
The upper layer circulation in Kongsfjorden and Krossfjorden-A complex fjord system on the west coast of Spitsbergen (scientific paper)


The upper layer circulation in the fjord system of Kongsfjorden and Krossfjorden is investigated based on field observations and a numerical hydrodynamical model. Rotational dynamics have a considerable influence on the circulation pattern in the fjords, but due to the complex topography of the fjord system, horizontal pressure-gradients caused by the sea-surface elevation are established rather fast. This counteracts the rotational dynamics, and the expected circulation pattern with a brackish current confirmed to the right hand side (as seen from the head of the fjord) are not always the case. The upper layer circulation seems to be dominated by the wind field, especially since the effect of the wind is quite persistent after the cessation of the wind. Strong interaction is shown to take place between the fjord arms, and in the common fjord mouth there might develop an anticyclonic eddy. The exchange between the shelf areas and Kongsfjorden seems to be strong, and processes in the common mouth might propagate far into the fjord as internal Kelvin waves. As a combination of the rotational dynamics and the fjords location and width, the upper layers in Krossfjorden are somewhat more isolated from the shelf compared to Kongsfjorden

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