1,281 research outputs found

    Impact Assessment: Diffusion and Integration

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    Introduction: As societies and their governments seek tools to help foresee and evaluate the future impacts of their current choices, successful policy foresight can benefit from learning from hindsight – from retrospective studies of the accuracy and impact of RIA and EIA (and other IA systems) on past decisions, both to revise current policies and also to improve the accuracy of IA systems in the future. This chapter discusses the ongoing diffusion of IA, and the pros and cons of combining the array of existing IA systems into a new and better system of Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) (both prospective and retrospective) encompassing the full portfolio of important impacts

    O inglês não padrão nas provas do ENEM : estudo de caso na perspectiva da variação linguística e do letramento

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    The teaching and learning of the English language, in their multimodalities, have been targets of research involving educators and learners. In the context of globalization, language is not a language that belongs exclusively to a nation: in this context, the mastery of foreign languages and the study of a global language, like English, for example, are crucial elements in the whole educational process. In these terms, this dissertation proposes some reflections, in particular, the description of textual genres in non-standard English texts taken from the ENEM, as well as analyze the linguistic variation of them by correlating these uses with the proposal of official documents about the English teaching in high school, as the PNLD. As theoretical-methodological assumptions, the research is based on Applied Sociolinguistics to language teaching, on literacy and language teaching and on textual genres. That comes from the argument that both the ENEM and the notice of PNLD are shaping the practices of reading and text genres involving linguistic variation in English language, not only in American English, but also in other countries, which justifies the inclusion of variants, such as Black English in texts from the ENEM. It is hoped that this study will contribute to the field of applied Sociolinguistics to second language in Brazil, as well as giving teachers teaching practices signed not only formal level of language, but also in their degrees of formality/informality in the most diverse uses.O ensino e a aprendizagem da língua inglesa, nas suas multimodalidades, têm sido alvos de pesquisas envolvendo educadores e aprendizes. Na perspectiva da globalização, uma língua não é um idioma pertencente exclusivamente a uma nação: nesse contexto, o domínio de línguas estrangeiras e o estudo de um idioma de alcance global, como o inglês, por exemplo, são elementos cruciais em todo o processo educacional. Nesses termos, a presente dissertação propõe-se a algumas reflexões, em especial, a de descrever gêneros de textos de inglês não-padrão nas provas do ENEM, bem como analisar a variação linguística neles contemplada, correlacionando esses usos à proposta dos documentos oficiais sobre o ensino de inglês no Ensino Médio, sendo o PNLD um deles. Como pressupostos teórico-metodológicos, a pesquisa se apoia na Sociolinguística Aplicada ao ensino de línguas e em estudos sobre o letramento e ensino de língua e gêneros textuais. Parte-se do argumento de que, tanto o ENEM quanto o edital do PNLD, já estão se moldando às práticas de leitura e de gêneros textuais envolvendo variação linguística em língua inglesa, não somente do inglês americano, mas também do falado em outros países, o que justifica a inclusão de variantes, como o Black English em questões do ENEM. Espera-se que esse estudo possa contribuir para a área da sociolinguística aplicada à segunda língua no Brasil, além de assegurar ao professor práticas de ensino firmadas não apenas no nível formal do idioma, mas também em seus graus de formalidade/informalidade nos mais diversos usos

    Quantitative (13)c Multicp Solid-state Nmr As A Tool For Evaluation Of Cellulose Crystallinity Index Measured Directly Inside Sugarcane Biomass.

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    The crystallinity index (CI) is often associated with changes in cellulose structure after biological and physicochemical pretreatments. While some results obtained with lignocellulosic biomass demonstrate a progressive increase in the CI as a function of pretreatments, it is also shown that the CI can significantly vary depending on the choice of the measurement method. Besides, the influence of the CI on the recalcitrance of biomass has been controversial for a long time, but the most recent results tend to point out that the efficiency of pretreatments in reducing the recalcitrance is not clearly correlated with the decrease of the CI. Much of this controversy is somewhat associated with the inability to distinguish between the CI of the cellulose inside the biomass and the CI of the full biomass, which contains other amorphous components such as lignin and hemicellulose. Cross polarization by multiple contact periods (Multi-CP) method was used to obtain quantitative (13)C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) spectra of sugarcane bagasse biomass submitted to two-step pretreatments and/or enzymatic hydrolysis. By comparing the dipolar filtered Multi-CP (13)C NMR spectra of untreated bagasse samples with those of samples submitted to acid pretreatment, we show that a 1% H2SO4-assisted pretreatment was very effective in removing practically all the hemicellulose signals. This led us to propose a spectral editing procedure based on the subtraction of MultiCP spectra of acid-treated biomass from that of the extracted lignin, to obtain a virtually pure cellulose spectrum. Based on this idea, we were able to evaluate the CI of the native cellulose inside the sugarcane bagasse biomass. The results show the validity of the proposed method as a tool for evaluating the variations in the CI of the cellulose inside biomasses of similar kinds. Despite a clear increase in the CI of biomass as measured by X-ray diffraction, no significant variations were observed in the CI of the cellulose inside the biomass after a particular 1% H2SO4/0.25-4% NaOH chemical-assisted pretreatments. The CI of cellulose inside the biomass solid fraction that remained after the enzymatic hydrolysis was also evaluated. The results show a slight increase in crystallinity.811

    Alternatives for establishing a surgical airway during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Currently doctors and health professionals are facing a challenging pandemic caused by a new strain called 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Human infection with COVID-19 does not yet have the clinical spectrum fully described, and the pattern of lethality, mortality, infectivity and transmissibility is not known with precision. There is no specific vaccine or medication available. Treatment is supportive and nonspecific. In Brazil, as in the rest of the world, the number of COVID-19 cases has grown alarmingly, leading to an increase in the number of hospitalizations as well as in mortality from the disease. Currently, the states with the highest number of cases are, respectively, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal and Ceará. The objective of this work is to offer alternatives in order to guide surgeons regarding the surgical management of the airways in patients with suspicion and / or confirmation for COVID-19 infection

    Alternativas para o estabelecimento de via aérea cirúrgica durante a pandemia de COVID-19

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    RESUMO Atualmente médicos e profissionais da saúde encontram-se frente a uma pandemia desafiadora causada por uma nova cepa denominada 2019 Novel Coronavírus (COVID-19). A infecção humana pelo COVID-19 ainda não tem o espectro clínico completamente descrito, bem como não se sabe com precisão o padrão de letalidade, mortalidade, infectividade e transmissibilidade. Não há vacina ou medicamento específico disponível. O tratamento é de suporte e inespecífico. No Brasil, assim como no restante do mundo o número de casos de COVID-19 tem crescido de maneira alarmante levando a um aumento do número de internações assim como da mortalidade pela doença. Atualmente os estados com maior número de casos são, respectivamente, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal e Ceará. O objetivo deste trabalho é oferecer alternativas a fim de orientar cirurgiões quanto ao manejo cirúrgico das vias aéreas em pacientes com suspeita e/ou confirmação para infecção pelo COVID-19

    The trauma and acute care surgeon in the COVID-19 pandemic era

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    The World Health Organization recognized in March 2020 the existence of a pandemic for the new coronavirus that appeared in China, in late 2019, and whose disease was named COVID-19. In this context, the SBAIT (Brazilian Society of Integrated Care for Traumatized Patients) conducted a survey with 219 trauma and emergency surgeons regarding the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the role of the surgeon in this pandemic by means of an electronic survey. It was observed that surgeons have been acting under inadequate conditions, with a lack of basic supplies as well as more specific equipment such as N95 masks and facial shields for the care of potential victims who may be contaminated. The latter increases the risk of contamination of professionals, resulting in potential losses in the working teams. Immediate measures must be taken to guarantee access to safety equipment throughout the country, since all trauma victims and/or patients with emergency surgical conditions must be treated as potential carriers of COVID-19

    Current control loop design and analysis based on resonant regulators for microgrid applications

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    Voltage and current control loops play an important role in the performance of microgrids employing power electronics voltage source inverters. Correct design of feedback loops is essential for the proper operation of these systems. This paper analyzes the influence of state feedback cross-coupling in the design of resonant regulators for inner current loops in power converters operating in standalone microgrids. It is also demonstrated that the effect of state feedback cross-coupling degrades the performance of the control loops by increasing the steady-state error. Different resonant regulators structures are analyzed and compared, performing experimental tests to validate the results of the theoretical analysis

    Psicomotricidade na educação infantil: aventuras e narrativas das crianças

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    This text emerges from the research carried out in the discipline Research and Internship II: Early Childhood Education, from the Pedagogy course of the State University of Bahia – Campus XII, aims to understand how children are part of a narrative of a psychomotor circuit in order to exercise the aspects of psychomotricity development in a way that promotes greater interaction between children resulting in a progressive rupture of genders done unconsciously by they. The internship took place in a Municipal School of Early Childhood Education in the municipality of Guanambi-BA, in order to observe and absorb the experience of working with children. For this, we elaborated a context of experience and narrative called "The risks of the jungle" that could add to its development. The internship and research allowed us to observe that play and interaction are fundamental parts of the process of learning, personal, collective development and inclusion.Este texto emerge da pesquisa realizada na disciplina Pesquisa e Estágio II: Educação Infantil, do curso de Pedagogia da Universidade do Estado da Bahia – Campus XII, tem por objetivo compreender como que as crianças se inserem em uma narrativa de um circuito psicomotor afim de exercitar os aspectos de desenvolvimento da psicomotricidade de forma que promova maior interação entre as crianças acarretando em uma progressiva ruptura na separação de gêneros feita de forma inconsciente por elas. O estágio ocorreu em uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil do município de Guanambi-BA, com o intuito de observar e absorver a experiência de trabalhar com as crianças. Para isso, elaboramos um contexto de experiência e narrativa denominada “Os riscos da selva” que pudesse agregar ao seu desenvolvimento. O estágio e pesquisa nos permitiu observar que a brincadeira e a interação são partes fundamentais no processo de aprendizado, desenvolvimento pessoal, coletivo e inclusão