1,227 research outputs found

    Social Mobility Attributions in East Asian and Pacific Cultures: Power Distance and Individualism as Moderators of Self-Attribution Bias

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    Self-attribution bias operates in social mobility attributions, with positive circumstances triggering individualist attributions (attributed to one's merits) and negative circumstances triggering structural attributions (attributed to one's race, religion, sex, social connections). Analyses of East Asian and Pacific data of the International Social Survey Programme's Social Inequality Module show that perceived social inequality (PSI) leads to structural attributions, while high subjective social position (SSP) leads to individualist attributions. Cultural contexts, however, support or temper self-attribution bias, thus modifying the effects of PSI and SSP. Cross-level interactions show that the effect of PSI on structural attributions is larger in small power-distance countries, while the effect of SSP on individualist attributions is larger in countries with small power distance, high individualism, and low country average for SSP. That a small power distance strengthens the effects of PSI on structural attributions and of SSP on individualist attributions suggests contrasting scenarios, where disadvantaged groups devalue their competencies for mobility, while privileged groups believe themselves deserving of better outcomes. The context-dependency of the SSP effect suggests the modifiability of individualist attributions. These results help explain why mobility attribution profiles of Australia and New Zealand differ from those of China, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, and Taiwan

    Derechos de las victimas en la Ley de Justicia y Paz en Colombia

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    El presente estudio y luego casi de seis años de vigencia de la Ley de Justicia y Paz Ley 975 de 2005, donde la Justicia y la Paz son ingredientes necesarios en el desarrollo del ser humanos desde una perspectiva constitucional e internacional en la materia, donde el modelo de Justicia transicional desplegado por Colombia en aras de obtener una solución pacifica al conflicto armado y la obligatoriedad de las normas humanitarias y su integración en el bloque de constitucionalidad imponiendo al Estado adaptar las legislación interna a los estándares de derecho internacional humanitario. El proceso de justicia transicional ofrece herramientas conceptuales y normativas, bajo los estándares jurídicos internacionales que resultan aplicables en contextos de justicia transicional que, como Colombia, enfrentan la necesidad de negociar la paz con grupos que han perpetrado graves violaciones de los derechos humanos. Abordando las tensión existente entre la justicia transicional y la justicia restaurativa. Teniendo en cuenta que la verdad, justicia y reparación aparecen como presupuestos necesarios para el éxito de todo proceso transicional, dentro del análisis teórico y jurídico de la situación que atraviesa Colombia en la actualidad.The present study and then almost of six years of force of the Law of Justice and Peace Law 975 of 2005, where the Justice and the Peace are necessary ingredients in the development of the human Being since a constitutional and international perspective in the matter, where the model of Justice transicional unfolded by Colombia for the sake of obtaining a solution pacifica to the armed conflict and the obligatory nature of the norms Humane and its integration in the block of constitutionality imposing on the State to adapt the internal legislation to the standards of humane international law. The process of justice transicional offers regulatory and conceptual tools, under the international legal standards that turn out to be applicable in contexts of justice transicional that, like Colombia, they face the need to negotiate the peace with groups that have perpetrated serious violations of the human rights. Undertaking the existing tension between the justice transicional and the justice restaurativa. Keeping in mind that the truth, justice and repair appear like necessary budgets for the success of every process transicional, inside the legal and theoretical analysis of the situation that crosses Colombia currently

    Los procedimientos de selección y su efecto en el cumplimiento del plan anual de contrataciones en la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Año 2017

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el efecto de los procedimientos de selección en el cumplimiento del plan anual de contrataciones de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Año 2017. La investigación es de nivel descriptivo, diseño no experimental y de corte transversal de acuerdo a la temporalidad. La población estuvo conformada por la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo y la muestra por la Dirección de Logística, año 2017. Llegando a la conclusión que los procedimientos de selección en el cumplimiento del plan anual de contrataciones de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Año 2017, se encontró que solo se llegaron a adjudicar 29 procedimientos siendo el monto total de S/ 19, 103 686.07 dejándose 37 procedimientos de selección sin adjudicación, siendo esto el 55.72%, es decir que los procedimientos de selección no han sido atendidos en su totalidad, ni en las fechas programadas del plan anual de contrataciones. Por lo que se recomienda que la Dirección de Logística debe evaluar constantemente la ejecución del plan anual de contrataciones, a fin de poder cumplir con las fechas programadas para las adquisiciones de bienes, servicios u obras. Asimismo, el estudio realizado para el año 2017 deba ser realizado para otros periodos anuales de manera que permita observar si existen mejoras en la ejecución del plan anual de contrataciones que realiza la Dirección de Logística

    Visibility Estimation from Camera Images Using Deep Learning

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    Atmospheric visibility is an important and complex meteorological variable that directly affects safe and reliable transportation. Specifically, declining visibility can pose an increased risk to automotive, aviation, and maritime traffic and operations. Traditional visibility sensors, e.g., those of the Automated Surface Observing Systems (ASOS) network, are costly and designed for air traffic use, thus these visibility sensor networks have limited coverage state-wide. In contrast, camera footage is highly available, accessible, and fairly inexpensive. While it is possible to construct a model that detects a visibility measure for a single camera or location, this type of model is not generalizable to new locations with varying physical features or different fields of view. I propose a comparative visibility model that is generalizable solution to new locations. I train a convolutional neural network (CNN) that compares a query image and a reference image that originate from the same camera, and determines the degree to which the query image is less visible than the reference image. A query image from a new camera can then be compared to a set of reference images with known visibility distances from the same camera. These comparisons can then be used to infer the query image’s underlying visibility distance. In addition, a model can be trained using a set of locations that have different maximum visibility distances, fields of view, and physical characteristics. The resulting comparative model can generalize to novel sites. When combined with a small number of calibrated reference images for a given site, visibility distances can be accurately estimated from previously unseen query images. Results from a large combined NYSM/ASOS data set show that the models learned using the proposed method are able to generalize to new locations. The approach is successful in the comparative case and the numerical visibility prediction case. With these outcomes, the model is also able to effectively monitor visibility over time

    Sistemas de armas autónomas y DIH. Advertencia de un futuro cercano

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    La Inteligencia Artificial y los sistemas de aprendizaje automático están revolucionando no solamente la forma en la que vivimos y nos relacionamos, sino también la manera en la que aplicamos este tipo de tecnología en conflictos bélicos. Si bien es cierto que, en muchos casos la idea de Inteligencia Artificial puede presentarse como un concepto muy remoto, sistemas de aprendizaje automático incluso en sus niveles de desarrollo actual, pueden presentar una amenaza más real que toda esta tecnología desarrollada y potencial. Este artículo busca socializar la información relacionada al potencial actual de los sistemas de aprendizaje automático y analizar en qué medida se encuentran estos avances alineados con las normas del Derecho Internacional Humanitario. A pesar de que el desarrollo de esta tecnología ocurre en mayor escala en ámbitos corporativos, la carrera por militarizar esos hallazgos existe, no es ajena a nuestra realidad y está más presente de lo que imaginamos

    An Evaluation Study of a College Success Course as a Counseling Intervention

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    Community colleges are attracting many first generation minority students. A question often asked is how can a college, faculty, and staff promote student achievement, particularly to underrepresented groups? One of the courses required at a South Texas community college, serving a predominately Hispanic population, is a College Success Course. Courses such as these are designed to facilitate students in developing the necessary skills/a college. The study explored the perceptions of counselors and students regarding the effectiveness of a College Success Course as a counseling intervention and as it related to improved student skills and achievement. The study included a between interviews were conducted with six counselors who taught the College Success Course. The students that received the College Success Course intervention completed a personal skills survey with open-ended questions. The constant comparative method was utilized to analyze the additional qualitative data (Patton, 2002). The findings of the qualitative portion of the study indicated that the College Success Course was viewed overall by s effective counseling intervention to improve student success skills. Students completed Nelson and Low’s (2004) College Version Emotional Skills Assessment Process (ESAP). Descriptive statistics and a one (ANOVA) were completed to compare the posttest ESAP scores of the intervention groups in comparison with the control groups. The ANOVA was significant in the assertion scores only. Although the quantitative statistical significance was limited, t facilitating them in improving their study skills

    Adolescent relationship violence and acculturation among NYC Latinos

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    Acculturation has been shown to positively and negatively affect Latino health. Little research investigates the overlap between acculturation and the different types of relationship violence among Latino youth and most research in this area predominantly involves Mexican-American samples. The current study examined associations between indices of acculturation (language use at home, chosen survey language, and nativity) and relationship physical violence and sexual coercion, both received and delivered, among predominantly Dominican and Puerto Rican adolescents from New York City. From 2006 to 2007, 1,454 adolescents aged 13-21 years in New York City completed an anonymous survey that included the Conflict in Adolescent Relationships Inventory which estimates experiences of physical violence and sexual coercion, both received and delivered, in the previous year. This analysis includes bivariate and multivariate methods to test the associations between language use at home, chosen survey language, and nativity with the different types of relationship violence. Among females, there is a significant association between language use at home and overall level of acculturation with delivering and receiving relationship physical violence; however, we did not find this association in delivering and receiving relationship sexual coercion. We found no association between acculturation and any type of relationship violence among males. Among Latina females, language spoken at home is an indicator of other protective factors of physical relationship violence. Future research in this area should explore the potential protective factors surrounding relationship violence among Latina females of various subgroups using comprehensive measures of acculturation, household composition and family engagement

    Relación entre el cumplimiento del Manual de orientación/consejería en salud sexual y reproductiva y la elección de métodos anticonceptivos en puérperas. Centro de salud Alto Trujillo

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    Con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre el cumplimiento del Manual de orientación/consejería en salud sexual y reproductiva y la elección de métodos anticonceptivos en puérperas en el Centro de salud Alto Trujillo; se realizó un estudio básico explicativo correlacional, con una muestra de 69 puérperas, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario y lista de chequeo, validada por juicio de expertos. Respecto al cumplimiento del Manual de orientación/consejería en salud sexual y reproductiva, en puérperas del año 2023, se encontró que, el 75% de ellas afirmaban que el cumplimiento de dicho manual por parte del profesional obstetra fue “bueno”. En cuanto a los momentos en los que se impartió la consejería de planificación familiar en puérperas, se encontró que el 68% recibieron consejería de planificación familiar durante el puerperio, el 23% durante la atención prenatal, el 6% durante el trabajo de parto, y el 3% en visitas domiciliarias. Los motivos que indujeron a las puérperas a elegir un método anticonceptivo; se encontró que la mayoría, el 49% eligieron un método anticonceptivo motivadas por la consejería, el 20% porque no deseaban tener más hijos, el 19% porque dialogaron con sus parejas, y el 12% no eligieron métodos anticonceptivos. Finalmente, se concluyó que existe relación altamente significativa (p-valor < 0.05) entre el cumplimiento del Manual de orientación/consejería en salud sexual y reproductiva y la elección de métodos anticonceptivos en puérperas del Centro de salud Alto TrujilloWith the objective of determining the relationship between compliance with the Manual of guidance/counseling on sexual and reproductive health and the choice of contraceptive methods in puerperal women. Alto Trujillo Health Center; A basic explanatory correlational study was carried out, with a sample of 69 puerperal women, to whom a questionnaire and checklist were applied, validated by expert judgment. Regarding compliance with the Manual of guidance/counseling on sexual and reproductive health in puerperal women in the year 2023, it was found that 75% of them affirmed that compliance with said manual by the obstetrician professional was "good". Regarding the moments in which family planning counseling was given to postpartum women, it was found that 68% received family planning counseling during the puerperium, 23% during prenatal care, 6% during labor, and 3% during home visits. The reasons that led the puerperal women to choose a contraceptive method; It was found that the majority, 49%, chose a contraceptive method motivated by counseling, 20% because they did not want to have more children, 19% because they talked with their partners, and 12% did not choose contraceptive methods. Finally, it was concluded that there is a highly significant relationship (p-value < 0.05) between compliance with the Sexual and Reproductive Health Guidance/Counseling Manual and the choice of contraceptive methods in puerperal women at the Alto Trujillo Health CenterTesi