57 research outputs found

    When absorptive capacity meets technology transfer : transferring of an e-learning system to Russia

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    This master thesis aims at using the theoretical framework of absorptive capacity as suggested by Cohen and Levinthal (1990) to account for the underlying dimensions critical in a technology transfer process. Technology transfer is a complicated and dynamic process in which technology moves between the transferring partners. The nature of the technology and the capacities of the involved organisations appear to be important in accounting for the transfer. The research applies the use of absorptive capacity as a process indicator. The research project is a qualitative case study of the transferring of an e-learning system from Norway to Russia initiated by the Moscow Centre for Medical Studies affiliated to the University of Oslo. The Study revealed several underlying dimensions critical for the transfer process. The e-learning system could not be seen as independent of organisational parameters and a black boxing of the technology seems undesirable. Different dimensions appeared to be important at different stages. Therefore, there is an ongoing alteration of technology in the technology transfer process. A complex entwined structure indicates that considerations of qualitative dimensions are important when securing successful transfer of complex technology with socially embedded knowledge

    Spragleflekk - biologi, smittekilder og smittebetingelser

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    Spragleflekk er en av de viktigste byggsykdommer i Midt-Norge. I 2005 registrerte vi angrep på opp mot 90 % av bladarealet på enkelte byggsorter. Sykdommen ble for første gang påvist både på havre og kveke i Midt-Norge. Forsøk med kunstig smitte ga et angrep på 40 % på sorten Lavrans. De andre byggsorter i forsøket (Thule og Gaute) hadde lite angrep. Derimot ble soppen isolert fra både blad og stengel til alle tre sortene. Dette tilsier at spragleflekksoppen kan være latent for lange perioder. I byggåkrer starter sykdommen snikende med få store flekker på eldre blad. Fuktighetsfaktorer de første 10 dagene i juni har stor påvirkning på det endelige sykdomsnivået. Undersøkelse av 230 isolat av Ramularia collo-cygni har vist at soppen produserer fargestoffer (rubelliner) i stressete situasjoner. Vi presenterer en teori om relasjonen mellom soppen og byggplanten

    Mental health services in Norway, 2023

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    Norway has, according to the World Health Organization, more psychiatrists engaged in public health services per head of population than any other country, and the proportionate numbers of psychologists and others engaged in mental healthcare are also among the world's highest. Approximately 10% of Norway's gross domestic product is spent on health, expenditure per capita that is the fourth highest internationally. We discuss how this wealth of expertise translates into the delivery of services to the public

    Exploring the effects of lifestyle on breast cancer risk, age at diagnosis, and survival: the EBBA-Life study

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    Purpose - Whether an unfavorable lifestyle not only affects breast cancer risk, but also influences age at onset of breast cancer and survival, is under debate. Methods - In a population-based cohort, the Energy Balance and Breast Cancer Aspects throughout life (EBBA-Life) study, a total of 17,145 women were included. During follow-up, 574 women developed invasive breast cancer. Breast cancer cases were followed for an additional 9.1 years. Detailed medical records were obtained. Cox’s proportional hazard regression models were used to study the association between pre-diagnostic lifestyle factors (weight, physical activity, alcohol use, smoking, and hypertension), breast cancer risk, age at diagnosis, and survival. Results - At study entry, 34.3% of the participating women were overweight and 30.7% were physically inactive. Mean age at breast cancer diagnosis was 58.0 years, and 78.9% of the tumors were estrogen receptor positive. Among menopausal women who did not use hormone therapy and had an unfavorable lifestyle (3–5 unfavorable factors), compared with women who had a favorable lifestyle, we observed a twofold higher risk for postmenopausal breast cancer (hazard ratio [HR] 2.13, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.23–3.69), and they were 3.4 years younger at diagnosis (64.8 versus 68.2 years, P = 0.032). Breast cancer patients with an unfavorable lifestyle, compared with patients with a favorable lifestyle, had almost a two times higher overall mortality risk (HR 1.96, 95% CI 1.01–3.80). Conclusions - Our study supports a healthy lifestyle improving breast cancer prevention, postponing onset of disease, and extending life expectancy among breast cancer patients


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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Peranan Pelukis Ade Moelyana Dalam Mengembangkan Seni Lukis Pelepah Pisang di Cimahi Kajian Historis Tahun 1969-2010”. Permasalahan pokok yang dikaji dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana perkembangan seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang di Cimahi dari tahun 1969-2010 dan keterkaitannya dengan potensi ekonomi dari seni lukis pelepah pisang yang terabaikan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode historis yang melalui empat tahap yaitu pengumpulan sumber lisan maupun sumber tertulis, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Untuk memperdalam analisis, penulis menggunakan pendekatan interdisipliner melalui kajian ilmu sosial dan ilmu ekonomi dengan memakai konsep-konsep seperti interaksi sosial, distribusi, ekonomi kreatif, kewirausahaan, dll. Teknik penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara. Hal ini dilakukan karena terbatasnya sumber tertulis yang mengkaji secara langsung mengenai permasalahan di atas. Berdasarkan hasil temuan di lapangan, seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini telah ada sejak tahun 1969. Seni lukis ini merupakan seni lukis yang unik karena menggunakan limbah dari pelepah pisang. Pada awal perkembangannya seni lukis ini tidak serta merta dapat diterima oleh masyarakat sekitar, dan barulah pada tahun 2002 seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini mengalami puncak perkembangan. Pasalnya seni lukis ini tidak hanya dipasarkan di Cimahi saja, melainkan sampai ke mancanegara. Seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang ini dapat dijadikan sebagai sektor ekonomi kreatif dan dapat dijadikan sebagai lahan lapangan pekerjaan. Banyak upaya yang dilakukan oleh pelukis untuk mengembangkan seni lukis dari limbah pelepah pisang, selain itu pula pemerintah turut serta dalam mengembangkan seni lukis pelepah pisang. Kata kunci : Seni Lukis Pelepah Pisang, Ekonomi Kreatif, Pemasaran This skripsi titled Ade Moelyama role in developing the art painting of wasted banana leaves in Cimahi of historical studies from 1969 to 2010. The main issue studied in this skripsi was “How Development Art Painting of Wasted Banana Leaves in Cimahi from 1969 to 2010 and linkages with economic potential of art painting of banana leaves neglected. The method used is the historical method through four phases of heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. To deepen the analysis, the author use the approach interdisciplinary through the study of social and economic by using concepts such as social interaction, distribution, creative economy, entrepreneurship, and other. A research technique used in this research is to use interview techniques. This is done because of the limited resources that examines written directly on the above problems. Based on the research results, the art painting of wasted banana leaves has existed since 1969. This painting is a painting that is unique because it uses waste form banan leaves. In the early development of art is not necessarily acceptable to the local community, and then in 2002 the art painting of wasted banana leaves is experiencing the peak development. This is because not only do marketing painting around Cimahi but abroad as well. Painting of wasted banana stalks can be used as a creative economic sector and creates jobs. Lack of awareness of the various parties to make this painting became dormant. Many attempts were made by the painter to develop the art of waste banana leaves, in addition the goverment also participated in the development the art of painting banana leaves. Keywords : Art Painting of Banana Leaves, Creative Economy, Marketin

    Rationale and design of the participant, investigator, observer, and data-analyst-blinded randomized AGENDA trial on associations between gene-polymorphisms, endophenotypes for depression and antidepressive intervention: the effect of escitalopram versus placebo on the combined dexamethasone-corticotrophine releasing hormone test and other potential endophenotypes in healthy first-degree relatives of persons with depression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Endophenotypes are heritable markers, which are more prevalent in patients and their healthy relatives than in the general population. Recent studies point at disturbed regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis as a possible endophenotype for depression. We hypothesize that potential endophenotypes for depression may be affected by selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor antidepressants in healthy first-degree relatives of depressed patients. The primary outcome measure is the change in plasma cortisol in the dexamethasone-corticotrophin releasing hormone test from baseline to the end of intervention.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The AGENDA trial is designed as a participant, investigator, observer, and data-analyst-blinded randomized trial. Participants are 80 healthy first-degree relatives of patients with depression. Participants are randomized to escitalopram 10 mg per day versus placebo for four weeks. Randomization is stratified by gender and age. The primary outcome measure is the change in plasma cortisol in the dexamethasone-corticotrophin releasing hormone test at entry before intervention to after four weeks of intervention. With the inclusion of 80 participants, a 60% power is obtained to detect a clinically relevant difference in the primary outcome between the intervention and the placebo group. Secondary outcome measures are changes from baseline to four weeks in scores of: 1) cognition and 2) neuroticism. Tertiary outcomes measures are changes from baseline to four weeks in scores of: 1) depression and anxiety symptoms; 2) subjective evaluations of depressive symptoms, perceived stress, quality of life, aggression, sleep, and pain; and 3) salivary cortisol at eight different timepoints during an ordinary day. Assessments are undertaken by assessors blinded to the randomization group.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Local Ethics Committee: H-KF 307413</p> <p>Danish Medicines Agency: 2612-3162.</p> <p>EudraCT: 2006-001750-28.</p> <p>Danish Data Agency: 2006-41-6737.</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT 00386841</p

    The upper layer circulation in Kongsfjorden and Krossfjorden-A complex fjord system on the west coast of Spitsbergen (scientific paper)

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    The upper layer circulation in the fjord system of Kongsfjorden and Krossfjorden is investigated based on field observations and a numerical hydrodynamical model. Rotational dynamics have a considerable influence on the circulation pattern in the fjords, but due to the complex topography of the fjord system, horizontal pressure-gradients caused by the sea-surface elevation are established rather fast. This counteracts the rotational dynamics, and the expected circulation pattern with a brackish current confirmed to the right hand side (as seen from the head of the fjord) are not always the case. The upper layer circulation seems to be dominated by the wind field, especially since the effect of the wind is quite persistent after the cessation of the wind. Strong interaction is shown to take place between the fjord arms, and in the common fjord mouth there might develop an anticyclonic eddy. The exchange between the shelf areas and Kongsfjorden seems to be strong, and processes in the common mouth might propagate far into the fjord as internal Kelvin waves. As a combination of the rotational dynamics and the fjords location and width, the upper layers in Krossfjorden are somewhat more isolated from the shelf compared to Kongsfjorden