3,748 research outputs found

    Understanding the Role of Social Networks on Labor Market Outcomes Using a Large Dataset from a Mobile Network

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    We use a new and unique dataset combining social network data from Call Detail Records with employment information on mobile phone subscribers to study the role of information networks on job market outcomes. The novel contribution of our work is to focus on the effect of actual social connections beyond that associated to living in the same neighborhood. We find that the propensity to work together is two orders of magnitude greater for a pair of neighbors who call each other than that for a pair of neighbors who do not, suggesting that actual social ties play a significant role in learning about job opportunities. We also find that social networks play a stronger role in less privileged neighborhoods, which provides some evidence that social networks may be unable to mitigate the insulation problems of such neighborhoods

    Corporate real estate strategies - a multinational approach

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsCRE strategies have proved to contribute to the creation of competitive advantages by integrating corporate value and the organizational culture across multi-locations. CRE strategies also facilitate attracting and retaining best talent. Through a qualitative research method of case study, this paper examines the impact of changes in the CRE strategies of McDonald’s and Hewlett Packard, both companies being multinational firms that represent the two main segments of CRE: retail and offices. Findings indicate that the changed strategies have provided for increased revenue and higher shareholder value in the case of McDonald’s and enhanced space utilization, comfortable working environment and a global design standard for all offices and workstations of HP. The study also analyzes the option of selling and leasing back CRE assets against owning them

    Biodiversidade e evolução da fauna dos peracarídeos costeiros da Macaronésia e Nordeste Atlântico

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    Doutoramento em BiologiaIn the complex and rich Northeast (NE) Atlantic and Macaronesia coasts, the superoder Peracarida (Crustacea) is one of the most abundant and commom marine invertebrate taxa with an important role in benthic communities. The study of this group is often limited to inventory lists or benthic community studies and the genetic knowledge of the group in this region is poor. The main goal of this thesis was to improve knowledge on Peracarida diversity and evolution in the NE Atlantic and Macaronesia, with particular emphasis on shallow water and rocky shore members of the orders Amphipoda, Isopoda and Tanaidacea. The thesis comprises five chapters with original research, entailing a DNA barcodebased screening of the species diversity in this group through the comparison of morphology and molecular-derived data (chapter 2), a set of two studies of the isopod genus Dynamene (chapters 3 and 4), one chapter about the amphipod family Hyalidae (chapter 5), and a multi-species analyses of the diversity and broad phylogeographic patterns of Macaronesian peracarideans (chapter 6). In the first chapter, we reported a DNA barcode reference library for the superorder Peracarida, comprising specimens from marine Atlantic coasts, mainly from Iberian Peninsula, together with additional members of the same or sister taxa from other locations. A higher number of Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) compared with the number of morphospecies was found, with some of them displaying up to six BINs. The presence of deeply divergent intraspecific lineages suggests the existence of considerable overlooked taxonomic diversity, even in one of the most well-known peracaridean faunas in the world. These findings indicate the need for a broad, comprehensive and integrated revision of the peracaridean fauna from the Southern European Atlantic coasts. In the second chapter, the commom but species-poor and controversial isopod Dynamene genus was investigated in detail by examining thousands of specimens records sampled during more than fifty years. The distribution and taxonomy of the six Dynamene species along the Northeast Atlantic-Black Sea axis was revised and updated. New distribution maps and illustrated keys to the adult males and females of the northern hemisphere species are provided. In the last three chapters, molecular delineation tools revealed extensive cryptic diversity in the genus Dynamene (3 morphospecies vs 12 molecular operational taxonomic units - MOTUs), in the amphipod family Hyalidae (7 morphospecies vs 32 MOTUs) and in twenty-five peracaridean species (25 morphospecies vs 90 MOTUs). A split between Macaronesian and continental populations was patent, and in most cases the Macaronesian populations displayed high levels of diversity. These findings suggest a much larger role of oceanic islands in the diversification of these marine invertebrates than would have been anticipated, and contributes to expose weakly explored events in the phylogeography and evolution of Macaronesia’s marine fauna. This thesis showed that marine biodiversity, as seen in peracarideans from the NE Atlantic and Macaronesia, has been considerably underestimated. The level of diversity will likely increase with the addition of different taxa, different types of habitat and distinct marine regions. It also suggests that these oceanic islands may act as drivers of evolution, diversification and endemism, just as well for marine organisms as they do for terrestrial ones.Nas costas complexas e ricas do Nordeste (NE) Atlântico e da Macaronésia, a superordem Peracarida (Crustacea) é um dos taxa de invertebrados marinhos mais abundante e comum, com um papel importante nas comunidades bentónicas. O estudo deste grupo é muitas vezes limitado a listas de inventários ou estudos de comunidade bentónicas e o seu conhecimento genético nesta região é deficiente. O objetivo principal desta tese foi o de melhorar o conhecimento sobre a diversidade e a evolução dos peracarídeos no Atlântico Nordeste e na Macaronésia, com ênfase nos membros presentes nas zonas pouco profundas e nas zonas costeiras rochosas das ordens Amphipoda, Isopoda e Tanaidacea. Esta tese compreende cinco capítulos com pesquisa original, incluindo uma biblioteca de referência de DNA barcodes neste grupo, através da comparação de dados morfológicos e moleculares (capítulo 2), um conjunto de dois estudos dedicados ao género isopode Dynamene (capítulos 3 e 4), um capítulo dedicado à família de anfípodes Hyalidae (capítulo 5), e uma abordagem multi-espécies da diversidade e dos padrões filogeográficos dos peracarídios presentes na Macaronésia (capítulo 6). No primeiro capítulo, relatamos uma biblioteca de referência de DNA barcodes para a superordem Peracarida, que inclui espécimes de costas do Atlântico, principalmente da Península Ibérica, juntamente com membros adicionais do mesmo ou semalhantes taxa de outros locais. Um maior número de Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) em comparação com o número de morfo-espécies foi encontrado, com algumas morfo-espécies exibindo até seis BINs. A presença de linhagens profundamente divergentes sugere a existência de uma considerável diversidade taxonómica anteriormente negligenciada, mesmo numa das mais conhecidas faunas de peracarídeos do mundo. Estas descobertas indicam a necessidade de uma revisão ampla, abrangente e integrada da fauna de peracarídeos das costas do Atlântico do Sul da Europa. No segundo capítulo, o abundante mas controverso género Dynamene foi investigado em detalhe, ao examinar vários milhares de individuos amostrados durante mais de cinquenta anos. A distribuição e a taxonomia das seis espécies de Dynamene ao longo do eixo Nordeste Atlântico-Mar Negro foram revistas e actualizadas. Novos mapas de distribuição e chaves ilustradas para os machos adultos e fêmeas das espécies deste género, presentes no hemisfério norte, são fornecidas. Nos três últimos capítulos, as ferramentas de delineamento molecular revelaram uma extensa diversidade críptica no género Dynamene (3 morfoespécies vs 12 unidades taxonómicas operacionais moleculares - MOTUs), na família de anfípipodes Hyalidae (7 morfoespécies vs 32 MOTUs) e em vinte e cinco espécies de peracarídeos (25 morfoespécies vs 90 MOTUs). Uma separação entre as populações presentes na Macaronésia e as presentes no continente foi visivel e, na maioria dos casos, as populações presentes na Macaronésia apresentavam maiores níveis de diversidade. Estas descobertas sugerem um papel maior das ilhas oceânicas na diversificação destes invertebrados marinhos do que se anteciparia e contribuiram para expor eventos pouco explorados na filogeografia e evolução da fauna marinha na Macaronésia. Esta tese mostrou que a biodiversidade marinha, como se observa em peracarídeos presentes no NE Atlântico e na Macaronésia, foi consideravelmente subestimada. O nível de diversidade provavelmente aumentará com a adição de diferentes taxa, diferentes tipos de habitat e de regiões marinhas distintas. Esta tese também sugere que estas ilhas oceânicas podem atuar como impulsionadoras da evolução, da diversificação e do endemismo em organismos marinhos, como acontece nos organismos terrestres

    Paralytic shellfish toxins and ocean warming: bioaccumulation and ecotoxicological responses in jujvenile Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata)

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    Warmer seawater temperatures are expected to increase harmful algal blooms (HABs) occurrence, intensity, and distribution. Yet, the potential interactions between abiotic stressors and HABs are still poorly understood from ecological and seafood safety perspectives. The present study aimed to investigate, for the first time, the bioaccumulation/depuration mechanisms and ecotoxicological responses of juvenile gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) exposed to paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) under different temperatures (18, 21, 24 °C). PST were detected in fish at the peak of the exposure period (day five, 0.22 µg g-1 N-sulfocarbamoylGonyautoxin-1-2 (C1 and C2), 0.08 µg g-1 Decarbamoylsaxitoxin (dcSTX) and 0.18 µg g-1 Gonyautoxin-5 (B1)), being rapidly eliminated (within the first 24 h of depuration), regardless of exposure temperature. Increased temperatures led to significantly higher PST contamination (275 µg STX eq. kg-1). During the trial, fish antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase, SOD; catalase, CAT; glutathione S-transferase, GST) in both muscle and viscera were affected by temperature, whereas a significant induction of heat shock proteins (HSP70), Ubiquitin (Ub) activity (viscera), and lipid peroxidation (LPO; muscle) was observed under the combination of warming and PST exposure. The differential bioaccumulation and biomarker responses observed highlight the need to further understand the interactive effects between PST and abiotic stressors, to better estimate climate change impacts on HABs events, and to develop mitigation strategies to overcome the potential risks associated with seafood consumption.Agência financiadora European Union (EU) 678193 Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) IF/00253/2014 CEECIND/01739/2017 UID/Multi/04326/2019info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo da interface aluno-mobiliário: a questão antropométrica e biomecânica da postura sentada

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Universalmente, o conjunto cadeira-mesa sempre foi reconhecido como parte integrante do ambiente escolar, entretanto somente há pouco mais de duas décadas é que surgem, no Brasil, os primeiros estudos sobre a maneira de como o seu design pode afetar o desenvolvimento do seus usuários. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetivou estudar a interface aluno-mobiliário, a partir de parâmetros antropométricos e biomecânicos da postura sentada, bem como, evidenciar as discrepâncias existentes entre as recomendações normativas e suas aplicabilidades práticas. Para a pesquisa foram escolhidos 887 escolares pertencentes a duas escolas da rede pública do Estado do Paraná - Brasil, que atendem crianças de 7 a 17 anos. Estes escolares foram avaliados quanto aos seus padrões antropométricos e biomecânicos na postura sentada. Para as medidas antropométricas utilizou-se um antropômetro, uma câmera digital, três câmeras filmadoras e um diagrama corporal para a verificação de desconfortos corporais referidos. Foram mensuradas as variáveis antropométricas da altura poplítea, comprimento sacro-poplíteo, largura do quadril, altura do cotovelo e altura da coxa. Esses dados foram confrontados com as características dimensionais do mobiliário utilizado pelas respectivas escolas. Da mesma forma, foram observados aspectos gestuais e comportamentais dos alunos durante atividades de leitura e escrita no contexto da sala de aula. Os resultados entre os percentis 5% e 95% das variáveis antropométricas (crianças de 7 e 17 anos), apresentaram diferenças significativas, com o coeficiente de variação superior a 30%. Pelas medidas, o mobiliário escolar, utilizado nas escolas, tem suas dimensões inadequadas para a maioria dos alunos, principalmente para os situados na faixa etária dos 7 e 17 anos. Essas inadequações foram observadas e registradas nas atividades no ambiente da sala de aula. Na análise dos resultados de desconforto corporal, foram também encontradas importantes diferenças para os extremos da amostra, onde, elevados índices ocorrem na região glútea para os alunos correspondentes ao percentil 5% e, na região da coluna, para os escolares correspondentes ao percentil 95%. A realidade das escolas mostra que as normas regulamentadoras do mobiliário escolar (NBR-14006 e 14007), que estabelecem as condições mínimas para utilização do mobiliário escolar, não vem sendo cumpridas na prática. As crianças acabam por utilizar mobiliários escolares inadequados que não atendem os seus respectivos padrões antropométricos, favorecendo a adoção de posturas prejudiciais, o que pode contribuir para o surgimento de patologias musculoesqueléticas, da mesma forma que interfere no processo educativo. Portanto, devemos observar os aspectos antropométricos e biomecânicos para aquisição e concepção da mobília escolar, onde, as especificidades das crianças também sejam consideradas além dos aspectos puramente econômicos. Universally, the group chair-table was always recognized as integral part of the school atmosphere. However there is only little more than two decades it is that appear, in Brazil, the first studies about the way of as it designs it can affect their users' development. In this sense, this work aimed to study the interaction student-furniture, starting from anthropometrics and biomechanics parameters of the seating posture, as well as, to evidence the existent discrepancies between the normative recommendations and their practical applicabilities. For the research they were chosen 887 students belonging to two schools of the public net of the State of Paraná - Brazil, that assist children of 7 to 17 years age. These students were appraised as for their anthropometrics and biomechanics patterns in the seating posture. For the anthropometrics and instrument measures was used a video , three fhotography camcorders and a body diagram for the verification of referred body discomforts. They were measured the variables anthropometrics of the height poplíteal, length sacred-poplíteal, width of the hip, height of the elbow and height of the thigh. Those datas were confronted with the dimensions characteristics of the furniture used by the respective students . In the same way, gesture aspects and the students' behavior were observed during reading activities and written in the context of the classroom. The results among the percentiles 5% and 95% of the anthropometrics variables (children of 7 to 17 years age). They presented significant differences, with the coefficient of superior variation to 30%. For the measures, the school furniture, used at the schools, has their inadequate dimensions for most of the students, mainly for the located ones in the age group of 7 to 17 years age. Those inadequacies were observed and registered in the activities in the atmosphere of the classroom. In the analysis of the results of discomfort corporal, they were also found important differences for the ends of the sample, where, high indexes happen in the area buttocks for the students corresponding to the percentile 5% and, in the area of the column, for the scholars corresponding to the percentile 95%. The reality of the schools showed that the Regulations law of the School Furniture (NBR-14006 and 14007), that establish the minimum conditions for use of the school furniture, it has not been accomplished in practice. The children finish for using inadequate school furnitures that they don't assist their respective anthropometrics patterns favoring the adoption of harmful postures, what can to contribute to the appearance of muscle-skeletal pathologies, in the same way that interferes in the educational process. Therefore, we should to observe the anthropometrics and biomechanics aspects for acquisition and conception of the school furniture, where the children's specificities are also considered besides of the purely economical aspects

    O trabalho repetitivo em frigorífico: utilização da estesiometria da mão como proposta para avaliação dos níveis de LER/DORT nas síndromes compressivas dos membros superiores

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de ProduçãoDefine-se ergonomia como o conjunto dos conhecimentos científicos relativos ao homem e necessários à concepção de instrumentos, máquinas, dispositivo e ambiente que possam ser utilizados com o máximo de conforto, segurança e eficiência no seu posto de trabalho, envolvendo a aplicação dos conhecimentos de anatomia, fisiologia, psicologia, biomecânica e antropometria na solução surgida neste relacionamento. As LER/DORT são consideradas um grave problema de saúde pública, pois afetam principalmente os trabalhadores pelos altos índices de incapacidade funcional que causam e demandam altos custos com afastamentos e tratamentos médicos. As parestesias, a diminuição da sensibilidade cutânea e a diminuição da força de preensão, tanto palmar como em pinça, constituem os principais sintomas das LER/DORT por síndromes compressivas, tendo maior incidência no gênero feminino. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter transversal, descritivo e exploratório que teve como objetivo principal determinar o valor preditivo da estesiometria para o diagnóstico de neuropatias compressivas em membros superiores para trabalhadoras de frigoríficos. Participaram do estudo 300 trabalhadoras com faixa etária de 20 a 50 anos, prestadoras de serviço há mais de 12 meses em abatedouros de aves, cujas atividades de trabalho se caracterizam pela repetitividade de movimentos e do predomínio de exigências biomecânicas. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se os recursos da estesiometria (filamentos de Semmens Westein SORRI®) para a determinação da sensibilidade da mão das trabalhadoras; da aplicação do Método OCRA (Ocupational Repetitive Actions), para a verificação da exposição do grau de risco por LER/DORT; de um dinamômetro (JAMAR®), para a verificação e avaliação da força de preensão manual; e de um questionário para o levantamento sócio-demográfico dos participantes. Como critério estatístico de análise, foi selecionada a estatística descritiva, e a curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characterístic), cuja finalidade era identificar o melhor ponto de corte da variável força de preensão manual e o resultado da estesiometria da mão para indicação da presença de LER/DORT em membros superiores. Os resultados indicaram que a força de preensão manual possui uma eficiência em diagnosticar as LER/DORT, por síndromes compressivas, em 77,67% dos casos para o hemicorpo direito e de 71% dos casos para o hemicorpo esquerdo. Por outro lado, a estesiometria, realizada através do estesiômetro, atingiu uma eficiência em diagnosticar os casos de LER/DORT por síndromes compressivas no hemicorpo direito em 88,67%,na região do nervo radial, de 96,67%, na região do nervo mediano, e de 91,67% na região do nervo ulnar. No hemicorpo esquerdo, a estesiometria obteve uma eficiência de 84,82% para a região do nervo radial, de 87% para a região do nervo mediano e de 86,67% para a região do nervo ulnar. Assim, considerando a análise pelo método estatístico, através da aplicação da curva ROC, o procedimento da estesiometria, utilizado como diagnóstico preditivo, caracterizou-se como sendo o melhor critério para a identificação precoce das LER/DORT por síndromes compressivas nos membros superiores. Destarte, conclui-se que a aplicação da estesiometria permitiu associar e identificar as regiões correspondentes aos dermátomos afetados pela sobrecarga ao sistema musculoesquelético, decorrentes da exigência das atividades relacionadas aos postos de trabalho avaliados, o que pode facilitar a futura intervenção no diagnóstico e tratamento das síndromes compressivas dos membros superiores. Assim, a estesiometria mostrou-se ser uma ferramenta quantitativa, de fácil aplicação, capaz de identificar as alterações de sensibilidade, mesmo antes do surgimento das LER/DORT, oferecendo resultados objetivos melhores e mais precisos que a força de preensão manual, tanto para o seu diagnóstico quanto para o seu acompanhamento, podendo ser utilizada nos abatedouros com segurança e eficácia.Ergonomics is defined as all scientific knowledge necessary for the man and the design of instruments, machinery, equipment and environment that can be used with maximum comfort, safety and efficiency in your workplace, involving the application of knowledge anatomy, physiology, psychology, biomechanics and anthropometry in the solution that emerged in the relationship. RSI / WMSD are considered a serious public health problem, affecting mainly workers due to the high rates of functional disability, which demands high costs with time off from work and medical treatment. Paresthesias, the decreased cutaneous sensitivity and decreased handgrip strength both of palm and pinch, are the main symptoms of RSI / WMSD by compression syndromes, with higher incidence among women. This is a descriptive, exploratory and cross-sectional study aimed at determining the predictive value of esthesiometry for diagnosing compressive neuropathies of the upper limbs in freezer warehouse workers. The study included 300 workers aged from 20 to 50 years who work for more than 12 months in poultry slaughterhouses, whose work activities are characterized by repetitive movements and prevalence of biomechanical requirements. Data collection used esthesiometry resources (Semmens Westein SORRI® filaments) to determine the sensitivity of the hand of workers; the application of the OCRA Method (Occupational Repetitive Actions) to verify the degree of risk exposure for RSI / WMSD; the use of a dynamometer (JAMAR ®) to verify and assess the handgrip strength, and, the use of a questionnaire to record socio-demographic characteristics of participants. As statistical criterion for analysis, descriptive statistics and the ROC curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic) were selected, whose purpose was to identify the best cutoff of variable handgrip strength and the result of hand esthesiometry to indicate the presence of RSI / WMSD in the upper limbs. The results indicated that the handgrip strength is efficient in diagnosing RSI / WMSD by compression syndromes in 77.67% of cases for the right side of the body and in 71% of cases for the left side of the body. On the other hand, esthesiometry performed through esthesiometer reached efficiency in diagnosing RSI / WMSD cases by compressive syndromes in 88.67% for the right side of the body in the region of the radial nerve, in 96.67% in the region of the median nerve and in 91.67% in the region of the ulnar nerve. In the left side of the body, esthesiometry achieved an efficiency of 84.82% for the region of the radial nerve, 87% for the region of the median nerve and 86.67% for the region of the ulnar nerve. Thus, considering the analysis by statistical method by applying the ROC curve, the esthesiometry procedure used as predictive diagnosis was characterized as the best criterion for the early identification of RSI / WMSD by compression syndromes in the upper limbs. Therefore, it could be concluded that the application of esthesiometry allowed associating and identifying regions corresponding to the dermatomes affected by the overload to the musculoskeletal system, resulting from requirements of activities related to the jobs evaluated, which may facilitate future intervention in the diagnosis and treatment of compression syndromes of the upper limbs. Thus, esthesiometry seems to be an easy-to-apply quantitative tool able to identify changes in sensitivity even before the onset of RSI / WMSD, providing better and more accurate objective results compared to the handgrip strength, both for its diagnosis and follow-up, which can be used in slaughterhouses safely and effectively

    Controlling digital piracy via domain name system blocks: a natural experiment

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    We study the impact of batch DNS filtering of copyright-infringing websites, a novel administrative-based process that does not require judicial involvement. In partnership with a large telecommunication provider, we measure the impact of this intervention on piracy activity and the legal alternatives integrated into households' media subscription bundles, an aspect largely unexplored in prior literature. We find a significant reduction in Internet traffic, which proxies piracy activity. However, we do not observe statistically significant changes in the consumption of the legal alternatives under consideration, only a slight increase in TV viewership. To further understand these outcomes, we examine the heterogeneity of these results based on households' pre-block usage intensity of digital piracy and demographic characteristics. Our work contributes to the literature on the effectiveness of piracy control strategies and informs policy makers and industry practitioners about the benefits and limitations of DNS-based website blocking.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of species gaps in DNA barcode libraries of nonindigenous species (NIS) occurring in European coastal regions

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    DNA metabarcoding has the capacity to bolster current biodiversity assessment techniques, including the early detection and monitoring of non-indigenous species (NIS). However, the success of this approach is greatly dependent on the availability, taxonomic coverage and reliability of reference sequences in genetic databases, whose deficiencies can potentially compromise species identifications at the taxonomic assignment step. In this study we assessed lacunae in availability of DNA sequence data from four barcodes (COI, 18S, rbcL and matK) for NIS occurring in European marine and coastal environments. NIS checklists were based on EASIN and AquaNIS databases. The highest coverage was found for COI for Animalia and rbcL for Plantae (up to 63%, for both) and 18S for Chromista (up to 51%), that greatly increased when only high impact species were taken into account (up to 82 to 89%). Results show that different markers have unbalanced representations in genetic databases, implying that the parallel use of more than one marker can act complimentarily and may greatly increase NIS identification rates through DNA-based tools. Furthermore, based on the COI marker, data for approximately 30% of the species had maximum intra-specific distances higher than 3%, suggesting that many NIS may have undescribed or cryptic diversity. Although completing the gaps in reference libraries is essential to make the most of the potential of the DNA-based tools, a careful compilation, verification and annotation of available sequences is fundamental to assemble large curated and reliable reference libraries that provide support for rigorous species identifications.FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(PTDC/BIA-BMA/29754/2017