440 research outputs found

    Emotions in fish

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    Do fish have feelings? Maybe ...

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    First paragraph: The question of whether animals other than humans can think and feel has been debated for centuries. Most of us would agree that humans have a level of consciousness, loosely defined as an ability to experience thoughts and emotions. But which other creatures have consciousness remains an open and controversial question.https://theconversation.com/do-fish-have-feelings-maybe-5429

    The emotional brain of fish

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    Woodruff (2017) analyzes structural homologies and functional equivalences between the brains of mammals and fish to understand where sentience and social cognition might reside in teleosts. He compares neuroanatomical, neurophysiological and behavioural correlates. I discuss current advances in the study of fish cognitive abilities and emotions, and advocate an evolutionary approach to the underlying basis of sentience in teleosts

    Area-Wide Management of Lasius neglectus

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    The invasive ant Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) has become an urban pest in northeast Spain and continental Europe and is currently expanding its range and threatens to become as serious a pest as the Argentine ant. One invading population occupying 14 ha and located in northeast Spain has been managed with a large-scale insecticide treatment, with the aim of reducing its damaging effects in houses and on human well-being. During the spring and summer periods of 2001–2002, 45 households were treated. Some non-urbanized, seminatural infested areas were also treated to avoid the pest expansion. The treatment plan was intended to attack three key aspects of the ants as well as directly killing the ants: (a) killing/destroying ant food sources, (b) limiting access to the ant’s food sources, and (c) impeding access to the interior of houses. The pest control treatment involved a combination of canopy fogging, tree trunk spraying, a house perimeter injection treatment, and in-house baiting. Reduction of ant trails on trees was 73% (2001) and 68% (2002). Spots with ants at the perimeter of the house were reduced by 47% (2001) and 30% (2002). Both the objective assessment of the treatments and the positive opinion of the inhabitants of the houses confirmed the efficacy of the treatment program

    What zebrafish reveal about importance of looks vs personality in choosing a mate

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    First paragraph: When it comes to finding a suitable partner to raise a family, we know that our looks and the way we behave are both crucial to how well we succeed. If there is such a thing as love at first sight, it probably involves a combination of the two. But the relative importance of these factors, and how they interact with one another, provokes endless debate in our society.https://theconversation.com/what-zebrafish-reveal-about-importance-of-looks-vs-personality-in-choosing-a-mate-10361

    Alguns centavos são mais iguais do que outros: Investimento desigual em escolas em San Antonio, Texas

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    In Texas, local taxpayers fund the majority of educational facilities construction and maintenance costs, with local wealth influencing facilities outcomes. The traditional school districts that comprise the predominantly Latino and segregated San Antonio area vary considerably in property wealth as well as district capacity and expertise. We conducted an analysis of 12 San Antonio area school districts to address the questions: 1) To what extent do state and local investments vary by district? 2) How do district actions and constraints affect facilities quality and equitable investment? Methods include descriptive quantitative analysis of facilities investment data and qualitative interviews with school district leaders, staff, and school finance experts. Examining Texas school finance data demonstrated the variance in school district investments in educational facilities. Despite some districts with lower property wealth exerting higher levels of tax effort, they were able to raise less money per student for educational facilities through interest and sinking taxes. Interview findings revealed that several districts acknowledge lacking the capacity to maintain high-quality facilities for all students. Respondents frequently criticized current state policies and funding for educational facilities as inadequate, inequitable, and inefficient and expressed a need for policy improvements in an era of increasing state disinvestment.En Texas, los contribuyentes locales financian la mayoría de los costos de construcción y mantenimiento de las instalaciones educativas, y la riqueza local influye en los resultados de las instalaciones. Los distritos escolares tradicionales que comprenden el área predominantemente latina y segregada de San Antonio varían considerablemente en la riqueza de las propiedades, así como en la capacidad y experiencia del distrito. Realizamos un análisis de 12 distritos escolares del área de San Antonio para abordar las preguntas: 1) ¿En qué medida varían las inversiones estatales y locales según el distrito? 2) ¿Cómo afectan las acciones y restricciones del distrito la calidad de las instalaciones y la inversión equitativa? Los métodos incluyen el análisis cuantitativo descriptivo de los datos de inversión de las instalaciones y las entrevistas cualitativas con los líderes del distrito escolar, el personal y los expertos en finanzas escolares. El examen de los datos financieros de las escuelas de Texas demostró la variación en las inversiones del distrito escolar en instalaciones educativas. A pesar de que algunos distritos con menor patrimonio inmobiliario ejercían niveles más altos de esfuerzo tributario, pudieron recaudar menos dinero por estudiante para instalaciones educativas a través de intereses e impuestos hundidos. Los hallazgos de la entrevista revelaron que varios distritos reconocen la falta de capacidad para mantener instalaciones de alta calidad para todos los estudiantes. Los encuestados con frecuencia criticaron las políticas estatales actuales y la financiación de las instalaciones educativas como inadecuadas, no equitativas e ineficientes y expresaron la necesidad de mejoras políticas en una era de creciente desinversión estatal. No Texas, os contribuintes locais financiam a maioria dos custos de construção e manutenção de instalações educacionais, com a riqueza local influenciando os resultados das instalações. Os distritos escolares tradicionais que compõem a área predominantemente latina e segregada de San Antonio variam consideravelmente em riqueza patrimonial, bem como em capacidade e expertise do distrito. Realizamos uma análise de 12 distritos escolares da área de San Antonio para abordar as questões: 1) Até que ponto os investimentos estaduais e locais variam de acordo com o distrito? 2) Como as ações e restrições do distrito afetam a qualidade das instalações e o investimento equitativo? Os métodos incluem análise quantitativa descritiva de dados de investimento em instalações e entrevistas qualitativas com líderes de distrito escolar, funcionários e especialistas em financiamento escolar. O exame dos dados das finanças escolares do Texas demonstrou a variação nos investimentos do distrito escolar em instalações educacionais. Apesar de alguns distritos com menor riqueza de propriedade exercerem níveis mais altos de esforço fiscal, eles conseguiram angariar menos dinheiro por aluno para instalações educacionais por meio de juros e impostos. Os resultados das entrevistas revelaram que vários distritos reconhecem a falta de capacidade para manter instalações de alta qualidade para todos os alunos. Os entrevistados freqüentemente criticam as políticas estaduais atuais e o financiamento de instalações educacionais como inadequados, injustos e ineficientes, e expressaram a necessidade de melhorias nas políticas em uma era de crescente desinvestimento do Estado

    'Love at first sight': The effect of personality and colouration patterns in the reproductive success of zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    Individual differences in animal personality and external appearance such as colouration patterns have both been extensively studied separately. A significant body of research has explored many of pertinent ecological and biological aspects that can be affected by them and their impact upon fitness. Currently little is known about how both factors interact and their effect on reproductive success. In this study, we evaluated two major parameters contributing to the fitness of the species: reproduction and offspring survival. We selected two different phenotypes of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) selected by their colouration patterns: phenotype 1) named Wild type, UAB line (WT-UAB) with a homogeneous colouration pattern (clear and defined lateral stripes) and phenotype 2) Wild type indefinite (WT-I) had a heterogeneous colouration pattern and different degrees of lateral stripe definition. All animals were also screened for personality. We then compared their reproductive success (spawning rate) and offspring survival at different stages, from egg to larvae, and for 2 successive generations (parental generation was G0; First and second generations were G1 and G2 respectively). Our results show that personality traits were the main source of variability between the fitness components measured: both personalities had similar total numbers of eggs spawned but proactive animals, for both colour phenotypes, had higher reproductive success. This was reflected in a higher percentage of spawning viability at 1day post fertilization (dpf), higher total survival and growth rates at larval stages. Proactive phenotypes from WT-UAB population had a higher overall fitness in comparison to the other phenotypes studied. Our findings imply that fitness of this species when kept under similar husbandry conditions is significantly influenced by parental personality and not by their external appearance. Under these conditions the reproductive success is enhanced. The implications of this study are important for zebrafish breeding and husbandry in captivity and are relevant toward understanding the underlying drivers of trait selection in natural environments

    Transposición didáctica de la eutonía en las cuñas motrices

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    En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se presentará una transposición didáctica de la Eutonía en un contexto educativo dentro de la jornada escolar. En este planteamiento se transformarán los principios Eutónicos en actividades que serán introducidas mediante el formato de cuñas motrices. Dentro de este trabajo se encuentra la información necesaria de los dos bloques temáticos que se abordan en la propuesta creada, la Eutonía y las cuñas motrices. Para ampliar el conocimiento sobre ambos temas, he acudido a diferentes fuentes de información como la entrevista o la vivencia personal de prácticas Eutónicas. De esta forma se ha planteado una propuesta de cinco cuñas motrices que utilizan los principios de la Eutonía transformados en actividades y adaptados al contexto educativo en el que nos encontramos.Grado en Educación Primari

    Bodies under patriarchal domination: analysis of contraceptive

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    [Resumen] Este trabajo pretende realizar un análisis sobre la violencia que pueden ejercer los métodos anticonceptivos sobre los cuerpos femeninos, examinando si las mujeres son conscientes de esta. Además, se profundizará en el condón y píldora anticonceptiva puesto que son los métodos más empleados por la población española femenina. Por otra parte, la metodología empleada para esta investigación es meramente cualitativa al utilizarse dos técnicas de esta índole: el análisis del discurso de las entrevistas y el análisis de contenido de prospectos médicos de la píldora.[Resumo] Este traballo pretende realizar un análise sobre a violencia que poden exercer os métodos anticonceptivos sobre os corpos femininos, examinando se as mulleres son conscientes disto. Ademais, profundizarase no preservativo e na pílula anticonceptiva, xa que son os métodos mais empregados pola poboación española feminina. Por outra banda, a metodoloxía empregada para esta investigación é meramente cualitativa ao utilizarse dúas técnicas desta natureza: a análise do discurso das entrevistas e a análise de contido dos prospectos médicos da pílula.[Abstract] This work aims to carry out an analysis of the violence that contraceptive methods can exert on female bodies, examining whether women are aware of this. In addition, it will delve into the condom and the contraceptive pill since they are the most commonly used methods by the Spanish female population. On the other hand, the methodology employed for this research is purely qualitative, using two techniques of this nature: the analysis of interview discourse and the content analysis of contraceptive pill medical leaflets.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.SOC). Políticas sociais e intervención sociocomunitaria. Curso 2022/202