7,319 research outputs found

    Avaliação da perda de solos na Microbacia Hidrográfica Lajeado dos Fragosos – Município de Concórdia – SC

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Curso de Agronomia.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a perda de solos, a partir da modelagem geoambiental, utilizando o InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Environmetal Services and Tradeoffs), em uma Microbacia com produção intensiva de animais. O modelo InVEST estima a perda de solos a partir da aplicação da Equação Universal de Perda de Solos - EUPS. Os dados de entrada requeridos pelo sistema são: a) modelo digital do terreno; b) fator de erosividade da chuva; c) fator de erodibilidade do solo; d) mapa de uso e ocupação do solo; e) delimitação da bacia; f) delimitação das sub-bacias e; g) tabela biofísica com os fatores C e P. Foi utilizada a base cartográfica da Mapoteca Topográfica Digital de Santa Catarina (2003). O mapa de uso e ocupação do solo foi elaborado em escala 1:5.000,contemplando 9 classes. Para elaboração do Modelo digital do terreno (MDT), foram utilizadas as folhas do aerolevantamento de Santa Catarina (2013). O uso da ferramenta InVEST, para cálculo da EUPS, resultou em 5 classes de perdas de solos, as quais indicam a vulnerabilidade aos processos erosivos, indicando áreas prioritárias para ações voltadas ao manejo conservacionista, destacadamente as sub-bacias 35, 9, 34 e 2, que correspondem a uma área de 600,3 ha da microbacia.This paper presents the evaluation of the soil losses, from geo-environmental modeling, through the usage of InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Environmetal Services and Tradeoffs), in a Micro-basin with intensive use of animals. The InVEST model estimates the soil loss from the application of Universal Soil Loss Equation - USLE. The input data required for the system are: a) digital model from the terrain; b) rainfall erosivity factor; c) soil erodibilty factor; d) map of usage and soil occupation; e) basin delimitation; f) sub-basins delimitation; e g) biophysical table with the factors C and P. The cartographic base that was employed is from Mapoteca Topográfica Digital de Santa Catarina (2003). The map of usage and soil occupation was developed in 1:5.000 scale, contemplating nine classes. The aerial survey sheets of Santa Catarina (2013) were utilized to elaborate the Digital Terrain Model. The InVEST tool usage, to calculate the USLE, resulted in 5 classes of soil loss, which indicates vulnerability to the erosive processes, indicating priority areas for actions that focus conservative management, markedly the sub-basins 35, 9, 34 and 2, that correspond to an area of 600,3 ha of the micro-basin

    PI-Expoente de álgebras associativas

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Matemática, 2013.Sejam A uma PI-álgebra associativa sobre um corpo F de característica zero e {cn(A)} a sequência de codimensões de A. Neste trabalho vamos estudar o comportamento destas sequências. Regev mostrou que a sequência de codimensões é exponencialmente limitada. O nosso objetivo principal é apresentar os resultados obtidos por A. Giambruno e M. Zaicev em |4|, onde demonstram que o PI-expoente de A, denotado por ?, sempre existe e é um inteiro. Daremos uma maneira explícita de calcular este expoente. Usaremos a teoria de representações do grupo simétrico para obtermos os resultados. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTLet A be an associative algebra over a eld F of characteristic zero satisfying a polynomial identity (PI-algebra), and {cn(A)} be the sequence of codimensions of the A. In this paper we study the behavior of these sequences. Regev showed that a sequence is exponentially codimensions limited. Our main goal is to show the results obtained by A. Giambruno and M. Zaicev in |4|, where they prove that the PI-exponent of A, denoted by ?, exists and is an integer. We will give an explicit way to calculate this exponent. We use the representation theory of the symetric group to obtain the results

    Agent-oriented approach to develop context-aware applications : a case study on communities of practice

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    This paper presents and discusses the use of an agent-oriented context-aware platform to support the interactions of the participating actors of communities of practice in the health care domain. Our work is based on a scenario where communities of practice are applied in a hospital to enhance the knowledge sharing among the hospital staff members who share interests and goals. An agent-oriented modeling language (AORML) is used to support the analysis of contextual information and interaction between participating actors in the context-aware services platform. The chosen supporting platform is a context-aware services platform that uses semantic web services and runs on top of 3G networks


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    Objective: to know the coping strategies used by the mother of an infant with Epidermolysis Bullosa. Method: a single case study with a qualitative approach carried out with the mother of a six-month-old child with a clinical diagnosis of Epidermolysis Bullosa. Data collection took place between February and March 2020 at the participant's home, through in-depth interviews and observation. The narratives were subjected to thematic content analysis. Results: the thematic categories 'The (re)signifying of motherhood after the diagnosis of Epidermolysis Bullosa' emerged, which addresses the moments of discovery of the rare disease. And ‘The use of the internet as a resource for coping, which presents the movement to acquire theoretical knowledge to enable maternal care for the child. Conclusion: the study made it possible to apprehend the coping strategies used in the experience of motherhood before the birth of a child diagnosed with Epidermolysis Bullosa.Objetivo: conocer las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por la madre de un lactante con Epidermólisis Bullosa. Método: estudio de caso único con abordaje cualitativo realizado con la madre de un niño de seis meses con diagnóstico clínico de Epidermólisis Bullosa. La recolección de datos ocurrió entre febrero y marzo de 2020 en el domicilio de los participantes, a través de entrevistas en profundidad y observación. Las narraciones fueron sometidas al análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: surgieron las categorías temáticas 'La (re)significación de la maternidad después del diagnóstico de Epidermólisis Bullosa', que aborda los momentos del descubrimiento de la rara enfermedad. Y ‘El uso de internet como recurso para el afrontamiento, que presenta el movimiento para adquirir conocimientos teóricos que posibiliten el cuidado materno hacia el niño. Conclusión: el estudio permitió aprehender las estrategias de enfrentamiento utilizadas en la experiencia de la maternidad antes del nacimiento de un niño diagnosticado con Epidermólisis Bullosa.Objetivo: conhecer as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas pela mãe de uma lactente com Epidermólise Bolhosa. Método: estudo de caso único com abordagem qualitativa realizado com a mãe de uma criança com seis meses de idade e diagnóstico clínico de Epidermólise Bolhosa. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre fevereiro e março de 2020 no domicílio da participante, por meio de entrevista em profundidade e observação. As narrativas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo do tipo temática. Resultados: emergiram categorias temáticas, sendo elas “O (res) significar da maternidade após o diagnóstico de Epidermólise Bolhosa”, que aborda os momentos de descoberta da doença rara, bem como a utilização da internet como recurso para o enfrentamento, que apresenta o movimento para aquisição de conhecimentos teóricos para possibilitar o cuidado materno realizados à criança. Conclusão: o estudo permitiu apreender as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas na vivência da maternidade diante do nascimento da criança com diagnóstico de Epidermólise Bolhosa. Descritores: Doenças Raras. Epidermólise Bolhosa. Poder Familiar. Cuidado da Criança. Enfermagem Pediátric

    Spatial structure and temporal dynamics of an intertidal population of the marine ecosystem engineering worm Lanice conchilega (Pallas, 1766)

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    *Lanice conchilega* is an ecosystem engineering polychaete worm. It forms tube aggregations in temperate coastal zones, being particularly abundant in Europe. Tube aggregations engineer sandy-muddy marine sediments by posing as physical barriers which modulate water flow on the sediment surface, increasing local sedimentation and creating distinct micro-habitats within tube arrays for other organisms. Although previous research has greatly contributed to our understanding of how this organism engineers marine sediments, processes pertaining to formation and decay of its aggregations remained unclear. The main objective of this thesis was to elucidate these processes, in particular, to determine the role of population dynamics on engineering effects and the formation and decay of intertidal *L. conchilega* aggregations. Experiments were executed exploring the relationships between population dynamics, sedimentation, and mortality (chapter 2). Findings revealed that dense aggregations induce locally higher sedimentation and more stable sediments in comparison to bare surfaces. Abrupt sedimentation triggered tube-accretion and may form a positive feedback wherein growing tubes cause further sedimentation, hence contributing to aggregation maintenance. However, abrupt sedimentation of 5-12cm in height may hinder maintenance by increasing population mortality through smothering, which diminishes tube density and undermines further flow modulation. We also assessed temporal patterns in population structure, and investigated how these relate to ecosystem engineering by *L. conchilega* on marine sediments through monthly in-situ monitoring of intertidal aggregations (chapter 3). This revealed that seasonal population dynamics and demographic composition influence the temporal evolution of *L. conchilega* engineering effects, intensifying in periods of high density (i.e. recruitment), and decaying during periods of harsh conditions (i.e. winter). We also assessed the temporal evolution, persistence, and longevity of small-scale distribution patterns for intertidal *L. conchilega* aggregations (chapter 4). It was found that the formation of small-scale spatial patterns was associated to the aforementioned recruitment periods, prompting the formulation of a hypothetical conceptual model for aggregation formation and decay. We postulate that yearly recruitment in spring and autumn result in population replenishment and the formation of early small-scale spatial patterns. The latter are likely modified by continuing settlement and post-settlement survival giving rise to different small-scale distribution patterns, while aggregation decay was shown to occur apart from recruitment and likely due to population mortality. Lastly, we explored an alternative conceptual model for spatial-pattern formation in L. conchilega aggregations by performing a modelling exercise assessing the role of food availability and assimilation on population dynamics (chapter 5). Findings from the exercise suggest that food availability and assimilation are likely to only marginally influence population density dynamics, which seems to be determined largely by the recruitment intensity. This thesis has lead us to conclude that spatial-pattern formation in *L. conchilega* aggregations is likely delineated by conditions during settlement and factors influencing post-settlement survival. Since hydrodynamic conditions often influence settlement and recruitment, we suggest that future research focus on the effects of hydrodynamic stress in *L. conchilega* larval settlement and survival at very small spatial scales

    Urban mobility and right to the city: the inequalities generated by Sao Paulo’s main mobility system

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    A lo largo del siglo XX la ciudad de São Paulo ha sido estructurada para garantizar la movilidad absoluta del automóvil mientras que los demás modos de transporte han sido desatendidos. De entre todos, el modo peatonal es el que ha sufrido mayores impactos, al quedarse al margen de la planificación. Este artículo describe como se ha desarrollado el modelo de movilidad protagonizado por el automóvil, analiza sus impactos en los modos de transporte existentes en la ciudad y pone de relieve las condiciones y condicionantes bajo las cuales se desarrolla el desplazamiento peatonal en la escala del barrio.Throughout the 20th century Sao Paulo was structured to guarantee automotive mobility while other modes of transportation were neglected. Among those modes, pedestrians have suffered the most, for remaining on the margin of planning. This article describes how the mobility model has been developed mainly for the automobile, analyses its impacts on the existing modes of transportation, and highlights the conditions and causes under which pedestrian circulation takes place in the city

    Toxicological and ecotoxicological aspects of tartrazine yellow food dye: a literature review

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    O uso do aditivo amarelo tartrazina é legalizado para aplicação em produtos alimentícios para consumo humano dentro do valor de ingestão diária aceitável (IDA) de 7,5 mg/kg de peso corpóreo por dia (seguindo os padrões da Joint Expert Commitee on Food Additives). No entanto, estudos descrevem este aditivo como tóxico. O corante, usado intensamente na indústria e no comércio, adentra o ambiente aquático por meio de lançamentos de efluentes sem tratamentos ou tratados inadequadamente; no entanto, novas pesquisas ecotoxicológicas são necessárias. Portanto, esta pesquisa elencou estudos cujos efeitos tóxicos da exposição ao referido corante se desenvolveram em seres humanos, cobaias e Danio rerio (peixe com bases moleculares e genoma similares aos humanos). Concluímos, de acordo com a literatura, que mesmo em doses permitidas para a IDA, ou até menores, há evidências de efeitos tóxicos para diferentes organismos, fases de vida e tempos testados. Os valores relatados podem não ser protetivos à vida aquática. Em um trabalho de exposição de D. rerio, desde embriões até larvas, mantidos em concentrações de 0,05 e 0,5 g.L-1 para tartrazina pura e comercial, observou-se que, na menor concentração, houve efeito ecotoxicológico em embriões e em larvas após 48 horas da eclosão, que implicou em edema cardíaco, alterações no saco vitelínico, escoliose e distorções na cauda.The use of the tartrazine yellow additive in food products for human consumption is permitted within the acceptable daily intake of 7.5 mg/kg of body weight per day (following the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives standards). However, studies have described this as a toxic component. The dye, which is intensively used in the industry and commerce, enters the aquatic environment through releases of non-treated or inadequately treated effluents; however, further ecotoxicological research is needed. We addressed studies reporting the toxic effects of the exposure to this dye developed in humans, guinea pigs, and Danio rerio (a fish with molecular bases and genomes similar to humans). Based on this review, the doses allowed for acceptable daily intake, or even lower, toxic effects, can be evidenced for different organisms, life stages, and tested times. The reported values may not be protective to aquatic life. In a paper about the exposure of D. rerio from embryos to larvae kept at values lower than 0.05 and 0.5 g.L-1 for pure and commercial tartrazine, there was ecotoxicological effect for embryos and larvae 48 hours after hatching, which implied cardiac edema, changes in the yolk sac, scoliosis, and tail distortions

    Young People’s Well-Being and their Relationships with their Dogs: Exploring the Role of Perceived Human-Dog Personality Matching and Attachment

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    Studies focused on emerging adulthood during stressful periods such as the Covid-19 pandemic can shed light on potential stressors and protective factors involved in shaping young people’s physical and psychological well-being. For instance, in the context of dog ownership, it is important to understand if and how undesired behaviours in dogs are associated with young people’s emotions and quality of life. This analysis is relevant because if can offer a more holistic perspective of dog ownership. This type of analysis helps to understand potential issues associated with dog ownership. My dissertation research examines the impact of dog ownership during the Covid-19 pandemic on young people’s well-being and aspects of the dog-owner relationship. In Study 1, I used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to examine associations among dog personality, personality matching between dogs and young people, canine attachment and young people’s well-being. The study involved 401 participants. The findings indicated associations between canine attachment and young people’s well-being, but not between personality matching and young people’s well-being. In study 2, I examined two aspects related to dog ownership. This study involved 131 participants. To begin, I used an experimental design to examine associations among canine attachment, perceptions of personality matching between young people and their dogs, and young people’s momentary emotions. Additionally, I used linear regressions to assess the relationship between undesired behaviours in dogs and young people’s perceived quality of life in the context of dog ownership. Importantly, the findings did not support the hypothesis that personality matching or canine attachment would moderate young people’s momentary emotions. In study 3, I qualitatively explored how young people manage their companion dog’s undesired behaviours. The study involved seven participants and employed semi-structured interviews as a key method of data collection The following salient themes were identified through the analysis of the data: 1. Attachment Patterns, supported by the codes connection, kinship, and behaviours; 2. Synchrony/lack of Synchrony, supported by the codes reaction, and communication, and 3. Response to Challenging Situations, supported by the codes emotional reactions, coping styles and what they hope to change when responding to these stressful situations. Collectively, the results of these three studies will meaningfully inform the design of programs aimed at promoting positive relationships between young people and their dogs and the well-being of both young people and the dogs with whom they share their lives

    The multiplicity of sociocultural behaviour in tourism: working at sailing experience Barcelona

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    Final Version (This version includes the comments and suggestions of the panel of examiners)This report is part of the curricular internship of the master’s degree in Intercultural Studies for Business, from the Porto Accounting and Business School. The internship was carried out at Sailing Experience Barcelona in the city of Barcelona, Spain. Culture defines someone’s behaviour and action towards a situation, depending on their background, beliefs, morals and customs in which they were brought in when growing up. People of the same society, albeit unaware, tend to respond similarly when faced with a particular circumstance. In tourism, tourists of the same nationality/culture tend to behave similarly when in a similar situation. The focus of this report will be describing the internship functions and activities carried out, the impact of Covid-19 in Spain, Barcelona and my internship. It will also focus on a brief study case on the sociocultural behaviour of tourists, specifically in Sailing Experience Barcelona, in which I was able to observe various behaviour from numerous tourists of specific nationalities/cultures.Este relatório insere-se no âmbito de estágio curricular do mestrado em Estudos Interculturais para Negócios, do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. O estágio foi realizado em Sailing Experience Barcelona na cidade de Barcelona, Espanha. Cultura define o comportamento e ações de um individuo em relação à situação na qual se inserem, dependendo da sua formação, crenças, moral e costumes nos quais foi criado. Indivíduos da mesma sociedade, embora não sabendo, tendem a responder de forma semelhante quando confrontadas com uma determinada circunstância. No turismo, turistas da mesma nacionalidade / cultura tendem a comportar-se de forma semelhante quando situados num cenário idêntico. O foco deste relatório será descrever as funções do estágio e atividades realizadas, o impacto da Covid-19 em Espanha, Barcelona e no meu estágio. Será também apresentado um breve estudo de caso sobre o comportamento sociocultural dos turistas, nomeadamente em Sailing Experience Barcelona, no qual pude observar vários comportamentos de inúmeros turistas de determinadas nacionalidades/culturas