2,512 research outputs found

    Nursing care needs for the family of the child with chronic illness

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    From the birth of a child with a chronic and/or complex disease, there is a need at an all priorities level within the family and/or the primary caregivers of these children. A chronic illness is a condition that interferes with the day-to-day functioning of the child and their caregivers. As such, the purpose of this integrative review is to identify the needs of nursing care for parents/caregivers or family of children with chronic or complex illnesses. Methods: The research was carried out on the EBSCO platform, and all databases were selected using the descriptors needs, parents, pediatrics and nursing. Taking into account the research delimiters and the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a final sample of eight articles was obtained, which were analyzed. Results: The results were obtained from a free reading/analysis of the articles selected from the research in the databases, leading to the extraction of results that addressed the needs of nursing care to the parents/caregivers/family of children with chronic diseases. Conclusions: Families and/or caregivers of children with chronic diseases and/or complex diseases circumvent many barriers and many of them difficult to overcome, but never giving up because they have many skills and power to deal with them

    Mestre Vitalino, Alto do Moura, Feira de Caruaru: contradições culturais, sociais e espaciais

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    Based on field research, with a qualitative approach, in the Alto do Moura neighborhood, in Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil, where Master Vitalino was “discovered”, we seek to problematize how the disputes between vertical and horizontal powers occur in the neighborhood in the face of the contradictions that permeate the and its relations with the artisanal chain. The objective was to analyze verticalities and horizontalities in Alto do Moura, understanding their economic, cultural, social and spatial consequences for the local population, especially those working in the artisanal chain. The management of the artisanal chain and the usufruct of the territory by the artisan community go hand in hand, one having an impact on the other. Inhabiting the city, recognizing oneself in it, representing oneself in artisanal pieces and “giving back” this recognition-representation in the usufruct of space feeds both the artisanal chain of Master Vitalino’s school and life in the city, since one influences the other. Treated in this way, the management of the artisanal chain makes it possible to empower the artisan both in relation to his work and to his urban spaces. A partir de una investigación de campo, con abordaje cualitativo, en el barrio Alto do Moura, en Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brasil, donde fue “descubierto” Maestro Vitalino, buscamos problematizar cómo las disputas entre poderes verticales y horizontales ocurren en el barrio frente a las contradicciones que permean la y sus relaciones con la cadena artesanal. El objetivo fue analizar las verticalidades y horizontalesidades en Alto do Moura, comprendiendo sus consecuencias económicas, culturales, sociales y espaciales para la población local, especialmente para aquellos que trabajan en la cadena artesanal. La gestión de la cadena artesanal y el usufructo del territorio por parte de la comunidad artesanal van de la mano, incidiendo uno en el otro. Habitar la ciudad, reconocerse en ella, representarse en piezas artesanales y “devolver” ese reconocimiento-representación en el usufructo del espacio alimenta tanto la cadena artesanal de la escuela de Maestro Vitalino como la vida en la ciudad, ya que una influye en la otra. Así tratada, la gestión de la cadena artesanal permite empoderar al artesano tanto en relación con su trabajo como con sus espacios urbanos.A partir de pesquisa de campo, com abordagem qualitativa, no bairro Alto do Moura, em Caruaru-PE, local em que Mestre Vitalino foi “descoberto”, buscamos problematizar como se dão as disputas entre poderes verticais e horizontais no bairro frente às contradições que permeiam o local e suas relações com a cadeia artesanal. O objetivo foi analisar verticalidades e horizontalidades no Alto do Moura, entendendo suas consequências econômicas, culturais, sociais e espaciais para a população local, principalmente a atuante na cadeia artesanal. O manejo da cadeia artesanal e o usufruto do território pela comunidade artesã caminham juntos, um tem rebatimento no outro. Habitar a cidade, se reconhecer nela, se representar nas peças artesanais e “devolver” esse reconhecimento-representação no usufruto do espaço alimenta tanto a cadeia artesanal da escola de Mestre Vitalino como a vida na cidade, visto que um influi no outro. Tratado deste modo, o manejo da cadeia artesanal possibilita empoderar o artesão tanto em relação a seu trabalho quanto a seus espaços citadinos.

    Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum: detection, characterization, new hosts and epidemiology in Spain

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    Tesis por compendio‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ is a α-Proteo bacteria, Gram-negative, restricted to plant phloem and to the haemolymph of psyllids that act as vectors. This emerging bacterium has been associated with different diseases in different hosts and associated with carrot (Daucus carota) in Spain. Vegetative disorders of unknown etiology have also been observed in celery (Apium graveolens) since 2008. A real-time PCR protocol specific to ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ detection, using TaqMan probe and direct sample preparation methods have been developed. This technology has been validated in an intra-laboratory study (sensitivity 1, specificity 1 and accuracy 100%) and is available commercially as a complete kit. It has been demonstrated that ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ is associated with the observed syndrome in celery and a new bacterium haplotype (E) has been identified. With these results it is concluded that celery is a new host of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ (Teresani et al., 2014a). Using the newly developed real-time PCR protocol ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ has been detected in 42,6% of the carrot seeds lots tested and in individual seeds. The number of cells/seeds has been estimated in 4.8±3.3 to 210±6.7, which only 5% were viable. After 150 days post-germination, 12% of seedlings showed symptoms and tested positive for ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’. Liberibacter-like cells were observed in the phloem sieve elements of the seed coat and in the phloem of carrot leaf midrib from seedlings. These results demonstrated that ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ is transmitted by carrot seeds (Bertolini et al., 2014b). The collected arthropods were classified into families, and the superfamily Psylloidea was identified to the species level resulting Bactericera trigonica, B. tremblayi and B. nigricornis the main identified species. The population dynamics of different psyllids species visiting carrot, celery and potato has been determined, concluding that the highest populations are captured during summer. The bacterium has been detected in the different Bactericera species previous cited additionally to Bactericera sp. The psyllid species carrying the bacteria can be considered as possible vectors of the bacterium (Teresani et al. 2014b). Electrical Penetration Graphs showed that B. trigonica was able to feed in the phloem of carrot, celery and potato but not in the phloem of tomato plants. Experimental transmission showed that B. trigonica transmitted ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ from carrot to carrot, celery, potato and tomato. More efficient transmission occurred with ten individuals, and the transmission rates were 100% in celery, 80% in carrot and 10% in potato and tomato. The experimental transmission to potatoes threatens this crop (Teresani et al., 2014c). These combined results have built a scientific foundation of the biological and epidemiological aspects of ‘Ca. L. solanacearum’ contributing to new scientific information that is key in cultivation of celery and carrot to establish bacteria control strategies. The use of bacteria-free carrot seed lots will definitely contribute to mitigate damage and reduce risks of transmission to solanaceous crops.Ribeiro Teresani, G. (2014). Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum: detection, characterization, new hosts and epidemiology in Spain [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48459TESISCompendi

    Analysis and testing of the IPB pico-hydro emulation platform with grid connection

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    The global context in which there is a need to reduce environmental impacts intensifies the search for new technologies for renewable sources. In addition to environmental issues, access to basic rights and social inclusion are also motivation for electricity generation, in a context including distributed generation (DG). Currently, the pico hydro power plant is an attractive application because of its resource availability; also, it is an interesting solution for a microgrid (on-grid or off-grid). On the other hand, usually, the conversion system is not "plug and play". This project presents the tests of convertion system for a "plug and play" solution, using different turbines and water wheel, permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) and photovoltaic (PV) inverters. In this approach, generators can work at variable speed, having an overvoltage protection circuit. The prerequisites for device integration must be considered: power compatibility, minimum and maximum limit voltage, and the maximum current of PV inverter. The tests were done in the pico-hydro emulation platform, in the Superior School of Technology and Management (ESTiG). The low head propeller, Turgo, and Pelton turbines are tested in the emulation platform; as well as the vertical axis water wheel. The turbines were connected to the grid using SOLAX inverters (up to 1650 W) and OMNIK (up to 2300 W), presenting satisfactory results in both. The water wheel tests used five microinverters (up to 300 W), showing grid connection with three: BEON, GWL, and INVOLAR.O contexto global em que há necessidade de redução dos impactos ambientais intensifica a busca por novas tecnologias para fontes renováveis. Além das questões ambientais, o acesso a direitos básicos e inclusão social também são estímulos à geração de energia elétrica em áreas remotas, incluindo o contexto de geração distribuída (GD). Atualmente, as plantas pico-hídricas têm sua aplicação interessante pela disponibilidade do recurso primário; e interessante solução para microrredes (on-grid ou off-grid). Por outro ponto de vista, geralmente o sistema de conversão não é "plug and play". Este projeto apresenta o teste dos sistemas de conversão com uma solução "plug and play", uttilizando diferentes turbinas, geradores síncronos de ímã permanente (GSIP) e inversores fotovoltaicos. Utilizou-se a abordagem em que os geradores podem trabalhar em velocidade variável, tendo um circuito de proteção contra sobre-tensão. Devem ser considerados os pré-requisitos para integração dos componentes: compatibilidade de potência, tensões limites e corrente máxima do inversor fotovoltaico. Os testes foram feitos na plataforma de emulação de sistemas pico-hídricos na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão (ESTiG). Testaram-se turbinas para baixa queda do tipo hélice, Turgo e Pelton; e também a roda d’água de eixo vertical. A conexão das turbinas com a rede foi feita com os inversores SOLAX (até 1650 W) e OMNIK (até 2300 W), apresentando resultados satisfatórios em ambos. Com a roda d’água foram testados cinco microinversores (até 300 W), apresentando conexão com três: BEON, GWL e INVOLAR

    The Brazilian Neodocumentalist Movement: an Historical Perspective

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    This article presents early studies on the repercussion of the neo-documentation movement in Brazilian Information Science, through a literary review on the history and evolution of Documentation in Brazil. Some currently approached questions by Brazilian researchers are presented here, with regard to the document and documentation under the neo-documentation perspective. Based on the work of these Brazilian researchers, by means of reconstituting the theoretical steps in the construction of these researches, it is traced to the pathways that indicate an original Brazilian Information Science neo-documentation movement. It is recommended that the subject be widely explored in the future, for being a rich source of Information Science historiography

    Pharmacy customers’ attitudes regarding self-care in the Midlands, England

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    Trabalho Final de Mestrado Integrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2017Self-medication is increasing, because it allows patients to treat symptoms or mild and self-recognized illnesses without having to recur to doctors whom they have to get an appointment with first, thus saving time and money. When buying available medicines in pharmacies, there is the presence of well-informed healthcare professionals with minor aliment schemes, so that the patients’ choice is the best fitted for the situation. Thus, another advantage of self-medication is the fact that the patient becomes self-empowered to manage its own health. What needed to be discovered next was if the patients’ choice was the best possible, if the patients were sufficiently informed to make a good decision and buy the right medicine for their illness. Therefore, a study was conducted in Nottingham, England, that consisted in administering a questionnaire to the customers of 31 community pharmacies. This survey consisted in questions about patients’ experiences in pharmacies, including a self-care section. The results demonstrated that, generally, the customers already knew which medicine they wanted to buy when they went to the pharmacy. Those who asked for advice to the pharmacy staff were happy with the amount of questions asked, and the information sources used by those who wanted to have more medicine information were the pharmacist, the doctor, the leaflet or the internet. 39% of all the 7154 inquired goes to the pharmacy because they like to manage their own health needs and because they only go to the doctor when they really must. When asking questions about safety and effectiveness of available medicines, most patients are well-informed, but there’s a statiscally significant difference between gender (woman are better informed), age (under 50 years old are better informed) and eligibility for free prescriptions (those who were not were better informed). The great majority of the customers are satisfied with the amount of medicines available to purchase to self-medicate, but 15% of those who were not wanted to be able to buy antibiotics without a prescription. This finding leads to believe that antibiotic awareness campaigns are not reaching enough people.De acordo com o Despacho 17690/2007, de 23 de julho, “A automedicação é a utilização de medicamentos não sujeitos a receita médica (MNSRM) de forma responsável, sempre que se destine ao alívio e tratamento de queixas de saúde passageiras e sem gravidade, com a assistência ou aconselhamento opcional de um profissional de saúde”. A prática da automedicação tem vindo a aumentar, porque permite aos utentes tratar sintomas ou doenças leves e autorreconhecidas, sem ter de recorrer a médicos, com quem tem de se marcar consulta, poupando assim tempo e dinheiro. A compra de medicamentos disponíveis e autorizados para a prática de automedicação, se se realizar em farmácias, conta com a participação de profissionais de saúde bem informados e que dispõem de protocolos de tratamento para que a escolha do doente seja a melhor e a mais adequada para a situação. Portanto, além das vantagens já enumeradas, para o utente alia-se ainda a vantagem do facto de este adquirir um grande controlo na gestão da sua própria saúde. Resta então aferir se esta escolha que os utentes fazem em postos de saúde que vendam este tipo de medicação é a melhor possível, ou seja, se os utentes estão suficientemente informados sobre medicamentos e sobre as doenças mais comummente autotratáveis para que possam comprar o medicamento correto para a situação. Assim, realizou-se um estudo em Nottingham, Inglaterra, que consistiu na realização de um questionário aos utentes de 31 farmácias comunitárias, que incluía várias questões sobre experiências na farmácia comunitária, e, entre elas, questões sobre automedicação. Após analisados os resultados, concluiu-se que, no geral, os utentes já sabiam que medicamento queriam comprar quando chegaram à farmácia. Aqueles que pediram conselho ao profissional de saúde que trabalhava na farmácia estavam satisfeitos com as questões que lhe foram colocadas, e aqueles que quiseram procurar informação sobre medicamentos faziam-no com o farmacêutico, com o médico, através do folheto informativo ou na internet. Concluiu-se que 39% de todos os 7154 inquiridos vai à farmácia porque gosta de gerir as suas próprias necessidades de saúde e porque só vai ao médico quando é realmente necessário. Verificou-se ainda, ao colocar-se questões sobre a segurança e efetividade dos medicamentos, que a maioria dos utentes está bem informado, mas que existe uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre géneros (as mulheres estão melhor informadas), entre idades (os utentes com menos de 50 anos estão melhor informados) e entre utentes elegíveis para prescrições grátis e não (os últimos estão melhor informados). A grande maioria dos inquiridos está satisfeito com a variedade de medicamentos disponível para se automedicar, mas 15% aqueles que não estavam desejou poder comprar antibióticos sem receita médica, o que torna pertinente a preocupação de que as campanhas de sensibilização para o uso correto de antibióticos não estejam a chegar a um número suficiente de pessoas

    A model of organizational climate, team flow and coping strategies

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    Nowadays, the way employees and teams perceive organizational climates seem to have a decisive influence on work execu?on and produc?vity, but also on the strategies people use to cope with organizational stressors. These, in turn, seem to influence productivity and performance

    Sweet taste and obesity

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    Oliveira-Maia was supported by grants from the BIAL Foundation (176/10), and from Fundaçao ˜ para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) through a Junior Research and Career Development Award from the Harvard Medical School Portugal Program (HMSP/ICJ/0020/2011) and grant PTDC/MED-NEU/31331/2017; and is funded by a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 950357). Ribeiro was funded by doctoral fellowships from Universidade de Lisboa (BD/2015Call) and FCT (SFRH/BD/128783/2017).For more than 50 years, there has been evidence for greater consumption of sweet- foods in overweight humans and animals, relative to those that have a normal weight. Furthermore, it has long been suggested that energy deficit resulting from dieting, while moving the individual from a higher weight set point, would result in heightened susceptibility to palatable tastants, namely to sweet tastants. This was the motivation behind the first studies comparing sweet taste perception between individuals with obesity and those of a normal weight. These studies, using direct measures of taste, have been characterized by significant methodological heterogeneity, contributing towards variability in results and conclusions. Nevertheless, some of these findings have been used to support the theory that patients with obesity have decreased taste perception, particularly for sweet tastants. A similar hypothesis has been proposed regarding evidence for reduced brain dopamine receptors in obesity and, in both cases, it is proposed that increased food consumption, and associated weight gain, result from the need to increase sensory and brain stimulation. However, the available literature is not conclusive on the association between obesity and reduced sweet taste perception, with both negative and contradictory findings in comparisons between individuals with obesity and normal weight control subjects, as well as within-subject comparisons before and after bariatric surgery. Nevertheless, following either Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy, there is evidence of changes in taste perception, particularly for reward-related measures of sweet tastants, that should be further tested and confirmed in large samples, using consensual methodology.publishersversionpublishe