affected by changing from rainy to dry season
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