830 research outputs found

    Ein Beitrag zum Toxnetz-Explorer: Die Niere

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    Im Rahmen des Postgradual-Studienganges (PGS) „Toxikologie und Umweltschutz“ wird das interaktive Lernprogramm „Toxnetz-Explorer“ entwickelt. Anhand von Grafiken, Animationen und unterstützenden Texten sollen die wichtigsten Funktionen des menschlichen Körpers und einzelner Organe sowie der Zusammenhang dieser mit toxikologischen Vorgängen veranschaulicht werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die Basis des Abschnittes über die Niere für das Lernprogramms „Toxnetz-Explorer“ dar. Die Nieren sind die zentralen Ausscheidungsorgane des menschlichen Körpers. Alle löslichen Verbindungen werden in der Niere filtriert, dem Körper über unterschiedliche Prozesse zurückgeführt, metabolisiert oder ausgeschieden. Darüber hinaus besitzt die Niere weitere regulierende Aufgaben, wie beispielsweise die Regulation des Wasser-Elektrolyt- oder des Säure-Haushaltes. Sie sind ebenfalls für die Autoregulation des renalen Blutdruckes und die Synthese von verschiedenen Substanzen verantwortlich. Auf Grund dieser vielen und wichtigen Funktionen und der hohen Durchblutungsrate sowie der Aufkonzentrierung von Substanzen stellen die Nieren ein attraktives Ziel für ein große Anzahl an toxischen Stoffen dar, welche an die verschiedenen renalen Funktionseinheiten eine Schädigung bewirken können. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die anschauliche Darstellung des anatomischen Aufbaus der Niere, der normalen renalen Funktionen und Aufgaben im menschlichen Körper, sowie eine Zusammenstellung verschiedener nephrotoxischen Substanzen und deren spezifischen Schädigungsmechanismen

    Synthese von bifunktionellen polymerummantelten Silika-Nanopartikeln für die Herstellung von druckbaren OLEDs

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Entwicklung einer neuartigen, tensidfreien Drucktinte auf Basis polymerummantelter Silika-Nanopartikel für die Anwendung im Bereich lösungspozessierbarer OLEDS (printing OLEDs) beschrieben. Hierfür wurden Partikeldispersionen unterschiedlicher Partikelgröße mit zwei unterschiedlichen Polymeren an der Oberfläche modifiziert. Die erste Polymerschale sorgt für eine ausreichende Stabilisierung der Partikel während der weiteren Syntheseschritte. Die zweite Polymerschale trägt die eigentliche Funktionalität für den Anwendungsbereich. Des Weiteren wurden die Syntheseschritte auf Siliziumwafer übertragen, um polymerspezifische Daten zu erhalten. Die Synthese der niedermolekularen Verbindungen sowie der funktionalisierten Partikel und der flachen Substrate wurden mittels verschiedener spektroskopischen sowie mikroskopischen Methoden charakterisiert

    Throw in the i-Drone

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    Although many consider drones to be toys, multiple industries, such as the agriculture and mining industry, already know what advantages professional Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can offer. However, many companies in the construction industry do not seem to be familiar yet with the possible advantages of UAVs for their projects. In our 3TU Lighthouse project “Throw in the I-drone” we, the University of Twente, Delft University of Technology, and BeemFlights, would like to make the construction industry aware of the possibilities UAVs have by demonstrating possible usages, by providing a protocol on how to use them and by simplifying the interpretation of data collecte

    Infâncias, experiências e os sentidos de ser criança negra na educação infantil

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    Um problema a ser enfrentado para se falar em educação infantil consiste na recusa em tratar um conceito único e restrito de infância e o de ser criança. O desafio que se apresenta nesse nível de ensino, se configura em identificar e promover concepções de infâncias, experiências e sentidos de ser crianças de forma plural e diversificada. Este propósito pode ser entendido na medida em que o pensar e o agir pedagógicos na educação infantil forem compreendidos e mediados por tensões étnico-raciais subjacentes do racismo estrutural que permeiam as relações educacionais. Nesse aspecto pretende-se aqui fazer uma reflexão sobre três temas, inicialmente distintos, mas que em algum momento se entrecruzam. A tentativa é apontar um recorte breve sobre cada assunto e tecer uma reflexão sobre a forma como esses podem ser tratados no campo educacional. O propósito diz respeito a compreender os sentidos de ser criança negra na educação infantil e os desafios na construção de uma educação antirracista nesse nível de ensino

    Knowledge and use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men in Berlin - a multicentre, cross-sectional survey

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    Background: HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has likely contributed to large decreases in HIV incidence among men who have sex with men (MSM) in several major cities. Berlin has seen a smaller decline, and affordable PrEP has been accessible through formal channels in Germany only since autumn 2017. We aimed to investigate knowledge and use of PrEP among MSM in Berlin, and factors predictive of a desire to use PrEP and history of PrEP use. Methods: Multicentre, paper-based, self-administered survey of adult MSM whose HIV status was negative or unknown at time of participation. Data were collected from 1 October 2017 to 2 April 2018. Results: 473 of 875 questionnaires were returned (response rate 54.1%; mean age 37.4 years, range 18-79). 90.0% of participants were aware of PrEP and, of these, 48.2% felt well informed about it. Among the 17.2% of participants reporting PrEP use, 59.3% indicated obtaining some or all of it from informal sources. 23.7% of those with no history of PrEP use reported having condomless anal intercourse (CAI) with two or more partners over the past six months. Worries about side effects, cost, not having a doctor who prescribes it, and a lack of information were the most frequently reported barriers to PrEP use. A desire to use PrEP and history of PrEP use were associated in our multivariable model with having multiple CAI partners. A history of PrEP use was associated with having a university degree, one or two parents born outside Germany, or friends living with HIV. Conclusions: We found high awareness of PrEP among MSM in Berlin, but also a strong need for more education on its pros, cons and proper use. The frequency of informal PrEP use was also high, raising urgent individual and public health concerns. Policy makers need to consider recent calls to improve access to PrEP and PrEP education through regular health services

    Supine sleep and positional sleep apnea after acute ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage

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    OBJECTIVE: Obstructive sleep apnea is frequent during the acute phase of stroke, and it is associated with poorer outcomes. A well-established relationship between supine sleep and obstructive sleep apnea severity exists in non-stroke patients. This study investigated the frequency of supine sleep and positional obstructive sleep apnea in patients with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. METHODS: Patients who suffered their first acute stroke, either ischemic or hemorrhagic, were subjected to a full polysomnography, including the continuous monitoring of sleep positions, during the first night after symptom onset. Obstructive sleep apnea severity was measured using the apnea-hypopnea index, and the NIHSS measured stroke severity. RESULTS: We prospectively studied 66 stroke patients. The mean age was 57.6±11.5 years, and the mean body mass index was 26.5±4.9. Obstructive sleep apnea (apnea-hypopnea index >5) was present in 78.8% of patients, and the mean apnea-hypopnea index was 29.7±26.6. The majority of subjects (66.7%) spent the entire sleep time in a supine position, and positional obstructive sleep apnea was clearly present in the other 23.1% of cases. A positive correlation was observed between the NIHSS and sleep time in the supine position (r s = 0.5;

    Myosteatosis predicts survival after surgery for periampullary cancer::a novel method using MRI

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    Background: Myosteatosis, characterized by inter-and intramyocellular fat deposition, is strongly related to poor overall survival after surgery for periampullary cancer. It is commonly assessed by calculating the muscle radiation attenuation on computed tomography (CT) scans. However, since magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is replacing CT in routine diagnostic work-up, developing methods based on MRI is important. We developed a new method using MRI-muscle signal intensity to assess myosteatosis and compared it with CT-muscle radiation attenuation.Methods: Patients were selected from a prospective cohort of 236 surgical patients with periampullary cancer. The MRI-muscle signal intensity and CT-muscle radiation attenuation were assessed at the level of the third lumbar vertebra and related to survival.Results: Forty-seven patients were included in the study. Inter-observer variability for MRI assessment was low (R-2 = 0.94). MRI-muscle signal intensity was associated with short survival: median survival 9.8 (95%-CI: 1.5-18.1) vs. 18.2 (95%-CI: 10.7-25.8) months for high vs. low intensity, respectively (p = 0.038). Similar results were found for CT-muscle radiation attenuation (low vs. high radiation attenuation: 10.8 (95%-CI: 8.5-13.1) vs. 15.9 (95%-CI: 10.2-21.7) months, respectively; p = 0.046). MRI-signal intensity correlated negatively with CT-radiation attenuation (r=-0.614, p &lt;0.001).Conclusions: Myosteatosis may be adequately assessed using either MRI-muscle signal intensity or CT-muscle radiation attenuation.</p

    Cremilda Medina: pedagogia dos afetos na universidade

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    This article presents the pedagogical experience of Cremilda Medina, journalist, researcher and senior full professor at the University of Sao Paulo (USP). In the stages of more than five decades, we summarize here different moments of dialogical social mediation, the central axis of her pedagogical proposal, set in 19 books by the researcher and more than 50 collections organized by her. The qualitative reflexive study combines complementary methodologies such as case study, documentary historical research, bibliographic research, interviews and observation-experience. Among the affective possibilities of teaching practiced by Cremilda Medina is the concept of teaching-learning characterized by action and not by verbalization of knowledge.Este artículo presenta la experiencia pedagógica de Cremilda Medina, periodista, investigadora y profesora titular sénior en la Universidad de Sao Paulo (USP). En las etapas de más de cinco décadas, resumimos aquí diferentes momentos de mediación social dialógica, el eje central de su propuesta pedagógica, establecida en 19 libros por la investigadora y más de 50 colecciones organizadas por ella. El estudio reflexivo cualitativo combina metodologías complementarias como estudio de caso, investigación histórica documental, investigación bibliográfica, entrevistas y observación-experiencia. Entre las posibilidades afectivas de la enseñanza practicada por Cremilda Medina se destaca el concepto de enseñanza-aprendizaje caracterizado por la acción y no por la verbalización del conocimientoEste artigo apresenta a experiência pedagógica de Cremilda Medina, jornalista, pesquisadora e professora titular sênior da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Nas etapas de mais de cinco décadas, resumem-se aqui diferentes momentos da mediação social dialógica, eixo central de sua proposta pedagógica, fixado em 19 livros de autoria da pesquisadora e mais de 50 coletâneas por ela organizadas. O estudo reflexivo qualitativo combina metodologias que se complementam como o estudo de caso, pesquisa histórica documental, bibliográfica, entrevistas e observação-experiência. Entre as possibilidades afetivas da docência praticada por Cremilda Medina destaca-se o conceito de ensino-aprendizagem caracterizado pela ação, e não pela verbalização de conhecimentos