1,038 research outputs found

    Cartesian Control for Robot Manipulators

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    Challenges in Conducting Action Research: Experiences from Biology Teachers of a Province in Mindanao, Philippines

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    Abstract: Challenges in Conducting Action Research: Experiences from Biology Teachers of a Province in Mindanao, Philippines. Objectives: This study aimed to explore biology teachers’ experiences from a province in Mindanao regarding their challenges while engaging in action research. Methods: It employed a multiple case studies method that involved detailed examination and in-depth analysis of primary and secondary data collected from questionnaires, in-depth individual interviews, and other relevant artifacts from the participants. Findings: Teacher’s major challenges in action research (AR) are reported as themes, namely: negative perceptions and attitudes, lack of conceptual knowledge and unresponsive nature to critiques, lack of time and resources, and mistrust of colleagues’ research capacity. Conclusion: The professional development programs these teachers previously attended did not upgrade their skills in AR because of the following reasons: rolled out in a short period, episodic, had minimal scaffolding and monitoring, and lack evaluation of teachers’ AR projects after the training programs.Keywords: action research, biology teachers, challenges, professional development. Abstrak: Tantangan Melakukan Penelitian Tindakan: Pengalaman Guru Biologi di Mindanao, Filipina. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman guru biologi dari sebuah provinsi di Mindanao mengenai tantangan mereka saat terlibat dalam penelitian tindakan. Metode: Metode studi kasus berganda yang melibatkan pemeriksaan detil dan analisis mendalam dari data primer dan sekunder yang diperoleh dari kuesioner, wawancara individu yang mendalam, dan hasil karya yang relevan dari para peserta. Temuan: Tantangan utama guru dalam penelitian tindakan yaitu: persepsi dan sikap negatif, kurangnya pengetahuan konseptual dan sifat tidak responsif terhadap kritik, kurangnya waktu dan sumber daya, dan ketidakpercayaan terhadap kapasitas penelitian rekan kerja. Kesimpulan: Program pengembangan profesi yang sebelumnya diikuti oleh guru-guru ini tidak meningkatkan keterampilan mereka dalam melaksanakan penelitian tindakan karena alasan berikut: diluncurkan dalam waktu singkat, episodik, minimnya scaffolding dan pemantauan, dan kurangnya evaluasi proyek penelitian tindakan guru setelah program pelatihan.Kata kunci: penelitian tindakan, guru biologi, tantangan, pengembangan profesi.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v11.i2.20210

    Las TIC un medio seguro hacia el dominio del español como segunda lengua en sordos

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    La historia de la comunidad sorda ha transcurrido en medio de un proceso que nace con la falta de conocimiento en cuanto a lo que significa la sordera y lo que esta conlleva para la vida de una persona, desde la antigüedad se ha tratado de aislar y familiarizar con un problema clínico y por ello se aparta de oportunidades intelectuales a las que tiene derechos las personas con sordera. El método francés trasforma de manera positiva la vida de los sordos al adaptar el sistema de señas y la enseñanza de una segunda Lengua, en ese caso la francesa para comprobar que su falta de audición no impide su desarrollo educativo, este suceso marco una pauta importante que se vio afectada por el Congreso de Milán, el cual marca un retroceso en la historia del sordo, quienes por décadas se vieron afectados por las decisiones que se tomaron en dicho congreso y solo después de una lucha que ha durado años, se logra el inicio de un reconocimiento como miembros de una comunidad que posee su propio lenguaje , EL Lenguaje de Señas (LS), y comparten unas costumbres propias de su cultura como comunidad, y se reconocen como seres totalmente capaces de iniciar y culminar con satisfacción el recorrido de un espacio en el cual se brinden los métodos adecuados para su buen desarrollo intelectual. En Colombia, se han adaptado y creado programas, que apoyen su educación pero falta métodos que en verdad sean un proceso que los acerque a dominar el español como segunda Lengua, dada la importancia que para ellos representa ser bilingües. Las TIC, han sido un sistema informativo y tecnológica que ha tenido gran acogida por parte de niños y jóvenes en su proceso educativo y es por ello que puede ser la mejor herramienta para este proceso, además de tener en cuenta que se han creado distintos programas que pueden dar una pauta de inicio al aprendizaje y de ahí en adelante, el puente de comunicación y transformación de la persona sorda y de la comunidad sorda en general.The history of the deaf community has passed in a process that began with the lack of knowledge as to what the deafness and what this entails for the life of a person, since ancient times has tried to isolate and familiarize with a clinical problem and therefore departs from intellectual opportunities that have rights to deaf people. The French method positively transforms the lives of the deaf to adapt the system of signs and teaching a second Language, in this case the French to ensure that their lack of hearing does not preclude their educational development, this event marked an important pattern was affected by Congress in Milan, which marks a setback in the history of the deaf, who for decades affected by the decisions taken in the congress and only after a struggle that has lasted years, starting achieved recognition as members of a community that has its own language, sign language (SL) and share some customs of their culture and community, and are recognized as being fully able to start and finish with satisfaction the path of a space which provide appropriate methods for their proper intellectual development. In Colombia, they have adapted and created programs to support their education but lack methods that really are a process that will connect them to master Spanish as a second language, given the importance it represents for them to be bilingual. ICTs have been a technological information system and has been well received by children and young people in their education and that is why we can be the best tool for this process, while taking into account that different programs have been created that can give a start to learning pattern and thereafter, the bridge of communication and transformation of the deaf and the deaf community in general.Licenciado (a) en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Humanidades y Lengua CastellanaPregrad

    Redes Sociales en Comunicación Interna y Externa en la Organización Labor Humanitaria Caminando con Dios

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    Como seres humanos necesitamos siempre comunicarnos, desde el principio de la humanidad se utilizaron diversos medios para que las personas se comunicaran entre si, el fuego, los papiros, las señales etc. pero hoy en día las redes sociales son una herramienta fundamental, no solo como algo de entretenimiento, si no como una herramienta de trabajo y de generar información a los demás, estas nos permiten generar contenidos en línea y además ayudar en el campo social a difundir lo que una organización hace para ayudar a poblaciones vulnerables especialmente a niños y adultos mayores, esto es importante ya que podemos tener la capacidad para utilizar estas herramientas para una acción eficaz. Se puede dar a conocer los diferentes logros de la fundación Atraves de una investigación minuciosa y poderlo detallar en los aparatos tecnológicos que tenemos como es el Facebook o Instagram, estas experiencias de ayudar al prójimo es una solución a los problemas reales que tenemos en nuestro municipio. Mostraremos como una Organización que surgió repartiendo ropa ha tenido éxito incluso en el exterior. Mas allá de un proceso de construcción y de poder mejorar las comunicaciones internas y externas a través de las redes sociales de la organización, podemos ampliar un margen de que la comunidad se pueda conectar mas a este tipo de personas que ayudan a los mas necesitados, yo soy un convecido de que las redes sociales nos ayudan a generar difusión y mas si se va utilizar para un buen fin. Entonces creo que seria un potencial poder dar esa luz para que se comience a visibilizar la organización en estas plataformas digitales.As human beings we always need to communicate, since the beginning of humanity, various means were used for people to communicate with each other, fire, papyri, signs, etc. but today social networks are a fundamental tool, not only as something for entertainment, but as a work tool and to generate information for others, they allow us to generate online content and also help in the social field to spread What an organization does to help vulnerable populations especially children and older adults, this is important as we may have the ability to use these tools for effective action. The different achievements of the foundation can be made known. Through thorough research and being able to detail it in the technological devices we have such as Facebook or Instagram, these experiences of helping others are a solution to the real problems we have in our lives. municipality. . We will show how an Organization that emerged by distributing clothes has been successful even abroad. Beyond an investigative process and being able to improve internal and external communications through the organization's social networks, we can expand the scope for the community to connect more to this type of people who help those most in need, i . I am convinced that social networks help us generate dissemination and even more so if it is going to be used for a good purpose. So I think it would be a potential to be able to shed that light so that the organization begins to become visible on these digital platforms

    Conocimiento sobre osteoporosis y factores de riesgo en mujeres en etapa de climaterio

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    Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería con Enfasis en Salud Comunitaria) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Identificación de la actividad antimicrobiana de cepas bacterianas del género Enterococcus

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    Las bacterias ácido lácticas (BAL) son usadas como cultivos iniciadores para conservar los alimentos, ya que producen una amplia gama de metabolitos antibacterianos como: ácidos orgánicos, bacteriocinas y peptidoglucano hidrolasas (PGH). Estas últimas enzimas hidrolizan los enlaces glucosídicos o peptídicos que se encuentran en el peptidoglucano presente en la pared celular de todas las bacterias, produciendo la lisis celular. Además están implicadas en diversas funciones celulares, tales como el crecimiento, la división y la autolisis. En particular, las BAL del genero Enterococcus son frecuentemente utilizadas en productos cárnicos como cultivo iniciador, y se ha reportado que tienen la capacidad de inhibir algunos microorganismos patógenos. Las cepas Enterococcus faecium UAMI-3 y Enterococcus faecium MXVK22 fueron aisladas de chorizo tipo español y chorizo tipo mexicano, respectivamente. Estas cepas presentan actividad antimicrobiana contra diferentes bacterias patógenas, aunque se desconocía la naturaleza de los metabolitos responsables de dicha actividad, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar el o los compuestos con actividad antimicrobiana producidos por cepas de Enterococcus En primer lugar se confirmó el género y especie de las cepas de estudio mediante la secuenciación del ARNr 16S y se determinó la actividad antimicrobiana total por la prueba de difusión en agar contra diferentes microorganismos patógenos y BAL. Posteriormente se realizó la extracción de proteínas por la técnica de adsorción-desorción (que favorece la extracción de péptidos catiónicas como las bacteriocinas) y por precipitación con ácido tricloroacético (TCA por sus siglas en inglés) para su posterior identificación por LC- MS/MS. Por otra parte se verificó la presencia de los genes que codifican para las proteínas causantes de la actividad antimicrobiana como son: la enterocina A (entA), enterocina B (entB) y PGHs, y adicionalmente se obtuvo el ADN complementario (ADNc) del gen entA a partir de la extracción de ARN total de las cepas UAMI-3 y MXVK22, y se realizó una amplificación con primers específicos para verificar la presencia de la enterocina A. Se obtuvo una similitud del 100% con Enterococcus faecium y del 98-100% con los genes que codifican para la enterocia A, la proteína P54 y N-acetilmuramoil-L-alanina amidasa para ambas cepas. En los extractos obtenidos por la técnica adsorcióndesorción se identificó la proteína fosfoacetil transferasa y la proteína L5 50S ribosomal para la cepa UAMI-3 y MXVK22 respectivamente, aunque ninguna de las dos está asociada con la actividad antimicrobiana, con respecto a la secuencia obtenida con el ADNc se obtuvo una similitud de 100% con el gen entA, aunque no se observa actividad antimicrobiana en los zimigramas. Con respecto a los extractos obtenidos con TCA se identificaron las proteínas P54 (56.4 kDa) y N-acetilmuramoilL-alanina amidasa (70.4 kDa) para la cepa MXVK22; mientras que para la cepa UAMI-3 sólo se identificó a la proteína P54 (57.7 kDa). Estas proteínas mostraron actividad antimicrobiana y se sabe que están asociadas a la hidrolisis de la pared celular, por lo que se procedió a determinar la concentración mínima inhibitoria de las mismas por medio de la técnica de difusión en agar contra Staphylococcus aureus y Listeria innocua. La CMI contra L. innocua fue de 10 µg/mL y contra S. aureus fue de 20 µg/mL, siendo los mismos resultados para los extractos de las cepas UAMI-3 y MXVK22. Por todo lo antes mencionado se determinó que la actividad antimicrobiana presente en las cepas E. faecium UAMI-3 y E. faecium MXVK22 se debe a la producción de peptidoglucano hidrolasas (P54 y N-acetilmuramoil-L-alanina amidasa) y no a bacteriocinas, ya que aunque las dos cepas presentan el gen entA que codifica para la enterocina A y que este se transcribe a ARNm, posiblemente no se lleva a cabo la traducción o el péptido no realiza los cambios pos-traduccionales que le proporcionan la actividad antimicrobiana. Finalmente la actividad observada de N-acetilglucoamidasa es de interés en la industria de los alimentos y la biotecnología, ya que puede ser utilizada para el control de patógenos alargando la vida de anaquel de productos alimenticios.Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) as starter cultures are used to preserve processed foods because they produce a wide range of antibacterial metabolites such as organic acids, bacteriocins and peptidoglycan hydrolase (PGH). The latter enzymes hydrolyze glycosidic linkages or peptide found in the peptidoglycan of all bacteria, producing cell lysis, they are also involved in various cellular processes such as growth, division and functions autolysis. The LAB of the genus Enterococcus are used in meat products as starter culture, and has been reported to have the ability to inhibit pathogens. Enterococcus faecium UAMI-3 and Enterococcus faecium MXVK22 were isolated from Mexican and Spanish chorizo sausage type respectively, and identified the supernatant of these strains showed antimicrobial activity against various pathogenic bacteria. Due to the lytic effect of these strains of pathogenic bacteria as it is not the nature of the activity is known, the aim of this study was to identify the compound or compounds causing such activity, the spectrum of inhibition and its minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). First total antimicrobial activity by agar diffusion test against different pathogens and microorganisms BAL was determined, subsequently identifying the genes coding for enterocin A (entA) and enterocin B (entB) was performed on both strains study, obtaining a PCR amplification product for the entA gene in both strains studied. After protein extraction was performed by adsorptiondesorption technique favoring cationic protein extraction as bacteriocins extracted proteins were identified by LC-MS / MS. Fosfoacetil transferase protein in the extract of strain 3 and 50S ribosomal protein in the extract was identified strain MXVK22, both not associated with antimicrobial activity. Was carried out protein extraction with trichloroacetic acid, the antimicrobial activity is determined by inhibiting pathogenic bacteria and BAL. They were identified by LC-MS MS two proteins in the extract of the strain MXVK22 associated with antimicrobial activity, protein P54 with a weight of 56.4 kDa and N-acetilmuramoil-L-alanine amidase weight 70.4 kDa protein and P54 equal weight 57.7 kDa extract strain UAMI3, both strains associated with cell wall hydrolysis. The minimum inhibitory concentration by the agar diffusion method against S. aureus and L. innocua be determined CMI 10 ug / mL against L. innocua and 20 mcg / mL against S. aureus these results were the same extracts for both strains UAMI-3 and MXVK22. Then he held for molecular identification UAMI-3 and MXVK22 strains of genes encoding proteins that cause antimicrobial activity, obtaining sequences with identity of amidase protein P54 and N-L-alanine-acetilmuramoil strains of the genus Enterococcus in the genome of both strains. Was performed RNA extraction conversion to complementary DNA (cDNA) and amplification of entA cDNA gene such as mold and entA gene sequence in both strains was obtained UAMI-3 and MXVK22. For all the above is It determined that the antimicrobial activity present in strains Enterococcus faecium Enterococcus faecium UAMI-3 and MXVK22 is due to peptidoglycan hydrolases (P54 and N-acetilmuramoil-L-alanine amidase) and not bacteriocins. Thus both strains exhibit also the gene (entA) encoding enterocin A and that this RNA is transcribed but not performed the translation of said protein transcribed. observed activity is N-acetilglucoamidasa interest in the food industry and biotechnology, as it can be used as lysozyme to control pathogens, extending the shelf life of food products

    Accounting for Uncertainty When Estimating Counts Through an Average Rounded to the Nearest Integer

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    In practice, the use of rounding is ubiquitous. Although researchers have looked at the implications of rounding continuous random variables, rounding may be applied to functions of discrete random variables as well. For example, to infer on suicide difference between two time periods, authorities may provide a rounded average of deaths for each period. Suicide rates tend to be relatively low around the world and such rounding may seriously affect inference on the change of suicide rate. In this paper, we study the scenario when a rounded to nearest integer average is used to estimate a non-negative discrete random variable. Specifically, our interest is in drawing inference on a parameter from the pmf of Y, when we get U=n[Y/n]as a proxy for Y. The probability generating function of U, E(U), and Var(U) capture the effect of the coarsening of the support of Y. Also, moments and estimators of distribution parameters are explored for some special cases. Under certain conditions, there is little impact from rounding. However, we also find scenarios where rounding can significantly affect statistical inference as demonstrated in two applications. The simple methods we propose are able to partially counter rounding error effects

    Eksplicitna regulacija sile robotskog manipulatora aktivnim prigušenjem brzine

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    This paper presents a new interaction control structure that generates a family of explicit force regulators for robot manipulators. The proposed structure includes a term of a class of proportional-type functions in terms of force error; the force error is defined as the difference between a desired force and the actual force measured with a force sensor located at the end-effector. Also, the structure includes a generalized active velocity damping term in order to have a control of the energy dissipation, and a term used to compensate the gravity forces of the links. The stability analysis is performed in Lyapunov sense. An experimental comparison of two new explicit force regulators and the linear proportional structure, on a three degree-of-freedom, direct-drive robot, is presented. Also, proofs of the most important properties of the Cartesian dynamic model, are presented.Ovaj rad predstavlja novu interakcijsku kontrolnu strukturu koja predstavlja skupinu exsplicitnih regulatora sile za robotske manipulatore. Predložena struktura uključuje član klase funkcija proporcionalnog tipa u smilsu pogreške sile; pogreška sile se definira kao razlika između željene sile i stvarne sile koju mjere senzori postavljeni na kraju manipulatora. Također, struktura uključuje član za generalizirano aktvino prigušenje brzine kako bi se omogućila kontrola disipacije energije i član kojim se kompenzira utjecaj sile gravitacije na članke manipulatora. Analiza stabilnosti je napravljena u smislu Lyapunova. Prikazana je eksperimentalna usporedba dva nova eksplicitna regulatora sile i linearno-proporcionalne strukture na robotu s direktnim pogonom i tri stupnja slobode. Također su prikazani dokazi najvažnijih svojstava kartezijskog dinamičnog modela

    Developing and Testing of Low-cost 3D Printed Prostheses to Restore and Improve Function of Children with Congenital or Traumatic Amputations

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    The purpose of this investigation was to provide technical considerations and clinical evidence of the possible benefits and obstacles in the use of upper-limb 3D printed prostheses in paediatric populations. This information is crucial for clinicians interested in exploring the use of 3D printed prostheses for their patients. In the present study, children with congenital digit reductions (n=5); absent digits (one traumatic and four congenital) (n=5) and with upper-limb reductions (n=9). The perceived functionality of upper-limbs before the use of the prosthesis and after 4 months of use. In addition, gross dexterity, anthropometric measurements, active range of motion, and strength measurements were assessed before and after 6 month of using a low-cost 3D printed prosthetic hand. Their parents completed a survey at 1 and 3 months asking to quantify the time their child used the prosthesis on a daily basis in addition to the type of activities they performed with the prosthesis. The main finding of our studies is that the initial prosthesis design of the Cyborg Beast was not a functional solution for congenital paediatric patients with remnant opposition and pinch function, but significantly increased forearm circumference (Before=16.70±1.86 cm and After=17.80±1.48 cm), wrist active ROM flexion (Before=54.60±14.48° and After=68.40±14.29°), and active ROM extension (Before=40.40±37.75° and After=47.00±36.42° cm) after 6 months of use and can be incorporated in several activities at home and in school. However, 44% of our research participants reported durability issues and/or malfunctioning of these devices after 3 months of use

    Physics of the universe transparency in a deformed kinematics

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    We present a first study of the possible effects of a relativistic deformation of special relativity in the recent observations of very high-energy gamma rays by the LHAASO experiment, which has opened a new phenomenological window to study deformations in the kinematics of special relativity. Our analysis of the interaction of high-energy photons with the CMB background complements theoretical studies based on Lorentz invariance violation scenarios, while making predictions that would allow one to distinguish between a violation and a deformation of the symmetries of special relativity