149 research outputs found

    Management Studies: Roosevelt City Fire Department and Vehicle Maintenance Division, Roosevelt, Utah

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    The recent and rapid development of energy producing natural resources experienced in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming has created major growth problems for roosevelt City as well as all other political subdivisions located within the region. Emphasis on efficient management of public programs has been one of several methods utilized by Roosevelt City to meet the growing demand for municipal services. This is necessary as some services such as fire protection, are managed jointly with other municipalities. Then too, with inflation driving up operating costs, it is essential to carefully control expenditures of all public programs. The management studies conducted on the Roosevelt City Fire Department and Equipment Maintenance Division were designed to identify areas which would benefit form improved management practices and, further, to suggest alternatives for accomplishing these objectives. Results of the studies are as follows: 1. Roosevelt City would benefit significantly from a more equitable distribution of fire department expenditures. 2. Provisions of the joint fire department agreement allows for annual adjustments of departmental costs among the three municipalities. To do this, however, a reporting system is needed to more accurately monitor annual expenditures. 3.Greater inventory control and reporting of equipment maintenance costs to the city administrator is needed by the equipment maintenance department. A program to accomplish this is provided. 4. With more comprehensive vehicle record and reporting system, better budgetary planning and control is possible, and as a result, more efficient use of city revenues can be achieved

    How creating shared value is taking Corporate Social Responsibility one step further. Google as a case study

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    [Abstract] The following paper consists of two parts. The first is an overview of the concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV), introduced by Michael E. Porter and Mark Kramer in 2011 in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) magazine. It covers a brief summary of the evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) theory, as well as other theories upon which CSV builds; CSV as a concept, its framework and its measurement; and a review of CSV’s reception in both the corporate and the academic work, with an emphasis on the ongoing debate about it. The second part is a case study, following Porter and Kramer’s framework, of various Google’s shared value practices.[Resumen] El presente trabajo consiste de dos partes. La primera es una revisión del concepto de Creación de Valor Compartido (CVC), presentado por Michael E. Porter y Mark Kramer en la revista Harvard Business Review (HBR) en 2011. Ésta abarca un breve resumen de la evolución de la teoría de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC), además de otras teorías sobre las que el concepto de CVC se ha construido; la definición y el marco conceptual de CVC; su medición; y un análisis de la recepción de CSV tanto en el mundo corporativo como en el académico. La segunda parte es un estudio de caso, siguiendo el marco conceptual de Porter y Kramer, de diversas estrategias de CVC llevadas a cabo por Google.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ECO). ADE. Curso 2014/201

    Observación de tiburón solrayo (odontaspis ferox) en su medio natural: una oportunidad para la diversificación de la oferta ecoturística local y la preservación de la naturaleza

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Cooperació al Desenvolupament (Pla de 2015) (A distància). Codi: SRP522. Curs acadèmic: 2019-2020Diversas hembras preñadas del tiburón solrayo (Odontaspis ferox) visitan anualmente las aguas de la Reserva Marina de El Hierro, desde junio a noviembre, donde se mantienen en una zona poco profunda y muy próxima a costa. Esto generó durante el verano de 2019 un flujo insólito de buceadores atraídos por este fenómeno, único en el mundo. Desde el punto de vista social y económico, el avistamiento de este tiburón puede crear un nuevo producto de comercialización ecoturística para la comunidad, como una oportunidad de diversificación de la oferta turística y la actividad económica local, a la vez que se asegura la preservación de esta especie tan vulnerable. Para ello, se propone rescatar información valiosa para la caracterización del producto propuesto a partir del Conocimiento Ecológico Tradicional, y analizar el impacto del avistamiento del tiburón en la Reserva, teniendo en cuenta a los principales usuarios de la misma (buceadores, pescadores profesionales y pescadores deportivos). Debido a la imposibilidad de viajar fuera de la localidad de residencia habitual durante el confinamiento asociado a la crisis del COVID-19, no fue posible llevar a cabo la recogida de datos prevista, por lo que se presentan los resultados esperados de las entrevistas. A pesar de tratarse de un caso particular, se propone utilizar este método como prueba piloto que pueda ser replicable y generalizable a cualquier parte del mundo, aprovechando la presencia de un recurso marino como una oportunidad para el desarrollo de iniciativas ecoturísticas que beneficien a las comunidades locales.Several pregnant females of the ragged-tooth shark (Odontaspis ferox) visit the waters of the El Hierro Marine Reserve annually, from June to November, where they are kept in a shallow area very close to the coast. This generated during the summer of 2019 an unusual flow of divers attracted by this phenomenon, unique in the world. From a social and economic point of view, the sighting of this shark can create a new ecotourism marketing product for the community, as an opportunity to diversify the tourist offer and local economic activity, while ensuring the preservation of this vulnerable species. For this, it is proposed to rescue valuable information for the characterization of the proposed product from the Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and to analyze the impact of the shark sighting in the Reserve, taking into account its main users (divers, professional fishermen and sports fishermen). Due to the impossibility of traveling outside the habitual place of residence during the confinement associated with the COVID-19 crisis, it was not possible to carry out the planned data collection, therefore the expected results of the interviews are presented. Despite being a particular case, it is proposed to use this method as a pilot test that can be replicated and generalizable to any part of the world, taking advantage of the presence of a marine resource as an opportunity for the development of ecotourism initiatives that benefit communities local

    Naturfagelevers erfaringer i møte med reindrifta

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    Denne fenomenologiske enkelcasestudien tar for seg naturfagelevers møte med samiske tradisjoner og tradisjonellkunnskap i reindrifta. Jeg fikk følge elever, lærere og reindriftsutøvere gjennom en todagers ekskursjon under høstens reinsamling. Elevene var med for å lære om samisk tradisjon i tilknytning til naturfagundervisning, og fikk blant annet delta i praktiske oppgaver, spise tradisjonell samisk mat, etablere leirplass og overnatte utendørs sammen med reindriftsutøverne. Det samiske er i større grad synliggjort både i overordnet del av læreplanen, og i læreplanen i naturfag, hvilket stiller krav til naturfaglæreren. Læreplanen er tydelig på at alle elever skal lære om det samiske urfolkets historie, kultur, samfunnsliv og rettigheter (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2017). I naturfaget formål og sentrale verdier skildres samenes erfaringsbaserte og tradisjonelle kunnskap om naturen som verdifull, og det er etter 10. trinn formulert ett kompetansemål i naturfag som eksplisitt nevner det samiske, og stiller krav om at elever skal «kunne gi eksempler på samers tradisjonelle kunnskap om naturen og diskutere hvordan denne kunnskapen kan bidra til bærekraftig forvaltning av naturen» (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2019). Gjennom kvalitativ metode var målet å få innblikk i elevenes erfaringer i forbindelse med ekskursjonen, deres opplevelse av eget læringsbytte, og hvordan elevene knytter samisk tradisjonell kunnskap opp mot et bærekraftig perspektiv. Innsamlingen av empiri ble gjort gjennom individuelle intervju med tre av elevene som deltok på ekskursjonen. I tillegg har jeg gjort video- og lydopptak underveis ekskursjonen. Analysen i studien baserer seg på empirinære koder og tematiske kategorier. I oppsummerende drøfting og konklusjon kommer det frem at elevene opplever å sitte igjen med ny naturfaglig kunnskap, innsikt i samiske tradisjonelle kunnskaper og samisk kultur, erfaringer tilknyttet naturopplevelser, bevissthet rundt betydningen av natursyn, i tillegg til at å ha utviklet en større respekt for naturen og den samiske kulturen

    Vías de abordaje y estabilización de un pie con Charcot Marie Tooth : revisión sistemática

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    [Resumen] Introducción: La enfermedad de Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) pertenece a un grupo de enfermedades conocidas como neuropatías motoras-sensitivas hereditarias (NMSH), presentes en 1 de cada 2.500 individuos. Dicha enfermedad provoca deformidades en varo de retropié, cavo del mediopié, valgo de antepié y dedos en garra, debido a un desequilibrio de la musculatura que rodea al pie y tobillo. En caso de ser necesaria la cirugía para corregir las deformidades que se van presentando, debemos actuar mediante procedimientos sobre partes blandas, osteotomías y artrodesis; para así conseguir un pie bien alineado, estable, plantígrado, funcional y asintomático. Objetivos: Con este estudio se pretende revisar cuales son las vías de abordaje y técnicas para estabilizar un pie con la enfermedad de CMT. Metodología: Se realiza una búsqueda en las bases de datos Pubmed, Scopus y Web of Science para conocer la evidencia existente sobre el tema abordado. Resultados: Se encontraron 46 artículos y tras descartar aquellos que no se adaptaban a los criterios establecidos y las posibles duplicaciones; el número se reduce a 9 artículos utilizados para esta revisión sistemática. Conclusiones: Para el tratamiento de un pie con CMT, no existe un algoritmo estándar del orden de realización de las técnicas quirúrgicas. Además, hay pocos estudios que investiguen que técnicas son las mejores para corregir la deformidad, sin una clara recomendación de que procedimiento usar en cada situación.[Resumo] Introdución: A enfermidade de Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) pertence a un grupo de enfermidades coñecidas como neuropatías motoras-sensitivas hereditarias (NMSH), presentes en 1 de cada 2.500 individuos. Dita enfermidade provoca deformidades en varo de retropé, cavo de mediopé, valgo de antepé e dedos en garra, debido a un desequilibrio da musculatura que rodea ao pé e nocello. En caso de ser necesaria a cirurxía para corrixir as deformidades que se van presentando, debemos actuar mediante procedementos sobre partes brandas, osteotomías e artrodesis; para así conseguir un pé ben aliñado, estable, funcional e asintomático. Obxectivos: Con este estudo pretendese revisar cales son as vías de abordaxe e técnicas para estabilizar un pé coa enfermidade de CMT. Metodoloxía: Realizase unha búsqueda nas bases de datos Pubmed, Scopus e Web of Science para coñecer a evidencia existente sobre o tema abordado. Resultados: Encontráronse 46 artigos e tras descartar aqueles que non se adaptaban aos criterios establecidos e as posibles duplicacións; o número redúcese a 9 artigos utilizados para esta revisión sistemática. Conclusións: Para o tratamento dun pé con CMT, non existe un algoritmo estándar do orde de realización das técnicas quirúrxicas. Ademais, hai poucos estudos que investiguen que técnicas son as mellores para corrixir a deformidade, sin unha clara recomendación de que procedemento usar en cada situación.[Abstract] Introduction: Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT) belongs to a group of diseases known as hereditary motor-sensory neuropathies (NMSH), present in 1 out of 2,500 individuals. This disease causes deformities in the hindfoot varus, midfoot cavus, forefoot valgus and claw toes, due to an imbalance in the muscles surrounding the foot and ankle. If surgery is necessary to correct the deformities that appear, we must act through procedures on soft tissue, osteotomies and arthrodesis; in order to achieve a well-aligned, stable, plantigrade, functional and asymptomatic foot. Objectives: This study aims to review which are the approaches and techniques to stabilize a foot with CMT disease. Methodology: A search was carried out in the Pubmed, Scopus and Web of Science databases to learn about the existing evidence on the topic addressed. Results: 46 articles were found and after discarding those that did not adapt to the established criteria and possible duplications; the number is reduced to 9 articles used for this systematic review. Conclusions: For the treatment of a foot with CMT, there is no standard algorithm for the order of performance of surgical techniques. Furthermore, there are few studies investigating which techniques are best for correcting the deformity, without a clear recommendation of which procedure to use in each situation.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FEP). Podoloxía. Curso 2019/202

    Integrated presentation of ecological risk from multiple stressors

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    Current environmental risk assessments (ERA) do not account explicitly for ecological factors (e.g. species composition, temperature or food availability) and multiple stressors. Assessing mixtures of chemical and ecological stressors is needed as well as accounting for variability in environmental conditions and uncertainty of data and models. Here we propose a novel probabilistic ERA framework to overcome these limitations, which focusses on visualising assessment outcomes by construct-ing and interpreting prevalence plots as a quantitative prediction of risk. Key components include environmental scenarios that integrate exposure and ecology, and ecological modelling of relevant endpoints to assess the effect of a combination of stressors. Our illustrative results demonstrate the importance of regional differences in environmental conditions and the confounding interactions of stressors. Using this framework and prevalence plots provides a risk-based approach that combines risk assessment and risk management in a meaningful way and presents a truly mechanistic alternative to the threshold approach. Even whilst research continues to improve the underlying models and data, regulators and decision makers can already use the framework and prevalence plots. The integration of multiple stressors, environmental conditions and variability makes ERA more relevant and realistic

    An Editor Calculus With Undo/Redo

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    Autologous human serum for cell culture avoids the implantation of cardioverter-defibrillators in cellular cardiomyoplasty

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    Background: Current clinical experience with cellular cardiomyoplasty (using serum bovine-cultivated myoblasts) has demonstrated significant malignant ventricular arrhythmias and sudden deaths in patients. In some ongoing clinical trials the implantation of cardioverterdefibrillator is mandatory. We have hypothesized that contact of human cells with fetal bovine serum results after 3-week fixation of animal proteins on the cell surface, representing an antigenic substrate for immunological and inflammatory adverse events. Methods and Results: Autologous myoblasts were transplanted into infarcted LV in 20 patients (90% males, mean age 62±8 years). Cells were cultivated in a complete human medium during 3 weeks, using the patients' own serum obtained from a blood sample or from plasmapheresis. Injections were performed during CABG (2.1 grafts/pt). All patients had an uneventful recovery. At a mean follow-up of 14±5 months without mortality, no malignant cardiac arrhythmias are reported. LV ejection fraction improved from 28±3% to 52:k4.7% (p = 0.03), and regional wall motion score index (WMSI) from 3.1 to 1.4 (p = 0.04) in the cell-treated segments. Myocardial viability tests showed areas of regeneration. Patients moved from mean NYHA class 2.5 to class 1.2. Conclusions: A total autologous cell culture procedure was used in cellular cardiomyoplasty reducing the risk of arrhythmia. Human-autologous-serum cell expansion avoids the risk of prion, viral or zoonoses contamination. Since patients treated with noncultivated bone marrow cells are free of arrhythmia, the bovine-culture medium seems to be responsible for this complication. Cellular cardiomyoplasty may be efficient to avoid progression of ventricular remodeling and subsequent heart failure in ischemic heart disease