319 research outputs found

    The state and prospects of development of national higher pharmaseutical education

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    The paper considers the materials of the Pharmacists Summit and International Pharmaceutical Congresses, in particular, the issue of achieving quality pharmaceutical education. It shows cause of the proper training process of pharmacy sector specialists in accordance with current state and requirements of the society and suggests a model of professional pharmaceutical education. According to the authors of the paper, the implementation of education quality in Ukraine calls for, first, professionally educated personnel in the pharmacy sector of healthcare; second, proper academic and university infrastructure for training future specialists within the system of higher pharmaceutical education; third, ensuring the high quality of higher pharmaceutical education on the basis of implementing the competence approach and taking into account international experience on pharmacy development. Increasing significance of the pharmacy branch in Ukraine is directly linked to the quality of training of pharmacy specialists, continuous improvement of the content of their education, implementation of new educational technologies, adapting higher pharmaceutical education to European standards. According to the authors, an important condition of ensuring effective professional training of future pharmacy specialists within the national system of higher pharmaceutical education is the following: firstly, considering public demand to the level of healthcare services, disease prevention; secondly, implementing the productive global experience on introducing customer service standards. The established prospects of the development of national higher pharmaceutical education include: 1) the adoption of ethical principles of training Masters of Pharmacy within the system of higher pharmaceutical education; 2) focus on European pharmacy standards which are based on high customer service standards; 3) improvement of the content of pharmacy specialist education taking into account the development of national pharmaceutical production; 4) ensuring the development of the clinical direction within the system of general pharmacist training

    Combined Matrix-Isolation Infrared and Theoretical DFT and ab Initio Study of the Nonionized Valine Conformers

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    We present results of the first experimental observation of the nonionized natural amino acid valine. The study has employed the matrix-isolation IR spectroscopy and the density functional theory (DFT) and ab initio calculations. In the calculations geometries of nine low-energy valine conformers were optimized using the DFT method with the B3LYP parametrization and the 6-31++G** basis set. Additionally, the relative energies of the conformers were calculated at the MP2/6-31++G** level. The harmonic frequencies and IR intensities were calculated for all the minima found. These data were used to separate and assign the bands of the valine conformers in the experimental spectra. We found that two valine conformers are present in the Ar matrix: one with a bifurcated NH 2 ‚‚‚OdC H-bond (conformer Ia) and one with a N‚‚‚H-O H-bond (conformer IIa). A trace amount of a third valine conformer with NH 2 ‚‚‚O-C H-bond (conformer IIIb) was also detected. The conformational composition of the matrix-deposited nonionized valine was determined on the basis of observed and predicted IR intensities of the bands of different conformers. The composition is ∼94% of conformer Ia, ∼5% of conformer IIa, and less than 2% of conformer IIIb. The presence of three valine conformers in the Ar matrix results in broadening and/or in multiplex structures of some bands in the valine IR spectrum. Common features in the IR spectra of some nonionized natural aliphatic amino acids are discussed

    Identification of a pan-cancer oncogenic microRNA superfamily anchored by a central core seed motif

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    MicroRNAs modulate tumorigenesis through suppression of specific genes. As many tumour types rely on overlapping oncogenic pathways, a core set of microRNAs may exist, which consistently drives or suppresses tumorigenesis in many cancer types. Here we integrate The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) pan-cancer data set with a microRNA target atlas composed of publicly available Argonaute Crosslinking Immunoprecipitation (AGO-CLIP) data to identify pan-tumour microRNA drivers of cancer. Through this analysis, we show a pan-cancer, coregulated oncogenic microRNA ‘superfamily’ consisting of the miR-17, miR-19, miR-130, miR-93, miR-18, miR-455 and miR-210 seed families, which cotargets critical tumour suppressors via a central GUGC core motif. We subsequently define mutations in microRNA target sites using the AGO-CLIP microRNA target atlas and TCGA exome-sequencing data. These combined analyses identify pan-cancer oncogenic cotargeting of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase, TGFβ and p53 pathways by the miR-17-19-130 superfamily members


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    Abstract The 2 MEV electron cooler for COSY storage ring FZJ is assembling in BINP. Beam position monitor (BPM) system for orbit measurements has been developed and fabricated at BINP. The system contains 2 BPMs inside the cooling section and 10 BPMs in transport channels. Continuous electron beam is modulated with a 3 MHz signal for capability to get signals from pickup electrodes. The beam current modulation can be varied in the range of 0.3-1.5 mA. The BPMs inside the cooling section can measure both electron and proton beams. It is achieved by means of switching the reference signals inside the BPM electronics. The BPM electronics provides highly precise beam position measurements. Position measurement error doesn't exceed 1 micron. Design features of the BPM system, its parameters and testing results are presented in this paper

    Matrix-Isolation Infrared and Theoretical Studies of the Glycine Conformers

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    The IR spectra of nonionized glycine and its deuterated derivatives isolated in the low-temperature argon matrices have been measured, and for the first time the infrared spectral characteristics of the three most stable conformers have been determined and assigned. Correlated level ab initio and density functional theory (DFT) calculations of IR frequencies and intensities with extended basis sets were performed and their results were employed to separate the bands of the glycine conformers in the experimental spectra and to assist the assignment. The intramolecular interconversion, conformer III w conformer I, which is observed in the matrices at temperatures higher than 13 K, was found to cause a significant decrease of the band intensities of conformer III in the spectra. This phenomenon was used to distinguish the vibrational bands of this conformer from the bands of the other conformers. The reliability of the Møller-Plesset second-order perturbation theory (MP2) method and the DFT method with the three-parameter density functional, Becke3LYP, in the prediction of the IR spectra of the nonionized glycine conformers was examined. We found that the DFT/Becke3LYP method with aug-cc-pVDZ basis set yields vibrational frequencies of the glycine conformers very similar to the MP2 results. Both DFT and MP2 results are in the excellent agreement with the experimental data

    To other planets with upgraded millennial kombucha in rhythms of sustainability and health support

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    Humankind has entered a new era of space exploration: settlements on other planetary bodies are foreseen in the near future. Advanced technologies are being developed to support the adaptation to extraterrestrial environments and, with a view on the longer term, to support the viability of an independent economy. Biological processes will likely play a key role and lead to the production of life-support consumables, and other commodities, in a way that is cheaper and more sustainable than exclusively abiotic processes. Microbial communities could be used to sustain the crews’ health as well as for the production of consumables, for waste recycling, and for biomining. They can self-renew with little resources from Earth, be highly productive on a per-volume basis, and be highly versatile—all of which will be critical in planetary outposts. Well-de!ned, semi-open, and stress-resistant microecosystems are particularly promising. An instance of it is kombucha, known worldwide as a microbial association that produces an eponymous, widespread soft drink that could be valuable for sustaining crews’ health or as a synbiotic (i.e., probiotic and prebiotic) after a rational assemblage of de!ned probiotic bacteria and yeasts with endemic or engineered cellulose producers. Bacterial cellulose products offer a wide spectrum of possible functions, from leather-like to innovative smart materials during long-term missions and future activities in extraterrestrial settlements. Cellulose production by kombucha is zero-waste and could be linked to bioregenerative life support system (BLSS) loops. Another advantage of kombucha lies in its ability to mobilize inorganic ions from rocks, which may help feed BLSS from local resources. Besides outlining those applications and others, we discuss needs for knowledge and other obstacles, among which is the biosafety of microbial producers

    Electron Cooling Experiments in CSR

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    The six species heavy ion beam was accumulated with the help of electron cooling in the main ring of Cooler Storage Ring of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou(HIRFL-CSR), the ion beam accumulation dependence on the parameters of cooler was investigated experimentally. The 400MeV/u 12C6+ and 200MeV/u 129Xe54+ was stored and cooled in the experimental ring CSRe, the cooling force was measured in different condition.Comment: 5 pages 11 figure

    Факторы риска развития и методики коррекции послеоперационного стеноза везикоуретрального анастомоза (обзор литературы)

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    Considerable life expectancy after radical prostatectomy dictates a necessity to preserve high quality of life of these patients. Conversely, attention is paid to functional results of the surgery, including preservation of the erectile function and quality of urination. Urinary obstruction in the postoperative period, caused primarily by postoperative vesicourethral anastomotic strictures, not only negatively impacts patients’ health but also has a pronounced maladaptation effect. The main factors of maladaptation are weak urine stream; frequent, often painful urination; episodes of acute urine retention. Currently, there are no strict guidelines for prevention of vesicourethral anastomotic strictures or for selection of an optimal method of correction of this postoperative complication of radical prostatectomy. This study highlights the main existing theories concerning development of vesicourethral anastomotic strictures and effectively used methods/ regimens for its treatment. Большая ожидаемая продолжительность жизни пациентов после проведения радикальной простатэктомии диктует необходимость сохранения высокого качества их жизни. Соответственно, внимание уделяется функциональным результатам операции, под которыми подразумевают как сохранение эректильной функции, так и качество мочеиспускания пациентов. Обструктивное мочеиспускание в послеоперационном периоде, одной из главных причин которого является развитие послеоперационного стеноза везикоуретрального анастомоза, помимо отрицательного воздействия на здоровье пациентов также оказывает выраженное дезадаптирующее влияние. Основные дезадаптирующие факторы – ослабление струи мочи, частое, нередко болезненное мочеиспускание, эпизоды острой задержки мочи. Четких руководств по профилактике формирования стеноза везикоуретрального анастомоза и выбору оптимальной методики коррекции этого послеоперационного осложнения радикальной простатэктомии пока не существует. Настоящая работа освещает основные теории развития и наиболее широко и эффективно применяемые методики/схемы лечения стеноза везикоуретрального анастомоза.

    Новая модель уретрального катетера в лечении больных, перенесших радикальную простатэктомию: эффективность и возможность внедрения в клиническую практику

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    Vesicourethral anastomosis (VUA) stricture applies to late postoperative complications of radical prostatectomy significantly reduces the quality of life of patients. Factors significantly affecting the rate of stricture formation VUA are not well understood, exactly how is not fully understood the mechanism of its development. Common approach to the treatment of these patients does not exist. The most common and less traumatic treatment methods include bougienage, internal optical urethrotomy and transurethral resection VUA. Given the high rate of relapse after such endoscopic surgery by many authors to optimize surgical care to patients with VUA stricture it has been proposed, however the prevention of its development measures still exists. Developed at the Urology Department of A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry new model of urinary catheter can take place in certain methods of prevention and treatment of strictures VUA. Стриктура везикоуретрального анастомоза (ВУА) относится к поздним послеоперационным осложнениям радикальной простатэктомии и значительно снижает качество жизни больных. Факторы, достоверно влияющие на частоту формирования стриктуры ВУА, изучены недостаточно, ровно как до конца не ясен механизм ее развития. Единого подхода к лечению данной категории пациентов также не существует. К самым распространенным и малотравматичным методам лечения относят бужирование, внутреннюю оптическую уретротомию и трансуретральную резекцию зоны ВУА. С учетом высокой частоты возникновения рецидивов после подобных эндоскопических операций многими авторами была предложена оптимизация хирургической техники больным со стриктурой ВУА, тем не менее мер по ее профилактике по-прежнему не существует. Разработанная на кафедре урологии МГМСУ им. А.И. Евдокимова новая модель уретрального катетера может занять определенное место в методах профилактики и лечения стриктур ВУА.

    Choice of the optimal treatment strategy for patient with multifocal bladder cancer: clinical case

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    Transurethral resection of bladder is the standard surgical procedure for management of bladder cancer when it is suspected. Accurate clinical staging of the disease based on the histologic findings followed by further assessment of recurrence risks and risks of disease progression are vital for defining an optimal individualized treatment strategy. Early radical cystectomy (RC) is recommended for patients suffering from superficial bladder cancer at high risk for tumor recurrence.Patients diagnosed with bladder tumors with multifocal lesions as well as with tumor size > 3 сm are related to a group of high risk for cancer progression. In this case in order to take a decision about the benefits of radical surgery, it’s essential to remember that RC is considered to be a major surgical procedure with a broad range of both intraoperative and postoperative complications. The vast majority of patients experience a lower quality of life based on the development of different types of metabolic alterations as well as the necessity for using urinals or inability to have adequate urination control. Organ-preserving therapy with active follow-up is thereby preferably to conduct on young patients with active life position.In our clinical case we confirmed that such treatment strategy allows to establish adequate control over neoplastic process with less negative impact on patients’ quality of life