15 research outputs found

    Validación de las metodologías en el laboratorio de aguas y alimentos de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira para la determinación de hierro y cobre en muestras de ron provenientes de la industria licorera de caldas por la técnica de absorción atómica en llama

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    El ron es un licor obtenido a partir de la extracción del jugo de caña de azúcar, el cual se fermenta y posteriormente es llevado a destilación para refinar y purificar el fermentado y eliminar las impurezas; una vez terminado este proceso el producto es llevado a barricas de roble para su añejamiento. En la Industria licorera de Caldas, el ron es elaborado con las aguas más puras ubicadas en las montañas cercanas y añejado 3, 5 y 8 años en barriles de roble colombiano a 2.500 metros sobre el nivel del mar, con un contenido alcohólico de 40% en volumen. La determinación de Hierro y Cobre se realiza en muestras de ron ya que la concentración de metales en muchas bebidas alcohólicas puede ser un parámetro tanto positivo como negativo. Elevadas cantidades de estos metales pueden deteriorar la bebida y causar daños en la salud del consumidor; moderadas cantidades ayudan en la conservación del producto y pueden ser ingeridas por el consumidor como una materia esencial en la digestión. Por las anteriores razones se comparó con los valores máximos permitidos por la Norma Técnica Colombiana 278 Versión 2005 para metales en rones y por las normas establecidas dentro de la misma industria las cuales son de 0 a 3 mg/L para Cu y de 0 a 8 mg/L para Fe

    Caracterización y modelación molecular de la fotodegradación catalítica con TiO2 del Clorobenceno

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    La contaminación del aire es uno de los problemas ambientales más graves, ocasionadas no sólo por las emisiones de gases de los automotores, sino, también, por la emisión de enormes cantidades de productos residuales, potencialmente nocivos, emanados, principalmente, de industrias e incineradores. Los compuestos orgánicos volátiles son considerados como unas de los contaminantes antropogénicos más importantes generados y liberados en áreas urbanas e industriales. La detección de hidrocarburos clorados, como el clorobenceno, en el ambiente, ha sido objeto de estudio, debido a los graves problemas potenciales producidos como precursor de dioxinas y furanos. El proceso de fotodegradación produce la mineralización de contaminantes, convirtiéndose en sustancias ambientalmente menos nocivas, tales como el dióxido de carbono, CO2; ácido clorhídrico, HCl y agua (figura 1). Clorobenceno en fase gas, presente en una corriente de aire, fue degradado en continuo en un fotorreactor irradiado con lámparas UV-A (radiación principal a 365 nm). El fotocatalizador fue soportado en forma de películas de TiO2-SiO2 sobre tubos de vidrio borosilicato, la matriz de sílice se sintetizó, por el método sol-gel, usando tetraetilortosilicato, agua e isopropanol en medio ácido, luego el TiO2 se dispersó en la sílice a altas velocidades e inmediatamente los tubos fueron sumergidos a velocidad controlada en la suspensión. Los materiales soportados fueron caracterizados por medio de FTIR, UV-vis, SEM y TG. Se alcanzó una degradación del 68% de clorobenceno en pruebas fotocatalíticas realizadas a temperatura ambiente y 0.84 atm. Abstract Air pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems caused not only from vehicular traffic but also from incinerators and industry emissions. This is to the launching of potentially injurious residual products in the ecosystems. In consequence, the volatile organic compounds are considered as one of the more important anthropogenic polluting agents generated in the urban and industrial areas. Chlorinated hydrocarbons, like the chlorobenzene, can produce compounds like dioxins and furans, so their effects on human health and the environment have been object of study in many investigations. The photodegradation process produces the mineralization of many polluting agents which become in less injurious substances, such as carbon dioxide, CO2; hydrochloric acid, HCl and water, Figure 1. Chlorobenzene in gaseous phase, diluted in air, was degraded in a continuous photorreactor, irradiated with UV lamps (main radiation to 365 nm). The photocatalyst was supported on borosilicate glass tubes, as TiO2-SiO2 films. The silica matrix was synthesized by the Sol-Gel method using tetraethyl orthosilicate, water and propan2-ol, in acidic medium. Then, the TiO2 was dispersed in the silica at high velocities and the tubes were submerged at speed controlled in the suspension. The supported materials were characterized by FTIR, UV-Vis, SEM and TGA. Chlorobenzene degradation reached 68% in photocatalytic tests carried out to room temperature and 0.84 atm

    Effect of an intervention with physical exercise and nutritional guidance on the components of the metabolic syndrome among young people with overweight

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    ABSTRACT: Interventions with physical exercise and nutritional guidance show changes in overweight among young people suffering from the metabolic syndrome (MS); nevertheless, their characteristics and results vary. Objective: To assess the effect of an intervention with physical exercise and nutritional guidance on components of the MS among overweighted young people. Materials and methods: Longitudinal study with an assessment before and another after the intervention in nine young people aged 11 to 17 years. Anthropometric aspects, resting heart rate, peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak), insulinemia, HOMA, and components of the MS were assessed. Intervention consisted of 12 weeks of supervised exercise, three 90-minute sessions/week (aerobic and strength), plus two unsupervised sessions; the weekly supply of fruits and vegetables in order to cover the five recommended daily servings, and individual and group nutrition education. Results: With the intervention waist circumference decreased from 90.5 ± 11.0 to 88.1 ± 9.9 cm; BMI from 30.2 ± 5.8 to 29.3 ± 5.6 kg/m2 ; total body fat from 39.8 ± 13.0 to 34.3 ± 9.0%; glycemia from 86.0 ± 8.6 to 83.1 ± 5.0 mg/dL; insulinemia from 23.2 ± 9.8 to 19.4 ± 7.6 µU/mL; HOMA-IR from 2.89 ± 1.21 to 2.39 ± 0.93; resting heart rate from 87.9 ± 4.3 to 78.2 ± 5.5 rpm, and VO2peak increased from 36.3 ± 5.1 to 38.5 ± 4.1 mL/kg/min. Four out of six young people with the diagnosis of MS at the beginning of the study did not present it at the end. Conclusions: Participating in an exercise program and increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables among overweighted young people with components of the MS produced positive modifications in body composition, VO2peak, resting heart rate, and glycemia, as well as in the components and prevalence of the MS.RESUMEN: Las intervenciones con ejercicio físico y orientación nutricional muestran cambios en el exceso de peso en jóvenes con el síndrome metabólico (SM); sin embargo, sus características y resultados son diversos. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de una intervención con ejercicio físico y orientación nutricional sobre componentes del SM en jóvenes con exceso de peso. Materiales y métodos: estudio longitudinal con una evaluación antes y otra después, en nueve jóvenes entre 11 y 17 años. Se evaluaron aspectos antropométricos, frecuencia cardíaca en reposo (FCR), consumo pico de oxígeno (VO2pico), insulinemia, resistencia a la insulina (HOMA) y componentes de SM. La intervención consistió en 12 semanas de ejercicio supervisado, tres sesiones/semana de 90 minutos (aeróbico y de fuerza), más dos sesiones no supervisadas; el suministro semanal de frutas y verduras para cubrir las cinco porciones diarias recomendadas y educación nutricional individual y colectiva. Resultados: luego de la intervención disminuyeron la circunferencia de la cintura de 90,5 ± 11,0 a 88,1 ± 9,9 cm; el IMC de 30,2 ± 5,8 a 29,3 ± 5,6 kg/m2 ; la grasa corporal total de 39,8 ± 13,0 a 34,3 ± 9,0%; la glucemia de 86,0 ± 8,6 a 83,1 ± 5,0 mg/dL; la insulinemia de 23,2 ± 9,8 a 19,4 ± 7,6 µU/mL; el HOMA-IR de 2,89 ± 1,21 a 2,39 ± 0,93; la FCR de 87,9 ± 4,3 a 78,2 ± 5,5 bpm y aumentó el VO2pico de 36,3 ± 5,1 a 38,5 ± 4,1 mL/kg/min; de seis jóvenes con diagnóstico de SM al inicio, cuatro no lo presentaron al final. Conclusiones: participar en un programa de ejercicio y aumentar el consumo de frutas y verduras en los jóvenes con exceso de peso y componentes del SM generó modificaciones positivas en la composición corporal, el VO2pico, la FCR y la glucemia así como en los componentes y prevalencia del SM

    Propuesta de juegos para niños hospitalizados

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    El presente artículo considera el juego como una labor más de profesional de salud y como un elemento curativo en tanto es una actividad distensionante que le permite al niño enfermo expresar sus fantasías y sus temores además de hacerle más agradable su estadía en el centro hospitalario

    Propuestas de juego para niños hospitalizados

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    RESUMEN: El presente artículo considera el juego como una labor más de profesional de salud y como un elemento curativo en tanto es una actividad distensionante que le permite al niño enfermo expresar sus fantasías y sus temores además de hacerle más agradable su estadía en el centro hospitalario

    Evaluation of variants in IL6R, TLR3, and DC-SIGN genes associated with dengue in sampled Colombian population

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    Introduction: Host genetics is recognized as an influential factor for the development of dengue disease. Objective: This study evaluated the association of dengue with the polymorphisms rs8192284 for gene IL6R, rs3775290 for TLR3, and rs7248637 for DC-SIGN. Materials and methods: Of the 292 surveyed subjects, 191 were confirmed for dengue fever and the remaining 101 were included as controls. The genotypes were resolved using polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCRRFLP). In an attempt to determine the risk (Odds Ratio) of suffering dengue fever, data were analyzed using chi-square for alleles and logistic regression for both genotypes and allelic combinations. Confidence intervals were set to 95% for all tests regardless of the adjustment by either self-identification or ancestry. Results: For Afro-Colombians, the allele rs8192284 C offered protection against dengue [OR=0.425,(0.204-0.887), p=0.020]. The alleles rs7248637 A and rs3775290 A posed, respectively, an increased risk of dengue for Afro-Colombians [OR=2.389, (1.170-4.879), p=0.015] and Mestizos [OR=2.329, (1.283-4.226), p=0.005]. The reproducibility for rs8192284 C/C [OR=2.45, (1.05-5.76), p=0.013] remained after adjustment by Amerindian ancestry [OR=2.52, (1.04-6.09), p=0.013]. The reproducibility for rs3775290 A/A [OR=2.48, (1.09-5.65), p=0.033] remained after adjustment by European [OR=2.34, (1.02-5.35), p=0.048], Amerindian [OR=2.49, (1.09-5.66), p=0.035], and African ancestry [OR=2.37, (1.04-5.41), p=0.046]. Finally, the association of dengue fever with the allelic combination CAG [OR=2.07, (1.06-4.05), p=0.033] remained after adjustment by Amerindian ancestry [OR=2.16, (1.09-4.28), p=0.028]. Conclusions: Polymorphisms rs8192284 for IL6R, rs3775290 for TLR3, and rs7248637 for DC-SIGN were associated with the susceptibility to suffer dengue fever in the sampled Colombian population

    Effect of an intervention with physical exercise and nutritional guidance on the components of the metabolic syndrome among young people with overweight = Efecto de una intervención con ejercicio físico y orientación nutricional sobre componentes del síndrome metabólico en jóvenes con exceso de peso

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    Introduction: Interventions with physical exercise and nutritional guidance show changes in overweight among young people suffering from the metabolic syndrome (MS); nevertheless, their characteristics and results vary. Objective: To assess the effect of an intervention with physical exercise and nutritional guidance on components of the MS among overweighted young people.Materials and methods: Longitudinal study with an assessment before and another after the intervention in nine young people aged 11 to 17 years. Anthropometric aspects, resting heart rate, peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak), insulinemia, HOMA, and components of the MS were assessed. Intervention consisted of 12 weeks of supervised exercise, three 90-minute sessions/week (aerobic and strength), plus two unsupervised sessions; the weekly supply of fruits and vegetables in order to cover the five recommended daily servings, and individual and group nutrition education. Results: With the intervention waist circumference decreased from 90.5 ± 11.0 to 88.1 ± 9.9 cm; BMI from 30.2 ± 5.8 to 29.3 ± 5.6 kg/m2; total body fat from 39.8 ± 13.0 to 34.3 ± 9.0%; glycemia from 86.0 ± 8.6 to 83.1 ± 5.0 mg/dL; insulinemia from 23.2 ± 9.8 to 19.4 ± 7.6 μU/mL; HOMA-IR from 2.89 ± 1.21 to 2.39 ± 0.93; resting heart rate from 87.9 ± 4.3 to 78.2 ± 5.5 rpm, and VO2peak increased from 36.3 ± 5.1 to 38.5 ± 4.1 mL/kg/min. Four out of six young people with the diagnosis of MS at the beginning of the study did not present it at the end. Conclusions: Participating in an exercise program and increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables among overweighted young people with components of the MS produced positive modifications in body composition, VO2peak, resting heart rate, and glycemia, as well as in the components and prevalence of the MS

    Implementación y evaluación de efectividad de un sistema de vigilancia de factores de riesgo del comportamiento asociados enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles, con énfasis en cardiovascular en el departamento del Valle del Cauca y el municipio de Cali

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    IP 1106-04-16396Contrato 378-2004 Contiene IV foldersObjetivos: Diseñar, implementar y evaluar un sistemas poblcional de vigilancia de factores de riesgo del comportamiento asociados a las ECNT, capaz de aportar información relevante, oportuna y confiable a tomadores de decisión para monitorear a los factores de riesgo y actuar sobre los mismos, a fin de prevenir y controlar las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisible

    Implementation of an integrated care strategy for child contacts of tuberculosis patients: a quasi-experimental study protocol

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    Abstract Background Childhood tuberculosis continues to be a major public health problem. Although the visibility of the epidemic in this population group has increased, further research is needed. Objective To design, implement and evaluate an integrated care strategy for children under five years old who are household contacts of bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Medellín and the Metropolitan Area. Methods A quasi-experimental study in which approximately 300 children who are household contacts of bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis patients from Medellín and the Metropolitan Area will be evaluated and recruited over one year. A subgroup of these children, estimated at 85, who require treatment for latent tuberculosis, will receive an integrated care strategy that includes: some modifications of the current standardized scheme in Colombia, with rifampicin treatment daily for four months, follow-up under the project scheme with nursing personnel, general practitioners, specialists, professionals from other disciplines such as social work, psychology, and nutritionist. Additionally, transportation and food assistance will be provided to encourage treatment compliance. This strategy will be compared with isoniazid treatment received by a cohort of children between 2015 and 2018 following the standardized scheme in the country. The study was approved by the CIB Research Ethics Committee and UPB. ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT04331262. Discussion This study is expected to contribute to the development of integrated care strategies for the treatment of latent tuberculosis in children. The results will have a direct impact on the management of childhood tuberculosis contributing to achieving the goals proposed by the World Health Organization's End TB Strategy. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT04331262 . Implementation of an Integrated Care Strategy for Children Contacts of Patients with Tuberculosis. Registered 2 April 2020.