1,368 research outputs found

    Breathers in FPU systems, near and far from the phonon band

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    There exists a recent mathematical proof on the existence of small amplitude breathers in FPU systems near the phonon band, which includes a prediction of their amplitude and width. In this work we obtain numerically these breathers, and calculate the range of validity of the predictions, which extends relatively far from the phonon band. There exist also large amplitude breathers with the same frequency, with the consequence that there is an energy gap for breather creation in these systems.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, proceeding of the conference on Localization and to and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems, June 17-21, 2002, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, Spain. To be published by World Scientifi

    The Initial Stages of Implementing the Western Quail Management Plan

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    The Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) established the Western Quail Working Group (WQWG) in July 2009. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed by the western agencies responsible for quail management (Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nevada, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Washington) as ‘‘a cooperative agreement to improve management and implement strategies for conservation of western quail and their habitats.’’ The primary habitat management goals identified by the group are outlined in the Western Quail Management Plan, published by the Wildlife Management Institute in January 2010. Some of the past accomplishments of the WQWG, highlighted at recent WAFWA meetings, include shrub density reductions in New Mexico, riparian habitat restoration in Texas, private landowner habitat improvement cost-share in Kansas, and mesquite removal monitoring in Arizona. Management of western quail and their habitats has traditionally been accomplished on a relatively fine, local scale, so many of the current efforts to implement management practices identified in the plan are undocumented. A need identified by the WQWG is to better engage technical staff to guide outcomes and deliverables outlined in the plan. Additionally, the group is working to update the MOU to include Federal Land Management agencies, to better facilitate land management between state and federal agencies. A technical meeting with state and federal agency staff is scheduled for May 2017 in New Mexico to discuss state progress on implementing the Western Quail Management Plan, and how to increase state interest and efforts towards quail management. The discussions of the technical meeting will be presented at Quail 8

    Caracterización simbiótica y filogenética de rizobios que nodulan la nueva especie Lupinus mariae-josephi

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    Una nueva especie de altramuz, Lupinus mariae-josephi, ha sido identificado recientemente en Valencia (Pascual, H.). Esta especie, a diferencia de las descritas en la Península ibérica y en el viejo mundo, no crece en suelos ácidos sino en suelos alcalinos y con alto contenido en calcio. El objetivo general de este proyecto es investigar si existen diferencias fenotípicas y genéticas entre los rizobios que nodulan Lupinus mariae-josephi y lupinos de suelos ácidos nativos de la Península Ibérica (Lupinus angustifolius, L.luteus y otras cuatro especies). En este proyecto se han aislado bacterias (rizobios) de nódulos de L. maria-josephi a partir de suelos básicos de Valencia (localidad de LLombai) y se está realizando su caracterización a nivel morfológico, nutricional, simbiótico y molecular. A nivel molecular se han comparado los genes “housekeeping” 16S rRNA, recA, atpD, gln2 y el simbiótico, nodC de diversas cepas que nodulan L. mariae-josephi y con cepas de otras especies de rizobios. Por otra parte, también se está evaluando la capacidad de L. mariae-josephi de ser nodulada por diferentes rizobios bajo condiciones bacteriológicamente controladas

    Á historia da lingua galega. Século XX

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    В статье речь идет об особенностях развития галисийского языка на протяжении XX века. Подробно рассматриваются этапы становления галисийского как самостоятельного языка в разные исторические периоды предыдущего столетия: годы гражданской войны, эпоха правления Франко, современный этап.173-17

    Herramientas digitales y el pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de inglés, centro de idiomas, universidad privada, Lima, 2023

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    El objetivo general de la investigación fue determinar la relación entre el uso de herramientas digitales y el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de inglés en un Centro de Idiomas de una universidad privada en Lima. La metodología aplicada fue un diseño descriptivo correlacional. Fue un estudio Cuantitativo-Básico. No experimental, Descriptivo- Correlacional. La población fue 80 estudiantes. La muestra no probabilística-intencional de 55 estudiantes. Los instrumentos fueron validados por 5 expertos Doctores en Educación. Para el análisis de datos se realizó un análisis inferencial y un análisis descriptivo. Se aplicó la prueba Kolmogorov-Smirnov y como los resultados fueron no normales se aplicó la RHO de Spearman. Los resultados indicaron que existe una correlación moderada entre el uso efectivo de herramientas digitales y el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en los estudiantes. Las conclusiones sugieren que la aplicación adecuada de herramientas digitales en la enseñanza puede mejorar las habilidades cognitivas y promover un aprendizaje más activo, colaborativo y reflexivo

    CLIL Implementation applied to Mathematics for Engineering

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    CLIL methodology aims to facilitate the learning of contents in a second language. Authors have tested an experience of implementation in English of these methods in subjects of Mathematics for Engineering at the University of Malaga.CLIL methodology aims to facilitate the learning of contents in a second language. Authors have tested an experience of implementation in English of these methods in subjects of Mathematics for Engineering at the University of Malaga. - Objectives: To create groups which will be taught in English. To try to integrate concepts and maths terminology in the target language, in this case English, maintaining the lessons in Spanish. To improve the integration of foreign students and our student’s knowledge in the target language in order to gain mobility to other universities where English is offered. To elaborate teaching materials and assessment tests in English. - Method: Experience has been developed for two academic years in Engineering degrees at Malaga University in the frame of the Educational Innovative Project PIE17-181. Many students hold an adequate level of English, but some others do not know it enough to follow full teaching in English without difficulties. By keeping lessons and assessments in Spanish, we integrated, in a gradual way, materials such as notes, summaries, exercises and powerpoint documents , all written in English. The use of ICTs has been important for the development of this implementation. - Results: This methodology improves the student's English, mainly in the field of scientific/technical terminology, without loss of content in mathematics. - Conclusions: Among others, we believe that the results are positive and we will continue with this experience.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Development and validation of a theory-based questionnaire to measure different types of cognitive load

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    According to cognitive load theory, learning can only be successful when instructional materials and procedures are designed in accordance with human cognitive architecture. In this context, one of the biggest challenges is the accurate measurement of the different cognitive load types as these are associated with various activities during learning. Building on psychometric limitations of currently available questionnaires, a new instrument for measuring the three types of cognitive load—intrinsic, extraneous, and germane cognitive load—is developed and validated relying on a set of five empirical studies. In Study 1, a principal component analysis revealed a three-component model which was subsequently confirmed using a confirmatory factor analysis (Study 2). Finally, across three experiments (Studies 3–5), the questionnaire was shown to be sensitive to changes in cognitive load supporting its predictive validity. The quality of the cognitive load questionnaire was underlined by satisfactory internal consistencies across all studies. In sum, the proposed questionnaire can be used in experimental settings to measure the different types of cognitive load in a valid and reliable manner. The construction and validation process of the questionnaire has also shown that the construct germane cognitive load remains controversial concerning its measurement and theoretical embedding in cognitive load theory

    Enhancing Survival, Engraftment, and Osteogenic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are promising candidates for bone regeneration therapies due to their plasticity and easiness of sourcing. MSC-based treatments are generally considered a safe procedure, however, the long-term results obtained up to now are far from satisfactory. The main causes of these therapeutic limitations are inefficient homing, engraftment, and osteogenic differentiation. Many studies have proposed modifications to improve MSC engraftment and osteogenic differentiation of the transplanted cells. Several strategies are aimed to improve cell resistance to the hostile microenvironment found in the recipient tissue and increase cell survival after transplantation. These strategies could range from a simple modification of the culture conditions, known as cell-preconditioning, to the genetic modification of the cells to avoid cellular senescence. Many efforts have also been done in order to enhance the osteogenic potential of the transplanted cells and induce bone formation, mainly by the use of bioactive or biomimetic scaffolds, although alternative approaches will also be discussed. This review aims to summarize several of the most recent approaches, providing an up-to-date view of the main developments in MSC-based regenerative techniques