3,751 research outputs found

    Educação socioambiental e capacitação no entorno do reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica de Corumbá IV – Luziânia, GO

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, 2012.A emissão e aprovação de instrumentos deliberativos como o Estudo de Impacto Ambiental – EIA e o Relatório de Impacto Ambiental – RIMA, ora expedidos por órgãos governamentais competentes, são impreteríveis para a implementação de obras e empreendimentos particulares ou públicos que modifiquem o status ambiental seja em áreas urbanas ou rurais. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o intuito de analisar e avaliar os processos educacionais socioambientais e do aproveitamento, aplicabilidade e eficácia de programas que pretendem compensar, prevenir, minimizar e monitorar os possíveis impactos ambientais causados pela instalação do Reservatório de Corumbá IV na zona rural de Luziânia, Goiás, resultantes da construção da barragem e consequentemente, da formação do reservatório implementados pela empresa Corumbá Concessões SA – CCSA em cumprimento às exigências do EIA e do RIMA que autorizaram a construção da Usina Hidrelétrica. Diante disto, torna-se necessário analisar substancialmente os resultados lúdicos e didáticos obtidos das oficinas educativas, tornando importante um acompanhamento in loco da aplicabilidade das ações do Programa Básico Ambiental – PBA em caráter socioeconômico de Educação Ambiental implantado pela empresa junto às comunidades rurais de Pirapitinga, Indaiá, Mandiocal, Sarandi e Mato Grande, situadas na zona rural de Luziânia circunscritas ao reservatório e atendidas pelo Programa. Esta análise foi feita através da aplicação de um questionário no formato Likert que mede a satisfação o aproveitamento e a aplicação prática do conteúdo didático pelos participantes de algumas destas oficinas. As respostas foram tabuladas resultando em pontos positivos e negativos apresentados no final deste estudo

    Edible flowers: traditional and current use

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    Flowers have been part of human life since antiquity. Several civilizations have left the legacy of using flowers in art, natural medicine, as well as in cooking to color, flavor and embellish various dishes. Edible flowers (EF) are those that can be consumed without endangering consumer’s health. Although not all countries in the world use flowers for food, their use has increased in general, as well as the interest of researchers from different areas of knowledge, as they are considered new sources of nutrients and bioactive compounds. However, the safety of its use is still questioned due to the lack of more information about the maximum safe amount of daily intake. This review aimed to gather information about the traditional use of EF, safety in consumption and consumers’ perception of these products

    Miltefosine Administration in Cats with Refractory Sporotrichosis

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    Background: Sporotrichosis is a zoonosis caused by fungi of the Sporothrix schenckii complex. Cats have important zoonotic potential due to the high parasite load found in the cutaneous lesions. Refractory cases to antifungal therapy are increasing, becoming a public health problem. Miltefosine is a drug with high in vitro activity against Sporothrix brasiliensis. However, this efficacy has not been confirmed in vivo yet and administration has not been studied in the feline species. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of miltefosine administration in cats with resistant sporotrichosis.Materials, Methods & Results: Ten cats with refractory sporotrichosis were included in this study. Inclusion criteria were previous diagnosis for sporotrichosis associated with therapy with oral antifungals (itraconazole and/or potassium iodide) for more than one year, followed by one of these conditions: incomplete clinical remission, worsening of disease during treatment or recurrence after conventional treatment. Cats underwent clinical and dermatological examinations. Data on lifestyle and previous treatments were provided by the owners. Fungal culture and histochemical techniques were performed in all cats before miltefosine treatment. Blood samples were collected before and during the study for laboratory tests, such as blood count, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase, as well as serology for Feline Immunodeficiency (FIV) and Feline Leukemia (FeLV). Miltefosine was prescribed at a dosage of 2 mg/kg orally every 24 h. The animals were monitored by phone during the whole process and reassessed on days 0, 15, 30 and 45 of the treatment. Out of 10 cats, lesions were present on the nose in nine, ears in four, periocular areas in one and limbs in four. One cat received treatment for 45 days, six for 30 days, one for 21 days, one for 15 days and one for 3 days. One cat showed no response to the treatment and nine showed disease progression. Hyporexia and weight loss were the most frequent clinical signs related to miltefosine treatment, followed by sialorrhea, vomiting and diarrhea. Few adverse effects on hematology and biochemistry (mainly renal and hepatic parameters) were observed during the study. Hematocrit decrease was observed in four animals. However, only one cat had hematocrit decrease below normal values (anemia), which was already present before miltefosine administration. Other cats had a decrease of five points. Three cats showed elevation in leucometria and four in plasma protein. In relation to renal and hepatic biochemistry, one animal showed a BUN increase and another one showed a transient increase in ALT. Two animals started the treatment with increased ALT but had no problems during the study and values decreased even during the miltefosine administration.Discussion: Although two cats showed sialorrhea, most owners did not report difficulty in administering the drug orally, representing an advantage of this medication. Weight loss, secondary to gastrointestinal changes, was the most clinically relevant alteration. The most frequent hematological alteration was hematocrit decrease and only the animal that started the study with 20% hematocrit ended the study with anemia. Renal and hepatic parameters were not significant in the cats of this study. Miltefosine did not lead to sporotrichosis remission in this small population of cats, which reveals that, despite its in vitro efficacy against Sporothrix spp., the drug is not effective in vivo in the feline species. Further studies are needed to investigate the efficacy of this drug in a larger number of cats, and possible reasons for its in vivo ineffectiveness

    Self-perception of oral health in older adults

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    Objetivo: Avaliou-se a autopercepção das condições de saúde bucal de um grupo de idosos por meio da aplicação do índice General Oral Health Assessment Index (Gohai). Métodos: Participaram do estudo 136 idosos, frequentadores do Centro de Revitalização da Terceira Idade (Certi), onde aplicou-se um questionário com questões do índice Gohai sobre a autopercepção das condições bucais. Realizou-se análise descritiva do resultado de cada uma das perguntas. Resultados: Dos idosos entrevistados, 78,7% responderam sempre sentir dor ou desconforto ao deglutir; 55,1% relataram desconforto em comer algum alimento, e 66,9% relataram insatisfação com a aparência da sua boca. A média global do índice Gohai quando aplicada à escala de interpretação foi de 28,88, classificada com uma percepção de saúde bucal “ruim” sobre a qualidade de vida. Conclusão: Os idosos avaliaram negativamente suas condições bucais pelo desconforto em comer, dificuldade/dor para deglutir e insatisfação com sua condição bucal.Aim: The oral health self-perception conditions of older adults was analyzed by applying General Oral Health Assessment Index (Gohai). Methods: A total of 136 participants over 60 years members of the Center for Revitalization of Older Adults (CERTI) were assessed by the Gohai questionnaire on oral self-perception conditions was applied. Descriptive analysis was performed on the results. Results: Of all participants, 78.7% mentioned always feeling pain or discomfort while swallowing; 55.1% reported discomfort while eating; and 66.9% reported dissatisfaction with the appearance of their mouth. The overall average of the Gohai Index when applied to the interpretation scale for this index was 28.88, classified as a “bad” oral health condition. Conclusion: The participants negatively evaluated their oral condition due to discomfort in eating, difficulty/pain to swallow and dissatisfaction with their oral condition

    Reclamações de clientes como fonte de inovações a partir de uma Base de Help Desk utilizando Data Mining - Um exemplo de aplicação

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    Em um mercado de acelerada competição e de consumidores cada vez mais exigentes, traçar o perfil do consumidor para adotar melhores estratégias de negociação pode fazer toda a diferença à medida que aumenta a satisfação do cliente. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo a identificação do perfil de clientes para cada tipo de reclamações identificadas em uma base de dados sobre Help Desk de uma empresa de ração animal. Utilizou-se uma das técnicas de Mineração de Dados, chamada de clustering por meio do algoritmo k-means. A ferramenta selecionada para o respectivo trabalho foi o WEKA. Como resultados foram obtidos 23 clusters, com as respectivas características dos clientes para cada reclamação. Em alguns casos foram gerados 2 ou mais clusters para o mesmo tipo de reclamação , indicando perfis diferentes de clientes para o mesmo tipo de reclamação. Com o resultado, foi possível obter conhecimento das características de cada consumidor para cada tipo de reclamação, permitindo que a organização inove e atenda-os de forma customizada.

    The problematization methodology used by nurses in adolescents sexual education

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    Trata-se do relato de experiência a respeito de educação sexual, vivenciado com adolescentes de escolas da rede pública de um município do interior de Santa Catarina. Como fundamentação teórica utilizamos a metodologia da problematização. Para a aplicação da prática seguimos os passos metodológicos: observação da realidade e definição de um problema de estudo, pontos-chave, teorização, hipóteses de solução e aplicação à realidade. Desta forma, desenvolvemos ações de promoção à saúde do adolescente, com enfoque na sexualidade, absorvendo suas vivências e potencializando o crescimento e desenvolvimento integral.It is an experienced account on sexual education with adolescents from Public Schools of a country town in Santa Catarina State/ Brazil. It was used, as theoretical background, the problem-solving methodology. In order to do that, some methodological steps have been followed: reality observation and study case definition, key aspects, theorizing, solution hypotheses and reality application. Thus, promoting actions have been developed in relation to adolescents’ health, focusing on their sexuality, absorbing their experiences and fostering their growth and whole development.Se trata de un relato de experiencia acerca de educación sexual, realizado con adolescentes de las escuelas públicas en un municipio del interior de Santa Catarina. Como fundamentación teórica, se utilizó la metodología de la problematización. Para la aplicación de esta práctica, se siguieron estos pasos metodológicos: observación de la realidad y definición de un problema de estudio, puntos claves, teorización, hipótesis de solución y aplicación para esa realidad. De esta forma, se desarrollaron acciones de promoción para la salud del adolescente, con un enfoque en la sexualidad, absorbiendo sus vivencias y potencializando el crecimiento y desarrollo integral

    Retrospective Study of Adverse Events of Chemotherapy in Cats

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    Background: Clients who seek veterinary care for pets with cancer are often concerned about the potential negative impact of chemotherapeutic treatments on their animals’ quality of life. A consensus currently exists in veterinary oncology regarding the quantification and rating of adverse treatment effects in dogs and cats in response to chemotherapy agents. This grading system is referred to as Veterinary Cooperative Oncology Group - Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events. The purpose of this retrospective case series was to investigate the delayed acute effects of chemotherapy drugs in cats receiving cancer treatment.Materials, Methods & Results: Medical records were reviewed to determine the chemotherapy agent used and delayed adverse effects. Side effects were classified according to Veterinary Co-operative Oncology Group grading. All cats were evaluated after the first chemotherapy administration, after a single dose. The reported effects included hematologic effects (e.g., neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, increases in liver enzymes, and azotemia), gastrointestinal effects (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, and inappetence), and sepsis. All of the cats in this study received ondansetron and omeprazol  in the first five days following chemotherapy administration. If vomiting occurred with oral medication, maropitant was administered subcutaneously for three consecutive days. If diarrhea (> grade II) occurred, probiotics were administered for seven days. Hematologic examination was performed 3-14 days after chemotherapy. If neutropenia (> grade III) occurred, Human granulocyte colony stimulating factor was administered subcutaneously for three consecutive days together with prophylactic antibiotics. Lomustine, carboplatin, vincristine, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, mitoxantrone, and vinblastine were administered in 33%, 19%, 16%, 5%, 16%, 10% and 2% of the cases examined, respectively. The most common adverse events were vomiting, inappetence, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia. Vomiting occurred in 6% cases, most of them associated with cyclophosphamide. Inappetence/anorexia affected 12% of the cases, mostly those involving cyclophosphamide or doxorubicin. Neutropenia was observed in 22% of the cases, with cyclophosphamide, followed by carboplatin and lomustine. According to the current grading system of adverse effects induced by chemotherapy, grade I toxicity was observed in 83% of the cases, whiles grade II-IV were observed in 7%, 8%, and 2% of the cases examined, respectively.Discussion: In general, the chemotherapy regimens in the cases examined were well tolerated. The toxicity experienced was infrequent and mostly mild, thereby resulting in satisfactory tolerability of the chemotherapy regimens. According to the current grading system for the adverse effects of chemotherapy, 83% of the cases examined included grade I, indicating that most of the cats experienced asymptomatic, or mild symptoms, and medical intervention was not needed. In previous studies of dogs and cats, a severe adverse event following chemotherapy was reported for fewer than 1 in 4 animals, and approximately 3-5% experienced a serious adverse event that led to hospitalization. In the present study, 2% of the cats experienced serious or life threatening adverse events. The only chemotherapeutic agent that was associated with inappetence, vomiting, and neutropenia was cyclophosphamide. Based on the data examined, we would recommend that cyclophosphamide should be used with caution for the treatment of cancer in cats, with adequate antiemetic and nutritional support available if needed. In addition, febrile neutropenia/sepsis may be avoided by using a fractionated schedule

    Estudo do perfil de morbimortalidade entre idosos

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/217976926704Aim: to identify the morbimortality profile amongst elderly between 1996 and 2007 in the States of Santa Catarina and Bahia – Brazil. Method: a quantitative, ecological time-series study. Data were collected during the months of September to November 2010, directly accessed from the Information System on Mortality and Hospital Information System from the Ministry of Health. Data were analysed by descriptive statistic, by proportion of diseases temporarily identified and by percentage comparison between both States under study. Results: despite predominance of chronic degenerative diseases, deaths by ill-defined causes and both infectious and parasitic diseases are still proportionally high. Conclusion: regarding morbidity, there are small differences between groups of causes. As to mortality, circulatory system and neoplasms diseases prevail in Santa Catarina; abnormal symptoms, signs and findings during clinical and lab exams, followed by circulatory system diseases prevail in Bahia.Objetivo: identificar el perfil de morbimortalidad en ancianos entre 1996 a 2007, en Santa Catarina y Bahia. Método: estudio cuantitativo, ecológico de serie temporal. Los datos fueron cosechados entre septiembre a noviembre de 2010, accedidos en el Sistema de Informaciones sobre Mortalidad y Sistema de Informaciones Hospitalarias del Ministerio de Salud. Los datos fueron analizados por estadística descriptiva, por la proporción de las enfermedades identificadas temporalmente y por la comparación porcentual entre los estados estudiados. Resultados: aunque de la predominancia de las enfermedades crónicas degenerativas, la proporción de óbitos por causas mal definidas y enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias aún es elevada. Conclusión: con relación a la morbilidad, hay pocas diferencias entre los grupos de causas. Cuanto a la mortalidad, en Santa Catarina prevalecen las enfermedades del aparato circulatorio y neoplasias; en Bahia síntomas, señales y hallazgos anormales en examen clínico y laboratorial seguido por las enfermedades del aparato circulatorio.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/217976926704Objetivo: identificar o perfil de morbimortalidade em idosos entre 1996 e 2007, nos estados de Santa Catarina e Bahia - Brasil. Método: estudo quantitativo, ecológico de série temporal. Os dados foram coletados nos meses de setembro a novembro de 2010, acessados diretamente no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade e Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Ministério da Saúde. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva, pela proporção das doenças identificadas temporalmente e pela comparação percentual entre os dois estados estudados. Resultados: apesar da predominância das doenças crônicas degenerativas, ainda é elevada a proporção de óbitos por causas mal definidas e doenças infecciosas e parasitárias. Conclusão: em relação à morbidade, há poucas diferenças entre os grupos de causas. Quanto à mortalidade, em Santa Catarina prevalecem as doenças do aparelho circulatório e neoplasias; na Bahia sintomas, sinais e achados anormais no exame clínico e laboratorial, seguido pelas doenças do aparelho circulatório