55 research outputs found

    Axisymmetric smoothed particle hydrodynamics with self-gravity

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    The axisymmetric form of the hydrodynamic equations within the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) formalism is presented and checked using idealized scenarios taken from astrophysics (free fall collapse, implosion and further pulsation of a sun-like star), gas dynamics (wall heating problem, collision of two streams of gas) and inertial confinement fusion (ICF, -ablative implosion of a small capsule-). New material concerning the standard SPH formalism is given. That includes the numerical handling of those mass points which move close to the singularity axis, more accurate expressions for the artificial viscosity and the heat conduction term and an easy way to incorporate self-gravity in the simulations. The algorithm developed to compute gravity does not rely in any sort of grid, leading to a numerical scheme totally compatible with the lagrangian nature of the SPH equations.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 1 Table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Photoionization Models of NGC 346

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    We present spherically symmetric and plane parallel photoionization models of NGC 346, an HII region in the Small Magellanic Cloud. The models are based on CLOUDY and on the observations of Peimbert, Peimbert, & Ruiz (2000). We find that approximately 45% of the H ionization photons escape from the HII region providing an important ionizing source for the low density interstellar medium of the SMC. The predicted I(4363)/I(5007) value is smaller than that observed, probably implying that there is an additional source of energy not taken into account by the models. From the ionization structure of the best model and the observed line intensities we determine the abundances of N, Ne, S, Ar, and Fe relative to O.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Shocked similarity collapses and flows in star formation processes

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    We propose self-similar shocked flow models for certain dynamical evolution phases of young stellar objects (YSOs), `champagne flows' of H {\sevenrm II} regions surrounding OB stars and shaping processes of planetary nebulae (PNe). We analyze an isothermal fluid of spherical symmetry and construct families of similarity shocked flow solutions featured by: 1. either a core expansion with a finite central density or a core accretion at constant rate with a density scaling r3/2\propto r^{-3/2}; 2. a shock moving outward at a constant speed; 3. a preshock gas approaching a constant speed at large rr with a density scaling r2\propto r^{-2}. In addition to testing numerical codes, our models can accommodate diverse shocked flows with or without a core collapse or outflow and an envelope expansion or contraction. As an application, we introduce our model analysis to observations of Bok globule B335.Comment: ApJL accepte

    The effects of spatial resolution on Integral Field Spectrograph surveys at different redshifts. The CALIFA perspective

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    Over the past decade, 3D optical spectroscopy has become the preferred tool for understanding the properties of galaxies and is now increasingly used to carry out galaxy surveys. Low redshift surveys include SAURON, DiskMass, ATLAS3D, PINGS and VENGA. At redshifts above 0.7, surveys such as MASSIV, SINS, GLACE, and IMAGES have targeted the most luminous galaxies to study mainly their kinematic properties. The on-going CALIFA survey (z0.02z\sim0.02) is the first of a series of upcoming Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) surveys with large samples representative of the entire population of galaxies. Others include SAMI and MaNGA at lower redshift and the upcoming KMOS surveys at higher redshift. Given the importance of spatial scales in IFS surveys, the study of the effects of spatial resolution on the recovered parameters becomes important. We explore the capability of the CALIFA survey and a hypothetical higher redshift survey to reproduce the properties of a sample of objects observed with better spatial resolution at lower redshift. Using a sample of PINGS galaxies, we simulate observations at different redshifts. We then study the behaviour of different parameters as the spatial resolution degrades with increasing redshift.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Counting function fluctuations and extreme value threshold in multifractal patterns: the case study of an ideal 1/f1/f noise

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    To understand the sample-to-sample fluctuations in disorder-generated multifractal patterns we investigate analytically as well as numerically the statistics of high values of the simplest model - the ideal periodic 1/f1/f Gaussian noise. By employing the thermodynamic formalism we predict the characteristic scale and the precise scaling form of the distribution of number of points above a given level. We demonstrate that the powerlaw forward tail of the probability density, with exponent controlled by the level, results in an important difference between the mean and the typical values of the counting function. This can be further used to determine the typical threshold xmx_m of extreme values in the pattern which turns out to be given by xm(typ)=2clnlnM/lnMx_m^{(typ)}=2-c\ln{\ln{M}}/\ln{M} with c=3/2c=3/2. Such observation provides a rather compelling explanation of the mechanism behind universality of cc. Revealed mechanisms are conjectured to retain their qualitative validity for a broad class of disorder-generated multifractal fields. In particular, we predict that the typical value of the maximum pmaxp_{max} of intensity is to be given by lnpmax=αlnM+32f(α)lnlnM+O(1)-\ln{p_{max}} = \alpha_{-}\ln{M} + \frac{3}{2f'(\alpha_{-})}\ln{\ln{M}} + O(1), where f(α)f(\alpha) is the corresponding singularity spectrum vanishing at α=α>0\alpha=\alpha_{-}>0. For the 1/f1/f noise we also derive exact as well as well-controlled approximate formulas for the mean and the variance of the counting function without recourse to the thermodynamic formalism.Comment: 28 pages; 7 figures, published version with a few misprints corrected, editing done and references adde

    JINGLE – IV. Dust, H I gas and metal scaling laws in the local Universe

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    Scaling laws of dust, Hi gas and metal mass with stellar mass, specific star formation rate and metallicity are crucial to our understanding of the buildup of galaxies through their enrichment with metals and dust. In this work, we analyse how the dust and metal content varies with specific gas mass (MHI/M?) across a diverse sample of 423 nearby galaxies. The observed trends are interpreted with a set of Dust and Element evolUtion modelS (DEUS) – including stellar dust production, grain growth, and dust destruction – within a Bayesian framework to enable a rigorous search of the multi-dimensional parameter space. We find that these scaling laws for galaxies with −1.0 . logMHI/M? . 0 can be reproduced using closed-box models with high fractions (37-89%) of supernova dust surviving a reverse shock, relatively low grain growth efficiencies (=30-40), and long dust lifetimes (1-2Gyr). The models have present-day dust masses with similar contributions from stellar sources (50-80%) and grain growth (20-50%). Over the entire lifetime of these galaxies, the contribution from stardust (>90%) outweighs the fraction of dust grown in the interstellar medium (<10%). Our results provide an alternative for the chemical evolution models that require extremely low supernova dust production efficiencies and short grain growth timescales to reproduce local scaling laws, and could help solving the conundrum on whether or not grains can grow efficiently in the interstellar medium

    Gas flows, star formation and galaxy evolution

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    In the first part of this article we show how observations of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy: G- and K-dwarf numbers as functions of metallicity, and abundances of the light elements, D, Li, Be and B, in both stars and the interstellar medium (ISM), lead to the conclusion that metal poor HI gas has been accreting to the Galactic disc during the whole of its lifetime, and is accreting today at a measurable rate, ~2 Msun per year across the full disc. Estimates of the local star formation rate (SFR) using methods based on stellar activity, support this picture. The best fits to all these data are for models where the accretion rate is constant, or slowly rising with epoch. We explain here how this conclusion, for a galaxy in a small bound group, is not in conflict with graphs such as the Madau plot, which show that the universal SFR has declined steadily from z=1 to the present day. We also show that a model in which disc galaxies in general evolve by accreting major clouds of low metallicity gas from their surroundings can explain many observations, notably that the SFR for whole galaxies tends to show obvious variability, and fractionally more for early than for late types, and yields lower dark to baryonic matter ratios for large disc galaxies than for dwarfs. In the second part of the article we use NGC 1530 as a template object, showing from Fabry-Perot observations of its Halpha emission how strong shear in this strongly barred galaxy acts to inhibit star formation, while compression acts to stimulate it.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, to be presented at the "Penetrating Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust" conference in South Africa, proceedings published by Kluwer, Eds. D.L. Block, K.C. Freeman, I. Puerari, & R. Groes

    Modeling Dust and Starlight in Galaxies Observed by Spitzer and Herschel: The KINGFISH Sample

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    Dust and starlight are modeled for the KINGFISH project galaxies. With data from 3.6 micron to 500 micron, models are strongly constrained. For each pixel in each galaxy we estimate (1) dust surface density; (2) q_PAH, the dust mass fraction in PAHs; (3) distribution of starlight intensities heating the dust; (4) luminosity emitted by the dust; and (5) dust luminosity from regions with high starlight intensity. The models successfully reproduce both global and resolved spectral energy distributions. We provide well-resolved maps for the dust properties. As in previous studies, we find q_PAH to be an increasing function of metallicity, above a threshold Z/Z_sol approx 0.15. Dust masses are obtained by summing the dust mass over the map pixels; these "resolved" dust masses are consistent with the masses inferred from model fits to the global photometry. The global dust-to-gas ratios obtained from this study correlate with galaxy metallicities. Systems with Z/Z_sol > 0.5 have most of their refractory elements locked up in dust, whereas when Z/Z_sol < 0.3 most of these elements tend to remain in the gas phase. Within galaxies, we find that q_PAH is suppressed in regions with unusually warm dust with nu L_nu(70 um) > 0.4L_dust. With knowledge of one long-wavelength flux density ratio (e.g., f_{160}/f_{500}), the minimum starlight intensity heating the dust (U_min) can be estimated to within ~50%. For the adopted dust model, dust masses can be estimated to within ~0.07 dex accuracy using the 500 micron luminosity nu L_nu(500) alone. There are additional systematic errors arising from the choice of dust model, but these are hard to estimate. These calibrated prescriptions may be useful for studies of high-redshift galaxies.Comment: ApJ, accepte