106 research outputs found

    Determining temporal sampling schemes for passive acoustic studies in different tropical ecosystems

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    Among different approaches to exploring and describing the ecological complexity of natural environments, soundscape analyses have recently provided useful proxies for understanding and interpreting dynamic patterns and processes in a landscape. Nevertheless, the study of soundscapes remains a new field with no internationally accepted protocols. This work provides the first guidelines for monitoring soundscapes in three different tropical areas, specifically located in the Atlantic Forest, Rupestrian fields, and the Cerrado (Brazil). Each area was investigated using three autonomous devices recording for six entire days during a period of 15 days in both the wet and dry seasons. The recordings were processed via a specific acoustic index and successively subsampled in different ways to determine the degree of information loss when reducing the number of minutes of recording used in the analyses. We describe for the first time the temporal and spectral soundscape features of three tropical environments. We test diverse programming routines to describe the costs and the benefits of different sampling designs, considering the pressing issue of storing and analyzing extensive data sets generated by passive acoustic monitoring. Schedule 5 (recording one minute of every five) appeared to retain most of the information contained in the continuous recordings from all the study areas. Less dense recording schedules produced a similar level of information only in specific portions of the day. Substantial sampling protocols such as those presented here will be useful to researchers and wildlife managers, as they will reduce time- and resource-consuming analyses, whilst still achieving reliable results

    Macadamia Oil Supplementation Attenuates Inflammation and Adipocyte Hypertrophy in Obese Mice

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    Excess of saturated fatty acids in the diet has been associated with obesity, leading to systemic disruption of insulin signaling, glucose intolerance, and inflammation. Macadamia oil administration has been shown to improve lipid profile in humans. We evaluated the effect of macadamia oil supplementation on insulin sensitivity, inflammation, lipid profile, and adipocyte size in high-fat diet (HF) induced obesity in mice. C57BL/6 male mice (8 weeks) were divided into four groups: (a) control diet (CD), (b) HF, (c) CD supplemented with macadamia oil by gavage at 2g/Kg of body weight, three times per week, for 12 weeks (CD + MO), and (d) HF diet supplemented with macadamia oil (HF + MO). CD and HF mice were supplemented with water. HF mice showed hypercholesterolemia and decreased insulin sensitivity as also previously shown. HF induced inflammation in adipose tissue and peritoneal macrophages, as well as adipocyte hypertrophy. Macadamia oil supplementation attenuated hypertrophy of adipocytes and inflammation in the adipose tissue and macrophages.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ São Paulo, Dept Biol Celular & Desenvolvimento, BR-05508000 São Paulo, BrazilUniv Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Dept Educ Fis, Programa Posgrad Ciencia Motricidad, BR-13506900 Rio Claro, SP, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Ciencias Biomed, Dept Fisiol & Biofis, BR-05508000 São Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Judas Tadeu, Dept Ciencias Biol, Lab Movimento Humano, BR-05503001 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Fisiol, Disciplina Fisiol Nutr, BR-04023901 São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Inst Biociencias, Dept Fisiol Geral, BR-05508090 São Paulo, BrazilUniv Cruzeiro Sul, Inst Ciencias Atividade Fis & Esporte, Programa Posgrad Ciencia Movimento Humano, BR-01506000 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Fisiol, Disciplina Fisiol Nutr, BR-04023901 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Hepatites em pessoas privadas de liberdade: revisão sistemática / hepatites in private persons of freedom: systematic review

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    Introdução:As hepatites virais B e C e seus vírus HBV e HCV, respectivamente, são graves problemas de saúde pública mundial. A população carcerária está em alto risco de adquirir hepatites virais, devido ao fato de estarem sempre enclausurados, em ambientes pequenos e compartilhando obejetos de higiene pessoal, também associada à atividade sexual desprotegida, e o uso de drogas intravenosas. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o que a literatura atual traz sobre hepatites em pessoas privadas de liberdade e facilitar o acesso a informação para profissionais de saúde e a população em geral.Método:Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. A busca foi realizada nas fontes de dados eletrônicas (MEDLINE/PubMed) e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), por meio da combinação de descritores“hepatitis” AND “prisoners”. Essa revisão sistemática seguiu as recomendações do PreferredReportingItems for SystematicReviewsand Meta-Analyses-PRISMA. Foram incluídos os artigos encontrados nas bases de dados, realizados em seres humanos, publicados nos últimos 05 anos. A coleta de dados foi realizada nos meses de dezembro de 2017, janeiro e fevereiro de 2018.Resultados e Discussão:Todos os estudos analisados trouxeram algum grau de relevância e mostratam que a população carcerária tem uma prevelência maior do gênero masculino em relação ao feminino, tanto de infecção por HBV, como por HCV, sendo que a taxa de prevalência de HCV entre prisioneiros é maior que a global. Como fatores de risco associados para HCV temos o uso de drogas injetáveis, associação com tatuagens, atividade sexual com parceiro HCV positivo e coinfecção por HIV, já para o HBV há o sexo desprotegido e compartilhamento de objetos pessoais. Conclusão: O principal fator de risco para adquirir infecções por HBV e HCV é história de uso de drogas, principalmente do tipo injetáveis para HCV. Coinfecções como o HIV e fibrose hepática são muito comuns para ambas as hepatites virais. Testes sorológicos poderiamconfirmar o diagnóstico e dar início ao tratamento dos presos na cadeia, que posteriormente dariam seguimento em liberdade. Haveria melhoria na saúde da população, diminuição da morbilidade, mortalidade, diminuição com o custo de potencias complicações, como fibrose hepática e até mesmo um transplante hepático.


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    Background: The ability to control skin blood flow decreases with advancing age and some clinical disorders, as in diabetes and in rheumatologic diseases. Feasible clinical strategies such as whole-body vibration exercise (WBVE) are being used without a clear understanding of its effects. The aim of the present study is to review the effects of the WBVE on blood flow kinetics and its feasibility in different populations. Material and Methods: The level of evidence (LE) of selected papers in PubMed and/or PEDRo databases was determined. We selected randomized, controlled trials in English to be evaluated. Results: Six studies had LE II, one had LE III-2 and one III-3 according to the NHMRC. A great variability among the protocols was observed but also in the assessment devices; therefore, more research about this topic is warranted. Conclusion: Despite the limitations, it is can be concluded that the use of WBVE has proven to be a safe and useful strategy to improve blood flow. However, more studies with greater methodological quality are needed to clearly define the more suitable protocols

    Expanding tropical forest monitoring into Dry Forests: The DRYFLOR protocol for permanent plots

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordSocietal Impact Statement Understanding of tropical forests has been revolutionized by monitoring in permanent plots. Data from global plot networks have transformed our knowledge of forests’ diversity, function, contribution to global biogeochemical cycles, and sensitivity to climate change. Monitoring has thus far been concentrated in rain forests. Despite increasing appreciation of their threatened status, biodiversity, and importance to the global carbon cycle, monitoring in tropical dry forests is still in its infancy. We provide a protocol for permanent monitoring plots in tropical dry forests. Expanding monitoring into dry biomes is critical for overcoming the linked challenges of climate change, land use change, and the biodiversity crisis.Newton FundNatural Environment Research Council (NERC)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São PauloCYTE