444 research outputs found

    Evolution of forms in architecture

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1961 P3

    Water Politics: Governance, Conflict, and Vulnerability in Andean Peru

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    Peru is facing serious social and environmental water challenges. Experts and policy makers are trying to better understand the social and economic impacts of an increasing rate of glacial melt and a consequential prospect of water scarcity. Currently there is a great deal of strain put on the water resources originating from Andean glacial melt because these sustain most economic and social growth taking place at the coastal desert. At the same time, the country\u27s neoliberal development policies are changing the management of resources such as water. The gradual expansion of extractive industries along with the growing influence of non-state actors is introducing new discursive representations of the environment and facilitating important changes in the spatial, administrative, and political relations of governing nature. Among the most prominent changes are the recent restructuring efforts to the Peruvian institutional and legal structure for water governance. In this context, the forms of access, control, and exploitation of water in the Andes have become more contested than ever. This thesis explores the struggle for water at Parón, one of such Andean communities. This decade-long struggle for water perfectly demonstrates how local groups, government agencies, and a private corporation negotiate their access to water. This thesis explores how organizational structures, institutional arrangements, and decision-making processes shape and are shaped by access, use, management, and regulation of water in a conflictive environment. Particularly, it analyzes how politics informs water management, and consequentially affects access to the resource. But also, given the uniqueness of this conflict, this thesis further incorporates a risk and vulnerability factor to its analysis. While this conflict comprises the socioeconomic, political, historical, cultural, and environmental components of most environmental struggles in Peru, it also presents very unique characteristics. The contested water source is managed not only for downstream water use, but also for glacial risk mitigation. As such, this thesis examines how water governance and vulnerability are co-produced in a conflictive environment. For this, I explore specific moments or instances - such as water flows and management, technology, institutions, discourses, and negotiations - that I recognize as embodying this relationship. In this analysis, I pay special attention to the impact of water technologies. I argue that a new, more convoluted, form of water politics - introduced to the watershed with hydropower technology - have created a new set of social relations that reinforce social vulnerability upon local water users, producing a transformation in vulnerability

    Symmetry in Regular Polyhedra Seen as 2D Möbius Transformations: Geodesic and Panel Domes Arising from 2D Diagrams

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    This paper shows a methodology for reducing the complex design process of space structures to an adequate selection of points lying on a plane. This procedure can be directly implemented in a bi-dimensional plane when we substitute (i) Euclidean geometry by bi-dimensional projection of the elliptic geometry and (ii) rotations/symmetries on the sphere by Möbius transformations on the plane. These graphs can be obtained by sites, specific points obtained by homological transformations in the inversive plane, following the analogous procedure defined previously in the three-dimensional space. From the sites, it is possible to obtain different partitions of the plane, namely, power diagrams, Voronoi diagrams, or Delaunay triangulations. The first would generate geo-tangent structures on the sphere; the second, panel structures; and the third, lattice structures

    Validation of Cod maturity ogive in NAFO 3M. Effect of the reproductive ccycle moment on ogive estimation.

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    The Flemish Cap (FC) survey is the source of the Atlantic cod maturity data for SSB estimation. FC survey takes place when females are resting and discrimination between spawning active and inactive females is still possible testing the presence of postovulatory follicles, that remains several months after spawning. However, the best moment for discriminate active spawning females is during the spawning season. For 2012 and 2014, the maturity ogives calculated during the spawning season and when females are resting were compared. Assuming a seasonal growth for cod in 3M, the moment in which maturity is estimated, had no effect on the ogives estimation. Thus, it is recommended to continue employing in the 3M cod assessment the maturity ogives produced with the FC survey information

    Presencia de sistemas de secreción de patógenos en bacterias endosimbióticas aisladas de Lupinus de la península Ibérica

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    Los rizobios son bacterias endosimbióticas capaces de fijar nitrógeno en estructuras especializadas de leguminosas. Esta simbiosis es altamente específica y depende, entre otros factores, de la capacidad de los rizobios de secretar proteínas efectoras a las células vegetales. Se han descrito diferentes sistemas de secreción en patógenos animales y vegetales y posteriormente también se han encontrado en algunos rizobios. En este trabajo se presenta el estudio de varios sistemas de secreción identificados en dos cepas LmjC e ISLU101 aisladas de Lupinus marie-josephae y Lupinus angustifolius respectivamente. LmjC posee un sistema de secreción tipo III formado por agrupación de 33 genes cuya expresión dependería del activador transcripcional TtsI mediado a su vez por flavonoides secretados por la planta huésped. La cepa ISLU101 tiene dos sistemas de tipo VI de 19 y 16 genes cada uno. La importancia en la simbiosis de estos sistemas se está estudiando en estos momentos

    Mejora en la planificación y gestión del transporte de mercancías de la empresa LG

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    La empresa LG España está afrontando un gran proyecto en su operación logística, debido a que se está trasladando toda la mercancía de sus dos almacenes a una nueva ubicación y con un operador logístico nuevo. Este cambio de gran envergadura trae como consecuencia realizar un plan estratégico de transición que cumpla con las necesidades previstas para esta mudanza. Deben considerarse factores como: riesgo de faltas de stock como consecuencia del traspaso de producto de un almacén a otro, deterioro de los artículos por la manipulación inherente a este proceso, tiempos de ejecución del proyecto, costes de transporte, canales de venta, clasificación de la mercancía, entre otros. Para desarrollar los objetivos planteados se tiene diseñada una estrategia sistemática que permita la integración de la base de datos encontrada en el sistema “ERP” (Planificación de recursos empresariales), tales como stock disponible, demanda prevista, histórico de pedidos, etc., con los requerimientos planteados para asegurar la buena gestión del plan de transición. De acuerdo al análisis desarrollado en el proyecto, se encontró la manera de calcular matemáticamente los envíos por cada modelo de producto siguiendo un algoritmo diseñado y trabajo con ayuda del software “Excel”. Luego de la realización de un algoritmo de cálculos, que toma en cuenta: la disponibilidad de mercancía en stock, las reservas que se tienen para la venta, las demandas previstas para la semana, y el tipo de producto que, de acuerdo a su rotación en stock, se pudo conocer la capacidad requerida de camiones para el movimiento de mercancía. Con estos datos se ejecutó un plan de acción basado en un cronograma que toma en cuenta las capacidades de cargas operativas durante cada semana. Por último se consolidó la mercancía es los distintos camiones siguiendo la pauta de maximizar la ocupación volumétrica de los productos en los camiones, para reducir los costes asociados a los mismos

    Do vigorous-intensity and moderate-intensity physical activities reduce mortality to the same extent? : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objective: To examine whether vigorous-intensity physical activity confers additional reductions on all-cause and cause-specific mortality compared with moderate-intensity physical activity. Design: A systematic review (registered in PROSPERO CRD42019138995) and meta-analysis. Data sources: Three electronic databases up to April 14 2020. Eligibility criteria: Inclusion criteria were prospective studies that contained information about (1) moderate-intensity (3–5.9 metabolic equivalent tasks (METs)) and vigorous-intensity (≥6 METs) physical activities and (2) all-cause and/or cause-specific mortality. Exclusion criteria were prospective studies that (1) exclusively recruited diseased patients (eg, hypertensive patients and diabetics) or (2) did not account for total physical activity in their multivariable models (3) or did not adjust or exclude individuals with comorbidities at baseline or (4) used physically inactive participants as reference group. Results: Five studies (seven cohorts using sex-specific results) were pooled into a meta-analysis. For all-cause mortality and controlling by total physical activity, vigorous-intensity physical activity (vs moderate) was not associated with a larger reduction in mortality (HR 0.95, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.09). After the exclusion of one study judged with critical risk of bias (Risk Of Bias in Non randomized Studies, ROBINS tool) from meta-analysis, results remained similar (HR 0.98, 95% CI 0.85 to 1.12). Due to the limited number of studies, meta-analyses for cancer and cardiovascular mortality were not performed. Conclusions: Prospective studies suggest that, for the same total physical activity, both vigorous-intensity and moderate-intensity physical activities reduce all-cause mortality to the same extent. However, absence of evidence must not be interpreted as evidence of absence due to the existing methodological flaws in the literature

    Nefroblastoma espinal en un Rottweiler

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    El nefroblastoma espinal es una neoplasia infrecuente en el perro. Se diagnostica en animales jóvenes, afectando, casi exclusivamente, al segmento medular T10 -L2. En este trabajo, e describen los signos clínicos, resultados de las pruebas complementarias y los hallazgos histopatológicos de un perro con un nefroblastoma espinal.

    The chair of food Banks UPM as a tool of raising awareness and promoting a culture of rational food comsumption

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    The Chair of Food Banks UPM arises from a cooperation agreement between the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL) and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), with the aim of raising awareness and promoting rational food consumption to avoid food waste, through activities of training, transfer of knowledge and promotion of I+D+i. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the activities carried out during the first year in order to obtain learning lessons and improve the management of activities and resources