348 research outputs found

    As motivações para o voluntariado : estudo exploratório numa amostra de estudantes do ensino superior politécnico

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    A motivação para o voluntariado foi o tema escolhido para o presente estudo, nomeadamente no que respeita àquele que é exercido por estudantes do ensino superior politécnico. Dada a escassez de investigações publicadas nesta área, o objetivo deste estudo é o de avaliar as motivações para o voluntariado numa amostra de conveniência constituída por 356 estudantes e o de explorar eventuais diferenças destas motivações e práticas de voluntariado em função de variáveis sociodemográficos ou de outras variáveis atitudinais mais específicas. A recolha dos dados foi realizada em pleno contexto académico, através da inquirição dos alunos do Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (IPC), com o fito de caracterizar aqueles que realizam voluntariado e as suas respetivas motivações. Este processo é efetuado através de questionário inquirindo dados sociodemográficos e características específicas de voluntariado, aplicando três escalas: a primeira, o Inventário de Motivações para o Voluntariado - IMV de Clary e Snyder (1998), na versão portuguesa de Gonçalves, Monteiro e Pereira (2011), a segunda, das Atitudes Altruístas de Loureiro e Lima (2009) e a terceira de Webb, Green & Brashear (2000) a Escala de Ajudar os Outros

    A Mobile Approach to Farmer-Computer Interaction

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    A agricultura tem sido responsável por sustentar e melhorar a vida humana há pelos menos 105 mil anos. Hoje em dia, as abordagens tradicionais agrícolas podem ser aprimoradas com a tecnologia, ajudando os agricultores a tomar decisões mais informadas relativamente às suas atividades agrícolas. As tecnologias de informação e comunicação, especificamente telemóveis e tablets, permitem agora que os agricultores melhorem a sua produtividade e a rentabilidade, mesmo em áreas rurais.No entanto, devido à limitada proficiência tecnológica, surge um problema. A adoção e aceitação destas soluções depende da habilidade de manipulação e compreensão de media digitais e isso pode ser um desafio em demografias específicas, onde a idade pode ser uma restrição e o acesso à tecnologia, nas áreas rurais, seja escasso.O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma pesquisa, na Fraunhofer AICOS, centrada em torno dos potenciais end-users de uma aplicação móvel no campo agrícola. Por conseguinte, seguiu-se uma metodologia de Design Centrado no Utilizador, permitindo estreitar o foco do estudo, desde a agricultura em geral, até à Prevenção e Controlo da Traça da Uva na Viticultura na Região do Douro em Portugal. Neste processo, métodos explícitos e implícitos, foram utilizados, como Personas, Grupos de Foco, Entrevistas Individuais, Observação de Campo e Teste de Usabilidade. Agricultores e outros stakeholders, estiveram envolvidos em todas as fases do processo de design, desde a recolha de requisitos, análise, design e avaliação dos protótipos criados.O resultado deste estudo foi acomodar e apoiar as necessidades e expectativas dos agricultores, e ao mesmo tempo a criação de guidelines e elementos de Interface do Utilizador que irão informar futuros projetos com semelhantes end-users.Agriculture has been responsible for sustaining and enhancing human life starting at least 105,000 years ago. Nowadays, traditional approaches to farming can be enhanced with technology, helping farmers make more informed decisions when it comes to their farming activities. Information and communication technologies, specifically mobile phones and tablets, are now enabling farmers to improve farm productivity and profitability, even in rural areas.However, due to limited technological proficiency a problem emerges. The adoption and acceptance of these solutions are dependent on the skill for handling and understanding digital media and this can be a challenge in specific demographics, where age can be a constraint and access to technology, in rural areas, be scarce.The aim of this study was to conduct a research at Fraunhofer AICOS centred around the potential end-users of a mobile application in the agricultural field. Therefore a User-centred Design methodology was followed, allowing to narrow the scope of the study, from Agriculture in general to Prevention and Control of the Grapevine Moth in Viticulture in the Douro Region of Portugal. In this process, explicit and implicit methods where used, such as Personas, Focus Groups, Individual Interviews, Field Observation and Usability Testing. Farmers and other stakeholders where involved in all phases of the design process, from requirements gathering, analysis, design and evaluation of the prototypes created.The outcome of this study was to accommodate and support farmers' needs and expectations while also creating guidelines and User Interface elements that'll inform future projects with similar end-users

    Effects of Low-Moderate Load High-Velocity Resistance Training on Physical Performance of Under-20 Futsal Players

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    Resistance training (RT) is an effective methodology to improve physical performance of athletes. However, up to now, no studies have addressed the RT benefits in under-20 futsal players. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of six weeks of RT with high-velocity movements, low-to-moderate loads, and low volume on physical performance of under-20 futsal players. A total of 21 players were divided into two groups: A control group (CG, n = 10) and a RT group (RTG, n = 11). The RTG performed two weekly training sessions constituted by leg-press, jumps, and sprints, along with three futsal training sessions, while the CG only performed the futsal training. Before and after the intervention, the sprint time in 0⁻10 m (T10), 10⁻20 m (T10⁻20), and 0⁻20 m (T20), the countermovement jump (CMJ) height, the T-Test time, the kicking ball speed (KBS), and the maximum dynamic strength in the leg-press, were assessed. In post-test, significant improvements in CMJ, T-Test, KBS, and leg-press were found for the RTG, whilst a significant decrease in T10⁻20 was evidenced in the CG. The present results suggested that RT based on high velocity movements, low-to-moderate loads, and low volume produce positive effects on physical performance of under-20 futsal players.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fenton processes for AOX removal from a kraft pulp bleaching industrial wastewater: optimisation of operating conditions and cost assessment

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    AOX emissions to water are a key environmental aspect in the pulp and paper industry being limited by EU Ecolabel criteria. In this work, response surface methodology was used to optimise Fenton and photo-Fenton processes for AOX removal from a kraft pulp mill bleaching wastewater. Focus on the specific stream where AOX is higher reduces the wastewater volume to treat and the associated costs. Moreover, there is a need to assess the effect of treatment in parameters other than AOX, such as BOD5, COD and colour content, which were also quantified in this work. Operational costs were determined for both processes, including chemical consumption and energy input (in the case of photo-Fenton process). The photo-Fenton process exhibited better performance than the classic Fenton process, achieving 90 % AOX removal against 80 % for the Fenton process, higher colour content removal and enhanced wastewater’s biodegradability (BOD5/COD ratio). Moreover, photo-Fenton process showed lower operational costs for maximum AOX removal: 46.5 € m−3 wastewater treated or 0.45 € g−1 AOX removed, against 70.0 € m−3 wastewater treated or 0.78 € g−1 AOX removed by the Fenton process.publishe

    AOX removal from pulp and paper wastewater by Fenton and photo-Fenton processes: a real case-study

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    D0 bleaching wastewater from E. globulus Kraft pulping industry was treated by Fenton and photo-Fenton processes. The aim was to optimise the operational conditions for adsorbable organic halides (AOX) removal, namely oxidant concentration, [H2O2], catalyst concentration, [Fe2+], and treatment time, using the central composite experimental design (CCED) tool. Temperature and pH were set at 60 ºC and 2, respectively, which are similar to the natural values of the D0 bleaching wastewater. Both processes showed potential to remove AOX from D0 with 177 - 178 mM H2O2 and 10 min reaction time. Maximum AOX removal was 85 % for the Fenton process with 8.5 mM Fe2+, and 95 % for the photo-Fenton process with 2.0 mM Fe2+ and UV irradiance 142 W.m- 2. For both methods, the only statistically significant variable (p=0.05) was the concentration of oxidant, [H2O2].publishe

    Validity and Reliability of the Portuguese Version of the Dispositional Flow Scale-2 in Exercise

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    This study aimed to analyze the factorial validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the Dispositional Flow Scale-2 (DFS-2; Jackson and Eklund, 2002) with a sample of 1437 exercise participants, a population in which flow has not been widely studied. The CFA adjustment indices of the nine-factor first-order structure were acceptable. Both the time transformation and loss of self-consciousness scales presented modest correlations with the remaining flow dimensions. Internal consistency estimates were satisfactory for all flow factors. Except for time transformation, all the dispositional flow scales correlated with perceived competence in and enjoyment of exercise. These findings provide support for the validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the DFS-2 for measuring flow experiences in exercise. The use of the nine flow factor level scores rather than a single global score is recommended


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    Em Portugal e noutros países têm ocorrido frequentemente algumas situações anómalas em pavimentos com aplicação de endurecedores de superfície em betões de base, principalmente em zonas industriais e parques de estacionamento. A fissuração e o destacamento da camada superficial do betão estão entre as principais anomalias encontradas. O uso crescente de fortes redutores de água no betão e de ligantes cada vez mais finos com maiores conteúdos de silicato tricálcico podem ser algumas das causas para estes problemas. A resolução destas anomalias é bastante dispendiosa, já que estes tipos de betões são aplicados em grandes áreas. Além dessa situação também podem provocar atrasos no resto da construção. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o comportamento de seis composições de betão de base diferentes. Na formulação das composições de base foram considerados dois adjuvantes e uma adição. Para o endurecedor de superfície foi apenas considerado um com minerais de quartzo, sendo que a aplicação do endurecedor e respetivo afagamento foi realizado por uma empresa especializada. Para a realização do trabalho foi escolhido um dia de Verão de maneira a simular situações mais extremas. O principal objetivo do estudo foi o de identificar os principais parâmetros dos constituintes do betão que influenciam o chamado “tempo aberto” para aplicação do endurecedor. Os resultados mostraram que a formulação da composição do betão de base tem grande influência no comportamento deste tipo de betões, assim como, a dimensão das equipas de trabalho que vão aplicar o endurecedor e efetuar o respetivo afagamento. Também o clima mostrou ter grande influência

    Weakly-supervised classification of HER2 expression in breast cancer haematoxylin and eosin stained slides

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    Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) evaluation commonly requires immunohistochemistry (IHC) tests on breast cancer tissue, in addition to the standard haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining tests. Additional costs and time spent on further testing might be avoided if HER2 overexpression could be effectively inferred from H&E stained slides, as a preliminary indication of the IHC result. In this paper, we propose the first method that aims to achieve this goal. The proposed method is based on multiple instance learning (MIL), using a convolutional neural network (CNN) that separately processes H&E stained slide tiles and outputs an IHC label. This CNN is pretrained on IHC stained slide tiles but does not use these data during inference/testing. H&E tiles are extracted from invasive tumour areas segmented with the HASHI algorithm. The individual tile labels are then combined to obtain a single label for the whole slide. The network was trained on slides from the HER2 Scoring Contest dataset (HER2SC) and tested on two disjoint subsets of slides from the HER2SC database and the TCGA-TCIA-BRCA (BRCA) collection. The proposed method attained 83.3% classification accuracy on the HER2SC test set and 53.8% on the BRCA test set. Although further efforts should be devoted to achieving improved performance, the obtained results are promising, suggesting that it is possible to perform HER2 overexpression classification on H&E stained tissue slides.publishersversionpublishe

    Huge recurrent gastric neuroendocrine tumor: a second-line chemotherapeutic dilemma

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    Chemotherapy is considered “state of the art” for the treatment of poorly differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms. Unfortunately, there is no standard effective post-first-line treatment for relapsing high-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms. We report the case of a patient with a gastric neuroendocrine carcinoma stage IV, with massive gastrointestinal bleeding at diagnosis. After the first line of platin-based chemotherapy a major tumoral response was documented, but the patient relapsed after 4 months. A second line of chemotherapy treatment was given, with the FOLFOX regimen, and the patient has been free of progression for almost 2 years. There is no second-line standard treatment accepted for this type of carcinoma, but 5-fluorouracil combined with oxaliplatin showed interesting antitumor activity

    Got her mummy´s eyes: Eye color investigation using IrisPlex – preliminary study

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    Poster apresentado no 9th ISABS Conference on Forensic and Anthropologic Genetics,22 a 26 de junho de 2015, ilha de Brač, CroáciaSNP phenotypic markers are being studied by several groups worldwide. As a result, phenotypic loci such as the ones responsible for human eye, hair and skin color are starting to get known. These may provide information for identification of unknown sample donors in criminal casework when there are no suspects. This kind of information may be even more relevant when the sample donor possesses phenotypic characteristics which distinguish him from the population in which he is inserted. Nevertheless, this approach may be used in similar scientific areas. In this work, a DNA sample from a mummified corpse with historical and scientific interest was studied in order to discover more information about who this corps belonged to. One of the tools used in this investigation was IrisPlex, designed for eye color prediction. This study presents one example on how this methodologies may be useful, not only in forensic investigation but also in areas such as physical anthropology.N/