744 research outputs found

    Transformation of Attributed Structures with Cloning (Long Version)

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    Copying, or cloning, is a basic operation used in the specification of many applications in computer science. However, when dealing with complex structures, like graphs, cloning is not a straightforward operation since a copy of a single vertex may involve (implicitly)copying many edges. Therefore, most graph transformation approaches forbid the possibility of cloning. We tackle this problem by providing a framework for graph transformations with cloning. We use attributed graphs and allow rules to change attributes. These two features (cloning/changing attributes) together give rise to a powerful formal specification approach. In order to handle different kinds of graphs and attributes, we first define the notion of attributed structures in an abstract way. Then we generalise the sesqui-pushout approach of graph transformation in the proposed general framework and give appropriate conditions under which attributed structures can be transformed. Finally, we instantiate our general framework with different examples, showing that many structures can be handled and that the proposed framework allows one to specify complex operations in a natural way


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    Aspects for Graph Grammars

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    Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is an extension to the object oriented paradigm that aims to provide better modularity for code that is usually scattered across an object-oriented system such as logging, authentication and distributed object handling. Aspect weaving is a novel way to compose systems, focusing on the integration of system-wide policies through pattern-action rules. While there are several semantic proposals for representing aspects over source code and programs, aspect weaving for visual models such as graph rewriting systems is still not fully established. In this work, we propose the definition of aspect-oriented graph grammars, an extension to conventional graph grammar where aspects are modeled as transformation rules over the structure of a base graph grammar

    On the essence and initiality of conflicts

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    Understanding conflicts between transformations and rules is an important topic in algebraic graph transformation. A conflict occurs when two transformations are not parallel independent, that is, when after applying one of them the other can no longer occur. We contribute to this research thread by proposing a new characterization of the root causes of conflicts, called “conflict essences”. By exploiting a recently proposed characterization of parallel independence we easily show that the conflict essence of two transformations is empty iff they are parallel independent. Furthermore we show that conflict essences are smaller than the “conflict reasons” previously proposed, and that they uniquely determine the so-called “initial conflicts”. All results hold in categories of Set-valued functors, which include the categories of graphs and typed graphs, and several of them hold in the more general adhesive categories

    The occupational roles of women with anorexia nervosa

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi compreender como se configuram os papéis ocupacionais de pessoas com anorexia nervosa. A casuística foi composta por 11 mulheres adultas, diagnosticadas em tratamento no grupo de assistência em transtornos alimentares de um hospital de Ribeirão Preto, Brasil, e por um grupo-controle. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, antropométricos e aplicada a Lista de Identificação de Papéis Ocupacionais. Os resultados mostraram que houve alteração significativa nas mulheres com anorexia nervosa, com perda de papéis em relação ao padrão de desempenho do papel de trabalhador, voluntário, amigo e passatempo/amador, corroborando os prejuízos psicossociais decorrentes desse transtorno mental. A avaliação dos papéis ocupacionais no tratamento dos transtornos alimentares é estratégia importante para o planejamento de atividades de Terapia Ocupacional, fornecendo subsídios para a construção de espaços mais saudáveis, onde o fazer cria possibilidades de resgate dos papéis ocupacionais, independência e autonomia.El objetivo es entender como figuran los papeles ocupacionales de las personas con anorexia nervosa. La casuística fue compuesta por 11 personas diagnosticadas en tratamiento en el Grupo de Asistencia en Trastornos Alimentares de un Hospital de Ribeirão Preto-Brasil y un grupo control. Se recogieron variables sociodemográficas, antropométricas y por la Lista de Identificación de Papeles Ocupacionales. Los resultados muestran hubo cambio, con pérdida de papeles debido a la anorexia nerviosa, con pérdida de los papeles de trabajador, voluntario, amigo y pasatiempo amador, corroborando los perjuicios psicosociales derivados de este trastorno. La evaluación de los papeles ocupacionales en el tratamiento de los trastornos alimentares es una estrategia importante para la planificación de la terapia ocupacional por la concesión de subvenciones para crear ambientes más saludables, donde las posibilidades de crear el rescate de los papeles ocupacionales, la independencia y autonomía.This studys objective was to understand how occupational roles of individuals with anorexia nervosa are configured. The sample was composed of a control group and 11 adult women with anorexia nervosa being cared for by the Eating Disorders Care Group in a hospital in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Socio-demographic and anthropometric data were collected and the Role Checklist was applied. The results revealed a significant loss of roles for women with anorexia nervosa in relation to the performance of the roles worker, friend, and amateur/hobbyist, supporting the idea that psychosocial harm may arise from this eating disorder. The evaluation of occupational roles in the treatment of eating disorders is an important strategy for planning Occupational Therapy activities and supporting the creation of healthier spaces to enable individuals to resume occupational roles, and acquire independence and autonomy

    Complexity analysis of reactive graph grammars

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    The aim of this paper is to present a way to calculate a complexity measurement of graph grammar specifications of reactive systems. The basic operation that describe the behavior of a graph grammar is a rule application. Therefore, this operation will be used to characterize the tasks to be performed within a system. The complexity measurement defined here ,vill give us the minimum numbei:· of steps that must be present in a computation that performs a desir_ed task

    Parallelism in AGREE transformations

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    The AGREE approach to graph transformation allows to specify rules that clone items of the host graph, controlling in a finegrained way how to deal with the edges that are incident, but not matched, to the rewritten part of the graph. Here, we investigate in which ways cloning (with controlled embedding) may affect the dependencies between two rules applied to the same graph. We extend to AGREE the classical notion of parallel independence between the matches of two rules to the same graph, identifying sufficient conditions that guarantee that two rules can be applied in any order leading to the same result