22 research outputs found

    Radiocarbon geochronology of the sediments of the São Paulo Bight (southern Brazilian upper margin)

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    The aim of this work was to generate an inventory of the data on radiocarbon datings obtained from sediments of the São Paulo Bight (southern Brazilian upper margin) and to analyze the data in terms of Late Quaternary sedimentary processes and sedimentation rates. A total of 238 radiocarbon datings from materials collected using differents ampling procedures was considered for this work. The sedimentation rates varied from less than 2 to 68 cm.kyr-1. The highest sedimentation rate values were found in a low-energy (ría type) coastal system as well as in the upwelling zones of Santa Catarina and Cabo Frio. The lowest rates were found on the outer shelf and upper slopes. Our results confirm the strong dependency of the shelf currents, with an emphasis to the terrigenous input from the Río de La Plata outflow which is transported via the Brazilian Coastal Current, as well as of the coupled Brazil Current - Intermediate Western Boundary Current (BC-IWBC) dynamics on the sedimentary processes. At least three indicators ofthe paleo sea level were found at 12200 yr BP (conventional radiocarbon age) (103 meters below sea level - mbsl),8300-8800 cal yr BP (13 mbsl) and 7700-8100 cal yr BP (6 mbsl).O objetivo deste trabalho foi a geração de um inventário dos dados de datação de radiocarbono obtidos de sedimentos do Embaiamento de São Paulo (Margem Continental Superior do Sul do Brasil) e analisar os dados em termos de processos sedimentares quaternários e taxas de sedimentação. Um total de238 datações ao radiocarbono de materiais coletados com autilização de procedimentos amostrais diferentes foi considerado neste trabalho. As taxas de sedimentação variaram de menor que 2 a 68 cm.kyr-1. As taxas de sedimentação mais altas foram encontradas em um sistema costeiro de baixa energia (tipo ría), bem como nas zonas de ressurgência de Santa Catarina e Cabo Frio. As taxas mais baixas foram encontradas na plataforma externa e talude superior. Nossos resultados confirmam a forte dependência do sistema de correntes de plataforma, com ênfase no aporte terrígeno oriundo do Rio daPrata, transportado através da Corrente Costeira do Brasil, e da dinâmica da Corrente do Brasil - Corrente de Contorno Intermediária (CB-CCI) nos processos sedimentares. Pelo menostrês indicadores de paleo-níveis marinhos foram encontrados a 12200 anos AP (idade radiocarbônica convencional) (103 metros abaixo do nível do mar atual - manm), 8300-8800 cal anos AP (13 manm) e 7700-8100 cal anos BP (6 manm).Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisado Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Associações de Foraminíferos em Resposta a Variações Ambientais da Laguna de Aveiro -- Portugal

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    This study is based on the characterization of the sedimentary environment in selected sites, located in Aveiro canals and salt-pans, in the eastern-central and northern part of Aveiro Lagoon. Results of physicochemical parameters measured in water and sediment, as well as grain size, geochemical and microfaunal (benthic foraminifera) data are analyzed. The determinants factors of spatial and seasonal variability of living and dead foraminiferal assemblages were analyzed in two sampling periods, late summer and late winter, in order to study the response of these organisms to the impact caused by pollution and sazonal variation of physicochemical parameters. Biotic and abiotic results are analyzed to discriminate sites with different degree of environmental stress. The conditions of salinity, temperature, pH and Eh in the studied sites vary spatially and seasonally. The sediment in these locations is generally poorly oxygenated, suboxic or even anoxic a few millimeters below the surface. Some of the sites are affected by chemicals derived from industrial effluents and urban contaminants. The most polluted areas by heavy metals such as As, Cr, Cu and Zn are Porto de Salreu, Largo do Laranjo and some locals in the city of Aveiro. Foraminiferal assemblages in the studied sites integrate common lagoonal and estuarine euryhaline and eurythermic species, most of which tolerant to the oxygen reduction. The size of the living foraminiferal communities is reduced and their structure affected by increasing concentrations of heavy metals such as As, Cr, Cu and Zn, as well as by the high variability of environmental parameters such as low Eh, related to depressed levels of oxygen in the sediment, leading to the death of many species. The results also indicate a greater tolerance of some opportunistic species to the Pb enrichment, since the environment offer them abundance and quality of food.Este estudo baseia-se na caracterização do ambiente sedimentar de locais selecionados em canais e salinas da cidade de Aveiro, na zona central leste e na zona norte da Ria de Aveiro. Nessa caracterização foram utilizados os resultados de parâmetros físico-químicos medidos na água e nos sedimentos, assim como dados granulométricos, geoquímicos e microfaunais (foraminíferos bentônicos). Os fatores condicionantes da variabilidade espacial e sazonal das associações viva e morta de foraminíferos foram avaliados em dois períodos de amostragem: no final do verão e no final do inverno, tendo em vista a análise da resposta destes organismos ao impacto causado pela poluição e variação sazonal dos parâmetros físico-químicos. Os resultados bióticos e abióticos foram analisados para discriminar locais com diferente grau de estresseambiental. As condições de salinidade, temperatura, pH e Eh nos locais estudados variam espacial e sazonalmente. O sedimento nesses locais é em geral mal oxigenado, subóxico ou mesmo anóxico em alguns milímetros abaixo da superfície. Alguns dos locais encontram-se afetados por contaminantes químicos derivados de efluentes industriais e urbanos. As zonas mais poluídas por metais pesados como o As, Cr, Cu e Zn incluem o Porto de Salreu, Largo do Laranjo e alguns locais da Cidade de Aveiro. As associações de foraminíferos, nos locais estudados, integram espécies euritérmicas e eurihalinas comuns em ambientes lagunares e estuarinos, sendo majoritariamente tolerantes à redução de oxigênio. A dimensão das comunidades vivas de foraminíferos foi reduzida e a sua estrutura afetada pelo aumento das concentrações de metais pesados como As, Cr, Cu e Zn, assim como, pela variabilidade dos parâmetros ambientais, nomeadamente o Eh, relacionado com as condições de oxigenação do sedimento. Os dados indicam que as condições adversas podem ser causa de morte destes organismos. Sugerem também uma maior tolerância destes organismos ao enriquecimento por Pb, desde que o meio lhes proporcione abundância de alimento

    Magnesium/Calcium ratios of Globigerinoides ruber (pink) of core 7616

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    Mg/Ca ratios (mmol/mol) derived from the chemical analysis of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (pink) tests (250-300 μm size fraction) from a marine sediment core 7616 retrieved from the SW Atlantic shelf (lat. -25.08333, long. -45.63333, 100 m water depth) in December 2004 during Oceanographic cruise Paleoprod, onboard the R/V Prof Wladimir Besnard

    Contrasting late-glacial paleoceanographic evolution between the upper and lower continental slope of the western South Atlantic

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    The number of sedimentary records collected along the Brazilian continental margin has increased significantly in recent years, but relatively few are located in shallow waters and register paleoceanographic processes in the outer shelf–middle slope prior to 10–15 ka. For instance, the northward flow up to 23–24∘ S of cold and fresh shelf waters sourced from the Subantarctic region is an important feature of current hydrodynamics in the subtropical western South Atlantic Ocean, and yet limited information is available for the long-term changes of this system. Herein, we considered a suite of organic and inorganic proxies – alkenones-derived sea surface temperature (SST), δD-alkenones, δ18O of planktonic foraminifera, and ice-volume free seawater δ18OIVF−SW – in sediment from two cores (RJ-1501 and RJ-1502) collected off the Rio de Janeiro Shelf (SE Brazilian continental shelf) to shed light on SST patterns and relative salinity variations since the end of the last glacial cycle in the region and the implications of these processes over a broader spatial scale. The data indicate that, despite the proximity (∼40 km apart) of both cores, apparently contradictory climatic evolution occurred at the two sites, with the shallower (deeper) core RJ-1501 (RJ-1502) showing consistently cold (warm) and fresh (salt) conditions toward the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and last deglaciation. This can be reconciled by considering that the RJ-1501 core registered a signal from mid- to high latitudes on the upper slope off Rio de Janeiro represented by the influence of the cold and fresh waters composed of Subantarctic Shelf Water and La Plata Plume Water transported northward by the Brazilian Coastal Current (BCC). The data from core RJ-1502 and previous information for deep-cores from the same region support this interpretation. In addition, alkenone-derived SST and δ18OIVF−SW suggest a steep thermal and density gradient formed between the BCC and Brazil Current (BC) during the last climate transition which, in turn, may have generated perturbations in the air–sea heat flux with consequences for the regional climate of SE South America. In a scenario of future weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, the reconstructed gradient may become a prominent feature of the region.ISSN:1814-9324ISSN:1814-933

    Magnesium/Calcium ratios of Globigerinoides ruber (pink) of core 7610

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    Mg/Ca composition (mmol/mol) derived from the chemical analysis of the planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (pink) tests (250 - 300 μm size fraction) from a marine sediment core 7610 retrieved from the SW Atlantic shelf (lat. -25.50000, long. -46.60000, 89.0 m water depth) in December 2004 during Oceanographic cruise Paleoprod, onboard the R/V Prof Wladimir Besnard

    Assessment of the health quality of Ria de Aveiro (Portugal): heavy metals and benthic foraminifera

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    This work analyses the distribution of heavy metals in the sediments of Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) assessed by total digestion and sequential chemical extraction of the sediments. The influence of environmental parameters on the living benthic foraminiferal assemblages was studied. The most polluted parts in the Ria de Aveiro are areas where the residence time is high and cohesive sediments are deposited. Organic matter, which is an excellent scavenger for a number of metals, is in general more abundant in the finer deposits of this lagoon, which act as sinks of anthropogenic pollutants. This condition is observed in Aveiro canals and Murtosa channel where sediments with the highest concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu, and Cr are found. The sediments of Murtosa channel are also enriched in As, Co and Hg. In Aveiro canals the enrichment of heavy metals is mostly related to the past industrial production at their margins (ceramic and metallurgy), whereas in Murtosa channel with effluent discharges of the Chemical Complex of Estarreja. Foraminiferal density and diversity reach higher values near the lagoon mouth under higher marine influence and decline in general under very low-oxygen conditions. Some species seems to be indifferent to the increasing of TOC (e.g. Haynesina germanica and Ammonia tepida) and some have an opportunistic behaviour in areas with very depressed levels of oxygen (e.g. A. tepida and Quinqueloculina seminulum) whereas other species can better tolerate sulphide/reducing conditions (e.g. H. germanica, Bolivina ordinaria, Buliminella elegantissima, Bulimina elongata/. gibba and Nonionella stella) a widespread condition in this lagoon. Foraminiferal density and some species are negatively correlated with concentrations of heavy metals. A most sensitive group of species to higher concentrations of heavy metals is identified (such as B. ordinaria, B. pseudoplicata and B. elongata/. gibba) and another one of more tolerant species (such as H. germanica A. tepida and Q. seminulum). Foraminifera are more tolerate higher available concentrations (AC) of Zn in any phase than higher AC of Cu adsorbed do clay minerals (F1) and associated with Fe and Mn oxides (F2) and of Pb in F2; the phase F2, probably the most mobile phase, and even phase F1 seems to be more toxic than the increasing of metals in organic matter (F3)