221 research outputs found

    Facies generadoras de carbón en el Westfaliense superior de la Cuenca Carbonífera Central Asturiana

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    La Cuenca Carbonífera Central Asturiana constituye una cuenca de antepais individualizada en la Zona Cantábrica durante el Carbonifero Superior coincidiendo con la máxima actividad de la orogenia Hercinica. Durante el Westfaliense, se acumularon en ella importantes volúmenes de material clástico procedentes de los relieves en elevación situados al W. Los abanicos aluviales costeros constituyeron unos sistemas deposicionales muy eficientes en la dispersión de estos materiales, generaron extensas cuñas clásticas en relación con las cuales se originaron capas de carbón explotables. En este trabajo se estudian varios litosomas de edad Westfaliense Superior que representan episodios progradantes de estos sistemas sobre ambientes marinos someros v de transición. El análisis e interpretación de sus facies y geometrías permite la reconstrucción de las condiciones ambientales en que se generaron las capas de carbón asociadas a cada una de las unidades estudiadas. Estas se desarrollaron: 1) en zonas marginales a los lóbulos progradantes y zonas interlóbulos y 2) sobre los mismos una vez que éstos fueron abandonados y previamente a su enterramiento

    Habitat selection for oviposition in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) through physical stimuli

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    Aedes aegypti puede desarrollar su fase acuática en recipientes artificiales que detecta y evalúa mediante variables físicas. En este estudio se analizó el efecto del color (negro, rojo, verde y blanco) y de la superficie del recipiente (177 cm2 y 57 cm2) sobre la respuesta de oviposición de Aedes aegypti en dos ambientes lumínicos diferentes (luz solar y 90% de sombra). Se montaron dos experimentos factoriales, uno en cada situación de luz, combinando colores y superficies. En ambas situaciones de luz se detectaron diferencias entre colores. Al sol, las trampas negras y rojas difirieron de las blancas y verdes; a la sombra, las trampas negras y rojas difirieron solamente de las verdes. Las superficies solo difirieron en la situación de sombra, con una mayor respuesta de oviposición para las de 177 cm2. A la luz solar directa, las combinaciones de colores y superficies más eficientes fueron las trampas negras y rojas de 177 cm2. A la sombra, las combinaciones más eficientes fueron las negras de 177 cm2 seguidas por las rojas y blancas de la misma superficie. Esto sugiere que el efecto del color sería más fuerte que el de la superficie y que la respuesta de Aedes aegypti hacia los colores dependería del ambiente lumínico circundante a las trampas.Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) can develop its aquatic phase in artificial containers that females detect and evaluate through physical variables. The objective of the present study was to analyse the effect of colour (black, red, green and white) and container surface (177 cm2 and 57 cm2) on the oviposition response of Aedes aegypti under two light environments (sunlight and 90% shade). Two factorial experiments were performed combining the different levels of colours and diameters in each light situation. Significant differences were detected among colours in both light situations. Under sunlight, black and red traps showed differences with white and green traps, while under shadow black and red traps differed from green traps. Both trap surfaces differed only under the shadow situation, where the oviposition response was higher for the 177 cm2 traps. Treatments with highest oviposition response in the sunlight were black and red traps of 177 cm2, and no differences were observed between them. Under shadow, traps with greater oviposition response were black traps of 177 cm2 followed by red and white traps with the same surface. These results suggest that the colour effect would be stronger than the surface effect and the response of Aedes aegypti to colours would depend on the light environment of the traps

    Continuous intestinal infusion of levodopa-carbidopa in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease in Spain: Subanalysis by autonomous community

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    Objetivos: Comparar las características de los pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson avan- zada en tratamiento con infusión intestinal continua de levodopa-carbidopa (IICLC) y los datos de efectividad y seguridad de IICLC entre diferentes comunidades autónomas (CC. AA.). Métodos: Estudio longitudinal observacional y retrospectivo. Se incluyeron 177 pacientes de 11 CC. AA. que iniciaron tratamiento con IICLC entre enero de 2006 y diciembre de 2011. Se compararon las características clínicas y demográficas, las variables de efectividad (cambios en el tiempo OFF, ON con y sin discinesias discapacitantes, cambios en la escala de Hoehn y Yahr y puntuación de la Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale, síntomas no motores e Impresión Clínica Global) y seguridad (acontecimientos adversos), y la tasa de suspensión de IICLC. Resultados: Se hallaron diferencias significativas entre las CC. AA. en diversas variables basa- les: duración de la enfermedad hasta el inicio de IICLC, tiempo OFF (34,9-59,7%) y ON (con o sin discinesias; 2,6-48,0%), Hoehn y Yahr en ON, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale-III en ON y OFF, presencia de ≥ 4 síntomas motores y dosis de IICLC. En el seguimiento (> 24 meses en 9 de 11 CC. AA.) hubo diferencias significativas en el porcentaje de tiempo OFF, tiempo ON sin discinesias discapacitantes, frecuencia de acontecimientos adversos e Impresión Clínica Global. La tasa de suspensión fue de entre 20-40% en todas las CC. AA., excepto en 2 (78 y 80%). Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra una amplia variabilidad en la selección de los pacientes y en la efectividad y seguridad de IICLC entre las diferentes CC. AA. Podrían influir las caracterís- ticas basales de los pacientes, la disponibilidad de un equipo multidisciplinar y la experiencia clínica.Objectives: To compare the characteristics of patients undergoing treatment with continuous intestinal infusion of levodopa-carbidopa (CIILC) for advanced Parkinson’s disease and the data on the effectiveness and safety of CIILC in the different autonomous communities (AC) of Spain. Methods: A retrospective, longitudinal, observational study was carried out into 177 patients from 11 CAs who underwent CIILC between January 2006 and December 2011. We analysed data on patients’ clinical and demographic characteristics, variables related to effectiveness (chan- ges in off time/on time with or without disabling dyskinesia; changes in Hoehn and Yahr scale and Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale scores; non-motor symptoms; and Clinical Global Impression scale scores) and safety (adverse events), and the rate of CIILC discontinuation. Results: Significant differences were observed between CAs for several baseline variables: duration of disease progression prior to CIILC onset, off time (34.9-59.7%) and on time (2.6- 48.0%; with or without disabling dyskinesia), Hoehn and Yahr score during on time, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale-III score during both on and off time, presence of ≥ 4 motor symptoms, and CIILC dose. Significant differences were observed during follow-up (> 24 months in 9 of the 11 CAs studied) for the percentage of off time and on time without disabling dys- kinesia, adverse events frequency, and Clinical Global Impression scores. The rate of CIILC discontinuation was between 20-40% in 9 CAs (78 and 80% in remaining 2 CAs). Conclusions: This study reveals a marked variability between CAs in terms of patient selection and CIILC safety and effectiveness. These results may have been influenced by patients’ baseline characteristics, the availability of multidisciplinary teams, and clinical experience

    Comparison and relative utility of inequality measurements: as applied to Scotland’s child dental health

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    This study compared and assessed the utility of tests of inequality on a series of very large population caries datasets. National cross-sectional caries datasets for Scotland’s 5-year-olds in 1993/94 (n = 5,078); 1995/96 (n = 6,240); 1997/98 (n = 6,584); 1999/00 (n = 6,781); 2002/03 (n = 9,747); 2003/04 (n = 10,956); 2005/06 (n = 10,945) and 2007/08 (n = 12,067) were obtained. Outcomes were based on the d3mft metric (i.e. the number of decayed, missing and filled teeth). An area-based deprivation category (DepCat) measured the subjects’ socioeconomic status (SES). Simple absolute and relative inequality, Odds Ratios and the Significant Caries Index (SIC) as advocated by the World Health Organization were calculated. The measures of complex inequality applied to data were: the Slope Index of Inequality (absolute) and a variety of relative inequality tests i.e. Gini coefficient; Relative Index of Inequality; concentration curve; Koolman and Doorslaer’s transformed Concentration Index; Receiver Operator Curve and Population Attributable Risk (PAR). Additional tests used were plots of SIC deciles (SIC10) and a Scottish Caries Inequality Metric (SCIM10). Over the period, mean d3mft improved from 3.1(95%CI 3.0–3.2) to 1.9(95%CI 1.8–1.9) and d3mft = 0% from 41.1(95%CI 39.8–42.3) to 58.3(95%CI 57.8–59.7). Absolute simple and complex inequality decreased. Relative simple and complex inequality remained comparatively stable. Our results support the use of the SII and RII to measure complex absolute and relative SES inequalities alongside additional tests of complex relative inequality such as PAR and Koolman and Doorslaer’s transformed CI. The latter two have clear interpretations which may influence policy makers. Specialised dental metrics (i.e. SIC, SIC10 and SCIM10) permit the exploration of other important inequalities not determined by SES, and could be applied to many other types of disease where ranking of morbidity is possible e.g. obesity. More generally, the approaches described may be applied to study patterns of health inequality affecting worldwide populations

    Obesity and contraceptive use: impact on cardiovascular risk.

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    Obesity and oestrogen containing contraceptive products are well-known independent cardiovascular risk factors. However, a significant number of obese women continue to receive prescriptions of hormonal products that contain oestrogens for their contraception. We have conducted a narrative review to discuss the latest evidence, ongoing research, and controversial issues on the synergistic effect of obesity and contraceptive use, in terms of cardiovascular risk. There is compelling evidence of an interplay between obesity and contraception in increasing cardiovascular risk. Women who present both obesity and use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) have a greater risk (between 12 and 24 times) to develop venous thromboembolism than non-obese non-COC users. Data here discussed offer new insights to increase clinicians' awareness on the cardiovascular risk in the clinical management of obese women. The synergistic effect of obesity and COCs on deep venous thrombosis risk must be considered when prescribing hormonal contraception. Progestin-only products are a safer alternative to COCs in patients with overweight or obesity. Obese women taking contraceptives should be viewed as an 'at risk' population, and as such, they should receive advice to change their lifestyle, avoiding other cardiovascular risk factors, as a form of primary prevention. This indication should be extended to young women, as data show that COCs should be avoided in obese women of any age

    Why does Spain have smaller inequalities in mortality?

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    Background: While educational inequalities in mortality are substantial in most European countries, they are relatively small in Spain. A better understanding of the causes of these smaller inequalities in Spain may help to develop policies to reduce inequalities in mortality elsewhere. The aim of the present study was therefore to identify the specific causes of death and determinants contributing to these smaller inequalities. Methods: Data on mortality by education were obtained from longitudinal mortality studies in three Spanish populations (Barcelona, Madrid, the Basque Country), and six other Western European populations. Data on determinants by education were obtained from health interview surveys. Results: The Spanish populations have considerably smaller absolute inequalities in mortality than other Western European populations. This is due mainly to smaller inequalities in mortality from cardiovascular disease (men) and cancer (women). Inequalities in mortality from most other causes are not smaller in Spain than elsewhere. Spain also has smaller inequalities in smoking and sedentary lifestyle and this is due to more smoking and physical inactivity in higher educated groups. Conclusion: Overall, the situation with regard to health inequalities does not appear to be more favourable in Spain than in other Western European populations. Smaller inequalities in mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer in Spain are likely to be related to its later socio-economic modernization. Although these smaller inequalities in mortality seem to be a historical coincidence rather than the outcome of deliberate policies, the Spanish example does suggest that large inequalities in total mortality are

    Financial crisis and income-related inequalities in the universal provision of a public service: the case of healthcare in Spain

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    Background The objective of this paper is to analyse whether the recent recession has altered health care utilisation patterns of different income groups in Spain. Methods Based on information concerning individuals ‘income and health care use, along with health need indicators and demographic characteristics (provided by the Spanish National Health Surveys from 2006/07 and 2011/12), econometric models are estimated in two parts (mixed logistic regressions and truncated negative binominal regressions) for each of the public health services studied (family doctor appointments, appointments with specialists, hospitalisations, emergencies and prescription drug use). Results The results show that the principle of universal access to public health provision does not in fact prevent a financial crisis from affecting certain income groups more than others in their utilisation of public health services. Conclusions Specifically, in relative terms the recession has been more detrimental to low-income groups in the cases of specialist appointments and hospitalisations, whereas it has worked to their advantage in the cases of emergency services and family doctor appointments

    Cancer mortality by educational level in the city of Barcelona

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    The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between educational level and mortality from cancer in the city of Barcelona. The data were derived from a record linkage between the Barcelona Mortality Registry and the Municipal Census. The relative risks (RR) of death and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) according to level of education were derived from Poisson regression models. For all malignancies, men in the lowest educational level had a RR of death of 1.21 (95% CI 1.13–1.29) compared with men with a university degree, whereas for women a significant decreasing in risk was observed (RR 0.81; 95% CI 0.74–0.90). Among men, significant negative trends of increasing risk according to level of education were present for cancer of the mouth and pharynx (RR 1.70 for lowest vs. highest level of education), oesophagus (RR 2.14), stomach (RR 1.99), larynx (RR 2.56) and lung (RR 1.35). Among women, cervical cancer was negatively related to education (RR 2.62), whereas a positive trend was present for cancers of the colon (RR 0.76), pancreas (RR 0.59), lung (RR 0.55) and breast (RR 0.65). The present study confirms for the first time, at an individual level, the existence of socioeconomic differences in mortality for several cancer sites in Barcelona, Spain. There is a need to implement health programmes and public health policies to reduce these inequities. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Influence of dose and route of administration on the outcome of infection with the virulent Neospora caninum isolate Nc-Spain7 in pregnant sheep at mid-gestation

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    Experimental infections in pregnant sheep have been focused on studying the effect of the time of challenge on the outcome of N. caninum infection, whereas the impact of the dose and route of challenge has not been studied in depth. Therefore, clinical outcome, immune responses, parasite detection and burden, and lesion severity in placental tissues and foetal brains were investigated in 90-day-pregnant sheep inoculated intravenously with 105 (G1), 104 (G2), 103 (G3), or 102 (G4) tachyzoites or subcutaneously with 104 (G5) tachyzoites of the virulent Nc-Spain7 isolate and an uninfected group (G6). Comparing challenge doses, G1 was the only group that had 100% abortion. Likewise, IFN¿ levels in G1 increased earlier than those in other intravenously infected groups, and IgG levels on day 21 post-infection (pi) were higher in G1 than those in other intravenously infected groups. Concerning vertical transmission, G1 shows a higher parasite burden in the foetal brain than did G2 and G3. Comparing routes of administration, no differences in foetal survival rate or parasite load in the foetal brain were found. Although G2 had higher IFN¿ levels than G5 on day 10 pi, no differences were found in humoral immune responses. Because the outcome after intravenous infection with 105 tachyzoites was similar to that observed after intravenous infection with 106 tachyzoites used in a previous work (100% abortion and vertical transmission), we conclude that it may be reasonable to use 105 tachyzoites administered by the intravenous route in further experiments when assessing drugs or vaccine candidates

    Educational expansion and inequalities in mortality-A fixed-effects analysis using longitudinal data from 18 European populations

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    Objective The aim of this paper is to empirically evaluate whether widening educational inequalities in mortality are related to the substantive shifts that have occurred in the educational distribution. Materials and methods Data on education and mortality from 18 European populations across several decades were collected and harmonized as part of the Demetriq project. Using a fixed-effects approach to account for time trends and national variation in mortality, we formally test whether the magnitude of relative inequalities in mortality by education is associated with the gender and age-group specific proportion of high and low educated respectively. Results The results suggest that in populations with larger proportions of high educated and smaller proportions of low educated, the excess mortality among intermediate and low educated is larger, all other things being equal. Conclusion We conclude that the widening educational inequalities in mortality being observed in recent decades may in part be attributed to educational expansion.Peer reviewe