48 research outputs found

    Benefits Cost Anaylsis: Options for Sea Level Rise Adaptation on West Cliff Drive

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    This report presents the results of a benefit cost analysis of various options for adapting West Cliff Drive (in the City of Santa Cruz, California) to sea level rise as identified through extensive technical analysis and community input. This report has built on previous work completed as part of the West Cliff Drive Adaptation and Management Plan project. The previous work products provided much of the information needed for this benefit cost analysis included an existing conditions inventory, future exposure and vulnerability assessment, and an adaptation alternatives analysis. Since most of the West Cliff Drive corridor is publicly owned by the City of Santa Cruz and California State Parks, results of the future exposure and vulnerability assessment showed that little private property and only small portions of public infrastructure is at risk in the future. Thus, the benefit cost analysis focuses primarily on changes to the recreational uses of the West Cliff Drive corridor. One challenge to adaptation planning is the uncertainty associated with the rate and elevation of sea level rise at future points of time, critical to the question of what to do and when. To deal with this uncertainty, the benefit cost analysis uses a technique called Monte Carlo analysis, a technique to test many different possible scenarios of sea level rise; in this analysis, 100,000 different scenarios were examined in every run of the analysis. The underlying sea level rise data is the same as used by the State of California in its various sea level rise planning guidance documents. This approach to the benefit cost analysis allows an estimate not only of net benefits but also the probability of positive net benefits of each adaptation strategy. The purpose of this benefit cost analysis is to compare the economic benefits and costs of the coastal adaptation options aimed at managing coastal erosion to a future in which no additional adaptation actions beyond those routinely taken by the City are taken. The benefit cost analysis is designed to support a choice between those different adaptation strategies which involve substantial new expenditures by the City the or “business as usual” strategy. The fundamental question is whether it is economically worthwhile for the City to invest substantial resources in adapting to sea level rise along West Cliff Drive compared with continuing as they have in the past? Economically worthwhile projects have benefits greater than costs, taking into account the differences in timing of spending and receipt of benefits. This concept is called the net present value. Four scenarios are examined: Business as Usual – No actions are taken beyond routine maintenance and irregular emergency repairs Managed Retreat – Existing armoring structures are removed, and natural erosion and shoreline processes restored. Recreation Focused Strategy – A combination of sand management, reduction in coastal armoring footprints and sand retention structures along with structural adaptation in high hazard areas such as sea caves. Protection Focused Strategy – Projects that stabilize the shoreline such as revetments, seawalls, filling of sea caves, and construction of artificial bedrock

    Messina (\u3cem\u3eMelilotus siculus\u3c/em\u3e)–A New Pasture Legume for Saltland

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    Messina (Melilotus siculus ((Turra) Vitman ex B.D. Jacks)) is a new annual pasture legume for saltland in temperate Australia and regions of the world that experience Mediterranean climates. Messina has greater tolerance to the combined stresses of salinity and water-logging than existing commercial pasture legumes. Coupled with desirable agronomic traits these characteristics give messina the capacity to rehabilitate saltland and increase productivity on land where existing legumes fail. This paper reviews the agronomic perform-ance of messina in relation to top soil salinity levels

    Making Decisions to Identify Forage Shrub Species for Versatile Grazing Systems

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    Grazing systems in many parts of the world face large challenges, including a declining natural resource base (e.g. soil fertility), marked fluctuations in feed production across seasons and years, climate change (including the contribution of greenhouse gases from livestock), and market demands for sustainable and ethical production systems. The ‘Enrich’ project was established in Australia (Revell et al. 2008; Bennell et al. 2010) within this broad context of emerging challenges to explore the potential of using Australian native perennial shrub species as part of the feedbase for sheep and cattle in southern Australia. The underlying rationale was to: add perennial shrub species into the existing annual-based pasture feedbase so that the forage system could tolerate extended dry periods but provide green edible plant material during periods where a ‘feed gap’ would otherwise exist; be productive on marginal soils where other productive options are limited (Masters et al. 2010); and have a positive effect on gut function and health (Vercoe et al. 2007); i.e. a versatile grazing system. This paper outlines the research approach that was taken, and reports on a ‘decision tree’ to prioritise species from an initial large list, based on a wide range of plant characteristics and how they can be used in a grazing system

    Improving the Feeding Value of Dryland Lucerne in Australia

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    Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) is the most widely grown perennial legume species in southern Australia. Within Australian farming systems it plays an important role in the provision of high-quality feed for livestock, nitrogen fixation and dewatering soils to reduce watertable recharge and dryland salinity (Cocks 2001). The majority of lucerne varieties have been developed for the areas with high rainfall or supplementary irrigation. The new challenge is to develop lucerne cultivars specifically for dryland mixed farming systems in temperate and mediterranean climate zones (Humphries and Auricht, 2001). Persistence in these environments and feeding value to sheep are critical selection traits. In this paper we compare nutritive traits of 35 commercial and experimental accessions of lucerne, sampled during the vegetative phase, and test the hypothesis that there will be significant differences between the accessions for in vitro dry matter digestibility (DMD), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fibre (ADF), neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and hemicellulose

    Challenges of Religious Literacy in Education : Islam and the Governance of Religious Diversity in Multi-faith Schools

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    This chapter seeks take part in an emerging research where religion is approached as a whole school endeavor. Previous research and policy recommendations typically focused on teaching about religion in school, but the accommodation of religious diversity in the wider school culture merits more attention. Based on observations in our multiple case studies, we discuss the multi-level governance of religious diversity in Finnish multi-faith schools with a particular focus on the challenges of religious literacy for educators. The three examples we present focus on the inclusion of Muslims in Finnish schools and in particular on the challenges for educator (1) in interpreting the distinction between religion and culture, (2) in recognizing and handling intra-religious diversity, and (3) in being aware of Protestant conceptions of religion and culture. A theme cutting across these examples is how they reflect the tendencies either to see different situations merely through the lens of religion (religionisation), or not to recognize the importance of religion at all (religion-blindness). We argue that religious literacy should be recognized and developed as a vital part of the intercultural competencies of educators.Peer reviewe

    Climate emergency summit III:nature-based solutions report

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    An RSGS & SNH report from the Climate Summit held in April 2020"The Climate Emergency is the result of burning fossils fuels and changes in the way we use the land that short-circuit global carbon and nitrogen cycles. To remain within safe climate limits (1.5-2°C), the remaining carbon budget for all people, and for all time, is now so small that stopping fossil fuel use, while essential, will not by itself address the problem. Changing the way we use the land and sea is now essential. Nature-based solutions are vital to creating a safe operating space for humanity. "Extract from the foreword by Dr Clive Mitchell, Outcome Manager: People and Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage. The report has 45 contributors for a variety of institutions

    The Early Evolution of Biting–Chewing Performance in Hexapoda

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    Insects show a plethora of different mandible shapes. It was advocated that these mandible shapes are mainly a function of different feeding habits. This hypothesis was tested on a larger sampling of non-holometabolan biting–chewing insects with additional tests to understand the interplay of mandible function, feeding guild, and phylogeny. The results show that at the studied systematic level, variation in mandible biting–chewing effectivity is regulated to a large extent by phylogenetic history and the configuration of the mandible joints rather than the food preference of a given taxon. Additionally, lineages with multiple mandibular joints such as primary wingless hexapods show a wider functional space occupation of mandibular effectivity than dicondylic insects (= silverfish + winged insects) at significantly different evolutionary rates. The evolution and occupation of a comparably narrow functional performance space of dicondylic insects is surprising given the low effectivity values of this food uptake solution. Possible reasons for this relative evolutionary “stasis” are discussed

    The multi-peak adaptive landscape of crocodylomorph body size evolution

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    Background: Little is known about the long-term patterns of body size evolution in Crocodylomorpha, the > 200-million-year-old group that includes living crocodylians and their extinct relatives. Extant crocodylians are mostly large-bodied (3–7 m) predators. However, extinct crocodylomorphs exhibit a wider range of phenotypes, and many of the earliest taxa were much smaller ( Results: Crocodylomorphs reached an early peak in body size disparity during the Late Jurassic, and underwent an essentially continual decline since then. A multi-peak Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model outperforms all other evolutionary models fitted to our data (including both uniform and non-uniform), indicating that the macroevolutionary dynamics of crocodylomorph body size are better described within the concept of an adaptive landscape, with most body size variation emerging after shifts to new macroevolutionary regimes (analogous to adaptive zones). We did not find support for a consistent evolutionary trend towards larger sizes among lineages (i.e., Cope’s rule), or strong correlations of body size with climate. Instead, the intermediate to large body sizes of some crocodylomorphs are better explained by group-specific adaptations. In particular, the evolution of a more aquatic lifestyle (especially marine) correlates with increases in average body size, though not without exceptions. Conclusions: Shifts between macroevolutionary regimes provide a better explanation of crocodylomorph body size evolution on large phylogenetic and temporal scales, suggesting a central role for lineage-specific adaptations rather than climatic forcing. Shifts leading to larger body sizes occurred in most aquatic and semi-aquatic groups. This, combined with extinctions of groups occupying smaller body size regimes (particularly during the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic), gave rise to the upward-shifted body size distribution of extant crocodylomorphs compared to their smaller-bodied terrestrial ancestors.</p

    Well-Annotated microRNAomes Do Not Evidence Pervasive miRNA Loss

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    microRNAs are conserved noncoding regulatory factors implicated in diverse physiological and developmental processes in multicellular organisms, as causal macroevolutionary agents and for phylogeny inference. However, the conservation and phylogenetic utility of microRNAs has been questioned on evidence of pervasive loss. Here, we show that apparent widespread losses are, largely, an artefact of poorly sampled and annotated microRNAomes. Using a curated data set of animal microRNAomes, we reject the view that miRNA families are never lost, but they are rarely lost (92% are never lost). A small number of families account for a majority of losses (1.7% of families account for >45% losses), and losses are associated with lineages exhibiting phenotypic simplification. Phylogenetic analyses based on the presence/absence of microRNA families among animal lineages, and based on microRNA sequences among Osteichthyes, demonstrate the power of these small data sets in phylogenetic inference. Perceptions of widespread evolutionary loss of microRNA families are due to the uncritical use of public archives corrupted by spurious microRNA annotations, and failure to discriminate false absences that occur because of incomplete microRNAome annotation