78 research outputs found

    Tramitação prejudicial acelerada e urgente no contencioso da União: potencialidades na mitigação da dilação temporal exigida pelo reenvio à luz da tutela jurisdicional efetiva

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Direito da União EuropeiaNo âmbito das vias de acesso à justiça da União Europeia, o reenvio prejudicial (art. 267.º do TFUE) surgiu como um mecanismo de cooperação judiciária, tendente a promover a aplicação uniforme/homogênea do direito da União. Todavia, com o passar do tempo, converteu-se numa alternativa de proteção jurisdicional, tendo em conta as insuficiências da execução do recurso de anulação. De qualquer forma, o reenvio também comporta em si dificuldades de aplicação à luz do princípio da tutela jurisdicional efetiva (art. 19.º, n.º 1, § 2, do TUE) e do direito fundamental dos particulares à ação (art. 47.º, § 1, da CDFUE). O presente estudo ocupa-se da problemática da dilação temporal no âmbito do reenvio prejudicial, sobretudo quando estão em causa situações que exigem uma particular celeridade processual. É o caso, nomeadamente, dos processos que se enquadram no domínio do espaço de liberdade, segurança e justiça (título V da terceira parte do TFUE) ou cujas circunstâncias factuais relevem de uma particular urgência, o que ocorre, por exemplo, na deslocação ou retenção ilícitas de crianças ou ainda quando um particular se encontra detido ou privado da sua liberdade e a libertação depende da resposta do Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia. Na tentativa de fazer face a essas dificuldades, o legislador da União procedeu a revisões do funcionamento do reenvio prejudicial, criando mecanismos excecionais e derrogatórios da tramitação ordinária: a tramitação prejudicial acelerada (art. 105.º e 106.º do RPTJ) e a tramitação prejudicial urgente (art. 107.º a 114.º do RPTJ). Verificando-se um crescimento do contencioso naquelas matérias, a nossa inquietação prende-se com o resultado obtido, ao longo dos anos, dessas tramitações excecionais na mitigação da dilação temporal exigida pelo reenvio à luz da tutela jurisdicional efetiva. Partindo de uma análise essencialmente jurisprudencial, procuraremos aferir, designadamente, se esses mecanismos excecionais protegem suficientemente as garantias dos cidadãos.Among the procedure instruments of the Union litigation, the preliminary ruling (article 267 of the FEU Treaty) comes forward as a means of judicial cooperation, aiming to promote the uniform/homogeneous application of the EU law. Nevertheless, over time, it turned into an alternative of judicial protection, given the weaknesses of the execution of the action for annulment. Anyway, the preliminary ruling also brings with it enforcement difficulties in the light of the principle of effective judicial protection (article 19 (1), § 2, of the EU Treaty) and the fundamental right of all EU citizens to an effective remedy (article 47, § 1, of the CFREU). This study approaches the issue of the temporal delay that occurs in the context of preliminary ruling procedure, especially in cases involving situations requiring a particular promptness. Such is the case, namely, of procedures whose questions arise from the area of freedom, security and justice (part three, title V, of the FEU Treaty) or whose factual circumstances embody a particular urgency, which occurs, for example, when a child is wrongfully removed or retained in another Member State by one of its parents, or yet when a person is deprived of liberty and whose release depends on the response of the Court of Justice. In an attempt to address these difficulties, the EU legislator undertook revisions of the preliminary ruling procedure, by creating exceptional and derogatory mechanisms of the ordinary ruling procedure: the expedited preliminary ruling procedure (articles 105 and 106 of the RPCJ) and the urgent preliminary ruling procedure (articles 107 to 114 of the RPCJ). As a corollary of the litigation growth falling under those areas, our concern relates to the results, over the years, of these exceptional ruling procedures on the mitigation of temporal delay, required by the preliminary ruling procedure, in the light of effective judicial protection. Mainly through a jurisprudential analysis, we seek to perceive, in particular, if these exceptional mechanisms protect adequately the guarantees of citizens

    O papel do design gráfico na diferenciação e na diversificação de produtos biológicos: estudo de caso - Biofun, Produtos Biológicos do fundão

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    Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas de Castelo Branco do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e à Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design Gráfico.Este estudo constitui uma reflexão sobre a importância do design gráfico no crescimento, diferenciação e consolidação comercial de uma empresa por via da influência da marca no comportamento do consumidor. O projeto prende-se pela valorização de um produto de produção biológica - concentrado de fruta, e tem como objetivo apresentar o design como uma estratégia de diferenciação. A produção biológica, privilegia as práticas comuns desenvolvidas para minimizar o impacto humano sobre o equilíbrio natural do meio ambiente, da biodiversidade e do bem-estar animal, com o propósito de desenvolver um modelo agrícola sustentável, que beneficie a terra e a vida que se forma nela. Assim, o objetivo do estudo é valorizar um produto de prática biológica, promovendo-o na sua singularidade. Esta proposta aborda a marca para além da sua capacidade de identificação, mas como um conjunto de características e atributos que definem uma cultura, que traduzem uma história, enfatizando a sua personalidade, os seus valores, qualidades e sensações que o produto tem a capacidade de transmitir. Neste trabalho é proposta uma estratégia para a comercialização de um produto de excelência, que se insere num mercado tradicional.Abstract: This is, mainly, a reflection on the importance of graphic design on the growth, differentiation and commercial consolidation of a company led by the influence of the brand in the consumer's behavior. This project is based on the valorization of an organic product – fruit concentrate, and its aim is to present the design as a differentiation strategy. Organic production emphasizes the common practices developed to minimize the human impact on the natural balance of the environment, biodiversity and animal wellbeing, in order to develop a sustainable agricultural model, which benefits the land and the life that grows in it. Thus, the goal of the study is to value a product of biological practice, promoting it in its singularity. This proposal addresses the brand beyond its ability to identify, but as a set of characteristics and attributes that define a culture, that translate a story, emphasizing the personality, values, qualities and feelings that the product has the ability to transmit. This work proposes a strategy for the commercialization of a product of excellence, which is part of a traditional market

    The subject-environment interplay between runners from different Brazilian macro-regions

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    PURPOSE Our purpose was to investigate the interplay between runners and their environment using a network approach. METHODS This cross-sectional study sampled Brazilian runners of both sexes, from the five macro-regions of the country. An electronic questionnaire was used to obtain information regarding age, sex, training volume, socio-economic level, place of residence, and running pace. Environmental indicators (public illumination, pavement, sidewalk, and green areas) were collected from available public information. Descriptive statistics were presented in mean (SD), and frequency (%). A network analysis was performed to evaluate the association between individual and environmental characteristics. Statistical analyses were performed in the JASP, considering p < 0.05. RESULTS At North and Mid-West regions, public illumination presents the highest values for the expected influence (1.74 and 1.56), while in Northeast and Southeast, sidewalks present the highest values (2.13; 0.91). For betweenness centrality, in North, Northeast, and Mid-West regions, residency in the capital of a state presented a hub. In contrast, pavement, and training volume present higher values in the South and Southeast. Network topologies are different. CONCLUSION Public illumination (North and Mid-West) and sidewalk (Northeast, Southeast) were the most important variables for runners. Continental size countries need specific approaches to improve physical activity levels and health outcomes that consider the cultural, historical, and environmental background

    Nutritional status of adolescents and its relation with socio-demographics variables : National Adolescent School-based Health Survey (PeNSE), 2009

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    Objetivou-se descrever o estado nutricional dos adolescentes da 9ª série de escolas públicas e privadas das capitais brasileiras e sua associação com variáveis sociodemográficas. Por meio de questionário autopreenchido, foram registradas informações sobre sexo, raça/cor, idade, escola pública/privada, macrorregião do país, escolaridade materna e posse de bens familiares. Peso e altura foram aferidos segundo procedimentos padronizados. A altura para idade e o Índice de Massa Corporal para idade foram avaliados segundo critérios da Organização Mundial da Saúde. Obtiveram-se medidas antropométricas de 58.971 adolescentes, sendo que 2,9% apresentaram déficit estatural e 2,9% magreza. O excesso de peso foi de 23,0% e a obesidade de 7,3%, sendo mais altos no Sul e no Sudeste do país. Déficits de altura e peso, excesso de peso e obesidade foram mais prevalentes nos meninos. Os déficits foram superiores nas escolas públicas, e o excesso de peso e a obesidade nas privadas. Adolescentes cujas mães eram de menor escolaridade ou de famílias mais pobres apresentaram maior déficit de altura; o inverso ocorreu com o excesso de peso e a obesidade. Prevalências de déficits, excesso de peso e obesidade ressaltam a necessidade de intervenções nutricionais direcionadas para esta fase da vida.The aim of this study was to describe the nutritional status of adolescents in the 9th year of public and private schools of the Brazilian capitals and its association with socio-demographic variables. By means of a self-completed questionnaire, information related to sex, race, age, public/private school, macro-region of the country, maternal education and family possessions were recorded. Measures of weight and height were measured according to standardized procedures. Height for age and body mass index for age was evaluated according to the World Health Organization reference. Anthropometric measurements of 58,971 adolescents were obtained, of which 2.9% were stunted and 2.9% underweight. There was 23.0% of overweight and 7.3% of obesity, which were higher in the South and Southeast regions. Deficits in height and weight, overweight and obesity were more prevalent in boys. The deficits were higher at public schools while overweight and obesity at private ones. Adolescents whose mothers were less educated or from poorer families had greater deficits in height and the reverse occurred with overweight and obesity. The findings about the deficits, overweight and obesity highlight the need for nutritional interventions designed to reach this stage of life

    P491-BioMod Deliverable 4912 Linkage of Economic and Fisheries Indicators

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    Developing and parameterising fisheries bioeconomic models is seen as playing an important role in the evaluation of proposed fisheries management strategies. One of the key challenges in doing this has been the different aggregation levels of the biological and economic data. For example, economic data (costs, prices etc) is aggregated at the supra-region level as a function of fleet components, whereas biological data is collected at the smaller regional level. Management plan evaluations are required at the regional level which means methods must be developed to scale and merge the economic and biological data at this level. Here we present a method based on the use of transversal variables (such as effort). By calculating a ‘unit cost per effort’ at the supraregion level, we are able to estimate costs at the regional level. This is made more difficult by the aggregation of fishing metiers and gears in the economic data, which have their own cost structure. Linear modelling techniques are used to help overcome to this issue. This report presents these methods using the North Sea fisheries as a case study. Note that this report was not prepared using MS Word. It was prepared using Latex / KnitR and R. This allows the computer code that was used to generate the results to be embedded in the report and executed during the report compilation, including the plotting of figures. This is preferable for scientific report writing as it ensures that the results presented here are ‘live’. Consequently, the following report may not strictly adhere to the JRC template.JRC.G.3-Maritime affair

    The subject-environment interplay between runners from different Brazilian macro-regions

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    PurposeOur purpose was to investigate the interplay between runners and their environment using a network approach.MethodsThis cross-sectional study sampled Brazilian runners of both sexes, from the five macro-regions of the country. An electronic questionnaire was used to obtain information regarding age, sex, training volume, socio-economic level, place of residence, and running pace. Environmental indicators (public illumination, pavement, sidewalk, and green areas) were collected from available public information. Descriptive statistics were presented in mean (SD), and frequency (%). A network analysis was performed to evaluate the association between individual and environmental characteristics. Statistical analyses were performed in the JASP, considering p &lt; 0.05.ResultsAt North and Mid-West regions, public illumination presents the highest values for the expected influence (1.74 and 1.56), while in Northeast and Southeast, sidewalks present the highest values (2.13; 0.91). For betweenness centrality, in North, Northeast, and Mid-West regions, residency in the capital of a state presented a hub. In contrast, pavement, and training volume present higher values in the South and Southeast. Network topologies are different.ConclusionPublic illumination (North and Mid-West) and sidewalk (Northeast, Southeast) were the most important variables for runners. Continental size countries need specific approaches to improve physical activity levels and health outcomes that consider the cultural, historical, and environmental background

    Applications of Essential Oils as Antibacterial Agents in Minimally Processed Fruits and Vegetables - A Review

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    Microbial foodborne diseases are a major health concern. In this regard, one of the major risk factors is related to consumer preferences for “ready-to-eat” or minimally processed (MP) fruits and vegetables. Essential oil (EO) is a viable alternative used to reduce pathogenic bacteria and increase the shelf-life of MP foods, due to the health risks associated with food chlorine. Indeed, there has been increased interest in using EO in fresh produce. However, more information about EO applications in MP foods is necessary. For instance, although in vitro tests have defined EO as a valuable antimicrobial agent, its practical use in MP foods can be hampered by unrealistic concentrations, as most studies focus on growth reductions instead of bactericidal activity, which, in the case of MP foods, is of utmost importance. The present review focuses on the effects of EO in MP food pathogens, including the more realistic applications. Overall, due to this type of information, EO could be better regarded as an added value to the food industryinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio